"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Great for what it is!
knaaksam16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first start off by saying I enjoyed this cross over a lot. This review will be about part 4 & 5 and not 1-3. Parts 1-3 were pretty close to perfect apart from a few details. Although I thought parts 4 & 5 were good, I felt the story could have been slightly altered just a little to make it even better. Let's start off with the good
  • The acting was far better than it has a right to be for TV. Particularly Grant Gustin (Barry), Caity Lotz (Sara), and Stevie Amell (Oliver).
  • The Ideas that went into it. (The speed force, shrinking stuff, and more)
  • The CGI was great for TV and no complaints at all.
  • The setup for future crossovers. The "Justice League", lets call it what it is.
  • The Dual flash Scene. I'm sure this caught everyone off guard to see Ezra Miller as the flash even if it was a short scene. This was great and probably one of my favorite parts of the cross over even if it was cringe, but what do you expect from two Flash's.
  • Their is much more to list , but I don't want to make this way way to long.

The Not so great and how to improve
  • Oliver. His death was a great scene Don't Get me Wong. I personally would have wanted him to stay around in away. Many pointed out that if he remained as the Specter than he would be overpowered. I think what they should have done if have Oliver enter the speed force and retire at the cabin in the woods scene at the end of season 7. This would connect with Felicity going into something at the end of season 7 in the flash forwards. I feel this would of wrapped his story up nicely and given him what he deserves after all his sacrifices.
  • the Bebo scene or should I say half. I did not like this scene at all and felt it was not needed. This was made worse by the fact that it was an average bank heist, but that glorifies it. I feel the money put I to CGI could have been better spend on somthing else, or someone else which connects to my next point.
  • REVERSE FLASH. I and many other feel massively let down and played. We were teased of this cross over 5 years ago. The death of Barry Allen and the return of the Reverse Flash. Too me this degrades a part of season 1 of the flash that made it so great. The anticipation for this massive event in which the Flash and Reverse Flash have one of their biggest fights. I am furious he was not in this cross over, but I digress. They should have replaced the Bebo scene with the a reverse Flash scene. At the end I was praying that when they all sat down at the "Justice league" table the Reverse Flash would come running in and say: "sorry to interrupt the party" and then it would end. It would be a great cliff hanger and would be awesome to see how it wraps up on the flash and feel like the crisis is still on.

These were the main things I felt they should have changed. Let me make this clear, THIS IS MY OPINION. I personally hope you loved the crossover and enjoyed it more than I did and don't want to persuade your good opinion. I just felt Is share some constructive criticism. I know nothing can be perfect, but I feel these changes would satisfy most people.
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A bit more lighthearted
Mardolin15 January 2020
The episode was a bit more lighthearted and less serious than the other episodes, in typical legends-style. The fights looked more fun, but if you imagine the actors just punching the air while filming, it's pretty cringe.

The Story was terrible though, the "crisis" ended with episode 4, but they extended it for this fifth episode to add some emotional unnecessary ending that nobody asked for.

Episode 4 was a mess and too fast paced, this episode was too slow with too much filler-time. It could've been done a bit better for sure, but for what it was, it s was a good episode. I expected more, but in the end I enjoyed it.

Acting wise it was solid. Some of the actors were not really invested in the story and you could feel it for sure. Like I said, it's a lot of punching air. Caity Lotz shined throughout this episode, she's the most talented and dedicated actress on the team, really great job from her.
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Earth Prime
ThomasDrufke15 January 2020
It was tough to truly take in the ramifications of Oliver's choice to sacrifice himself in the 4th part because in the back of my mind, I always thought he was going to return at the end of the 5th part. With that said, the way they handled his death and tribute in the last 15 minutes of the episode was certainly a worthy way for his legacy to go out on top. I still have plenty of questions on how this show goes on for 2 more episodes (1 of them being the backdoor pilot) without him being alive. Unless he appears as some sort of ghost to each of the main cast so that they get one more final scene with him? But in all, it was important this crossover do Oliver justice (especially considering the mistakes in regards to Oliver's "death" in part 1) and I think they accomplished that for the most part. And on a completely different note, I'm glad Diggle now has a daughter named Sara as well, reversing back Barry's flashpoint mistakes.

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Once the Episode got serious It's Perfect
tomcode15 January 2020
I thought the first couple minutes of this episode were alright but once this episode hit peek. It was a roller coaster filled with amazing stuff a fanboy of me could dream for. The Ending did it all. Perfect ending. And my favorite Crossover!!! 9.8/10 for Crisis as a whole.
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MovieFreak86-415-91253115 January 2020
The beginning of this episode was great, but the ending blew my mind. And when I say the ending, I mean the whole part after the final commercial break. There is a little bit of a sad feel to it, and there are one or two happy surprises, and one jaw dropping, OMG, it's about time, moment.

Anyone who watched this episode, and is a fan of DC Comics and the Arrowverse will know what OMG moment I'm talking about.

Not only was this the best ending to a arrowverse crossover, but the whole crossover may be the biggest and best they ever have done. Makes me wonder what plan they have for next year or, if they even have a plan for next year.
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The league has been born
Zaid_Khoury15 January 2020
Finally, we get to see all universes into one, iv'e always imagined what would happen if it was just one universe, Oliver Queen was a true hero and deserved better but he knew he was the hero they needed. It was such an emotional episode as they were so many nostalgic moments.

A great comic book episode a true great ending. This crossover gets 10/10. Thank you Arrowverse for creating The Justice League.
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"We all live on the same earth now"
RobinKarlsson2215 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful conclusion to the crossover! This is without a doubt my favorite part. It has everything: action, humor and a lot of sadness... I loved the beginning, with Kara and later met with Barry. A great scene with Marv Wolfman!

Also every character interacting with each other is wonderful. The last scene with Hall of Justice, WOW!

Thanks Arrowverse, CW, DC and every person involving in this massive crossover! You have bring greatness! Oliver Queen and Stephen Amell, "You have NOT failed this Arrowverse!"
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Age of Heroes and Earth-Prime, a satisfying and superb conclusion to Crisis
Holt34415 January 2020
The aftermath of the whole Crisis, this was a great episode and seeing all the differences and how the multiverse of the Arrowverse or DC Universe have changed, there is a lot and it's only positive. What we get in this episode is some of the best drama in the whole crossover, so many good and memorable character moments. I also have to say the special effects and CGI in this episode is some of the best of the whole Arrowverse, they were extremely nice to look at and made the action sequences superb and everything just looked nice. This episode's cameo goes to non other than the creator of the graphic novel, Marv Wolfman. Such a fun, simple yet great cameo that also pays respect to Stan Lee.

I never wrote in my review for Part 4 that I disliked the small and easy fight for the Paragons vs Anti Monitor and the final showdown well I understand it now. It was as I thought, more personal battle and in this episode we get to see the fight I've looked forward to. A big brawl between heroes versus the big bad, good versus evil and the writers and crew didn't let down it was extraordinary. The ensemble was huge and they all got their moments to shine, was some heroes I missed having there but it's alright. The overall showdown was perfect and the ending that came afterwards showing us all the new earths where the TV Shows take place and finally the scene that the fan boy in me likes, the newly founded Justice League. They finally did it and made it unique to the Arrowverse, the writers did an amazing job with the ending and the whole crossover. Good work and thanks for a great and massive crossover!
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I am not 100 % Satisfied with Crisis On Infinite Earths
Tv-Addict199115 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know man........ thats it ?

There were some great Cameos, great Scenes, awesome new Characters and so on and so on .....

Ok that all Earths are now combined to one Eatth is really awesome but......

All in All i dont feel satisfiend with the way the Crossover ended or the conclusion of Everything............
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markq-7565415 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Their were good parts and their were bad parts. Good parts the ending with us seeing the other universe. Earth 1 earth 38 and black Lightning's earth all put together. Anti monitor getting huge like the comics. And the Justice League ending.

The other parts were just disappointing. I feel like they did this episode to see all our heroes untie to fight which is cool. But they rushed it. Last episode they should've brought in everyone to fight him.

I wish we would've seen other heroes from other earths to fight in the final battle. Like Braden Routh Superman, Tom Welling Superman, Justin Hartley Green Arrow. Or maybe titans heroes or some how heroes from other movies or tv shows.

Also no mention to Gotham, Krypton or Lois and Clark.
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Good for US
amanollahia15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Me and all the fans like me, lived for this episode to come, for this moment, to finally see justice league born and hall of justice opened, every teasing moment in the past crossovers and all the memory from these shows, comics and etc. leads us to this moment, we finally have it and they done it perfectly, It is sad that it costs our beloved hero but his sacrifice isn't in vain. so many things changed after this event that we know so little about them and i hope they do a great work with making this new world. from now on the expectations are higher and i hope they have enough budgets for beating our expectations, and become better and better every time. you have to watched a lot more than just this episode to appreciate everything they done, no i am wrong, you have to lived with them. it was like your imaginations turned to reality, such a feeling is very rare and i hope all creators around the world care for us and give us everything they have and we appreciate their work just as much as they deserve it. something that i love about this Justice league is how diverse it is and nobody is mad about it or over the top happy, they are happy because of league itself, it is just there as a normal thing like how every good thing should be, i am not that kind of person who cares a lot about them because i believe such things have to be normal by now and we have to pass them and go think and care about bigger things, like how this show doesn't emphasize on them and they are just there like every other good things so good for us, let us learn from it, we are passed that, we should not let anyone stopped us at here and repeat it, we have to fight for new and bigger problems for better future. i hope they remember this and pass those things specially for batwoman because it is hurting it and it need to go beyond that and evolve after this crossover if they want it to be successful like other shows, black lightning too, black lightning also need to become a better show, it have to become a hero for all humanity and not just his family, they should not keep them small and exclusive if they really want to see a change, they have to grow to be better. i hope they keep up the good work and wonder us with every show. i am so grateful for this amazing crossover, crisis on infinite earths was everything i hoped for and even more, every surprise was lovely and every emotional moment was memorable. the team behind Arrowverse rocks, and i can never thank them enough. we had a past together that got us this point, and it was good :) now we have something that we didn't have before, a league, JUSTICE LEAGUE, let's see what the future holds for us.
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This Crisis Has Failed This Viewer
Anonnamus9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rating this crossover as a whole, not this particular episode. I am less than impressed and left with more questions than I ever started with. I assume all shows will now progress with this whole new existence? Anyway, here are some random thoughts I had while watching this episode.

  • Oh, yay. Giant Beebo has made a reappearance.
  • Hey, Sara. You know who probably remembers what you were like before the Gambit went down? Your mother. You should call her. I hate to break it to you, but your mother isn't dead.
  • So...the Anti-Monitor isn't dead so Oliver died to do what now? Create a new universe? Who created the universe to begin with? Oliver died so that they could start all over again, but now they still have to defeat the Anti-Monitor, who apparently wasn't defeated by Oliver and his death or the catalyst to creating a whole new universe. Not gonna lie, still don't see the meaning behind Oliver's death. Or Eddie Thawne, while we are on that note. Oh! Maybe he died so they could have a do-over. Great, the world started over so does that mean he never existed? That can't be it because Felicity looked for him. Forget it. I'm lost.
  • "For Oliver." This would have a lot more meaning if I knew why the hell he died in the first place and what he was doing other than being a green guru guy with a distorted voice.
  • Flash disappeared in Crisis, we have seen the newspapers for years now. How was the newspaper around if everything was destroyed in anti-matter the first go-round? Are we in a different Crisis now because of Nora? I give up. I don't care anymore.
  • Aww, baby Sara is alive! So Lyla was never Harbinger in this new timeline?
  • Well. The POTUS declared Oliver dead, so he must be. Can she do the same for Sara's mother so that there is a valid reason Sara forgot she still existed?
  • I would have thought Felicity would have made an appearance following Oliver's apparent death but maybe she's just as confused as I am as to what is actually going on right now.
  • That table is really cool and all, but how many times in the last 8 years have we seen a team sit at one?
  • Leather car seats aren't necessarily comfortable.

This crossover has been hyped and has been in the works since at least season one of The Flash. It started out promising but somehow lost their mojo halfway through, leaving behind a jumbled confusing mess. Lex Luthor is now God, Diggle and Superman have multiple children, and the Anti-Monitor still was around. Overall this has been a disappointment, other than really cool cameos. Thanks for 8 fantastic seasons, Oliver. You will definitely be missed and you deserved a better ending.
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Oh boy
calin_hotshot15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I actually can't believe I have spent 2h watching this farse of a show. But at least this final episode can make for a great drinking game: take a shot anyone thanks or praises Oliver Queen... you could kill a small country with that much alcohol! I get what the people behind the arrowverse were trying to do, making their own Endgame, but this certainly cannot be the best they have. Everything about this universe is far fetched and way over the top, with campiness level putting the '66 Batman show to shame. As a long time DC fan in my early 30s I guess these shows aren't aimed at people like me, but if younger viewers actually love this crap than you can expect fandom to become even worse that it already is in the near future. I have left these shows about 2-3 seasons ago, but still followed the crossovers and I have to say that all of them have been very predictable and disaapointing. Oliver Queen dies and is brought back in the next minute. Luthor became some bigshot by simply scribbling his name in a magical book. The main villain is destroyed by a bomb that was literally assembled from plastic... oh boy... at least that Ezra Miller cameo was pretty funny. Peace out Arrowverse, I will not miss you at all
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Excellent Crossover Series!
Slideman6719 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was totally geeking out with the Hall of Justice! My 8 year old self was jumping for joy, especially when I heard the Superfriends theme!

While I am saddened by Oliver's death, I am very pleased by how they did Crisis! To the creative team of these shows, GREAT JOB! Best Crossover Yet!
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My Honest Opinion (As a fan not a critic)
adelkamal-6470016 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the Crisis crossover the best one yet. It just sat things up for the new possibilities i mean some of our favorite earths are now in one. Also we got another earths linking every DCU show with the CW is a very good move . Also showing a Green lanterns corps finally we've been wanting a small tease for them and we have it now... To be Fair the beeboo part was bad also the CGI as a whole is always not that good . But we have to atleast appreciate the story they give us. And you know you just have to enjoy what you have and stop wanting more because you will always want more....
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Amazing episode
amsmall2712 December 2020
Really love the tributes for the Green Arrow. Oliver Queen, forever a hero!
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mes-2426 January 2020
The Legends continue to reinvent themselves and I'm, as always, wonderfully surprised. The wackiness continues and I can't wait to see what comes next!
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Justice League Assembled
hellraiser75 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This I felt was a really fitting conclusion to the epic crossover event, in my book this is my third favorite crossover event in the Arrowverse. Yeah, it's not perfect their may have been a missed opportunity and mishandled one here and there but I feel this had it where it counted and for what they were able to work with it worked out well; who knows in the future what the next adaptation of "Crisis on Infinate Earths" will be like, for now I'm content with this version.

Really like how the characters we're all getting oriented with the fact that the world "Supergirl", "Black Lighting", and many others have now merged into one. Which in a strange way makes sense showing now the DC verse here for TV is finally complete and this also leaves the opportunity for crossover episodes to occur, which I wouldn't mind like we could see Jennifer/Lighting work with Kara/Supergirl in a episode or two, well something like that but possibilities are open. But I also like the Justice League members reactions to seeing everyone again which was touching and sweet relief after all the crap they've been though.

There was one ice breaker situation the Justice League had to deal with an evil giant Bemo, which I'll admit just like them even I didn't expect it. In a way this is sort of their equivalent of the Ghostbusters against Mr. Stay Puff. Really liked the final fight with the anti-monitor, where everyone of the Justice League had a hand in it where most heroes were simply shooting down his nasty minions. Really liked seeing Superman, Supergirl, and The Atom working together to kick the Anti monitor's butt, this team up is cool because in a way having Superman and The Atom you have two Supermans in the battle. But of course, the battle really escalates we see the Anti Monitor grow, that moment makes me wish the "Power Rangers" were part of the DC verse cause they all could use a Mega Zord right now.

The fight continues its sort of like the military vs. Kaiju battle as we see Superman, Supergirl, and the Atom are just flying around shooting at the Anti Monitor while the Anti Monitor is trying to swat them like flies. Really like that the final blow was delivered by Supergirl which is fitting as she is the paragon of hope after all and the Anti Monitor was the destroyer of it, Supergirl showed him you frak with hope you lose.

The ending was really touching and just put a smile on my face, from the memoral that has been constructed for Oliver/Green Arrow with the eternal flame. Just goes to show his memory and legacy will live on forever. Even like a few of those scenes with the other earths showing that everything is alright and intact. One I liked was seeing the "Kingdom Come" or "Superman Returns" Superman again but we see his crest has changed back to its natural colors which shows hope for him has been restored.

But the best thing is in the final minutes when we see just like the Knights of the Round, now they all finally have a round table of their own, with chair that have each of their symbols. Even liked it when there is that zoom out on the abandoned Star's Lab warehouse and we see the structure is the "Hall of Justice" and then there is the "Superfriends" music at the end. All of that just showed that the Jusice League is born and are going to stay.

Rating: 4 stars
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Getting better and better.
deepakdst27 January 2020
It is not surprising why many of these show have that one Crossover episode which can be spotted easily just because of highest ratings in that list. These episode make sense and stand at next level.
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Good episode with a tiny hiccup
ilpo-surokivi7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The ending episode was great and I really liked the Crisis episodes. Altogether really great episode.

Just a small hiccup though. None of the people of whom all are very accustomed to inter-dimensional travel bought the idea of there being only one universe. I thought that at least Barry Allen would have figured out how all of the multiverse came to be and how all other changes. Yet these seemingly super-smart people didn't care to even mention the thought. Yes, all of the old universes were in one but even Barry who knew like a gazillion Wellss from other earths ever figured out what caused this. He solved time travel. Made Gideon. Doesn't even come to think that maybe the process that made the earlier multiverse could have started again too. Yup.

The ending was still good and I really loved it. Now there's just that if something doesn't follow the source material lazy writers and producers can just use "It's another universe. Another timeline." Nice. Quantum mechanics to the rescue. Now we can have all the SJWs pleased and also have diversity. Gay Bruce Wayne with Catman (instead of Catwoman.) Oh wait...I forgot that new feminism theory doesn't like changing female characters to male. Whoopsee! Sorry!
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The worst Arrowverse crossover to date!
missyjo_8822 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There were some good moments I liked about Crisis on infinite earths but there were too many bad ones that made it cringy to watch.

I'll start with what was good about it: The Cameos were exciting (especially Tom Wellings Clark Kent!). And Ezra Millers Flash? I didn't expect that one! It was epic! The first 3 parts were pretty great and I liked how all the characters interacted with one another.

Now for the bad: Oh boy, did it go downhill for me with part 4 and 5. It was slow and boring and the fighting? Don't even get me started (extremely cheesy!). Oliver's death was believable and written perfectly but.......he not only died once, but twice and that is were I felt it was just lazy writing (actually, most of this whole story was lazy writing). And the whole Justice League thing in the end? I'm down for that but I felt there were some characters that didn't deserve to sit at that table. And the last thing. Were the heck is everyone from the Flash team in part 5?!?!? I mean, killer frost and Nash were there but it doesn't explain the rest. You would think that Barry would go looking for his beloved Iris and the rest of the team.....but no that isn't even mentioned! There were alot of plot holes and too many to talk about here. This was all just a huge mess in my opinion.
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CW = Childish Watching
larosaj-2666615 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe any adult would truly like this. Made totally for kids. What was the point of the Giant Monitor if he could barely move? Beebo is so silly and childish it's embarrassing. The ghosts were also incredibly lame. One touch and pooofff.....it's get one extra star because Stickwoman was in it for only one minute. Granted that's still one horrible minute but..........well at least it's over. No wonder the ratings have dropped precipitously.
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Embarrassed for anyone involved.
From a series of shows that's quality has gone down so much that they have to claim it was made for children the whole time, I really didn't expect much.

Almost nothing was enjoyable in this 5 part crossover, The main thing I was excited to see was Burt Ward and Tom Welling's Cameos, but even then I was let down.

Burt Ward's cameo had nothing wrong with it 10/10, but I'd just shut the tv off after that, cause I wasn't so impressed with Tom Welling's cameo.

First off, did anyone making this even watch Smallville? My problems with the "Smallville" cameo: By the end of the series Lois no longer calls Clark "Smallville", Lois saying that Clark "Made a funny" makes no sense as Clark has indeed made jokes before, and Clark would never give up his powers, as he finally understood his greater calling by the end of the series.

Other than that, the rest of the crossover is just a waste of time and what little effort they put into making this joke of a program.
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Only for the BRAIN DEAD
steve-667-1019016 January 2020
Trash. Garbage and can't believe the actors kept straight faces. How could a director yell "cut" and feel the slightest satisfaction. Dead set people. Is this what entertains you?
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Worst Thing Ever.....!
tahafreestyler18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone giving it more than a 5 has zero taste. The fights were horrible and the effects were very bad. The story had no twist or plan, only cw fans will watch this. Motivation for Justice League and the members was so stupid.
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