Original Gangster (2020) Poster

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Pretty odd movie with a highlight or two
rbivgq17345 April 2021
This movie was really weird to me. I don't review movies but I just had to add a few things. The rant from the bartender about the toe was pretty good and wow Steve Guttenberg as the bad guy was pretty funny to me as well. I guess I could see the lead being in something else and doing ok but I won't be watching this ever again.
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Surprisingly fun
calicut11015 August 2021
This is pretty low budget with tons of issues but there was sufficient violence and twists and turns that made it a pretty decent watch.
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Depressing but real feel to it
joeyford-5534217 April 2021
Steve G is good at crazy. Gives the movie some zip. The lead is too pretty for a homeless never seen a dentist or barber; reminds me of Paul Walker.
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Nice try ... but too weak & implausible
roger_towne9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story starts out with a young boy (Castor) seeing his parents shot dead. After being spared, he grows up homeless on the streets of London and becomes an animal. Then after never having a human connection in life, never mind empathy or any outlets for his rage, he eventually meets the gangster who gave him life back in his youth. Castor's reaction? He's joyous with feelings of warmth and gratitude. WHAT?

Meanwhile, after the gangster abuses his wife (Isabele) physically and emotionally to the point she finally shoots him dead, it's revealed her father is a former cold-blooded hitman who stops at nothing to protect his daughter. WHAT??

Likewise, as Steve Guttenberg (Jean-Baptiste Philippe) gives his best impression of an oddly crime kingpin ruling London who's as gentle & thoughtful as he is weird (an implausible mix on its own), he's eventually shot dead and replaced by a weak moron who's ostensibly running the baddest mix of thugs in the land. WHAT???

Then there was the grand-finale shootout. The showdown pitted 30 of Jean-Baptiste's henchmen pointing automatics and other artillary at Castor and Isabele's hitman father ... yet after guns are ablaze for seemingly hours, Castor easily squirred away with no retribution to follow. WHAT????

At the end, after Castor has evolved into a husband-worthy suit-wearing prince who somehow amazingly shed his inner rage, shame, dysfunction, antisocial and other pathic behaviors from his all-encompassing life experiences without any aftereffects, a sudden yet predictable twist emerges. Castor is then shot dead by a man early in the movie he wronged. In other words, just as Isabele is readying for a new life chapter with her new nobly savior, err, ironically Castor becomes the same victim he's perpetrated on others.

Wow, what deep, mystical writing.

Not. Sheesh, gimme a break. Too many aspects of this movie were literally farcical, and the implausible plotting was annoying. If it wasn't for terrific music selection, an oddly strange character effect by Guttenberg, and one worthy scene in the church between Castor and Isabele's hitman father, the movie would have been utter trash. Yet none of those elements were enough to make this one worth watching.
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Original Gangster
Prismark105 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Castor (Alex Mills) was orphaned as a child. He was spared by Milo (Ian Reddington) the man hired to kill his parents.

Castor has since lived a feral existence. Living rough on the streets, stealing and boozing.

Ten years later he meets Milo again. His saviour and hero. Milo introduces Castor to local crime boss Jean-Baptiste Philippe (Steve Guttenberg.)

Castor becomes an assassin but faces a dilemma when Milo is unexpectedly killed.

Director Savvas D. Michael makes an energetic but an unoriginal gangster film. It tries too hard to imitate Guy Ritchie.

Savvas has his stock company of actors for his low budget movies. This time joined by Guttenberg with a dreadful wig.

I guess some of the dark humour was intentional. Milo rails against wokeism while being casually cruel to his wife. Castor needlessly slaps a woman in a graveyard who tells him off.

Maybe Savvas hopes that Harvey Weinstein will fund his future movies from his prison cell!

Castor is suitably dim for someone who has not gone to school but not learned to be streetwise. Yet he is remarkably well spruced for a guy living on the streets for years.
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Nothing special.
jamgood-842-4480847 April 2021
I thought the main character had some potential as did the story. Sadly this just wasn't a very good film. People raving about Steve Guttenburg? Really? He was mediocre at best.

It passed the time for an hour and a bit but I wouldn't bother watching it again.
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Ron seal. Gets it done
dcronin-6082928 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You going to get what you expect with this movie. Action Bullets Sex Explosions and of course a maniacal laughing. The main character Castor is super cool, kicking arse without roughing his awesome leather jacket type cool.

The movie is a lot of fun and its an easy watch, good guy kills bad guy and gets the girl
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The absolute worst film I have ever seen, or, possibly., that has ever been made.
kqqqqjj23 September 2021
Anyone who says this is anything different than "this is the worst movie ever made" has not seen this movie. With eternally long scenes with unneeded pauses, a couple times the characters seem to lose their place and repeat lines over again, and we watch Gutenberg appear to flog his "acting chops" beyond all believability and be a clown. Forget everything you know about crummy movies, because this one will leave your jaw on the ground. Could have been done interestingly by a talented writer, director, actor - anyone with any artistic skills could have added something, but sadly, none of them were available for this movie.
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Unrealistic fun
ginjaninja-4390716 August 2021
It was fun and kept my interest. Completely. Implausible and absurd but in a good way. More like a fairy tale. Corny at times. It was like an exaggerated story told by a narcissistic teen drug dealer while he had to Much to drink. Suspend reality and have fun.
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Beyond misogynistic
This film is a new low for Steve Guttenburg. The film is just a scared little mans attempt to berate, threaten and take his angst out on women. Avoid at all costs. Worst movie I have ever seen.
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Fantastic Action Comedy
Yugeshan1 May 2021
What an enjoyable experience it was to watch this film. No political nonsense, just a good old fashioned action comedy with a some twists and originality thrown in the mix. Reminds me a bit of The Boondock Saints in some odd way. Its hillarious at times, the acting is great and I loved the script.
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Awesome movie
zekegri11 March 2021
Alex Mills is a new star and portrays the realism expertly.
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had to finish it
vwcwtcc17 January 2024
Lots of good stuff here but then the movie goes out the window MANY times . Why they got SG I have no clue. Could have had a more fitting actor. I like SG he rules but the casting could have been better for that role Christin glover Martin sheen Tommy Chong Matt frewer ANYWAY you never got a good look at her the camera barely showed her where you could SEE her . A little bit later sure. Low budget yes thats cool now if they did an American version it would be great . The bartender story is worth watching the whole movie just for that yes lot of holes like lots tons of suspension of disbelief it does catch you the story and you do need to watch the whole thing. It hooks you in.
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Watchable but cringe worthy
dferragamo-108-3218023 October 2021
In a nutshell, poorly written, poorly delivered and poorly shot but for some reason I'm curious as to what happens even though I've stopped watching it twice.
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rocksteadymutant6 April 2021
Enjoyed this one, keep them coming!!! Not what I was expecting and for the good too. Great storytelling.
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Slap Wollop Bang!
filmgurufuru22 January 2021
This fast paced Gangster Movie does hold back any punches, and is packed with action start to finish.Steve Guttenberg shows fantastic range in his larger than life portrayal of Jean Baptiste Philippe. While Alex Mills is captivating as the boy made to fight and born to lead.
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Absolutely brilliant!
artur-niedzielski4 April 2021
One of the best crime movie from U. K. from last year. Crime, drama, thriller and a little bit of comedy in one. Nice OST. Scene on cementary with this crazy feminist is brilliant! :)
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Original British Gangster
bobbyrainard28 January 2021
The is great movie with a gritty portrayal London 's criminal underworld. The movie peaks behind the curtain and tackles some the more taboo subjects in are our society directly and where needed with a bit of humour. Its a tough watch in points because of the realism of the more explicit scenes but if you are not faint hearted you enjoy it.
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Gimme More
jakejohnsonmoore28 January 2021
Gutenberg is back. Love Guuts always loved Guuts This is slick British gangster movie with big side of american royalty. Gutenberg play Sadistic crime boss Baptiste with a style and panache i am used to from him, the supporting cast is excellent and it definitely has feel of a sequel.

Watch Watch Watch
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Sexy Beast!
janejennings25 January 2021
Alex mills is a gorgeous specimen, and what a MAN!. I love this character he is wild and trapped, hes vulnerable and nigh invincible, rough but tender (check out sex scene). i loved him, my husband loved it, so definitely a great Sunday evening.
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One to watch
moviebossmb27 January 2021
This a fantastically clever funny crime thriller.

Orphaned by Murderous gangster, Castor grows up on the streets of London, learning quickly you can not be both prey and predator. Making a choice, Castor terrorises the criminal underworld with his killer instinct and no nonsense sharp wit.Castor's exploits soon bring him face to face with a ghost from his past and challenges his solitary existence.

Sex, Drugs, Violence, Beautiful People and Big Laughs.

Watch it!
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milorubic22 January 2021
Original Gangster is a captivating film! Mills is the ultimate OG. He played this awesome character sensationally! Ian Reddington will send shivers down your spine as no nonsense hard man Hugo, with Steve Guttenberg and Adam Deacon rounding of this stellar cast. The costumes and action were terrific! The musical score had me at the edge of my seat. In My opinion Original Gangster is must see movie.
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Surprisingly Good
onlotus-185-92292212 October 2021
This is a story of a boy who's parents are murdered in front of him. But he is saved by one of the gangsters who thinks the boy should have a chance at life. Although the gangster leaves the boy to fend for himself. The boy growsup homies on the streets to learn the rules. He because extremely unpredictable, naive, & dangerous. But always thanks his life to the gangster who saved him.

As fate would have it, they meet again and none of their lives will be the same.
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