
21 Reviews
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Visually Stunning
27 November 2022
The photography of this movie is very much stunning. Some interesting and simple effects can be seen that convey a profound symbology and meaning to the spectator.

There are some interesting effects in this movie involving reflections. About the 47 minutes mark, Dolores break a glass window, the shattered glass pieces fall down, however they preserve the image of Dolores they had at the moment of the impact, as if they were painted behind the glass (which probably was how it was done) and near the ending, while on the ferry, Selena washes her face and looks onto a mirror to see her own backside, as the spectators see her back.

This is a great movie and all the actors deliver a faultless execution. Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Christopher Plummer and David Strathairn are simply superb.

Sexual abuse of children plagues every country and society since times immemorial, it is one of the worse behaviors a person could show, be it from illness, unrestrained impulses urge or simple malevolence. Education, enforcement and vigilance are paramount on this subject.

Great Movie!
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If Death to Smoochy was cast with the characters of SpongeBob SquarePants
1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sheldon would have been Bob, of course, an innocent assertive soul full of ideals. Then Plankton would play Rainbow Randolph, narcissistic, envious and impulsive without clear sense of right or wrong, but nonetheless not necessarily an evil character.

Burke Bennett (DeVito's character) would be played by Mr Krabs, always behind the money. Patrick Star would fit in the Spinner Dunn character.

Nora Wells, would be played by Sandy Cheeks (eventhough they are not romantically involved in the SpongeBob series, but, this is a casting for a movie, so they will have to get over a few kisses and etcetera).

Mrs. Poppy Puff would play Tommy Cotter, she fits just right.

I'm sure there are other parallels, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out.

I enjoyed this movie, it was kind of strange but appealing, it was shocking to see Robin Williams in the suicide attempt scene, one only can wonder what was going through his mind at the moment of truth.
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Would have been better if they used an "I, Robot" approach
14 June 2013
I never saw the original movie, nor read the story, so I watched this one without any prejudice. The thing I found the most amazing about this movie is that a mighty supreme being, with a power beyond imagination, is not capable of making contact with any authority on Earth above a mere Secretary of Defense, number six in the United States presidential line of succession. Being that said, there are a number of plot holes understandable in the original pulp written in the forties, but not allowable in a year that is beyond the, for that time, far away future of the year 2000. I liked the movie, anyway, it is watchable, the graphics are great and the message is very clear and present, "don't mess with the Earth, she will fight back, and she will win".
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Car Men (2006 TV Movie)
Absolutely fascinating
10 March 2012
A black and white silent movie where you don't miss the words nor the colors. This is a short movie worth watching. Based on George Bizet opera Carmen, four characters living in a junkyard of sorts, swirl in a whirlwind of emotions, while constructing the most bizarre vehicle you can imagine.

The acting is superb and the pace of the movie changes from slow to ultra-high speed to grip your attention. Once you are looking a the screen you don't want to move your face away from the TV.

This is a serious movie, even though it can be hilarious at times.

Highly recommended.
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The kid listened...
16 August 2004
I saw this movie only once, and about a couple of years after it was made. By that time I was seventeen, and needed some counseling very badly...

I can't remember much of the plot, but certainly I can remember my feelings, and it certainly made me think about myself and how with the help of other (older) people I could overcome the emotional growing pains (almost) every teenager is bound to.

Five out of five, just for the sake of being a positive movie, worth remembering thirty years later.

By the way, I just discovered that Peter Boyle is also the extraordinary Frankenstein monster in "Young Frankenstein (1974)"
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Aventurera (1988)
Good Movie, Venezuelan recent history
20 June 2004
The year was 1961, in Caracas it was the golden age of wrestling matches and the begin of the democratic period. An unemployed actor gets a low paid job as a wrestler second; wears a silly Indian costume and falls in love with his boss fiancé; table is ready for the conflict. In need of fast cash, our hero ends up in a scheme for the assassination of the Venezuelan president Romulo Betancourt, but something goes wrong and the fate of the three people take an unexpected course. Even though this is not a great film, it is worth watching; it has many hilarious moments, action, and honest acting. Special mention to the wardrobe and ambientation department.
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A little dull, but worth watching
30 March 2003
Very well photographed, well acted, a little dull script, but worth watching. Katia is just beautiful in her red dress, playing with the wind. I sort of liked this movie, although I was a little disappointed at the ending.
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Gut Entertainment
12 January 2003
I liked this movie very much. Michelle is the Chief detective handling a case of a serial killer, and the more she gets involved in it, the more she crosses the boundaries between work and personal life.

I liked the photography, and the acting is very good too. Enjoy.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Carpe Diem. A Thought provoking movie
25 November 2002
What if instead of reincarnation you're given the gift (or the nightmare) of living time after time the same day, and remember everything about it.

Would you try to be a better person every day? or just get hopeless and depressed?

I see more than a laugh in this movie, it was worth watching.
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Was that all?
29 September 2002
I guess my expectations were rather hight, but isn't this movie a little too superficial or what?

I like the idea of an anticlimax, even though in this case, it takes to nowhere.

I still don't find the appeal of the movie besides the superb photography and "Jaws like" music. Robins is quite alright, very convincing, as well as Nina and husband.

For instance, there seems to be some weak links in the plot, like when the kid feels sorry for Mr Parrish, isn't it a little bit weird at all?

Anyhow I don't regret seeing the movie, but I would have expected a more elaborate development of the situation
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This can be art, but it´s not entertainment
17 August 2002
I did not like the movie. It was a very promising one but I think it got out of the hands of writer/director. It could well be that writer director wanted to do exactly that, in that case I would say that writer director was not very well seasoned at that time.

Maybe the next one come out better than this one. Acting was very good, script very poor. Alas, it could have been a minor classic...
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Get Smart, Again! (1989 TV Movie)
A good movie, based in old standards
29 March 2002
How come that a extremely good series would not have its twenty years later revival. A must for the real fan. I enjoyed it, but somehow it was like seeing a bunch of old clowns, repeating old jokes (well, I guess it was exactly that), but the jokes were not funny anymore.

If you didn't like the series, this is not the movie for you. If you liked the series, as much as I did, this is a must, but don't set too high your expectations, it's a thing for remembering and enjoying.
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This movie scores a goal
11 January 2002
This is a very unusual movie, it's about a Colombian soccer team playing the last match of the season, but you never get to see the field at all; the action occurs within the locker room. Best of all, you never get tired or bored of the non changing scenario.

Each one of the players has (or has not) his own reason for cheating on the game, and things get a little more complicated when a lady walks in the locker room seeking for protection from her angry husband.

I liked the acting as well as the photography and the camera work. This film is more artistic than commercial. It´s a good choice
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Is this movie worth a ten?
11 January 2002
I'm not against "light" movies, quite the opposite I thank them for they entertain me and give me a moment of solace.

But it surprised me a lot to see that eight people out of 36 rated this movie as a 10. I guess they are part of the Andrea del Boca fan club or something like that.

Well, I liked the movie, even though it has no sense at all. Great actors working hard for the money in a awfully written and dull plot.

I can't recommend this movie.
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Excellent movie, sadist director
28 December 2001
When I saw this movie, I was so involved with the drama and the suffering of Cecilia, that I felt outraged at the end of the movie. My feelings were so hard against Mr Allen that I decided at that moment not to see another movie by him anymore.

He is a wonderful director, perhaps a genius, and I'm sure that the rest of his movies, which I have not seen, are works of art. It's only that this one affected me so much.
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Holiday Affair (1996 TV Movie)
A lovely movie
24 December 2001
Well, I liked this movie a lot. As a matter of fact, the three of us in our family decided today to have our Christmas dinner in bed watching this movie.

Don't miss the opportunity to see the cold lawyer showing a warm heart, a woman decided to suffer, and a dreamer fighting for his dreams.
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Hugo Pool (1997)
Strange, yet interesting
21 December 2001
I think that this is the kind of movie that is made more for the filmmakers amusement than for the viewers. I have read other user comments and I have to agree in the several apparently pointless situations depicted in the movie, anyway, I think that it is beautifuly photographed, and that great actors are paying homage to the person to whom the film is dedicated. I watched it on TV and liked it.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
10 September 2001
This movie is sparkling, live, wonderful, extraordinary. If this is a trend in modern cinema, welcome.

I knew nothing about the movie when I first entered the theater. I loved the movie right from the begining. It's no use to talk about any flaw that could be detected. This is the best movie I saw this year (including AI, which I rated 10). Definitely a ten Plus
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The Uninvited (1996 TV Movie)
Great Entertainment
2 September 2001
I'm amazed to see how low this movie scores in the IMDB rating (currently 4.3), it is a very good movie; it's like a light version of Poltergeist in which the main character is taken for crazy when she speaks about the paranormal things occurring at her home.

The tension gets higher and higher until the last moment. Best of all, it's based on true events

I certainly recommend this movie
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31 August 2001
I watched this movie by the time of its release. Twenty five years later I still remember that I enjoyed it a lot. All I can remember of the plot is that two neighbors decide to swap wives and set up a very complicate plan to do it. The complications and the results of this plan are hilarious. By today standards it should now be a B movie, but male FFN (full frontal nudity) was not a common thing by then out of X rated movies
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Passport to Murder (1993 TV Movie)
Great for a sleepless night!
26 June 2001
This is the kind of movie that will do you no harm; it's good entertainment; it even has a very gorgeous heroine always taking care that her skirt won't go too far up when she falls down.

The plot is no big deal. The story takes place in Paris and it has a private eye protecting (not too wisely) a lady not aware that she carries an "atomic detonator" in her luggage, and a lot of bad guys chasing the girl.

Love, mystery, beautiful scenery, (some) action, and nothing else worth remembering.

Connie is fantastic, always smiling and camera wise, and the rest of the cast do their job without much pretension.

Hey, if you happen to watch this movie, be nice and enjoy!
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