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A Heavenly Experience!
30 August 2000
This live performance from Belinda Carlisle is great! This video completed the 3-part "Runaway" pack that was released in 1990, which consisted of the Runaway Horses album, Runaway Videos, and Runaway Live. The performance and song line-up from the concert is very well done, having picked all the best and biggest hits, as well as some favourites of fans & a few hits from the Go-Go's. The outfits worn by Belinda range from beautiful to bizarre, and the way some of the songs are presented is very creative. Some songs are presented similarily to the music-videos, but others are shown in a completely different manner. The tracks that were chosen are from the "Belinda" album, the "Heaven On Earth" album, and finally the "Runaway Horses" album. A great vocalist accompanied by superb songs makes this live concert recording truly an experience.
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This Video Collection Is Heaven On Earth!
21 April 2000
I loved this awesome video collection, I think Belinda is great! The videos that are presented on this tape are all the old Belinda Carlisle classics from the eighties and early nineties like "Mad About You", "Heaven Is A Place On Earth", and "Leave A Light On". Every video on here is original in its own way. The "Mad About You" video features her (and soon-to-be husband Morgan Mason) dancing around L.A. and on the beach proclaiming that she is mad about the guy. The beautifully designed "Circle In The Sand" has her on the beach in the sunset waiting alone for her "baby" to come back to her. The "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" & "I Get Weak" videos have Diane Keaton's direction written all over them. In "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" Belinda dances her way through empty rooms and kisses the guy whom she wants to know if he knows "what that's worth" while S&M masked dancers in long grey sweatshirts and black shorts spin around and run on the spot with hand-held glowing globes. In "I Get Weak" Belinda has to fight her way through hordes of women who all want the same guy. Half the video is in black and white while things like couches, roses and lipstick are the only thing seen in colour. Moving along the way through the tape we see the videos from the "Runaway Horses" album, the most noteable being the sad natured "Summer Rain" where her boyfriend and other soldiers go off to war and along the way we see images of war planes and Flanders Fields. In the "Runaway Horses" video we see shadows, statues and silhouette's of horses while Belinda leans against a wall in a pretty dress singing "Ooh baby hold on tight". The final video on the tape is the sensual "La Luna" where Belinda is seen in the renaissance days lying in bed singing "Ahh La Luna La Luna, the night that we fell under the spell of the moon." All the other videos on the tape that I haven't mentioned are also great. Another thing that should be mentioned is the fact that *ALANiS ROCKS* so bad it's not even funny...*ROCK ON ALANiS*! This video is one of the better video compilations that I've seen, I found that all the videos were different and a lot better than most of the videos that come out now.
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MADONNA'S That Girl!
11 October 1999
I love this movie!! Sure I love it because of Madonna but who cares - it's damn funny!!! *ALANiS Rocks*. When I first saw this film in the theatres back in 1987, I thought it was all out hilarious! Madonna is so funny and I love her dubbed accent and wacky/funky look. The all-time funniest part is when Madonna(Nikki) screams at a man who is about to get into a taxi. And also when Griffin Dunne(Louden)trips and falls at the apartment interview scene. **ALANiS Rocks**. Madonna's character Nikki steals/shop lifts and fools people throughout the whole movie - her hilarious antics are enough to keep you on the floor the whole time. "Didn't rob nothin', when you rob a store you stick up the cashier. We busted a few tapes, there's a bit of a difference" I love that!!! It's classic. ***ALANiS Rocks***. I don't know why this movie got slammed the way it did. I see nothing wrong with it - course maybe if you're a huge Madonna fan then whatever she does is just awesome. Anyone out there who wants to see some funny, classic entertainment then watch "Who's That Girl?" And another very important fact that of which should be known to all man kind or at least to all that exist, ALANiS will always "rock ya" completely to the end! So does Madonna in this film, and just entirely! Her acting is superb!
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Secret of Giving (1999 TV Movie)
REBA Makes This Film Worth The Watch!!!
5 October 1999
This film's first and only advantage is the one, the only, Reba McEntire. I think she has a lot of acting talent which is truly evident in this film - it's also very evident in Tremors. She is also a very gifted singer. I got the chance to view an advanced screening of this yet-to-be-released film and I must say, that Reba's acting blew me away. She was superb, her performance is just as incredible as "Forever Love". Her acting in that movie was just so amazing, course it's no surprise...I'm talking Reba here. A lot of people think that singers who act, should just stick to singing. Well Reba, Madonna, and ALANiS can all prove you wrong. This is truly a wonderful film, worth a watch or two. To tell you about the plot would just spoil it all, you'll have to wait till you see it. Great film...thanks to REBA. ~Despite the fact that any relation or connections to the above mentioned subject regarding her are completely irrelevant...Rock On ALANiS!!!(Her name is ALANiS, she's a white chick singer, the drums are a smokin' and so's the bass. Shake your thing, while you sing, she was just sixteen, wasn't no disco queen. Oh ALANiS!)~1991 ALANiS says "Love"!!!
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Host (1998 TV Movie)
Jake Lloyd From "Unhook The Stars"....Advantage #1.
17 September 1999
This film's first and only advantage is Jake Lloyd. I think he has a lot of promise for many acting roles in the near future - it's especially evident in Unhook The Stars. Also look for Bridgette Wilson who is featured in "Unhook The Stars" as well. This movie is based on the best selling novel "Host" and it's a very excellent adaptation. There are some very tense moments that I will not ruin for you such as some people would love to do...but there is a certain scene with Jake and Bridgette that is pretty intense - you'll know it when you see it. Of course I will do nothing but praise Jake Lloyd's acting because I think he is extremely talented - for those of you who have seen "Unhook The Stars", you will understand where I'm coming from. I am just so impressed and incredibly amazed at the talent he has possessed at such a young age. He gives an excellent performance as the character "Jack". Bridgette Wilson also gave a good performance as "Julie" - I have no complaints about her at all. I don't see how anyone possibly could either. It's pretty unlikely that anyone who hasn't seen this movie will actually get to view it. Since the movie had a low budget, it will more than likely result in it not being aired again. Great film. ~Despite the fact that any links, associations and contributions to this movie regarding her are non-existent...Rock On ALANiS!!!(ALANiS is always too hot, never too cold, she makes her best shot, too hot to hold, she's never too young, never too old, ALANiS has gotta go for GOLD!!)1991~ ALANiS Will Always "ROCK YA"!!!
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ALANiS "The Dancing Goddess Of Rock" Reigned Supreme In This Series!!!
14 September 1999
Back in 1985-1986 the solitary, only single reason that I watched this series was for ALANiS Morissette. ALANiS' acting ability, talent and attractiveness put all of the other kids to shame. It's only natural that she is far superior...I mean c'mon, I'm talking ALANiS here. It isn't even fair that ALANiS was placed next to un-talented, un-successful failures. Couldn't they have hired kids that could at least have a little bit of acting talent - you can tell these kids are acting. I know that this is just a kids series so it shouldn't matter but it's the principle of it all. The kids were all obnoxious and just plain loud if you ask me. Upon viewing all 8 episodes of the series that featured ALANiS, it is completely evident that they were all jealous of her superior talents. Clearly she is the gifted one out of all of them - it was evident back then and now. Being multi-talented, it is only natural that ALANiS acted superbly - being gifted in numerous ways is like second nature to her. Her talents are endless. I had recorded all 8 episodes back in their day for ALANiS and only ALANiS! Too bad I couldn't edit out all of the scenes that do not feature her gorgeous self. I'll continue to use the fast forward button anyway. Anyone who thinks that ALANiS was terrible on this series or just terrible in general obviously knows nothing. She is superb, spectacular, and just all out damn amazing. ALANiS has proven that she can do anything and she is truly one to adore. ~(let the autumn leaves fall, the chilly raindrops freeze, the white snow melts, ALANiS will just sail on those seas. Fate, fate, fate stay with ALANiS)1987~ Rock On ALANiS!!!
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Schwarzie, Sinbad, Phil Hartman and Jake Lloyd...It Can't Get Any Better!!!
12 September 1999
This movie is just hilarious - non-stop laughs all the way through. WHOEVER SAID THAT ARNOLD WASN'T FUNNY IN THIS IS JUST PLAIN CRAZY! And Sinbad, I can't say enough good words about the man - I swear I was on the floor killing myself laughing at his crazy antics. And Jake Lloyd CAN act! He gives a great performance...I've seen kids acting in movies, if you want to call it acting, and they are pathetic. They couldn't have casted a more sweet cute little boy. Phil Hartman, what can I say? He is down right hilarious. It is terrible that we won't be seeing anymore of his brilliant talents. And Schwarzie, the man is just crazy...he is so good for this role it's amazing. He is incredibly funny. And watch at the end in the parade... here's what you'll find: Hilarious antics by Sinbad, Schwarzie, Phil Hartman(egg nog), walking Christmas presents/ornaments, the "What The" girl. The 3 funniest parts of the whole movie feature Sinbad on a falling Christmas tree, Sinbad threatening a cop, and Sinbad and Arnold in a rumble for numbered balls in a toy shop. This movie is 100% humorous...check out other great performances by Rita Wilson, Rochelle Vallese, and James Belushi. Recommended to all for top-notch entertainment! ~Despite the fact that she is not associated with this film in any way, shape, or form...Rock On ALANiS!!!~
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ALANiS Morissette "The Goddess Of Rock" Rules The Music Scene.
1 September 1999
Well, it's absolutely no surprise that ALANiS has managed to surpass everyone once again. Is there anything she can't do?! Honestly. Multi-talented ALANiS gives the viewer a glimpse at life on the road of touring. Very entertaining video - well worth the watch...well of course it is, it stars ALANiS(who else?). Ever since 1987 ALANiS has been blessing Canada with her superb lyrics and absolutely amazing vocals. There are very few words out there that are "ALANiS Worthy" to describe just how amazing her talents are. Absolutely terrific rockumentary directed, filmed and edited by ALANiS Morissette herself(naturally the reason why it's so damn good). If anyone out there wants to see a film that's well worth the's "Alanis Morissette: Jagged Little Pill Live". A must have for fans and for someone who is just longing for some damn good entertainment. This is rated 10 000/10 in my books. ("It came in her dream, a light so extreme yeah, a voice in her head and it said: Step Inside The REAL WORLD ALANiS") 1992~ Rock On ALANiS!!!
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Just One of the Girls (1993 Video)
ALANiS Makes This Movie Worth The Watch!!!
1 September 1999
I'll be the first to openly admit that the only reason I watch this ridiculous film is because of the fact that ALANiS is in it. This movie features a few of her awesome most incredible Canadian dance tracks("Too Hot", "Feel Your Love"[Album Version and Muzzle Mix],and "An Emotion Away") from 1991 and 1992. A clip of those songs here and there are the only things that save the segments of the movie that don't feature ALANiS. Viewers get to see her gorgeous self here and might want to fast forward the movie to all scenes featuring her. Those scenes are too short if you ask me. Being a fan since 1985 (When she appeared on 8 episodes of Canada's "You Can't Do That On Television") I feel that ALANiS can do no wrong in the work she does. Her performance alone in this movie is what makes it worth watching. A film that has a plot revolved around a guy dressing up as a female to avoid a school bully is just crazy. Why not face the bully in the first place to avoid future embarrassment? In all actuality, no one would honestly fall for the disguise anyway. And anyone who actually attended high school will laugh when they see the ending. But nonetheless, I enjoy this movie every time I watch it(providing I use the fast-forward button). ALANiS saves this movie from being an embarrassing failure. (ALANiS plays the game with determination, she doesn't give a damn 'bout her reputation baby.)~1992 Rock On ALANiS!!!
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Marisa Tomei, Jake Lloyd, Gerard Depardieu...What More Could You Ask For?!
28 August 1999
I recently purchased this film at a local video store as I am a big fan of Jake Lloyd, Marisa Tomei and Gerard Depardieu. They're all excellent actors with tremendous talent - they all shine in this spectacular comedy. One of the most memorable scenes is when Monica (Marisa Tomei) swears openly to her "date" on the phone with her son J.J. (Jake Lloyd) a few feet away at the dinner table during Thanksgiving (check out the dinner). I mean, what would a movie starring Marisa Tomei be like without having her saying "f***" in it? Honestly. And what about can you not get hungry watching his movies - the man and food, I don't know. He did, of course, a great job as a French-Canadian truck driver. Then there's Jake Lloyd. Does this kid ever not give an excellent performance? I mean really. He shines as sweet little J.J. Also look for other great performances by Moira Kelly, David Thornton, and Bridgette Wilson. Great cast overall. This film was well worth the purchase and just cries out for multiple viewings. However Cyndi Lauper's theme song is terrible. But of course R.E.M.'s "Country Feedback" is always welcome. Terrific film.
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1985-1986...When ALANiS Carried This Series
16 August 1999
I have always loved everything that ALANiS has done, including her short stint on this boring series. The only episodes that were good were the ones she was on...all 8 of them. However her parts were the only ones worth watching (of course she was spectacular) on those episodes. The rest of the kids were so loud and thought they were so good when in actuality they sucked. Apparently at lunch time poor ALANiS sat by herself and read books because all the other kids were very immature and constantly rude...good, why should someone of her stature and talent be associated with filthy failures like them. Where are those kids today...who knows or cares. The only good thing about the whole series was ALANiS and the fact that the money she earned from the show helped her release her Canadian single "Fate Stay With Me" which is a superb song. All in all, ALANiS is the reason to watch this series, if she's not on then stick it. Rock on ALANiS!!!
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Just One of the Girls (1993 Video)
For The Hardcore ALANiS Fan Only!!!
7 July 1999
ALANiS is the only reason to watch this movie! If they ever re-release the movie the cover should feature her picture and she should be the first one listed in the credits! The movie has some early Canadian ALANiS hits like "Too Hot", "An Emotion Away", and remixes of "Feel Your Love" (Which she performs at the end!), these songs and her performance/cameo is the only enjoyable parts of the whole film. ALANiS didn't even have to try to steal the spotlight...she must be the only reason this movie is still printed. The rest however is ridiculous far-fetched tripe which is as boring as it is disgusting(ie. The shower scene). When a film features a guy shaving his legs, wearing a long blonde wig, and sporting panty hose, you know you're in for a real "winner". The fact that everybody is convinced that this guy is actually a female is incredible, anyone could tell that it's really a guy. The acting is nothing short of pathetic (not including ALANiS), and the plot is ludicrous. Watch this film for one purpose...ALANiS. I would normally rate this movie a 0, but since ALANiS is in it...10. Rock on ALANiS!!!
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