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What kind of experiences have Ching?
2 December 2015
Well, if some chef goes and tries to rescue some spot, I expect the chef knows about cooking, has some culinary schools etc. What has Ching, presenter of this series? She studied economy, not culinary, and her cooking is about DIY only. But she is great in things how to reach money from her TV shows, books etc. Well, try to watch 1x10 episode in Satay restaurant. Owner has long-life experiences in cooking and she is convinced by young DIY chef how to do it better. Come on! How Ching could know her knowledges are on master chef degree? The plan of each episode is also so boring - Ching comes in, criticizes the food, explains how to cook better foods according her, her team overhaul dining room, grand reopening and - success! Well, really? Or is it only reality shows' "truth"?
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Legend Quest (2011– )
19 January 2012
Common! This nothing has with archeology, it's fake by fake. How you can trust anybody, who breaks in any place, trying to find "clue", oh yes, and suddenly he sees wings of angels or cross or labyrinth or stone in bull-corner or anything like this and knows where to go then? "See, it looks like skull - definitely skull of Mayan children or priests who hidden talking cross!" - "Oh, amazing! It's too small for coffin it must be arch of covenant!" - "Superb, thus sculpture looks like little box, it is clue pointing to this door!" Really funny. And what is surprising - they found nothing! Arch of covenant is hidden beyond wooden wall, so we leave it. Mayan talking cross is definitely hidden beyond stone block under water. Etc. And what this really annoying editing? I know spectators could have lower IQ but not all are stupid.
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Bio-Dead (2009 TV Movie)
REC reloaded by Resident Evil
17 October 2010
How to shoot coll and in movie?

Take video-camera and some friend, and go to some abandoned building. Some chasing would be fine, some slobbering - and all these things you have to shoot in dark.

Maybe it's a new trendy - amateur films which want to be cult movies. But you must know something about shooting of movies.

This movie wants to look like movie REC, the story is copied from Resident Evil and thousands of similar stories (you know, zombie vs. people, slaughtering, slasher genre, trying for gore effects, but zero idea on the other hand...).

I think it is a waste of time to see such movies.
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T.M.A. (2009)
Not horror at all
29 November 2009
The horror movie must have some attributes. This movie has three story lines, but no connection among them. There is story about musician who has trauma from his childhood. There is story line about Nazis (only in the end of movie). And there is story about some ghosts but they do nothing. The ghosts don't move objects, don't kill, don't scare, only sometimes they walk around and pass away. Oh yes, and some moments are like from lesbian porno movie and you don't know why these scenes are in the movie.

Well, the acting is also terrible. And at the end of movie, when the hero has clear all now, the sun rise - so the stupid viewer can understand it all is clear now. Some actors can do that only by acting itself.
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Excellent adventure comedy
26 January 2006
I was little scared to watch this movie after TV series like Adventure, Inc., or movies like Lara Croft. But this is very good surprise! Acting is pretty good, there are plenty details, jokes, parodies and parody sketches in this movie - and of course plenty of the quotes! The story isn't so important, we saw it much time before - but vice versa. Now that strong, muscle and brave one isn't man, but woman, and man is "only" clever and smart. But this duo have my sympathy, it works! Yes, well, the story - new Metropolitan librarian must save the world and get spear of fate before the bad ones get it. We visit jungle, Maya temple, Himalaya, Shagri-La and Cheops pyramid replica. What to want more? Only SEQUEL, if it be in the same mood and good like this first movie.
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Blízko nebe (2005)
Unrealistic movie about nothing
8 January 2006
Very postmodernic colorful movie about nothing. We are in hotel in the middle of Prague - well, I don't know similar Prague hotel, where live old Czech people and speak English, even Czech TV moderators speak English - and we can see lives of some strange inhabitants - and owner of the hotel and receptionist. Young Smason paints his pictures and loves Emily - he also comments very rare and tiresome lives of other people in hotel. Well, there is some plot, but very far-fetched and unlogical. Maybe you hope, there is functional any poetic atmosphere, but not. If movie wanted something to say, I don't know what - and why, too. Acting is also terrible and spoken English for laughing.
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Entrusted (2003 TV Movie)
Unbelievable gallimaufry
28 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is funny movie - some Nazists want Jewish money (about 70 millions marks), but only two or three people know the numbers of accounts - man, his daughter - and her little genius son. Man is killed, mother (in sexy red suit and armed with Mauser) rescue some Jews and children from Nazis office in France - and is killed, other people are killed, boy has flu... and pretty clever professor (Klaus Maria Brandauer) goes in his steps. Yes, this boy is so smart he know 20 draws in advance in chess - but he is surprised that the professor has gun... And that isn't enough - suddenly young man from America appears on the stage and believe or not - he is the real boy's father! This movie is mix of thriller, action, drama, smart-clever-men-movies, but in whole is only laughable.
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Little gem
25 April 2005
This movie is about ordinary life o village people in one part of Spain. We can see old woman seeking some guests, especially her daughter with husband and children, women in local factory, children playing in the streets or in wreck of bus outside village - but they all are preparing for weekend and celebration. This would be great point in life of village, so there are drinks, eat, they can dance... But this "ordinary" life has also other meaning - it's life of everybody - his plays, dreams, shopping etc., with one pleasure possibility to have fun on some celebration. The director have been shooting this movie about three years and because he knows village people in movie the movie itself has very impressive touch of humanity.
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Why these types of movies?
31 August 2004
I've just seen this movie on DVD but I think it's useless movie. Well, great acting, interesting locations, but what does it say? Neo-nazism is bad. We know it. Neo-nazists are rough, non-cultural and violent people. Yes, we know it, too. They hate other nations, especially from Asia and Africa. And we now this again. Is this movie for good people? Maybe, but they know about these problems and this movie is too violent for them. Is this movie for neo-nazists? Maybe, but then they could take it like gloryfying neo-nazism. I wonder why are movies of this kind shooted? It helps nobody and nothing and the source of violence and hate don't erase.
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Movie about our childhood dreams
20 July 2001
This movie is about our childhood dreams. Lemuel Gulliver is seeking his love (who he lost in teenage years) in strange land full of strange people. But the story isn´t so main for this movie but atmosphere and feelings. You find yourself dreaming about your childhood dreams, strange adult world around you and maybe you find there are still interesting places and miracles in the world around you.
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Murder 101 (1991 TV Movie)
Good satire
18 August 1999
I saw this movie in terrible Czech dubbing, but there are good jokes and satire in this movie which is difficult to erase. Slow motion in story but great in atmosphere, cast and in total feeling. And if you are a fan of Pierce Brosnan, don't miss this movie.
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Wolf's Hole (1987)
Excellent psychology horror
4 February 1999
A group of young students is on ski training in mountains. There are only one passage to chalet: telpher. They soon discover one of them is additional. And food is less and less. Adult trainers seem to be rather strange, too -- they love snow and cold, they want someone of young people would try to kill another one and maybe they are from outer space. Young people must discover truth, to help themselves and escape. Excellent psychology horror.
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Firehouse (1996 TV Movie)
Silly movie about group of brave firemen
20 January 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Group of firemen is attacked by sweeper. One must go to hospital, others must to accept consolidation of firehouse and rescue unit. Slow movie goes to end -- sweeper was one of recent firemen and murders himself.
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Hollow Point (1996)
funny moments
27 October 1998
I think Hollow Point is a funny film with some good moments I have never seen before in action movies. Well,both Tia Carrere and Thomas Ian Griffith aren't so good in acting, but Tia Carrere is nice and good looking girl, isn't it? But Donald Sutherland is superb in his role so-so mad gangster.
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