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Cats (2019)
Hallucinant masterpiece!
23 August 2020
I know it isnot the populair opinon, but I think Cats is a masterpiece. Totaly unique and well executed vision. It's a dance movie in the first place. So the story unfolds on a more abstract level. This gives the director complete freedom to roam where ever he wants to go. Each song gets its own treatment so there is not much for the more conservative viewer to hold on to. Just let go en enjoy the great dancing, beautiful imagery and weird cat people. It's pure fantasy

Don't believe the haters. Have a beer (or two) and watch it for yourself. It will become a cult classic!

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Most borng piece of cinema I've ever seen
28 January 2019
I wat lch a lot of movie from all countries and all genres, but this is the most boring piece of ... I ever saw. It shows an actress/ director doing research. She reeds a couple of minutes from a book, watches a youtubefilm, walks through a museum and lays naked in bed with her boyfriend. That was the first 45 minutes...

The photography was amaturistic and ugly, the discussions between the cast irritating and a mess.

Avoid, avoid, avoid!
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Beast (III) (2017)
Marvelous debut
27 January 2018
Beast is one of the most impressive de ut films I have ever come across. It is a very moody film with excelent acting and beautyful photography.

The story is set at jearnsy, an island in the cold North Sea. The small community is shook up by a serial killer. Agains this background alove story unfolds. It never becomes cliche, but it nicely ballances between the family disput, romantic love and serial killer thriller. It kept me un my toes till the great ending.

Loved every second of it.
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The Pool (2014)
Great Dutch horror movie that hits the spot
8 May 2014
De Poel (The Pool) really surprised me. Where most horror films and especially dutch ones lack tension and add every cliché in the book, The Pool is witty, has a lot of black humor, is well- acted and has just enough gore to satisfy a horror buff, but does not scare away a main stream audience.

It's e well directed family drama turning sour when a acing trip turns into a believable nightmare. Sound design and music ensure a good creepy vibe. The characters are believable, even when the start going a bit berserk.

I really enjoyed it. Fun to watch and a little bit scary.

Well done!
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A horrific nightmare and another masterpiece
22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First, don't watch this if you are only into plot driven movies that give you a clear set up about what you are gonna see. This is not for blockbuster folk. This is ART!

Only God Forgives is a nightmarish revenge movie turned inside out. Our protagonist does not want to revenge his brothers death. He just wants to get out of the criminal scene of Bangkok and out under the spell of his dominant mother. He gets help form a Thai policeman.

The film is extremely violent, beautifully shot and unveils it's true nature slowly, very slowly. The Asian antagonist is not his enemy, but helping him too get out. But in the end, he has to pay a price.

I'm not sure weather the film plays out a dream or if it is set in a highly stylized reality. it feels like a dream with lot's of shots and scenes both reminiscent of the work of Lynch an Kubrick.

A wonderful piece of art, for those who like to think and explore.

10 out of 10!
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300 (2006)
Almost no action
26 March 2007
This movie was surprisingly very boring. I thought it would be an action packed flick, but it took over an hour before the first fighting started and it was over within 10 minutes, Then the story progresses for another 15-20 before we got another fight and that was it. Well it looked o.k. the story was very thin. I still don't understand why it took them 90% of the time to tell the story. 85% action 15% story was what I had hoped for and what is should have been.

I also thought that the camera-work outside the action scenes was rather old fashioned and static. Looked more like Ben Hur (1959) Than Gladiator.

Very big disappointment and I really don't understand those high rating, because it was supposed to be an action flick, but it lacked the action.
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A+ mazing!!!
19 December 2001
When I saw Bad Taste in 1988, I told all my friends that this guy (Peter Jackson) was more talented than Spielberg (most of them laughed at me), but I never guessed he would be this good. Even though I'm not a big fan of fantasy films about dwarfs, wizards and elves, I was absolutely amazed by what I saw. When I came out it fell like three days had passed since I went into the cinema, so much had happened. This was cinema at it's best!

I'm not familiar with the books but I can understand it if people are a little bit disappointed because they wanted the film to be more thruthfull to their own experience of the book. But I dare anyone who says that Peter Jackson did a bad job to make their own version and do it better or Rest in Pieces!
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Best movie of the 90's
2 September 1999
Kubrick definitly is the master and this is his last trick. In the dawn of the digital area he shows us that with an 16 mm camera (the film looks so grainy it could have been shot on 16 mm) and a piano and a couple of good actors one can make a film that is much more profound and impressive as all multi million dollar action extravaganza.
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irritating and overrated
18 May 1999
I don't see what all the fuss is about, I was very irritated by Begnini's overacting and found it by far not as entertaining and moving as, for instance a lot of Fellini's movies. Not every movie about the Holocaust is an instant masterpiece.
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Best Gangstermovie
3 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This one is better then the Godfather. When Bob Hoskins tries to make a deal with the mob, The IRA comes to spoil it. Great.
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Most Innovating Movie of the Decade
17 February 1999
"The Thin Red Line" is not and has nothing to do with "Saving Private Ryan" except that both movies are set during WWII. "Saving Private Ryan" is an American propaganda film like a lot of movies coming out of Hollywood these days ("Independence Day", "The Siege"). While "The Thin Red Line" is a Work of Art that takes storytelling in movie one step beyond and therefore can be compared to "2001:a Space Odyssey."

Like "The Thin Red Line", "2001" also had a lot of unfavourable reviews when it first came out, simply because a lot of people 'didn't get it'.

"The Thin Red Line" is a great movie, although at this time it looks to me that from all the points it reflests upon, not all of them come across, but I really like the film for letting the audience THINK and make up their own mind about what the film means to them.

I'm really looking forward to more intelligent movies coming out of Hollywood.
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