
3 Reviews
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14 October 2001
This movie was great!!! I haven't felt as satisfied with spending money on a movie at the theater as I did yesterday in a long time. I've been waiting to see a movie like this during my time for a long time, you know, those so-bad-its-good movies everyone is always talking about. Well, I can safely say I love those movies, but none weird enough or horrible enough have come out since the 70's. Now, it has all changed. All the acting was terrible, the special effects were worse than the intros to playstation games, the script was non-existant, and the movie seemed to overall be a super-fast paced movie with about one billion ideas thrown into an hour and a half. None of it made any sense! It was like some amazingly unbelievable psychotic view of how the Earth works. What weirdo made this movie?? Have you ever been outside?? FBI agents shooting secret service agents?? HAHAHAHA I have not laughed so hard at a movie at the theater in forever. I want to go see this again, which I havent found myself saying in quite a while either.

But my god, if they doesnt rank up there with being as awesomely bad as Sometimes Aunt Martha Does dreadful Things, Boarding House, Death Wish Club, and all the other classic Z-movies, then I dont know what does. And I would also like to add that whoever had the amazingly horrible idea of casting R. Lee Emrey as president of the U.S. - you are a genius.

I seem to get the feeling that Udo, Reese, and all the others in this movie were doing horrible acting jobs to add to it. Wasn't it awesome where all of Stone's soldiers were wearing sunglasses? And where Michael York coughed up all those bees and then fell a little as tho it had worn him out? Ah... good times..
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It's a classic
13 June 1999
I didn't throw up. Does that mean I am more than human? Is that a bad thing? I love this movie, one of my all-time favorites. John Waters is the MAN!
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Gummo (1997)
four words baby
4 March 1999
I love this film. I saw it, what, 2 months ago? I rented it twice, then "acquired" it (if I tell you how I got this movie, I'm afraid I will then have to kill you) and I have seen it hundreds of times. I don't know why, I love this movie. Art, brilliance, genius, are not words I really use, so I won't say it's any of that, but this movie is in my top 10 films of all time. I love this movie. I read an interview with Harmony Korine, and, well, IMO he seems to be one of the coolest. I can't wait for his next one. This movie rocks.
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