
57 Reviews
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Bizarre (2015)
No sleep 'til Brooklyn!
16 May 2020
This is currently airing on Xfinity On Demand for Free. As a native Bklynite in one of the most famous cities...err Boroughs in the world, this was somewhat tedious at times. Its only saving grace was the natural acting ability from the entire cast, and having been shot on-location. The menage-a-trois shower scene (featured on the box cover) appears to have been cut from the film. They edited version only shows Maurice taking a shower, as one of the female owners barges in and leaves. Can only recommend as a late-night cable view.
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Call Me (1988)
Hang Up and Call Me unsatisfied!
17 August 2019
Awkward dialogue and uneven acting at times. Film appears to be based on "Lady Beware," which fares better in every way. This film's only saving grace is seeing a pre-Disneyfied NYC. Great views of Downtown Manhattan. Can only recommend as a guilty pleasure/late-night cable viewing.
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Laughable English dubbing ruins another Euro flick
2 May 2019
Rather than give a war & peace shpiel as the other reviewer had done, my critique will be concise. Remember, we're reviewing porn, not The Godfather. eh The so-called "Young Widows" were anything but young, let alone attractive. The sex scenes were uninventive & repetitive. Atypical for Classic European hardcore. In the end, this film would have fared slightly better had they left the native dialogue intact, and opted for Subtitles. Listening to phony moans takes away from the overall sensuality to any erotic film.
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Basquiat (1996)
Style over substance
24 August 2017
Despite watching this repeatedly on Pay cable, Wright's performance was simply too laid back. I doubt the actual Basquiat was this subdued. Soundtrack was memorable, as were the on-location shots of NYC. While Basquiat dropped out of High School at 15, it still makes me proud to know that he attended my Alma Mater, Edward R. Murrow. Along with Marisa Tomei, Adam Yauch, and Darren Aronofsky, ERM was Bklyn's version of FAME (LaGuardia HS for The Performing Arts). ERM had The Joseph Papp Theatre and its own Planetarium. It was a unique school that produced many talented artists and entertainers.
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Eerily similar plot to "Malice" with Alec Baldwin
18 August 2017
Recently saw this on pay cable. The look of the film teetered between B-cable movie and Theatrically released. You had fairly recognizable stars, many of whom were miscast. Screenplay was written by none other than Robbie Benson. Have not seen him as an actor in many years. "Betrayal Of The Dove" was nothing more than an enjoyable Guilty Pleasure. Billy Zane was as quirky as ever. Also refreshing to see the late Alan Thicke portray a villain.
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Convoluted mess...
8 August 2017
Astounded at the rave reviews for this confusing crime yarn. There was no semblance of a storyline. Vague character study and plot. The filmmakers created a generic storyline around a shipment of merchandise. While this film managed to keep my interest toward the middle, I still have no idea what the direct storyline was about. A middle-aged hoodlum with an office? LOL!
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La La Land (2016)
Overrated, unimpressive shlock...
19 July 2017
The unimpressive opening dance number sets the tone for this mishegoss of a film. Yet another case of "The Academy" (ie. anyone with a SAG card) voting for films that they have clearly never seen. How this qualified as a so-called Musical is truly a mystery? The musical numbers totaled less than 10-minutes. Zero chemistry and zero character study between the main stars. Stilted dialogue that chewed at my ears with no semblance of a plot. La-La Land was nothing more than an excuse to create lavish sets. Despite my cousin having co-produced this film, I will still stand by my educated review. In the end, an actor's actor always chooses NYC over LA-LA Land.
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Hot Lips (1984)
As good as any cable B-movie
13 July 2017
The mark of any good skin flick is the ability to abstain from using the remote's ffwd button. I was able to sit through the entire film. "Hot Lips" plays like any well-made B-movie. Humorous plot, catchy theme, and great camera work. Bobby Spector was perfectly cast as the lead. While not as prolific as Tom Byron, Spector is frequently cast as a character younger than his actual years. Sandi King is the stand-out. Maturer than her peers and raunchy as hell.
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Finally, a Classic Adult Foreign import in its native tongue...
28 June 2016
Having long frowned upon poorly English-dubbed imports, it was a breath of fresh to finally see Gourmet Video (GVC) release "The French Butler" in its native tongue. Including subtitles no less! As opposed to phony oohs & ahhs from voice-over actors (I use that term loosely) who are not "in the moment." Ultimately taking away from the eroticism and overall flow to a film. Unfortunately, most American distributors of European classics opt for dubbing. Starring the ubiquitous Gabriel Pontello, the sexual situations were average for a Euro classic. It may have fared better had it been shot on 35mm film, which always lends an air of sophistication. Overall, a rare chance to see native-speaking French performers in a Classic Erotic film.
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First appeared on WHT's "Nightcap" back in the '80s
8 September 2015
Had originally seen this on Wometco Home Theatre as an adolescent. WHT (beamed atop the Empire State Building) was the first pay cable network to feature "Nightcap" series of films - ie. Softcore. From my recollection, Housewife played like a well-made B-movie with seasoned performances from Jennifer Welles & Eric Edwards. Both of whom are legends in the Hardcore erotic world. Have no idea why this film has yet to find mass distribution? It would be nice to see Netflix, et al carry what is essentially an R-rated film. Particularly since they already carry Al Goldstein's Midnight Blue series. They simply don't make 'em like they used to!
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A Storm in Summer (2000 TV Movie)
Has Heart & Chutzpah!
15 June 2015
Despite uneven acting at times, this film still had its heart in the right place. Peter Falk (Jewish in real life) gives the best performance of the entire cast. Aaron Meeks (Herman D. Washington) had natural acting promise, but still needed a few more acting lessons. The scene where he cries was simply not convincing at all. If his adult IMDb credit list is any indication to the above, he never applied whatever talent he may have had, as his adult credits were all relegated to bit roles. Natassja Kinski was terribly miscast. Hokey acting throughout. Nice to see Andrew McCarthy with somewhat long, hippie hair. Overall, a nice tightknit film that focused on storyline rather than most of the unoriginal CGI-laded shlock of today.
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Dubbing once again ruins another Foreign import...
4 June 2015
Despite a nonsensical plot, this film (shot on 35mm) could have fared slightly better had VCX/Cal Vista International opted for Subtitles. I can't understand why anyone would want to see a film dubbed with laughable English voice-over actors (I use that term loosely) who are not "in the moment?" Leave the native dialogue intact. Hearing phony oohs & ahhs and bad acting ultimately ruins the overall flow of the film. A rare mustachioed Garbiel Pontello ("John Leslie Of European Porn") has a small role. I assume this was one of his earlier roles. Dominique Aveline ("John") is the lead who always looks like he stepped off a Pirate ship. LOL! Richard Allan & Guy Royer are two other prolific European lead co-stars. Did not recognize any of the female actors. Some were attractive, others less so. Nothing impressive about the sexual situations, which is atypical for Classic Euro porn. In the end, I would love to see this film and others re-released in their native tongue. At the minimum, add a Subtitles option to the main menu.
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Politically Incorrect classic...
18 March 2015
The Dark Bros. have always been The Howard Sterns of erotica. Tasteless, raunchy, and always in your face. Even the soundtrack score to a Dark Bros. film always fares better than most. I wish half the musical shlock of today sounded as catchy. LOL! Erica Boyer & Keli Richards receive top billing. Both of whom always appear to be enjoying their chosen profession. Dark Bros. favorite Jack Baker co-stars. He began as a so-called legitimate actor, and is always on-fire with his energetic performances. Rachel Ryan is billed as Penny Morgan when she was au natural - ie. pre-face-lift. The usual male performers are here: Byron, Powers, Rome, Wallice, and Dick Rambone who always looks like a deer caught in headlights.
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One has to be on Crack(er) to dig this dreck....
15 March 2015
Fred Williamson should not be allowed behind a camera. While I find his classic blaxploitation films to be some of the finest of its genre, this latter one was simply Godawful. Acting, storyline, title ("Soda Cracker" when aired on cable), you name it. I've never seen as many inconsistent emotions to scenes than this film. The continuity was all over the place. It was unintentionally hilarious at times. The only positives that I can see: eye candy provided by Maud Adams & Phyllis Hyman. Albeit, Fred spent so much time on one scene with singer Hyman that it could have been released as a concert film. LOL! Pass on this, and stick to any of his classic ones from the 70s.
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Visually appealing...
16 January 2015
While the previous reviewer may have a calling as a professional film critic, he gives way too much credence to this film. My review may be bias, as I (American) have yet to see this film in its native tongue. As opposed to the dreadful English dubbing that utilizes voice-over actors, with their phony oohs and ahhs. Ultimately taking away from the "in the moment" experience. I wish American distributors (provides European classics with a broader market) would opt for subtitles in lieu of dubbing. Regardless, "The Arrangement" excels in two areas: visual style and a unique accompanying soundtrack. I felt as If I was watching an early MTV video. And while the ending did throw me for a loop, the overall plot was disposable.
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Definitely not PG...
27 December 2014
Contrary to what one reviewer claims, the American version with the always laughable broken-English is not harmless. It's still explicitly Hardcore, and should be intended for adult-viewing only. My only qualm is not opting for subtitles when Europeam films hit the American market. The voice-over actors are not "in the moment," and their phony "oohs" and "ahhs" ultimately take away from the entire visual experience. Regardless, Olinka (aka Marilyn L'Amour) more than makes up for it. Not only did Olinka have better facial structure than the actual Marilyn Monroe, she probably shtupped better too!eh Olinka still brings back many fond memories of my horny adolescence. Would love to see this released to digital medium. Essex Video, let's join the 21st Century!!
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Chubasco (1968)
Rebel Without A Cause for The 60s...
14 January 2014
While not as well-made, or as acclaimed, there were obvious similarities between "Chubasco" & "Rebel Without A Cause." Mainly due to its star, Christopher Jones, a self-admitted Dean fanatic who beared remarkable resemblance to Dean. Jones was soon hailed as the "next James Dean" of his generation. Unfortunately, his promising career never rose above expectations. Regardless, all the Deanerisms can clearly be seen in his seminal performance. It also didn't hurt to have the daughter of Lee Strasberg as his co-star. Ultimately lending further credence to the uncanny resemblance/career path of Jones. Can only recommend to Deaners and/or curiosity seekers. Hard to come by outside of commercial t.v.
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Box Ball (1977)
24 July 2012
I can only recommend this mini-movie porn as a novelty. Gives a whole new meaning to AC/DC's "Big Balls." LOL! You'll never quite think about your Short & Curlies in the same light again. Both participants appear to be well into middle-age. The male is uncircumcised, which certainly adds to the cringing aspect. The female is a tad overweight and slightly homely. This short is usually found on Video-X-Pix's Special Features menu. I don't believe it can be obtained elsewhere. IOW, you have to be lucky enough to find the film that features it. If anyone is interested in a copy, drop me a line. A few bucks gets you a copy. Take care. -D
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Leave the original language intact...
1 January 2012
I must respectfully disagree with the above review: English dubbing is the worst thing that can be done to non-English speaking films, be it Erotic or otherwise. I would much rather have the original "in the moment" acting with subtitles than non-intentionally hilarious overacting. Phony "oohs" and "ahhs" do not add to the sensuality of a film. When the sex is good, you do not need to hear what is being said. The emotions relay the storyline. Unfortunately, dubbing removes the emotional aspect. As with most European period skinflicks of this genre, the sex scenes are interesting and intense. This film is along the same lines as Josephine, Sensational/Professional Janine.
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Miami Spice (1986)
Better than average directing....
17 April 2011
Thanks to Svetlana, this fared better than it would have. IOW, I couldn't disagree more with the above reviewer. On-location scenes (including a yacht) outweighed the disposable storyline. Dare was hardly in the picture until the very end. The original music was similar to Miami Vice. They even used the red Lamborghini. In the end, the appearance and overall feel of the film played like a good B-movie. Danielle, Amber (look for the other Lynn (Porsche) toward the end), Sheri & Randy carried the entire film. When compared to today's assemblyline porn, classic erotica from the '70s & '80s can do you no wrong!
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Born to Run (1993 TV Movie)
Modern-day reworking of Rebel Without A Cause
20 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As far as B-movies go, this one was above par. "Deaners" will surely get a kick out of seeing Greico donned in full Rebel regalia, right down to his white tee, jeans & Red windbreaker jacket. There's even a scene where Greico goes to the police station to report a death at one of the drag-racings gone wrong. Sound familiar? The Rebel coincidences keep on coming: say hello to a Sal Mineo type who looks up to Greico's character! eh And the son who longs to have his father's approval. The camera-work when Greico is in the car preparing to drag, is also straight out of Rebel. While most of this film takes place in the dark, it still managed to keep my interest.
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Slit Skirts (1983)
An underrated cult gem
4 December 2008
In the tradition of "New Wave Hookers" & "Squalor Motel," this was a fast-paced raunchy romp with unique camera-work, and a better than average soundtrack. As someone who tires of seeing the same faces in porn, it was refreshing to see a few unfamiliar ones. I am also very surprised to see that this film only received an average rating of 5 stars. Plot wise, Silvera plays a head psychiatrist who oversees a group of psychosexual patients. The exterior shots of the mental hospital appear to be none other than the infamous Creedmore in Queens, NY. Sidenote: look for Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy, who performs autofellatio in this film.
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Plays like a good B-movie!
25 November 2008
While most of the acting is subpar (excluding Georgina Spelvin), this is perhaps one of the better-made films of the "Johnny Wadd" detective series. The exterior shots in San Francisco lend to the overall feel of this film. Remember, during the Golden Age of Porn, there were only two locales where one could shoot: San Francisco (not The Valley) and New York City. In an age where today's run of the mill porn is filled with silicon, bad tattoos, bikini lines & gonzo camera-work, "The Jade Pussycat" comes as a breath of fresh air. Sidenote: look for a cameo by director Bob Chinn. -D, NYC "You think it's easy? I'd like to see Sir Laurence Olivier act with his dick out!" - RON JEREMY
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Roommates (1982)
Precursor to Raw Talent
7 November 2008
Chuck Vincent is perhaps the first "mainstream" filmmaker to crossover into adult films. When one is able to watch "Roommates" (1981), without having to utilize the ffwd search button, that is the mark of any good adult film. It has above-average acting and storyline, shot entirely on-location in NYC (most romanticized city in TV/film), and fairly arousing sex scenes. This film is on par with any mainstream B-movie. Sidenote: cult fans of "Raw Talent" (1984) will get a kick out of seeing Jerry Butler in what appears to be a precursor to his "Eddie" character. This role seems to have been the basis for his casting in "Raw Talent," right on down to using the same name, "Eddie." Butler once again gives a wacky and unpredictable performance as a struggling actor looking to make the big time.
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Love Potion #69
7 November 2008
Softcore (version that I had seen) romp through a boarding school for troubled girls. Subplot revolves around a scientist and his secret love potion. "Danish Pastries" is yet another erotica classic that plays like a good mainstream B-movie. High production values lends to the entire visual experience. As an American, I would prefer seeing foreign films in their native tongue and/or with subtitles, rather than poorly acted voice-overs. Why American producers insist on doing this, is beyond me. Since it was softcore, far and few scenes were able to achieve the height of eroticism. Once again, if you tire of today's assemblyline of camcorder porn, this film is sure to please.
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