
4 Reviews
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Out of Order (2003)
American TV at its best!
1 July 2003
With first season thru, I'm able to say this is one outstanding TV show. I hope there will be a second season, but the first season alone is, as a "mini series" amazingly good. Everyday relationship issues handled with extreme care; black humour mixed with ice cold tragedy without ever being pretentious or melodramatic. Excellent shot and with metafilm views to an amount never seen in american television (at least not by me).

OK, i'm biased; I adore both Eric Stoltz and William H Macy, but even if Stoltz is more of an main actor than ever before and extremely important for this show, the show in itself would be substantial without him.

This show (and its forecasted success-to-be) will probably lead to production companies that take more chances; don't under-estimate their audience, and aim on quality and meaning. Hugh amount of creds to everyone behind this project!
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B-action turns into psychological drama, and back to B-action
15 November 2000
This Japanese movie starts as a modern b-action, when two men are about to rob a bank. During the robbery, which probably doesn´t go as they´ve planned, only one man - Yamazaki - gets away alive, and while he rushes from the scene of the crime, he accidently stabs a young woman. From this point, the story turns more into a psychological drama, in which he tries to make up with his guilty conscience in different ways. The peak of the film is a long monologue with an off screen voice, where Yamazaki tries to convince himself that it wasn´t his fault, which results in the illogical conclusion that HE is the victim in this mess.

From this point, the film again turns into b-action, not that clever or exciting.

The ending, or should i say the four endings, is really bad. He makes not one closing scene, but a total of four long scenes with fading or an object disappearing in the distance, and yet not does the movie end. Frustrating and annoying.

Japan has produced much better films than this one, but it´s not the worst either...
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childish, clumsy humour
21 August 1999
I agree to most critics in this page, and would just like to make one thing clear about the people who thought The Phantom Menace was better than the three earlier films. I can guarantee that one of the best films they´ve ever seen, is Men in Black.

And the rest of us, who don´t like childish, clumsy humour performed by animated monsters, well, we have to wait and hope that Part II have a little more substance, and build up more "alive" characters.
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A good idea...
21 January 1999
..isn´t always the same as a good film. In this case, a very good idea turns into an average hollywood production. I would like to call it WASTE OF GOOD IDEAS.
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