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Ok somebody please classify this movie for me.
21 March 1999
Well I must tell you I had trouble classifying this movie. I wouldn't exactly call it a horror but it has been clumped together under this broad teen horror category. Anyways it's about a small town in Cradle bay whose residents use mind control on the 'bad' kids to turn them into the 'good' kids or 'blue ribbons'. This mind control is not without its side-effects and it is particularly noted that when a blue ribbon gets horny they are uncontrollable. Enter new family from out of town, in particular Steven who falls in with a bunch of 'bad' kids. This group including Gavin, U.V (pigmentally challenged) and Rachel (Katie Holmes from Dawsons Creek) suspect that something is up but only Gavin knows for sure. Anyway blah blah blah Gavin gets converted the rest go into action. They win and live happily ever after. Well what more did you expect from a teen/horror movie?
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False Advertising
21 March 1999
I obviously think more of this movie than the writer of the back blurb. His/her explanation of what the movie is about doesn't even come close to what actually happens. It leads me to believe that he/she did not in fact watch the film. You be the judge.

Back Blurb: "Below the floor, beyond the light, he lives! He is every monster known to mankind, part man, part werewolf, part vampire, part devil- he can appear anywhere, anytime. Journey back to 1951, where a cult comic book artist conjures up an ancient curse to inspire his drawing. Suddenly a howl from the cellar shatters the silence - his latest creation has come to life.. and it kills without need or mercy.

Here is where the bulls**t begins 40 Long years later, (incorrect it was 30) the artist's body still has never been found. Intrigued by this mystery, shy, young artist Whitney Taylor enters the abandoned Gothic house. (Okay lets see a. Body was found, b. girl not shy, c. House is neither gothic nor deserted. It is fact an artists retreat.) She discovers deep below the floor,(Actually in a chest) a book containing the artist's last drawings..(Nope wrong again it was a demon book) and the curse that will once again bring to life the creature known as the CELLAR DWELLER!

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that would have to be the worst description of a movie that I have ever heard. That aside as I previously mentioned it was a good movie, and a good looking monster.
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So much premise. The end result was disappointing
23 February 1999
I went to see this movie with high expectations. I had been told that it was hilarious/ witty and a great film.

Bah, I'll admit the film had a few good laughs but I would hardly call it hilarious. The biggest let down in this film was there were far too many moments when nothing much happened. It was these moments which distracted from this unique film.

Scenery was excellent so if you are homesick for Ireland see this film other wise wait to it come out on video.
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Urban Legend (1998)
When will somebody break out of the Scream mold?
23 February 1999
Ok so Scream revitalised the teen horror market. BUT that doesn't mean every horror movie that follows it has to be an exact duplicate. I realise that Urban Legends storyline was by the same guy that worked on Scream but for god's sake, whatever happened to originality. I am sick to death of the drivel mass-marketed/mass-produced snot that is coming from hollywood ala Scream/Scream2/I Know../I still Know../ and now I can add to this Urban Legend.

Horror should not follow a formula which has been determined as a) gather attractive cast. b) have them dating each other c) kill them off slowly whilst not knowing who the killer is.


As the movie itself quotes

"Ooh an urban legend serial killer, it's quite a stretch"

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The Faculty (1998)
Go into the theatre with low expectations and you will enjoy this movie
14 February 1999
Forget for one moment that this movie is a rip-off of countless other movies, forget all the overdone stereotypes and instead enjoy it as a separate entity.

The 90's for me has been a time for cheesy, mass-marketed horror movies that try to appeal to the mass majority, a la Scream2, I know what you did last Summer. As such they have seriously annoyed me. The few exceptions have been Scream, which mocks the whole horror movie scene, and as such was hilarious, Halloween H20 which continued where the original left off, and now I can add the Faculty to that list.

First impressions when I entered the picture theatre to see this movie was I had made a mistake. You see the cinema was crowded with teeny-boopers, who could not kept still or be quiet and I thought, god-damn it another mass marketed bomb. Imagine my surprise then when the movie started and the screams and "thats gross" issued from these teeny-boppers (oh joyous, I dare say a few of them will have nightmares).

This movie whilst not the best horror movie ever made by all means still appealed to me because it appeared to scoop all of the cliche's together and still have a reasonable storyline. As for those who say this movie was predictable, then I think they can see the future.

Go on see it, apart from the very annoying ending, it is enjoyable if not amusing
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Ronin (1998)
Exciting car chase scene/s, Explosions, guns, De niro, Reno, excellent
14 February 1999
I was very impressed by this movie, It kinda reminded me of Heat, (not the storyline but the style). This was truly a thinking man's movie. Alliegences changed so many times during this movie that you had to have your wits about you.

Add to this Robert De Niro, "ex cia", Jean Reno (excellent in the professional), car chases galore, exciting scenery, gunfire murder and you have all the elements of this great film.

Plot: A group of specialist in different fields of espionage are gathered by an unknown irish extremist, to obtain a briefcase containing unknown material. Many groups want this case, especially the Russians and the Irish. The rest of the movie focuses on obtaining and keeping the case.

Go see it, you'll be glad you did.
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Subspecies (1991 Video)
It certainly 'aint Buffy the vampire Slayer!
3 February 1999
This movie had a lot of potential so it was a pity that it didn't use it! The scenery was excellent the actors were attractive, the special effects were good, but the story simply did not last 81 minutes. As a result during the movie there were sections were almost nothing happened. It was these moments that wrecked this movie for me . It simply wasn't fast paced enough to justify my horror needs. The other area that this movie floundered was storyline. On the surface it made sense, but, when studied many cracks appeared. Why did he want the blood stone? Who were the demons ? and more importantly Why did the vampires appear in full daylight. Recommendations : If vampires is your thing see this movie.
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Howling VI: The Freaks (1991 Video)
They just keep getting worse
3 February 1999
To describe this movie in one word I would say S**T, and if given more words it's a stinker of epic proportions. This movie promises Werewolf Vs Vampire in a nail biting showdown but what you get is about five minutes of wrestling ending with the vampires death. WOW nailbiting huh. Do not get this movie out, you have been warned.
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The Borrower (1991)
Spare yourself the effort
3 February 1999
How do I describe this movie? Ok take s**t multiply it by a 1000 and your part way there. This movie is that bad. No plot at all, an alien sent to earth as punishment kills people because he needs their heads, (his explode). Bad from beginning to end. Lowlight : He uses the head of a dog when his head explodes. Recommendation : Round up every copy and burn them. QUICKLY
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Chew on this.
3 February 1999
Gnaw on! This movie rocked. What do you get when you take a dozen rats, inject them with growth hormones and let them loose with a taste for human flesh? You get 82 minutes of enjoyment that's what. This sequel had plenty of gory effects and countless deaths. What more could you ask for? I think I will keep this movie.
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There still not coming home
3 February 1999
Direct rip-off of Friday the 13th but a damn good effort. (Especially the part were a prank involves the campers dressing up as Freddy, Jason and Leatherface, leatherface wins). This movie has all the good elements of a slasher pic, plenty of gory deaths, nudity, darkness but unlike mindless slasher films the story actually made sense. There was motive in the madness you might say. Rent it today and keep the copy.
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The Slayer (1982)
AGH, Too many bad movies is not good.
3 February 1999
The best thing about this movie was the previews. That aside this movie didn't have much going for it. Storyline : Female dreams about her friends dying and surprise, surprise, they do. The thing is when you only have three friends the killing doesn't last very long now does it? The thing that annoyed me the most about this film was the ending.

Now I've seen it all.
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Jekyll and Hyde type tale in which a female keeps changing into a hideous monster with an urge to kill
17 January 1999
Would you risk everything to be young again? Would you willingly be a guinea pig in an experiment to reverse ageing? Juvenatix's answer to this is yes. And the result is a Jekyll and Hyde type tale where the guinea pig in question keeps changing from a young female into a hideous monster with an urge to kill. The special effects in this movie are well worth seeing , especially the part were she transforms for the last time. Lowlight : Attractive lab assistant gets the top of her skull knocked off.
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Slasher pick with a difference. Electric guitar drill, come on
15 January 1999
Ok who in their right mind comes up with weapons like electric guitar DRILLS? B******d if I know but these people must be seriously twisted. Anyway in this case the guitar/drill is a very novel, unique choice for a weapon which makes this movie very interesting. The death scenes are very twisted, as you can probably imagine because the killer plays the guitar and sings as he kills his victims. WHO thinks of this (wacko).Back to the review, this movie is definitely worth seeing if only for amusement value, oh and to check out the excellent camera angles in the dream sequences
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