
5 Reviews
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How long can 70 minutes take?
26 October 1999
Though this movie is visually very attractive, opening with night shots of Rotterdam in a Bladerunner, bigcity style, it can not hide that the story is actually very thin. after 20 minutes the effect of uncorrected tube-lights have lost their charm and you start to notice that the dialogue is really slow and not that interesting. If the goal of the movie is to make you really feel the uncomfortable atmosphere it succeeded. The uncomfortable feeling you get with this movie is helped by the bad dialogue and the visual abundance to cover this up. Helping also is the way the soundtrack, though really good, has been put under the worst pieces of dialogue that clearly needed some help. All this makes you hope for a good twist at the end of the movie that will make the time spent listening to semi-filosophicall chitchat worthwhile. Too bad this twist doesn't come and you are left wondering how it is possible that a 70 minutes movie can feel like it took 150 minutes. A waste of money and talent.
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What a sad sentimental movie
19 March 1999
I'm not the sentimental type, I don't know what it was in this movie, the rain, the singing or the sadness of live, but I just got all warm inside. It was such a beautiful film, and it had just the right length too. Very nice.
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Very good film, with the emphasis on very.
10 March 1999
This movie was one of my first contacts with french cinema. Later I saw a bunch more, but this one stays one of the best. It gives a somewhat scary insight in the rural parts of France. It shows a group of young boys that have definitely suffered from heavy inbreed. They are miserable machos wih an attitude. It shows a young generation with few hopes but the cheap thrills and the fast kicks. The tone of the story could be compared with 'Gummo'. The style of the movie is obviously not comparable with Gummo, since nothing is comparable in style with Gummo. But, returning to la vie de jesus, It is a beautiful movie wich leaves you with a strangely uncomfortable feeling. If you have the chance, go see it. The only thing that I really can't place it the very explicit shot somewhere in the middle of the movie.
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Destiny (1997)
If you haven't seen this, you're missing out!
4 March 1999
This Egyptian, French production is really my favourite film. It just touches you. The way a modern theme, fundementalism is placed in a 14th century setting without losing any of the sharp edges involving the subject. If you're in to political engaged movies, watch this one. If you're in to musicals, watch this one. If you're in to historical movies, watch this one. If you're in to Arab movies, watch this one. It just keeps your attention throughout the entire movie. It's a happy movie but yet has a heavy tone. And, God I like them Tambourines!
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The kind of movie that is a waste of time puting on a reel
26 February 1999
Witman fiuk is the most anoyingly depressing and slow movie I have ever seen. I am an operator at a local art-movie-house, and I wonder why I put time in these kind of moviess. The five visitors we had for this movie is still too large a crowd. My co-operator actually left the show because 'he was too much alive for this kind of movie'. I totally agree, was it not for the fact that someone has to stay next to the projector I would have left as well. The movie totally depends on the gloomy 'hungary by candlelight' look and has a story wich does not stimulate to keep on watching. Not only is the film depressing, it is frustrated aswell. Anyone under 70: avoid this movie!
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