
6 Reviews
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The Insider (1999)
Simply Wonderful
5 November 1999
Just been to see The Insider and Words do indeed Fail.

I think the plot isn't as good as Heat, but the direction is probably better. And the soundtrack is even more amazing! It may not feature the line "risk versus reward, baby", but it still rocks majorly.

Pacino is actually quite brilliant, Russell Crowe is good, the other people are cool, and Diane 'oh look she's in Heat too' Venora is ok. There's a great cameo by Gina Gershon looking horny as ever, and lots of fab southern accents.

But the whole thing is classic 'the same guy who did Miami Vice'. It's like he's conscious of it being a bit of a dull story, so he decides to just make it really watchable and an incredible audio-visual experience. There's a bit near the start where they are having a conversation by sending each other faxes that is soooooo M Mann! And the scene where Crowe arrives at the court to give his testimony (which is your bog standard Lot's Of Journalists Standing Outside and People Saying 'No Comment') is simply magical.

At 157mins, it's a bit short though (seriously!); it's even a bit rushed at the start, although he manages to dwell wonderfully on the stuff near the end.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Yippee Kay Yay!
27 August 1999
Generally, this is fairly average. The plot is ok, the action is ok, Robert Patrick is very cool and Bruce is Bruce. But this film is brilliant because it has one of the most appalling, cliched and utterly, utterly terrible scripts of any film ever. Some of the most inspired dialogue since Star Wars. I love it!
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Words cannot describe
9 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
As you may be able to tell from the title this is a slasher movie. But, it is not, repeat NOT in anyway an ironic Scream type parody. This is the film that the "seen to be believed" cliche was made for. All on a budget of exactly no dollars and no cents.

Then there is the script. Lines like "How can you stand there and talk about something as ridiculous as that? You know what that Llama meant to me" just seem natural in this. The "obligatory music video scene" is just priceless, and this is probably the only film you're ever likely to see with a Llama funeral in it.

And the cameo at the end from the greatest Llama of them all, the Dalai Llama (sic.) fits in almost as well as the "acting".
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I'm Alan Partridge (1997–2002)
Even Better
28 April 1999
If Knowing Me, Knowing You was good, then what is this?

Lynn, I'm not driving a mini-metro. Just try and finish that sentence. Go on, just try. I'm not driving a mini metro.

I think I could pretty much survive on an IV drip being played I'm Alan Partridge continuously. Maybe the odd pint now and again, but basically that would be a complete life.

Scum, sub human scum.

There's no such word as "spliddin'".

And what were all those dream sequence/strip bar things about, anyway?!

Anyone got a battery for an Eriksson?

And I want one of those Castrol GTX jackets!

Tell me about the "Lady Boys"!

Me and some mates were lucky enough to see Coogan live in Manchester last summer and it was a night to remember. This guy is the future of comedy as we know it. Don't ever sell out, Steve.

You're a mentalist!
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Sheer Magic
28 April 1999
If you're not familiar with Alan I seriously recommend you get some of his stuff pronto, cos it is just too much fun.

And I have to say it: A-HA!

From the classy opening, to the parodies of guests ("Vivienne Westwood" is still the greatest thing ever) to "Glen Ponder and Debonair!" to Peter and Berni's Philosophical Steakhouse I just can't get enough of it. And Sports Casual!

Is this moribund?

Hots Pants! Tssssssss.
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The Matrix (1999)
The most amazing film I have ever seen
5 April 1999
This film is brilliant. The pace is fast, the visuals are simply stunning, but most of all the set piece action sequences just took my breath away.

There is lots of homage to all the great action directors: the plot is basically Terminator, there is much use of John Woo's 2 guns crossed over, the shootout scene is reminiscent of Heat and the whole design concept is somewhere between the 5th Element and Brazil. But don't be fooled into thinking this is just a rip off: the Wachowski's are clearly influenced and pay tribute to these directors, but have a very individual style of their own.

And everyone wears sunglasses! ALL THE TIME!!!

Stop reading right now and get yourselves down to the local cinema to see this masterpiece.
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