
10 Reviews
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The Hangover (2009)
This is a pretty funny movie.
1 June 2010
I wasn't going to watch this movie because normally films of this type are an utter waste of time.

However, After a few minutes, it caught my interest and I ended up watching the whole thing.

It wasn't rolling on the ground funny but it was outrageous and interesting enough to draw me in and make me want to see the ultimate conclusion.

I could identify with the characters and have had a few Vegas nights where I woke up wondering where the heck my pants were.

To the naysayers... if you are looking for something witty and cerebral...forget it..just relax and enjoy the silliness.
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Fat Albert (2004)
Complete and utter nonsense
28 March 2009
I just bought the original series DVD's before this movie came out and looked forward to seeing it.

I sat through 45 minutes and realized that nothing made any sense, there was barely any story, and the characters were not even close to what Cosby put out in the 70's This movie was badly written, poorly acted and painful to watch.

I feel very sorry for anyone who paid 8 dollars to see this junker.

Cosby should be ashamed that he actually made a movie worse than Ghost Dad and Leonard Part VI.

Fat Albert could have been edited to 15 minutes long and still got the point across, instead it dragged on for what seemed an eternity.
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I am sorry I wasted 2 hours of my life.
24 November 2008
I've liked pretty much every zany Sandler movie since Happy Gilmore. His zany antics and crude childish humor are a perfect escape for a fun movie night.

I was expecting this with Zohan but instead I was treated to the same crude sex joke about 27 times. OK OK I get it he bangs old stopped being funny after about 20 seconds....time to move on.

The whole Arab/ Israeli thing was done poorly..was unfunny and really annoying. The last half of the movie should have been left on the cutting room floor.

It was like the directors and writers got bored after creating the first 45 min of the movie and just found the quickest way to fill up the next hour with meaningless garbage.

Avoid this tripe...even a 12 pack won't make it seem funnier.
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True to the spirit of Thompson's work
9 September 2001
Bill Murry had Thompson down pat IMHO. Wacky, sacreligious. Zany.....

Kept my interest..a definate must for a Hunter Thompson fan.
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Cinematic masterpiece
17 August 2001
This has to be the best movie I have ever seen. The cinematography and production values were outstanding.

"Lesbian dildo fever" will go down in history as one greatest films ever made next to "Greasy monkey orgy town" and "Bull dyke death orgy 2000"

All I can say is whoopee!
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4 August 2001
This show does tackle social issues. Contrary to popular opinion TMB addresses issues such as abortion, euthanasia,SDI and the environment just to name a few. The crazy antics of the TMB whitehouse are really not that outlandish if you consider the last eight years under slick willie.

This show is well written, well acted and just damn funny for republicans and democrats alike.

If you are not into toilet humor, slapstick, and political parody this show is not for you. Otherwise enjoy!
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The absolute worst movie of all time, frighteningly horrible.
15 July 2001
Sucks. This movie is so bad that it could not have been made worse even if the producers had been forced to do so at gunpoint. Pink satin jumpsuit wearing TV repairman gets summoned to hell where his girlfriend is being held by some cheesy ass heavy metal monster. With his trusty armband this daytime soap reject proceeds to waste the next 75 minutes of the life of whoever is viewing this festering piece of rancid tripe. This movie should be shown in 3rd world prisons in lieu of torture. I would beg for an agonizing death if given the choice between that and watching this unspeakable abhorration again.
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Pootie Tang (2001)
If you like the Chris Rock show on HBO do not watch this
1 July 2001
All I can say is this is an attempt to make a "Gonna get you Sucka" type movie which fails miserably.

Chis Rock is a very funny and creative comic, but really missed the boat on this one. This movie may have been pulled off as a 10 min sketch but anything past that is redundant and very annoying. For Example: Wanda is one of his funniest characters on his variety show but in Pootie Tang she is relegated to a short verbal leash due to the PG-13 rating..a total waste of her sharp tongue and F*** you style. This movie tries to come off as a lampoon of black exploitation meets spike lee with a dash of three stooges and kentucky fried movie and may have been able to pull it off if it could have been as raw and untethered as a Chris Rock Standup routine.
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Skulhedface (1994 Video)
Typical GWAR Depravity mixed with Punk/Heavy metal
11 May 1999
This film has no innuendo it is nasty latex and fake body fluids. There are some hilarious antics but mainly it is typical GWAR Depravity mixed with Punk/Heavy metal. This movie is basically a rock opera based on their 1994 album This Toilet Earth.
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It was so funny I about wet myself
22 April 1999
This movie will go down in history as an all time classic. I place it in the realms of Cheech and Chong and the Blues Brothers. Not many Guys could pull off making crank calls into a Big-screen comedy. Fast paced action and wacky impressions make this movie a winner. Even though it was a box office flop I bet video rentals more than made up for poor ticket sales. This is a stay home, 12 pack type of flick.
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