
18 Reviews
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Not what I expected...
25 April 1999
Forces of Nature wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Ben Affleck was good as usual with his delivery of thought provoking dialogue.. his character was good. Sandra Bullock was okay as a very misguided woman with a lot to straighten out in her life.

The plot was more or less a romantic twist to the Steve Martin and John Candy film Planes Trains and Automobiles. The unlikely pair are thrown together by a string of even more unlikely circumstances. The film has its good moments and its bad moments and a few very clever moments... and one or two pleasant plot twists.

It wouldn't be my first pick for a romantic comedy.. but individual tastes vary.
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Cute, Romantic remake of The Bishop's Wife
25 April 1999
This was simply an adorable film with an awesome soundtrack! The characters are real, the dialogue was good the plot and directing was fresh and funny. Denzel Washington makes a very debonaire angel.. and Whitney Houston has the voice of an angel. The supporting cast and characters are all very good too, many of them turning in excellent comedic performances... the chubby bus driver and the church office secretary were great.

Penny Marshall did a great job with a super cast. It was fresh, romantic, touching and funny. My whole family just loved it.
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Real Genius (1985)
Val Kilmer's Best, zingy, smart, fresh and funny!
19 April 1999
For those of us who were "coming of age" in the '80's, dating, going to college, getting married... this movie has it all, and very accurately so! The soundtrack is great!

This is one of Val Kilmer's best movies and one of my favorite movies from this period. All the actors did an excellent job of bringing their characters to life and making them feel real, and 3-dimensional. Only the annoying villain is a little overboard. "Jordan" is believable.. even though she might seem extreme to some (if you ever went to a university or college like that or participated in a brain tank or physics program.. you would know that she isn't on the edge at all... believe me!).

The script is just great, fresh, zingy and funny. The sense of timing with the actors and the chemistry between them (and the physics) is just terrific.

Every time I see this movie, it brings back fond memories of dating, college, and the feeling that its "Good to be alive". I just love it!
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A Bug's Life (1998)
Disney's finest work in recent years, GREAT for the family!
18 April 1999
Now this is what a family movie should be! There are few films of recent years that have been targeted at families or children that really are worthy of their viewing public; but this IS one of them. My whole family came away from the film, awed, entertained, dazzled, and happy. We're still quoting little anecdotes from it here and there. The children LOVED it and so did we (hubbie and I are 36 and 32, respectively)!

Apart from its beautiful and striking animation, the characters (small as they may be, and imaginary as they are) are very well developed. There isn't one of them that you cannot empathize with. The personalities bringing these little creatures to life are well casted voice talents, combined with the skill and artistry of some of Disney's best animators. This is a film worthy of Walt Disney, himself. I think Mr. Disney would heartily approve of this new film... Flick, Dot and their fellow band of tiny heroes may become as popular as Mickey and Minnie in our time.

This is one the family leaves the theatre wanting to see again.. and buy to own on video or DVD. I'm eager to see it again.. to pick up what I might have missed the first time. (Never have I seen my children so quickly and vividly identify with and embrace characters before... my daughter is still talking about little "Dot".)

This film is funny, heartwarming, clever and great fun for the whole family!
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Much better than Sleepless in Seattle! Funny and Smart.
17 April 1999
This film exceeded my expectations for it right from the start. It was funny, smart and comically romantic. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan may be building a repertoire as a team! While some elements were similar to Sleepless in Seattle, this was MUCH BETTER! I would watch it again.
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Adorable, I want to see it again
17 April 1999
This was just adorable, funny, and romantic. This is one of Brendan Fraser's better performances. He does innocent, unspoiled and "just a little clueless" so well. Alicia Silverstone does a great job as well as a worldly, street smart girl of the "90's". Christpher Walken and Sissy Spacek are terrific as well, believable parents from that generation and that profession. The small details, the plot elements, the characterizations were all well-thought out.

The movie makes a vivid contrast between the values and morals of the past and the present... right down to "manners"... as Troy so eloquently observes that he never realized they were "to show our respect" to other people... he always thought they were just to "act superior". At times, you can sense the modern girl, although taken unaware with this gentleman from the past, really seeing things she has never really seen in a man before.

It was charming, funny and adorable. I'd like to see this one again.
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Madeline (1998)
Lively, endearing and sweet; what a Children's film SHOULD BE!
17 April 1999
Whether or not this film was critically acclaimed by the "so-called" experts or not, is irrelevant. The REAL experts are the children who watch, are captivated and endeared by Madeline's well casted characters. Every child I know (including my own) that has seen this film loved it and has begged for it on video.

Parents may not see this as a daring, frolicking action adventure; but rather as a sweet and funny children's film, which is after all, what is was designed to be.

There are so few films that really MEET a parent's expectations for what they WANT their children to see and can TRUST to not be "profane" (many older children's films that were "G-rated" are being remade now as "PG" under the guises that parents will "want" to watch them to; but do the kids really need the addition of bad language and sexual innuendo?).

Madeline, the movie, is true to the author's original story-line and keeps its poetical, lyrical style and flavor. The children and adults in the cast are true to what the author's characterizations were intended to be.. rather than a so-called "modern version" of it.

It is childhood at its best and its worst, with "realistic" villains (instead of the monstrous or far-fetched) and more of the genuine fun and whimsy that childhood is supposed to possess.

Children everywhere adore this film! As an adult, I appreciate it and APPLAUD it. I wish filmakers would TAKE NOTE and produce MORE films like this... TRULY for Children and SOLIDLY "G-rated". After all... children are the best experts on what they like.. and they LOVE THIS... so do I.
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Stunningly beautiful, romantic, vibrant and refreshing
17 April 1999
Stunningly beautiful and romantic retelling of the Cinderella story. I found the plot elements refreshing, the scenery lovely, the characters richly compelling. Everything from the costumes to the cinematography was first rate. Additionally, it was cleverly tied into history through Leonardo da Vinci, to give it that feel of "plausible reality". Drew Barrymore and Dougray Scott were magnificent. It had the vibrant richness of an expensive tapestry.
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Titanic (1997)
Heartwrenching, Astoundingly Beautiful and compelling
17 April 1999
This is probably one of the finest Epic movies of our time. It will surely have its place as a classic for years to come. For the monumental budget and phenomenal cast, it lives up to its hype. James Cameron did a superfluous recreation of the tragic ill-fated voyage. The personal drama and romance only further pull us in and connect us with the past. We "feel" the pleasure, the pain, the loss with the characters, vicariously though the vivid sets, dynamic characters and heartwrenching plot.

Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet were truly cheated at the awards; but their performance in TITANIC will be well-remembered for years to come.

It is truly a masterpiece in its own time. But what more can really be said about it than has already be said?
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ghastly, brutal, nothing like the book
17 April 1999
This is quite possibly the worst work of science fiction that I have seen in this decade. The story was poorly adapted from the science fiction novel, the characters were weak and poorly developed. It was basically an excuse to produce a bloodbath on film with little or no resemblance to the elements from the original story.
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Men in Black (1997)
Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones are fresh, funny, action-packed
17 April 1999
MIB was a fresh, funny, original film that should draw quite a varied audience from Will Smith fans to Tommy Lee Jones fans; action, adventure and thrill seekers; science fiction lovers; conspiracy theorists, and just anyone out for a fun comedy with a little bit of all of these elements.

Hollywood's clever pairing of "Mr. Smith" and "Mr. Jones" was an unmistakable hit. Everyone turned in excellent performances and the comedic timing was well done.

Although, I generally do not favor the "thriller" style genre (which this has some elements of also), the special effects were pretty good and the comedy and chemistry between this dynamic duo makes it worth watching.
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Tin Cup (1996)
A funny, unlikely romance,... and a lot of golf :-)
17 April 1999
It was a cute, funny, unlikely romance. Mr. Costner does vulnerable well. This was one of Cheech Marin's better performances as well. Golf pros and amateurs alike should like this one.
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Funny, original, charmingly romantic
17 April 1999
This is one of the best romantic comedies that I have seen in years. The plot is lively, funny and original. Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman are witty, vulnerable and charming while the plot is sweetly romantic. I recommend it highly! Add this to any home video library.
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Dare to dream, dare to love,... warm realistic, romantic
17 April 1999
At last, a compelling story with the warmth and realistic feel of life, love, loss and friendship, and triumph over adversity. Dare to dream, dare to live, dare to love, dare to enjoy this movie! It was funny, smart and romantic. Minnie Driver's lively passionate performance was superb. Chris O'Donnell was handsomely charming. The pair create a beautiful and sensitive story about life and love. The supporting characters add body, texture and comedy as well. I've added it to my home library.
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Touchingly beautiful, left me wanting more....
17 April 1999
I was pleasantly surprised with Dances With Wolves; but it left me wanting more. Historically, they did an excellent job of bringing this story to life as a period piece, representing a glimpse of the expanding Western Frontier. The filming was wonderful. The character development of the main character could have used more body. Mr. Costner was excellent in his role; but it felt a little like he was holding back and could've given it more passion. The main Sioux characters were better developed. The story is compelling, and worthy of its awards; but perhaps some of what I was looking for was left on the editing room floor? I am eager to see the expanded version. Still, it was a touchingly beautiful film, a "must see" for anyone.
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Clever, refreshing and witty!
17 April 1999
The whole story line of The Princess Bride is great. The concept is refreshing and cleverly original. The script is witty and well delivered by the actors, who are all very convincing in their roles. This is probably one of Cary Elwes' best roles as well as one of Mandy Patinkin's best. Of course, who can resist the incomparable Billy Crystal and Carol Kane together.. "Have fun storming the castle!" ? They were so funny. See it, you'll enjoy it; and you will laugh like you haven't laughed in a long while.
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Funny Girl (1968)
One of my favorites!
17 April 1999
This is one of my all-time favorite movies. Barbara Streisand is at her comic and musical best in this film. This film launched many a young girl into aspiring hopes of fame and sparked many to develop talent, oppose the odds and trudge on.

The music, the costumes, the characters all flow to make this a musical extravaganza well worth watching,... again... and again.
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One of the BEST films ever made!
17 April 1999
This has to be one of the best films ever made! It is certainly one of my dearest favorites. I never tire of watching it and I always get a little more out of it the more that I do. Perhaps as we age and mature, we see more of life's lessons through George and Mary Bailey.

We learn that sometimes when our best ambitions, hopes and dreams fail... there is more to life than what simply meets our eyes alone. We are not alone. God does move all things to our best interest, even though we don't always see the immediate results that we hoped for.

Further, it is a message of hope; nothing in life is ever so desperate that taking your life is an answer. Giving up is never the answer.

This film should live on through generations to come as one of the best classics of our time. Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed have never been better. It is a poignant dramatic film, a classic portrayal of all that is good and descent and hopeful in life... surviving though all the injustices and downfalls that befall us.

This may be my most favorite film.
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