
366 Reviews
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Lost (2004–2010)
Quite an engine that plane had!
23 September 2004
This concept was tried many years ago with a TV series entitled 'The New People'. It had the same idea. A plane crashes on a remote deserted Island and the survivors take it from there. It bombed after seventeen episodes. This one i.e. 'Lost' is headed for the same fate. I did get a kick out of the airplane engine still running after it had been torn loose from its pylon and imbedded in the sand. Yet with no fuel to feed it it was still sucking air to beat the band and had enough power to suck a person into it then explode. As low to the ground as it was even if it had been running like that the amount of sand and debris that would have been sucked into it would have shut it down there and then.
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Kirk the Jerk
2 April 2004
When this film came out all the Star Trek fans rushed to see it and even though they may have hated it and found the story boring and lifeless they forced themselves not to admit it. Now many years later it has not improved with age and as the entire Captain Kirk and the rest of his crew have become almost cartoonish figures it seems even worse. Why the character of Decker was even written I still can't figure out. Why not just have Kirk still be the Captain? The writers of all the films with Kirk in them were always figuring a way to get him back in the Captains chair somehow. The films all added these excess baggage characters and then did not seem to know what to do with them so they just killed them off. In this one Kirk however plays the ultimate Jerk who just goes and tells the new Captain he's taking over. Then he's lost on this new ship and the viewer gets it's first glimpse of this new "I'm getting older so I deserve respect because I am getting older" Jerk Kirk that would carry on to the next films. Then the entire Decker character bit with VGER is well......Who knows what that's all about maybe he just had had enough of that Jerk Kirk and figured that anything is better than riding back to Earth with Kirk and his special chums.
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Scare Tactics (2003–2013)
I agree "What's the Problem"?
18 March 2004
Call me sick, Call me disgusting, Call me politically incorrect. I don't care. Hidden camera shows are hilarious. Granted some of the stunts performed on the unsuspecting victims in this Sci-Fi channel show are better than others but for the most part a good laugh can be had during each half hour episode. I hear and read that people say shows like this are offensive and mean and cruel. All I can say is good grief how did we become such a dour society that we no longer can laugh at ourselves? It is also odd how people will go to scary movies and haunted houses and ride thrill rides all to be scared and they enjoy it yet when shows like this are produced the shows are labled mean and cruel!
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Hawaii (1966)
Anti Christian? Pro Christian? Who cares and what does it matter?
23 February 2004
One should always remember that this film is adapted from a James Michener novel and it is the story that Michener wrote and the characters he created. Anti-Christian? Pro-Christian? It does not matter. What matters is that it is a good story and a well made motion picture. Besides with what has gone on in the world recently that can be attributed to religion and religious beliefs be it Christianity or any other faith it makes one wonder if the world would be much better off with a little less religion if not any at all for that matter.
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Yeah it is a comedy but it's hard to root for a wimp.
26 January 2004
As several other reviewers stated this film while it has its funny moments it is not a comedy classic but still it is not bad at all. Any normal male would have been `outa there' after the first few encounters with the parents and certainly after the pool volleyball game. That is perhaps the most interesting element of the film is that the Ben Stiller character continues to put up with all of it and makes the viewer want to shout out "TELL EM OFF YOU WIMP". However any guy with any self-respect would inform their girl friend that if they do in fact end up getting married it is with the understanding that he is going to have nothing to do with her family. The Greg character putting up with so much made him hard to root for or feel sorry for and it was impossible to side with her parents' side/clan. Again it's comedy so should be viewed that way however even in a comedy nobody can side with a total wimp. A great scene for the viewer would have been to have had the Stiller character go off on the parents' etc the way Stiller goes off on the airline rep.
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The Reagans (2003 TV Movie)
Bravo to Showtime
23 January 2004
All I can say is Bravo to Showtime for airing this picture. There seems very little doubt now (and not because of this movie) that what was depicted in this made for TV film is accurate. Ronald Reagan was a spaced out old man residing in his own private La-La Land who had a great PR campaign to buffalo the American people into believing that he was running the country. The GOP and conservatives objected to this film. Well boo-hoo! It was made and shown. Isn't that what America is all about? Or is it about what conservatives only want?
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Daniel Boone (1964–1970)
Historical accuracy? No but who cares.
30 December 2003
An interesting show that as another reviewer wrote was indeed part history and part western. Historical accuracy? No but who cares it was close enough. On top of all else had it not been for this show then one of the most memorable funny events in television history would not have been possible. The famous Ed Ames (who played Mingo) Tomahawk demonstration toss on the Tonight Show in 1965.
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Survivor (2000– )
Rigged or on the level?
18 November 2003
Sadly I had to question if this installment of Survivor was not rigged. The introduction of the Outcast tribe seemed to indicate it. Had they not won the challenge what would it have proved? They all appeared to be sullen and bitter when they appeared for the challenge against their former tribes which led me to believe that that was what producer Mark Burnett wanted to see. Each one of these people knew the rules of the game when they submitted their applications and went through the various interviews and screenings to be come a finalist yet they acted like they had been wronged. Then in what appeared to be over dramatic fashion low and behold they win the challenge and two are sent back to their old tribes. Clearly Burnett by keeping them around to re introduce them later as the Outcasts needed at least two of them to get back in the game to ensure that the viewers interest in the new twist kept them coming back each week to see how things would play out. The only way to guarantee that happening was to rig the entire challenge so that the Outcasts win it. However once they returned to their tribes their revenge mode that they seemed so bent on seemed to fade a bit to quick to make it all seem believable as the hugs and kisses and welcome backs came out. Why did none of the tribe members approach them about the wanting back in for revenge bit that they spoke of at the challenge? Had this been on the level the tribe members would have shunned them completely and told them that although they were back and had to be tolerated they were not by any means welcome. True that it is Mark Burnetts show and he can do what he wants but if he is going to rig it then as in professional wrestling he should come out and say that certain events are manipulated to ensure an outcome that is to the liking of the producers of the show and it is not a real contest but a staged event for entertainment purposes. After this installment comes the so-called all star edition. It is now hard to not believe that Mark Burnett has it all scripted with certain people leaving at certain points based on their popularity from their former installments.
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Saving Jessica Lynch (2003 TV Movie)
Take your pick on who are the good guys and who are the bad.
11 November 2003
I came away from this film the same way as I do when I watch a Second World War film or documentary about the war on the Eastern front in which the Germans are fighting the Russians. The Germans were invaders and were ruthless yet the Russians were equally as bad and they were just defending their homeland against an aggressive invader so just let them all fight and kill each other (which they pretty much did). In viewing this I could not find myself cheering for the U.S. Troops or feeling sorry for them when they came under attack from the Iraqis. It makes no difference if the U.S. said that what they were doing was right and just and were there as liberators (The Germans said the same thing) . The U.S. waged an aggressive unprovoked war under what could very well be false pretenses. Additionally as the mess in Iraq continues it was hard to really enjoy the film. Have we won? Have we lost? It's way to early to say and it was way to early to make a picture about this. Much of what really happened and took place may not be known for some time and when the full story finally does come out as they all eventually do when it comes to war stories it may make this picture seem hypocritical, foolish and totally phony. If you want to see another film about a controversial U.S. war that was made while the real war was still being waged then check out John Wayne in The Green Berets.
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Saving Jessica Lynch (2003 TV Movie)
Who were/are the good guys and the bad guys?
10 November 2003
I came away from this film the same way as I do when I watch a Second World War film or documentary in which the Germans are fighting the Russians. The Germans were invaders and were ruthless yet the Russians were equally as bad and they were just defending their homeland against an aggressive invader so just let them all fight and kill each other (which they pretty much did). In viewing this I could not find myself cheering for the U.S. Troops or feeling sorry for them when they came under attack from the Iraqis. It makes no difference if the U.S. said that what they were doing was right and just and were there as liberators (The Germans said the same thing) . The U.S. waged an aggressive unprovoked war under what could very well be false pretenses. All that aside and considering that this incident just happened a few months ago the film for a made for TV venture was quite well done. Much of what really happened and took place may not be known for some time and when the full story finally does come out as they all eventually do when it comes to war stories it may make this picture seem hypocritical, foolish and phony.
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Too Young the Hero (1988 TV Movie)
The U.S. Navy couldn't tell they had a 12 yr old kid on their hands?
31 October 2003
The makers of this made for TV film of course had a tough call when it came to casting the part of the principal character Calvin Graham. They had to find a professional actor who could pass for a 12 yr old who just happened to look a little older (at least 17). They chose Rick Schroder who was 18 at the time this film was made which in my opinion is pretty close. The film is certainly not of Oscar caliber as most made for TV films are but it isn't all that bad. If it does nothing else it at least tells yet another chapter of the U.S. in WWII. This time the story of underage boys who managed to get in the service. It is hard however to believe that the U.S. Navy could not detect the fact that this was just a 12 yr old kid. In most of the other cases it involved 15 and 16 yr olds passing for 17. It shows in the film how he got past his induction physical but once in basic training at additional physicals and dental exams he would have been detected by qualified medical and dental personnel and sent home. So as a Naval veteran myself it left me with the feeling that the Navy knew they had a way underage boy on their hands and decided to look the other way on it until the heat came down on them as they always seem to do. I was not surprised in the least however at how the Navy handled the affair once it was unmasked. Aside from the true tale of this the film is not bad and has the always enjoyable human interest side to it to help it along.
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A long time between viewings but fun just the same.
27 October 2003
As a young sci-fi horror genre fan in the early 60's The Brain That Wouldn't Die was on the cover of the first Famous Monster of Filmland magazine I ever bought. Unlike today a movie such as this had to be seen in a theatre or drive-in or you didn't see it. There was no VHS or DVD copy of it. Well I only had the article about it along with the few photos that appeared in the magazine to go on. It took many years before I got to see it and by then my interest in Sci-Fi and horror films was not quite as passionate as it was when I had been much younger. The filming is only a tad above The Creeping Terror and the story is well.....hokey but it's one of those films that you just have to love because of this. Another number of years went by before I got to see it again recently on AMC. By then it was like I had never seen it before.
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The Soldier (1982)
Is it even possible to see this film now?
23 October 2003
Saw this many years ago when it first came out. It was advertised on TV with the skiing scenes so that was what drew my interest. I was the only person in the theatre for the showing that I went to so I sat directly in the middle seat of the theatre. The projectionist came down and saw that I was sitting there and while walking back up to his booth muttered `I do have to show this again' Needless to say it was not one of the better films I've ever seen. Not the worst but no where near the best. I've never seen this film on a cable channel or even in a video store so I don't know if it even can be viewed today. Actually no loss if it isn't.
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A Cold Night's Death (1973 TV Movie)
Another made for TV gem from the 70's
17 September 2003
While this film is called The Chill Factor I recall seeing it on one of ABC's Movie of the Week programs in 1973 under the title A Cold Nights Death and never saw it under the title The Chill Factor. I do recall that the week it was shown it was averaging about -20 where I was living so that made it interesting to watch this film and know how cold it felt for the two main characters. As some other reviewers have commented this film seems to be unavailable as so many of the made for TV movies from the 70's are. Who knows the reason why is anybodies guess. It had a Twilight Zone type plot to the story. If you get a chance to see it by all means do. Compared to the made for TV films that are turned out now the ones from the 70's such as this one are vastly superior.
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No longer the worst film ever made!
11 August 2003
As bad as this film is it now can relinquish the title it has held for so long as worst film ever made. That honor now goes to "Gigli". Yes this is laughable in every way and the goofs are endless but because of all that it is at least entertaining.
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Dr. Phil (2002–2023)
A spawn from Oprah and just as useless!
12 June 2003
Like Oprah Winfrey has anything ever been accomplished by this show? All it amounts to is this guy saying to people `You need to do this' or `You need to do that' Anyone can tell someone else that. So what makes this guy so special? Don't waste your time on this show or on the show that spawned it `Oprah Winfrey'
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Bambi (1942)
One of the most frightening screen villains you'll never see
6 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoiler) Recently AFI chose its 50 greatest heroes and villains in its on going celebration of 100 years of motion pictures. One of its top villains came from this film. The villain is never once seen but yet without question after seeing this film you will agree why the villain was chosen as #20 in AFI's top 50. It is Bambis mother who in a very chilling voice discloses to her young Buck who the villain is when she tells young Bambi that `Man was in the Forest'
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Frequent Flyer (1996 TV Movie)
Another wacko screen husband for Shelly Hack.
12 May 2003
Once again Shelly Hack is in a film as a woman married to a wacko. In the original `Stepfather' which ended up spawning two sequels she played an airhead bimbo who marries a serial killer then assumes her place as dumb stay at home cookie baking wifey before hubby snaps his cap. In this turkey she plays a woman married to a `Here I am girls I'm an airline pilot and just so darned good looking ya can't resist me can ya? Didn't think so' schnook. The viewer is led to believe that the Hack character has been married to Capt. Bigamy for sixteen years and has never suspected anything until she finds a receipt for an expensive piece of jewelry that she thinks is intended for her but then never gets it. Capt. Bigamy meanwhile is shown carousing with his 2nd wife (Joan Severance) and cheating on her with another girl friend who he intends to marry as well. One interesting character is the soon to be 3rd wife's father who looks like when he was Capt. Bigamy's age he was running the same type of scam i.e. multiple wives. He can't stand to see some young buck come along and put the moves on his babe daughter (Nicole Eggert) in the same manner that he used to operate. There is a subplot involving a teen-age son with main wife (Shelly Hack) who is trying to get into a preppy type school and that part just sort of falls flat. The ending is the best part because it essentially sends two messages. For women it's ` Ladies watch out who you marry' and for men it's `Don't worry guys there are plenty more where those three bimbos came from'
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Hold your nose for this stinker.
4 March 2003
"WHEW" Saw this on an airline flight and there was no charge thank goodness. To sum it up if a new method of giving someone the third degree to get them to confess to a crime is needed then forcing them watch this film is it. Another movie that is best viewed if it can be viewed for free. I can't even imagine who would buy this on DVD or VHS. Hold your nose if you do see it cause this is a stinker!
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Guarding Tess (1994)
Too far fetched for the drama portion to be taken seriously.
16 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
While the intent is good I found this movie on the annoying side due to the fact that #1 no former first lady would ever get away with all the various antics/tantrums that this character gets away with. Frankly no one would care how mad she got if she couldn't get her way regardless of how her husband died in office or what he did for his VP who then becomes President. How many real Vice Presidents who became president catered to the every whim of their former bosses wife? For that matter did any ever even speak to their former bosses wife after they became president? #2 no secret service agent would allow himself to be bullied by someone like the Shirley Maclaine character or even the president for that matter. The Cage character is cast in such a way that he has to put up with all this because it's his job and if he quits then he has no where to go in life. Any secret service agent could write his own ticket out in the civilian world. Did the makers of this film think that the viewers are that stupid? Besides that the idiotic plot (possible spoiler here) of these guys (SS agents) who watch every little movement of their client like an Owl watches a field for a mouse are duped by a goofball chauffeur in a kidnap plot was too far fetched.
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The Cowboys (1974)
Never came close to the film.
7 January 2003
This short lived Western TV series was spun off from the 1972 Mark Rydell film of the same name which starred John Wayne. Moses Gunn replaced Roscoe Lee Browne as Jedediah Nightlinger the Chuck Wagon driver from the film and Diana Douglas was cast as the widow of the John Wayne character. A few of the `Cowboys' from the original movie renewed their characters but none of the episodes were anywhere near to what the film had been.
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Survivor (2000– )
Being ruined by the sappiness.
13 December 2002
Survivor it appears should now be put to rest or get it back on track to the level the first installment was on. It has sadly become a sappy show laced with people who know full well that being on this show means being apart form their family for `OH MY GOSH' a little over a month! Yet when they see their husbands/wives/families they act like they have been apart for 20 or 30 years! (What on Earth would any of these people do if they were in the military and separated for months at a time?)

Is is it for real or are they being directed by the producer of this show to act that way for the benefit of the camera? Do they really suffer all the stupid calamities that befall them such as losing their boats, fishing nets, entire camp etc. as the camera crews stand by and film it all? Don't these people see the camera crews filming something and wonder `Hmm what's he shooting footage of over there?' It's still a good show but the sappiness and touchy feely phoniness while they are all back stabbing each other aspect of it has begun to ruin it.
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Lost (I) (2001–2002)
"Lost" got lost.
13 December 2002
This NBC reality show premiered a week before the Sept 11th terrorist attacks then was shelved as the nation tried to recover from what happened. When it came back the remaining five episodes were compressed into two. Being a new show it had no fan base and people weren't all that much in the mood for another new reality show having been sadly given a dose of real reality. Thus "Lost" just got....Lost!
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Born Again (1978)
A commercial for the Born Again bunch.
6 December 2002
Charles Colson who was perhaps the sleaziest of all of the members of Richard Nixons core of Watergate gang members is portrayed here by Dean Jones most widely known for his many roles in Disney films. Much of this film deals with Colsons conversion as a born again Christian. The actual Watergate activities are only touched on. If you're looking for a film about the Watergate scandal this isn't one of the better ones. Dean turns in an admirable performance but yet doesn't come off well as a person of Colsons character, which for the most part was that of a villain. Any one who knows of the Watergate affair and knew of Charles Colson will look upon this story with a bit of skepticism over his claim to have become a born again Christian when the heat was suddenly turned up on him . Those who are deep into the Christian message will no doubt enjoy this film as it is pretty much a commercial for becoming `Born Again'
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Hellfighters (1968)
Extinguish my previous review, Waynes worst!
11 November 2002
I regret a previous review I made of this film. After viewing it again I have to say that it is one of Waynes worst if not the worst. The only character that I could ever see as a real fire fighter out of this bunch would be the Bruce Cabot character. Jim Hutton was horribly miscast in his role and would have been better had he been cast as an office clerk at the Buckman Company(the name of the Oil Well Fire Fighting Company in this picture) or better yet as the receptionist vice Barbara Stuart as Irene Foster. What totally drags this film down like a dried up oil well is the Katherine Ross Jim Hutton married couple thing. Ross portrays the estranged daughter of Waynes character Chance Buckman who doesn't really care for her Hellfighter Daddy but loves the money he makes and obviously funds her with. She meets, initially can't stand then falls in love and marries the Hutton character then wants to tag along to all the fires he fights. This only helped turn a potentially entertaining film into a boring soap opera. The best thing to do if you have a copy of this is to pour lighter fluid on it set it ablaze and then play Hellfighter yourself by turning an extinguisher on it.
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