
15 Reviews
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A Season on the Brink (2002 TV Movie)
One of the WORST TV-Movies of ALL Time
11 March 2002
This movie is TRASH from the word go. First, it gives an account of a season that took place 16 YEARS AGO! Who cares? This movie had about as much depth as a bottle cap. It makes a complex person like Bob Knight into a cartoon character.

Swearing doesn't bother me, but I'm still amazed that ESPN showed a movie with more cursing than a Kevin Smith movie on a basic cable channel. The F-word was dropped at least 20 times before the first commercial break.

This movie was terrible and anyone associated with it should be embarrassed. I rate this on the same level as Jaws IV - The Revenge and Everybody Wins...2 movies that are in the Crapfest Hall of Fame.
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X-Men (2000)
A Solid, Enjoyable Ride...
31 July 2000
I was losing my mind waiting to see X-Men...and the wait was worth it. This movie took me back to my room, circa 1976 where my comic books ruled my little life. It was a great escape and a solid action ride from start to finish.

Now, I'm waiting for the sequel.

I hope it's 4 hours long.
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Meat Loaf: To Hell and Back (2000 TV Movie)
Where's the Beef???
27 July 2000
Forgive me for the lame summary, but it was all I could think of. First, let me give a BIG standing "O" to W. Earl Brown who plays Meat like a man possessed. This guy is a fantastic actor and I say that because I didn't know that this was the SAME guy who played "Warren" (Mary's "special" brother) in There's Something About Mary. He also was "Kenny" the doomed cameraman in Scream!

I don't want to over do it with the praise, but when you can't recognize an actor from role to role, you KNOW he's good. As for the movie, all I can say is that I wish there was more to it. It was good, but it actually leaves you with more questions than it answers. To be honest, the VH1 Behind the Music gave more info. This appears to be a pattern with the VH1 bio-pics...

I recommend this movie based on 2 things, the performance of W. Earl Brown (Deedee Pfieffer is great, too) and the great music of Meat Loaf that is featured throughout the show.
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I Should have Brought My Dramamine...
8 July 2000
Wow...what a cool movie. My usual philosophy is, "don't believe the hype" but in this case I did (I'm also marking out for X-Men).

What is the # 1 rule in writing a book or in making a film? I don't know either...but a good place to start is in making people CARE about your characters. Critics take shots at this movie because it takes some time to set up and show us the lives of the fishermen on the Andrea Gail...NEWS FLASH...if I didn't care about them, why would I care if they lived or died during the storm?

I was raised just off Cape Cod...I had lots of friends who lived near me whose grandfathers, fathers, uncles, cousins, etc...were fishermen. This movie does them justice by showing that it ain't a glam-type's backbreaking work (avg 15-20 hr days). It's also a roll of the dice as to whether or not you'll make any money, let alone survive. The critics who have made a living sitting on their dead asses sticking pins in other people's balloons have no idea what "real" work is like.

Is the movie perfect? Heck,'s got a few "hmmmmm" moments...but, overall, it's a great story, with a great cast doing justice to the memory of all the fishermen/fisherwomen who never made it back to tell the tale themselves. Oh, and to the critics who rag on the actors concerning their accents, I lived in Mass the first 14 years of my life and I STILL talk that way 16 years I faking it too?

Anywho, this is just my humble opinion...spend 6 bucks or whatever and judge for yourself. I had a great time and almost puked because of how realistic it felt. When that 100 foot wave (like in the poster) rolls in...I stopped breathing. I also suggest you read the book by Sebastian Junger. The section where he goes into detail about the physics of drowning will make you afraid to drink a glass of water.

To quote the prophet Miller, "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."
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Confusing...and I saw the other two in the series.
14 June 2000
I bought this off of pay-per-view so that I could add it to the tape I have with Prophecy I & II. I should have known better, but I figured, what is $3.95? Let me say that it was too much. I watched this movie twice and can't figure it out. Gabriel (played by Walken) is now a man?! Ok, now what is he suppossed to do? His powers are gone, etc...As for Vincent Spano, I guess he was an angelic hit man. Also, Banya from "Sinfeld" shows up again as the coroner who is used to people walking away after he knows they are dead. They tried to explain it all, but I was lost as to who wanted what and why? This war in heaven seems to have no end...enough babbling for now. Check it out for yourself if you like the other two, but I would have to put it into the "bad sequel" pile with Halloween H2O. Then again, I'm just a talking monkey (as the angels say).
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Gladiator (2000)
A Visual Stunner and Nice Escape on a Hot Summer day.
14 June 2000
First the good, I finally got to see what the big deal about the Roman Empire was. When you read it in books and see it in pictures it doesn't have the same punch as when it becomes a living breathing thing as it does in Gladiator. Russel Crowe is great as Maximus and Phoenix makes Commodus the biggest wussy in recent cinema. Overall, I give a big yippie-yahoo to Gladiator for a nice escape from whatever you are escaping from. My only complaint? It was just a wee bit long and the drama-love story aspect of it just was a bit of a letdown. How long did it take Maximus to get from Germania to his house anyway? Did anyone else notice that his hair had grown out? Who cares, right? Enjoy the show...but, I suggest you buy a snack and hit the head before settling in.
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A Very Dark, Very Original, and Very Funny Movie!
11 June 2000
First, this movie WILL NOT be for everyone. If you have good taste and are easily offended...STAY AWAY!! I like movies that have a nasty side to them. I also like movies that have bathroom jokes, me immature, if ya want...I don't care. the reason I am able to give this movie a positive review is because it doesn't cheat by making everything come out all right. All the characters get paid in full for their actions at some point in the one gets away clean and therein lies the point. If the movie was irresponsible and just trash as some claim, we would have had a nice happy, Dockers commercial ending. We don't get that...and that's good. Is it violent? Very. Is it sick and twisted? Very. Is it a thin slice of our society held up to the sun? WHO KNOWS?! WHO CARES? It's a movie. The only lesson you will learn is if you plan on killing any hookers and security guards at your bachelor party and then try to cover it up with your friends...and that lesson's a bad idea. If that isn't in your future...enjoy the show.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
24 May 2000
I gave this movie a 2 rating and that is only because of the abortion that followed it deserves a lower mark. The shark looked fake, the actors looked embalmed...even Sea World looked stupid. I remember when this movie came out and my parents took me to Sea World because they had all the props out used in the movie...I was embarrassed to even be in a picture with that stupid looking shark. I saw it in the theater with my sister when it came out and the only thing that was worth the money was the 3-D effects...this crap was on TV and I feel the need to vent because it's 2 hours of my life that are gone forever. I'm waiting for Crow and the MST 3000 gang to light into this...
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An Excellent Show
4 May 2000
I was really jacked about seeing this and it didn't disappoint. I am writing this review in May 2000, after seeing the movie again (I have it on tape). It has more of an impact because of the death of Bret's brother, Owen, last May at a pay-per-view in Kansas City (pardon the grammar). I recently saw "Beyond the Mat" and it can't hold a candle to this film. Ok, so why is it good, you ask? I'll tell you. It strips the varnish off of the world of "sports entertainment" by showing that loyalty, a sense of right and wrong and giving your "word" have no meaning in the WWF. Vince speaks of how "Bret screwed Bret" and that he had no option but to do what he did. I say that's bogus. It was a matter of simple economics and Vince not being as smart as he thinks he is. He made a deal, stood to lose his shirt and then set upon a course of action to undo the "damage." For those who know some of the inner-workings of wrestling, I want to state I am not a simple "mark" who doesn't really know what is what. You don't have to be a Rhodes scholar to be able to tell right from wrong. Bret deserved better and in the end he took it in the keyster for being a stand-up guy. To quote the prophet Miller, "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong." Enjoy the movie.
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That '70s Show (1998–2006)
A Great Show
4 May 2000
In 1977 I was 8, but I remember it well. My little brother was born in November of that year and Elvis died in August. I remember it all...the hideous clothes, the feathered hair, the bad afro that Donna's father sports (my dad had the exact same 'do). I had older cousins that lived near me that were around the same ages of the characters and some of the conversation they had are said almost word for word on the show...that is scary. I never really thought I'd be at an age where my childhood is something I can review once a week at the Foreman household, but it is. If your a card carrying member of the dreaded Gen-X, this show is for you. If you came along later, you may end up lost. Either way, it's a great show.
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The Three Stooges (2000 TV Movie)
Movie was good, but doesn't do The Stooges justice...
25 April 2000
Stephen King TV movies can go 5 or 6 parts and no one complains, right? So why give the Stooges only 96 minutes? I'm not asking for a PBS mini-series, but would a two parter had killed anyone? The movie steamrolled over events that should have been mentioned and mentioned events that could have been omitted. I do want to give a salute to the performances of the stars...they had a tough job because they didn't really look like the Stooges, but the spirit was there. After watching the movie, I pulled out a tape from American Movie Classics that had the real deal on it and laughed myself silly. The movie was pretty tough emotionally, especially after Curly has the stroke and Moe needs to keep the business going. When Curley started crying I lost it...Like I said, the movie was good, but could have been and SHOULD have been much, much better. Maybe it's fitting though...the Stooges got ripped off when they were alive and now, 25 years later, it happens again.
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Life (I) (1999)
This movie should get the death penalty...
25 December 1999
Eddie Murphy is a very good actor as evidenced by, "The Nutty Professor." Maybe it was because he was buried under a ton of makeup and it was enough to subdue his "personality" that I bought into the more emotional moments of that movie. An example would be when Sherman is ridiculed in the nightclub. I felt soooooo bad for him. In this movie, the drama rings hollow and the comedy is DOA. The funniest part of the movie were the out-takes and that is why I gave it a 2 instead of a 1. This is the first movie of Ted Demme's that I didn't like. "Who's the Man?" "The Ref", and "Beautiful Girls" were all great movies. The characters are not fully developed and therefore, I didn't care about them. It's the same way I feel about "Any Given Sunday - although that got a much higher rating - I just didn't care about the characters. If you want to see a great prison drama, watch "Shawshank." If you want a great prison comedy, watch "Stir Crazy." If you want to waste $4.00 (or whatever a rental is)- then rent "Life." Like the great prophet Miller says, "That's just my opinion...I could be wrong."
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Worth seeing for the football scenes...
23 December 1999
I went into this movie expecting something that I had not seen before because Oliver Stone always delivers. Perhaps there have just been too many "sports movies." The football scenes alone are visually exciting and worth the price of a ticket. The story seems hellbent on hitting every sports cliche in the book, though. We have "The Legend" in the guise of both quarterback and coach, played by Dennis Quaid and Al Pacino. I have seen this performance from Pacino too many times...where is the quiet calm of Michael Corleone? We also have the Brash Rookie played by Jamie Foxx and we also have "The Tragedy" in the form of Lawrence Taylor - a player who needs to hang it up before he gets killed, but can't walk away. Overall, the movie was good - not great. I really wanted to like this movie more than I did. Perhaps it was a case of too much "star power." Let me know if this helped at all.
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Scary...but not as great as it's made out to be.
19 September 1999 is creepy. It's also hard to follow at times. I'm also wondering why anyone would hold on to a camera during some of the most intense times. I know...heather says that it is, "all she has..." but, still. The end was creepy and left me with a sick feeling in my stomach. I think I'm a victim of the hype. I was expecting to be blown away and wasn't. I wish I could have discovered it like the folks at Sundance did...having no idea what the hell they were about to see.

I think the Blair Witch is actually Jar Jar Binks. Hmmmm....
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A movie that is hard to get involved in...
19 September 1999
I go to movies really wanting to have a good time. I had been waiting to see F.L.O.T.G for awhile and it ended up being not worth the wait. I understood it was a "relationship" movie more that a "baseball" movie, but the relationship was too confusing and the baseball was too clinical. The way that Sam Raimi jumped all over the place with his direction didn't help matters either. The acting was solid, but it was solid in a very Hollywood kind of way. By that I mean, you see the wheels turning. You may have a different take...check it out for yourself.
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