
9 Reviews
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The Navigator (1924)
Buster's as Funny as Ever, on Land or ... at Sea!
23 August 1999
Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) is a very rich young man and he asks Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire) to marry him. She refuses, and, eventually, they both end up on a 500-foot yacht, the Navigator, alone. After an unintentional (and amusing) hide-and-seek, they find each other and learn to live without servants, miles from home. All goes rather well until land is sighted, for cannibals inhabit the island. After many attempts at warding them off, the man-eaters are closing in... You should definitely see this film if you are a fan of Buster Keaton or of silent comedy in general. In some scenes, I could not stop laughing. Surely, the same effect will be produced in future viewers.
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Short Keaton Comedy Set in the Woods
21 August 1999
Here, Buster Keaton accidentally gets on top of a hot-air balloon. When he shoots himself out of the sky, he lands near a stream filled with fish. Also, there is a young woman camping nearby. Funny scenes follow, which contain, among other things, bears, burning canoes, and waterfalls. See this film because it is yet another one that displays Keaton's mechanical ingenuity. Surely, you will also find it quite humorous.
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Girl Shy (1924)
A Hilarious Thriller by a Great Comedian
26 July 1999
This film is the story of Harold Meadows (Harold Lloyd), an apprentice to his uncle, a tailor. He is very shy in front of girls and stutters uncontrollably in front of them; however, he writes a book entitled "The Secret of Making Love." His heart is caught by a wealthy girl he encounters by chance, Mary Buckingham (Jobyna Ralston). In front of her his stuttering ceases. She is, however, engaged to be married to another, undivorced man, and the plot advances from here. I enjoyed this film very much because of the many funny scenes that had me laughing all the way through; it also had me very nervous waiting for the ending.
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14 June 1999
Do yourself a favor and see this movie as soon as you can. It is a dramatic and concise film, showing Mary, Queen of Scots, lose her head. I guarantee you will never forget this EXCELLENT work of art.
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A Humorous Remake of "The Great Train Robbery"
14 June 1999
This film, made in 1905, is a parody of "The Great Train Robbery," from 1903. The main difference is that the robbers this time are children; therefore, everything occurs on a smaller-scale level. If you liked the first one, consider seeing this movie as well--it is entertaining as well as adventurous.
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Action, Adventure in this Early Drama
14 June 1999
This film was made in 1903 and was the longest one to date: twelve minutes. It has a clearly identifiable plot and this is that a band of four outlaws wreak havoc on two trains and the people on them. They are rather skilled criminals but, in the end, ... This movie is a must-see if you are interested in the dawn of the cinematographic age.
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Accurate Portrayal of an Historic Event
14 June 1999
Leon Czolgosz assassinated President William McKinley, who died in September in 1901. In turn, Czolgosz was electrocuted that October, and the film was made in December. It begins with the view of a train, continues to the exterior of the prison, and finally to outside the prisoner's cell. He is led away, we see his electrocution, and he is examined with a stethoscope by two witnesses. I recommend this film to all those interested in American history as it shows an interesting episode in it.
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A Great Classic
11 June 1999
Despite the criticism that this film has received for the bias it shows, I think its artistic merit alone puts it on a par with other great films. It is a story of the Civil War and its aftermath; we should remember this film as the one that ushered in the tide of later classics. I fully recommend it.
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The Nut (I) (1921)
Well-worth seeing
7 May 1999
This film is about an eccentric inventor Charlie Johnson (Douglas Fairbanks) who is constantly trying to win the heart of his beloved, Estrell Wynn (Marguerite De La Motte). The film is set in Greenwich Village. This movie should be seen not only because of Fairbanks' funny antics, but also because it conveys a deep sense of chivalry on his part. He will do anything for Estrell's love.
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