
13 Reviews
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Altitude (2010)
Expected schlock, got a relatively decent little thriller!
23 July 2023
I literally told myself that I was going to shut this movie off if I had any sense that it was schlock in the first few minutes of it's 91 minute runtime. As it happened, I didn't have to hold myself to that promise! From the beginning the film takes itself seriously, and I appreciated that . . . Does it have its problems? Sure. Do some of the other reviews here make valid points of criticism? Yes. Are some of these point a bit too harsh? Again, yes. Go in expecting something slightly different than what you think (especially given the tentacle wrapped prop plane shown in the marquee poster), with a few issues that nonetheless do not get in the way of being entertained in the process. Also, pay attention to the little details to see if you can figure out what's going on, before the truth is revealed in the third act (the tagline, "Fear is in the air," is a subtle clue). Do some paperwork if you will, like I did, while the movie is playing, and be pleasantly surprised that you were actually entertained, again like I was . . .
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Murder is supposed to be funny now? Avoid this mess!
17 June 2023
I couldn't get through the first episode - two-thirds of the way in, and I was out. The tongue-in-cheek telling of the story of a real homicide DOES NOT WORK. Especially so when the well-known voice over narrator (Dateline NBC's Keith Morrison) tries to gives the story a gravitas that is completely contradicted by the outright comedy playing out on-screen (including when we see the body). I have no idea how this show is getting as well-reviewed as it is, partly so for it's comedic aspect - and said reviewers making the case for the story being told that way as a positive! This NBC produced six-episode limited series was inspired by a Dateline NBC chronicle of the case, told in five episodes over the course of as many years. I'll either listen to that to find out what really happened, or read an article about the crime. What genius at NBC saw fit to greenlight this trash?
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65 (2023)
Not bad, but could have been so much better!
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, Adam Driver is a really great actor whose talents were wasted in the lousy Star Wars sequel trilogy. Not his fault - he took a job, and I hope they paid him well. In this film he was well utilized, and is clearly the best part of the movie. The actress who played Koa was good as well. The main issue I had was with the script. While it did work as a science-fiction thriller, they blew a great opportunity for a surprise twist. Unfortunately, at the 17 minute mark (and in the trailers), it was revealed that this takes place on Earth 65 million years ago. With words on the screen so there was no doubt. This is no way to treat your audience! Why? Why not make it a surprise to the audience that this pilot crash landed on our Earth? Give us hints and clues along the way to build the mystery, then gobsmack us with it at the right time in the narrative, perhaps the third act when we see the Tyrannosaurus. In the hands of a capable writer, this could easily be accomplished. Another thing was that although the writing we see on objects and computer screens is in an alien script, the computer uses the term kilometers as a distance measure, and expresses time in hours. What?? Couldn't you make up words that the audience would understand to act as measures of distance and time? Also, dialogue containing the word "okay" . .. is not okay! Things like that take you right out of the movie. At least he didn't say "you can do this" like they did in the not-so-great Picard season 3. If you're going to design a production with the fine detail of creating symbols for alien script, but then turn around and use colloquial Earth terms (granted that will not be used used for another 65 million years), consistency suffers. Though on balance I did enjoy the movie, with just a little script tweaking and better attention to detail it could perhaps have been one of those movies that is the one to see simply by word-of-mouth.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Thrilling, well-written fight for survival at 2,000 feet
29 April 2023
I saw this movie upon seeing its positive recommendation by YouTuber "The Critical Drinker." The internal and external conflict the two characters face is existential, and compelling. The writing is tight - in a very short amount of time you get to like these women, empathize with their predicament, and route for their survival. The choices they make and the chances they take are logical given the parameters of their desperate plight. Also, it really looks like they were on top of a 2,000 foot tower in the middle of the desert. You might even say the tower itself is a character, in the same way that Gotham City is itself a character in any given Batman film. The cinematography is literally breathtaking, and it really feels like the viewer is with these women as they fight to survive against seemingly impossible odds. I recommend this film for anyone looking to see a taut, well-written physical and psychological thriller.
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Halo (2022– )
This is NOT Halo, not even close!
26 March 2022
I was very excited for this show, and followed it through its very long development. When it looked as though it was going to happen, I was quite glad! Unfortunately for me (and millions of my fellow Halo fans), when the buzz surrounding the premiere was released, I was crushed. It got even worse when I saw the first episode. This show may consist of characters and situations based on the Halo game franchise, but it spectacularly fails to capture the essence of the games. What passes for the Master Chief in the show is not the Master Chief from the games, not at all. If you don't capture the basic essence of any given established character when planning an adaptation, then what you end up with will fail in it's attempt to entertain. The long established character of Master Chief doesn't joke, he doesn't speak much, he does not make small talk or waste time with inaction/indecisiveness. Also, he doesn't remove his helmet. Ever. These aspects of one of gaming's most beloved characters could have been easily conveyed by skillful writing to make it work. The game's play and cutscenes are very cinematic in nature, so much so that they practically transcend the medium in telling what is an epic tale of the rise and fall of intergalactic empires. This show was made by people who neither understand Halo, its characters nor its universe at the very least, and are most certainly using it as a vehicle to push their own political agenda at worst. Avoid at all costs!
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Full sequence? It should be FORGOTTEN sequence . . .
30 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, where to begin! The first film at least had something of a plot, where the horror crept over the viewer gradually, almost as if they were one of the three unfortunates that would compose the human centipede slowly realizing what was about to happen to them. Visceral, intense and not for the squeamish, to be sure . . .

That established, how could they possibly come up with this steaming pile of garbage? Others can say all they want about it being the chronicle of a madman - it nonetheless fails spectacularly at such a characterization. The sheer concept alone is a sophomoric attempt to simply shock.

How about using the first film as a starting point, and have it so that the doctor was actually part of a group of sick and depraved like minded fellow surgeons who perform similar vivisection experimentation. Imagine the possibilities if the girl who survived the first sequence were taken away by members of such a group before the authorities got there, to be subjected and witness to worse horrors beyond which she has already suffered . . . ? It could still be done, however, as apparently none of it really happened except in the mind of the antagonist all along, if the final scene was any indication.

Bottom line - save your time and avoid this mess.
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Zombie Apocalypse (2011 TV Movie)
Zombie Apocalypse? More like a writing, directing, and acting apocalypse!
29 October 2011
What can I say about this stinker? Yet another "SyFy Channel Original Movie" - otherwise known as a poorly produced steaming pile of schlock. It actually took two writers to come up with this garbage? It isn't even good for purely mocking purposes. Makeup people - when you feature a zombie in a fight, make sure you glue down their prosthetics! Computer animation effects team - you have to animate the rounds going into the gun, not just the empty shells exiting the breach . . . Ving, what happened to your career? Whew!

How is it remotely possible that SyFy can produce such great original series, but the absolute WORST movies? For good zombie fare, check out "The Walking Dead," where you actually care about the characters and the writing, direction and acting are solid. Don't waste your time - avoid this one at all costs!
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Untraceable (2008)
What could have been a first rate thriller with a third rate script
16 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'd been looking forward to seeing Untraceable. Its viral marketing was mildly intriguing, whereby accessing the killer's website led to a series of flash puzzles ultimately leading to the film's trailer. The premise, using the Internet as a murder weapon, also held some promise. Unfortunately, these concepts are squandered on a third rate script.

The Pros:

Diane Lane. The concept itself, while reminiscent of SAW, with a technological twist.

The Cons:

The identity of the killer is revealed 40 min into the film. Shameless, absolutely unnecessary plug for the Onstar System 10 minutes into the film. The ending was somewhat rushed, and as such felt anti-climactic. The killer's motivation is simple revenge.

All in all, Untraceable isn't too bad - but it definitely leaves you with disappointed expectations.
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Sunshine (2007)
A surprisingly taut, psychological science fiction thriller . . .
28 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had my doubts about this one, as its limited release precluded the recognition it deserves. Reviewing the premise only made it seem mildly interesting, but I gave it a shot, and was glad for it . . .

The writing is tight, with nary a scene wasted. The performances are excellent, making you care about the fate of the crew, especially in the scenes of self sacrifice. The music evoked the proper mood of such a dire mission.

A strong case may be made that "Sunshine" parallels "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Event Horizon", and the original "Alien." But if such is done in a new way that works and doesn't feel derivative, all the better. The line between homage and derivation can be a fine one, but Sunshine manages to walk it with aplomb.
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Juno (2007)
Not bad, but also not worth all the accolades . . . .
25 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When any film starts creating buzz and garnering awards, I have to check it out to see what the deal is . . . . I found Juno to be OK, but not as great as its buzz claims – though it could have been with a few conscientious alterations.

There is a great deal to like, certainly – Ellen Page's performance, the treatment of teenage pregnancy in general, and the interplay of the characters. Unfortunately, the picture was marred by several things that either didn't ring true, or make sense within the confines of the narrative. The reaction of Juno's parents to the announcement of her pregnancy was blasé to the extreme! The stepmother's reaction I can almost understand – but the father? Didn't buy it – to him it was as big a deal as someone putting saccharine instead of sugar in his morning coffee!

The character of Juno herself was a bundle of contradiction. On one hand she seems to be wise beyond her years, and in other ways she's helpless. That might seem to make sense in the wake of her pregnancy, thus making the story more poignant, but somehow it just doesn't quite work. Juno's bonding with Mark was a pleasantly unexpected turn, but it went nowhere, and then Mark just disappears from the movie in the third act! When Juno tells her father that she knows someone that makes her feel accepted, I thought she was talking about Mark! I was surprised when she went to Paulie, especially based on his recent behavior in the third act of the movie. As such, her choice didn't ring true enough. If he was the one Juno chose, some voice-over narration throughout the flick indicating her caring for him would have made it make a bit more sense . . .

The music was, in a word, awful. The choice to use it was perhaps to give the movie more of an indie feel, but that still doesn't make it good. Maybe having Ellen Page sing all the songs would have worked, dovetailing into the duet she has with Michael Cera at the end – that would have made sense both actually and metaphorically.

All in all, Juno was a pleasant exercise, full of a potential that could have been realized had the film makers taken the time to step back from the work and see that the forest didn't look quite right for the trees.
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American Idol (2002– )
Popular yes, but that doesn't make it good . . .
24 February 2008
Sure the show pulls high ratings, provokes fevered discussion and might even be fun for its viewers. They've assembled a tight trio of judges with good natured rapport and enough of a comprehensive critical eye to weed through the shallow, fame-craving riff-raff . . . however . . . I am here to bury Idol, not to praise it! At most the show is a guilty pleasure, as hollowly insubstantial as it is trite. It's best fit as passive, ultimately forgettable recreation for a preadolescent audience with no other life concern except perhaps their schoolwork. The final irony is that all of the "American Idols" picked by the judges and the viewers, with the possible exception of Carrie Underwood, have sooner or later vanished from the formerly adoring public eye that created them! Despite this repeated repudiation of its mere existence, the ungainly behemoth that is American Idol nonetheless slouches towards us each seasonal cycle, waiting to be born anew in all its false idolatric 'splendor' . . .
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Bubble (I) (2005)
Sprint, don't run away from seeing this movie
26 March 2006
Amazing that Soderberg, who directed the great sex, lies and videotape, would put this out at this point in his directorial career. Like many other films, it suffers from a severe lack of editing. It might actually have been compelling if it was tweaked a bit and shortened to 30 minutes or less. Worse than the film are the DVD "extras," especially the making of the movie. I expect watching Parmesan cheese age would be more more fun. On the bright side, though, the DVD could serve as an excellent cure for Insomnia. The experiment of releasing a film in theaters and DVD at the same time has yet to be fully explored. First, however, you have to have a good film . . .. .
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Smallville (2001–2017)
A dramatic journey into the 'human' origin of the last son of Krypton!
7 February 2002
Despite the debacle that was Lois and Clark, I had high hopes for this current rendition of the Superman mythos. I can honestly say that they were surpassed beyond my wildest expectations . . . .

Intelligently written and extremely well acted, "Smallville" incorporates the usual problems of a "normal" teen just trying to just fit in and find love and acceptance with the destined background of an alien fated to become Earth's greatest hero. Instead of hitting us over the head with all the familiar aspects of the Superman canon, the show introduces it gradually, also peppering each show with the errant bit of wry dialog portending the destiny awaiting young Clark Kent.

To expound on the world outside Smallville, the producers have mentioned the possibility of other characters visiting the Kansas town, not the least of which is a certain individual named Bruce from Gotham City. . .

Fanboys may take issue with the depiction of certain aspects of some characters, like how Jonathan and Martha each specifically deal with their adopted son's normal (and super) growth or the casting of a black Pete Ross and a mixed heritage (Chinese/dutch) Lana Lang, but such nitpicking is ridiculous and ultimately meaningless. Smallville delivers on all levels - drama, adventure, wry humor, solid writing/acting - and deserves a long, successful run.
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