
3 Reviews
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At least they made it
21 August 2000
I came to see this film by chance and it reminded me of a book i had read which it turns out the film was based on. The book in one of my favourites but the film left me confused with the careless approach that takes away from the serious topic which it deals with. But considering heaps of Australian books for teenagers that should be made into films and haven't this was a good choice. Maybe one day a film-maker with sense will make a better screen version.
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Best Movie Of All Time!
22 July 2000
This is my all time number one film. There is not a scene in the entire film that isn't memorable. What ever mood you are in this film goes with because you can identify with each characters situation at some stage. I Highly speak about this film and hope you to feel the same way. Hilarious and with heart.
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X-Men (2000)
How low were your expectations
12 July 2000
I will admit I am not an avid reader of the comics but have seen the cartoon show and trading cards. My main reason for being disappointed with this film is that it of its slow pace and minimal storyline. Not enough character development and the colour scheme is too dark unlike the cartoon which is colorful. But on the positives Hugh Jackman makes a cool Wolverine,he delivers the lines with the dry humour you need. Anna Paquin is absolutely stunning as Rouge, beautiful and dangerous. Overall they could have done better and I hope for a sequel. Batman still rules!
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