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A real Stink Bomb!
15 June 2002
I actually liked this movie when it was normal, then it went all crazy on me. I could not understand it on my own, I admit that. I read some reviews on this site, and then I finally got it, I think. I still didn't like it even after I understood what was going on. It was boring, and if you ask me, it was just a dud of a movie trying to be odd.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like crazy strange movies that you have to rewind or watch twice just to "Get".
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The Gift (2000)
28 April 2002
I really wanted to see this movie because I am a Katie Holmes fan. I like her, and I think that she is a great actor. Katie made quite a good Jessica King. Usually Katie reminds me of the girl she plays on Dawson's Creek, Josephine, in her films, but this time, there was nothing Dawson's Creek about her. I also like Vonni Ribisi, wouldn't call myself a fan, but I have liked him since about 1985. He was 11, and I was 6 then. I have seen many of his films, and he is a good actor. I loved him in The Boiler Room, he was the ONLY thing I liked about that movie. In this movie, he plays a stunning Buddy Cole. I loved Buddy Cole, I don't know why. Buddy was different from any role that I have ever seen Vonni play. I would say that this movie is more creepy than scary. And that Katie and Vonni were the two best things about it. I give it a "9".
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Original Sin (2001)
Almost Boring.
28 April 2002
This movie wasn't quite boring to me, but it was almost. It really did not keep me rooted to my seat. It started out a dud, and it ended with no fireworks. I was looking for fireworks throughout the entire movie, but I never found any. It reminds me of many movies I have seen before. It had somewhat of a 1940's twist to it. They had a lot of movies with this sort of plot in the 1940's. This film did not shock me, I thought it was somewhat on the lame and stupid side. No, it WAS stupid. And you knew almost everything that would happen, before it did. I HATE movies like that. They aren't a bit of fun to watch. I like drama, I like twists and surprises.
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Desperate for Love (1989 TV Movie)
2 March 2002
I don't suppose that I would be considered a "Hick". I was born in Oak Park, Illinois, I was brought up in Chicago. Even still, calling this film a CRAZY HICK MOVIE was offensive.

Now. I'm 22 now, so I was 10 when this movie was made. I most likely saw it for the first in the early 1990's, and I still love it. I watch it every chance I get.

This movie had everything. Suspense, Drama, Comedy.

I thought that Brian Bloom played his Rich Boy role quite well. He simply has those Rich Boy looks, he still has those gorgeous eyes that just make you shake your head.

Anyway. I am NO fan of Christian Slater's. But he acted good in this movie. The role he played, was annoying though. Kinda made me want to puke.

I don't know the Lead Female's name, but her name was Lily in the movie. Lily is an outright FOOL. I hated her. She made me sick, sick, sick. And sicker.
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Pretty Poison (1996 TV Movie)
6 January 2002
This film, if you want to be bold and call it that, is a piece of crap, and I say crap, because I don't want to use other words. I've seen the original 1960's version, and that one stank as well.

There is NO plot. The way they had Sue Ann acting was just STUPID! She came off as a Dumb, No-Talent Bimbo.
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Love it, Love it, Love it! A Poor 21-Year Old Black Female Who Likes George W. Bush!
14 July 2001
I have been meaning to watch this show for a good while now, I just never got around to it. When I did, I was surprised by how funny it is.

I think that Timothy plays George W. quite well. Not that I think that is how George W. REALLY acts, the real guy probably doesn't have that much of a sense of humor. I don't know, but gosh would I like to find out.

I happen to think that George W. Bush is a swell guy, at least he appears to be for the most part.

Yeah, I'm a poor, black 21-year old female, and I'm not supposed to like George W. Bush, but I do. I'm a Novelist/Screenwriter by the way.

I think that he's simply BEAUTIFUL! And this show, honors him.
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14 May 2001
This movie could have been a lot better than it was, if hadn't been a Disney Film. I thought that the young girl playing Shirley was all right, you could tell that she was really trying to do the job right. The teenage Shirley Temple wasn't right at all. I think that they should have spent last time on her childhood, the first hour should have been about the young Shirley, then the last hour should have been about the older Shirley. This was a boring movie, and not a good Shirley Temple story.
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Frenzy (1972)
I enjoyed this movie
18 December 2000
I thought that this was a really good movie. At first I didn't think it would be, I am no fan of Hitchcock films, nor his show.

This one really surprised me though, I enjoyed the English accents, and I really liked the fine acting. Even though this was a dark film, I found it to be highly comical on Mr. Barry's part. And I loved the at home meal scenes with the wife. I've always been into Ted Bundy, and this is my kind of movie.
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Klute (1971)
Donald Sutherland is the man!
6 November 2000
I really enjoyed this movie. I loved the screenplay, the acting, and the wardrobes. The movie was a cross between a thriller and a drama. Jane Fonda really puts it down in this one. I thought she was amazing, I couldn't take my eyes off of her for one second, except for when I was drooling over a young Donald Sutherland. Donald is a wonderful actor, I've seen him play almost everything. I'm 20, but I still find him attractive even today. Whenever I watch one of his films, I am always drawn into the plot. even if the plot isn't so good, because he's such a grand actor. This movie is sexy, VERY sexy.
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This Movie Is A God!
31 October 2000
It has been a while since I saw a movie this good, I loved it! I started getting into classic films in around 1991, when I was 11, and like I said, it has been a long time since I saw a classic film that made me feel this good! I thought that the acting was amazing. The plot was even more brilliant, and I shook with anticipation through the ENTIRE film! I don't care how CARDBOARD other people said this movie was, to me, it wasn't stiff at all, and it wasn't predictable. This is an EXCELLENT drama/action vintage film with the real stuff. Movies like this just should NOT be made over.
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The Girl Next Door (II) (1998 TV Movie)
The Bomb, not A Bomb!
13 September 2000
I loved this movie, I gave it a 10. I thought it was filmed well, very beautiful colors in the movie, especially the rain and the trees. I thought that the plot was WONDERFUL, the acting was good. I thought this movie was going to be bad, because it was on HBO late at night. But I was wrong, I watched this one twice. Has enough thrills and action to keep you watching, and also the acting was not what you would expect!
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Battle Dome (1999–2001)
Christian Boeving is a God!
29 August 2000
I love this show, I don't miss an episode. Christian Boeving "The Commander" is a beautiful, strong, god of sexiness. I would suggest that anybody who liked American Gladiators watch this. A shoe could probably act better than some of the cast, though.
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Christine (1983)
Christine...doesn't get any better than this!
25 August 2000
I adore this movie, it is a total "10" to me. I've been watching it since I was around seven years old, about 1986. This movie doesn't have a lot of special effects, but the few that it does have are amazing! I happen to think that Arnie was a very handsome guy at the start of the movie, and after the "change". I am a collector of vintage clothing, and I named one of my formal dresses "Christine"! If you like old music, say from the 1950's to the early 1960's, and 1980's music, vintage cars, and a good scary movie with an amazing plot and wonderful actors, this movie is for you!
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Strong Medicine (2000–2006)
Powerful Stuff
20 August 2000
I like this show. It's real. It shows you what being a doctor is like, and how the patients deal with their doctors, and how they handle things. The first episode really pulled you in, I plan to watch it every week. I think people should really check this show out.
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Mixing Nia (1998)
White and Black Does Not Make Black.
6 August 2000
I loved the movie, I thought it had a few funny scenes. It was a good decent movie that you can watch with your parents. Karen played Nia well, and I liked the guy that lived under her, though he did not have many parts. I did have a problem with one thing, A white parent, and a black parent, cannot make a black child! I am Irish and black, and I have straight red hair, green eyes, and snow-white skin, but I do not go around saying that I'm just "Irish", I say that I am Irish and Black, because that is what I am, even if I look only white.
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Boiler Room (2000)
A few hot guys wearing suits!
30 July 2000
Let me just say, that there is nothing hotter than sexy white guys wearing suits, honest! I gave this movie a 7, I probably would have given it an 8, if it had not ended the way it had. I thought Vonnie played Seth very well, I've always known that Vonnie has major talent, and this role showed that. Abbey, played by Nia Long, could have been more thought out, she didn't really do anything. Scott Caan's part could have been larger as well. Watch this movie if you like to watch HOT white guys wearing suits, as I do, and if you like stockmarket movies about ripping people off. Don't watch this movie if you don't care for profanity, racist jokes about Jews or Italians, or good endings.
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Sweet, sweet movie!
27 May 2000
I loved this movie, it made me cry, it made me nearly die from laughing! Drew was perfect for Josie, you really could feel Josie's pain, too. Mike Vartan who played (Sam)is a very beautiful actor and person, I happen to know him and he's such a sweetie and he's very talented. I don't understand why people left comments suggesting that pretty people can't be unpopular, all pretty people don't have friends, and they can be nerds, shame on you guys for saying that!
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The Skulls (2000)
Joshie Jackson does it right!
31 March 2000
I LIKED this movie, I didn't LOVE it, but I liked it. I give it a 10! Josh Jackson played Luke very well in this movie! I think that Josh is a highly under-rated actor, much like Edward Norton was before American History X, and also like actor Adrien Brody, and actor Ben Foster. I hope that this movie will help people to see that Josh is a very good actor! If you watch Dawson's creek, you will see that Josh's role as Pacey Witter has become less of Dawson's sidekick this season, and that Josh is finally able to come through on the show. THE SKULLS is a great thriller! I think that for the most part the actors and actresses did a good job. Paul Walker was great! The skulls wasn't boring at all. The movie had some funny scenes, Luke's (The guy that Josh played) old friends were sour, though, I think that they should have been left out of the movie! I did have a problem with once scene in the movie, the scene where Luke is running and he ends up in an alley, and these bad guys in a costly car are following him, how did Luke's friends know that he was going to be chased? How did they know he was going to end up in an alley? They jumped down on the bad guys like they KNEW Luke was going to run through that particular alley!
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The Audrey Hepburn Story (2000 TV Movie)
A bit slow...but Jennifer did a somewhat good job playing Audrey.
27 March 2000
I was shocked when I heard that Jennifer had been picked to play Audrey, I was so sure that Jennifer would mess the movie up, I am not the biggest fan of Jennifer's acting skills. After watching the movie, I found that it was slow. The movie made my head ache. I do think that Jennifer did a somewhat good job at playing Audrey, nobody but Audrey can play Audrey, though. Jennifer had Audrey's accent down. I read the first review for this movie, and I don't think that the person who wrote it even saw the movie. Jennifer's chest size does not have anything to do with this movie.
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Chill Factor (1999)
Funny and asinine!
18 March 2000
The whole plot was tired and foolish, must of us know that. I myself happen to like cheesy and stupid action movies. Cuba was funny, as I thought he might be, even Skeet turned out to have slight humor in his bones. This is one of those movies where two guys hate each other at first, but end up becoming the best of pals. If you like dumb jokes, and asinine plots, you'll LOVE this movie!
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Mercy (1995)
Grand, simply grand!
10 March 2000
I first saw this movie in 1997, and I can't help but to watch it every time it runs. This is grand movie. It did not take a whole lotta money to make such an amazing film, either! Amber Kain who played Ruby, is brilliant, she's beautiful, and she has so much talent. It is such a shame that she does not get many roles. Amber, you made "Mercy" the smashing film that it is!
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Basically a good movie.
6 March 2000
I liked this movie, it is a movie filled to the brim with cheesy dialog. I don't think that it should be a movie just for children to watch, I am 20, and I thought that it was pretty cool. I also loved the fact that Tyra Banks was a black doll, and the other cast members were white, you just don't see that very often, Had I not known that Tyra Banks was playing "Eve" the life-size doll, I would have figured that the person picked to play "Eve" would have been white, hey, that's just the way the world works. You should watch this movie.
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Little Richard (2000 TV Movie)
20 February 2000
I really liked this movie, it was good, and the actors were brilliant! Leon Robinson, who played Richard, and many other classic singers, is very good at his job, when you see him in a musical movie, you know that it is going to be good! I would suggest that people watch this heart warming, sad, and special movie, if they want to know more about Richard! Outstanding! Fresh!
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Carmen Ejogo made this movie worth watching!
14 February 2000
I liked this movie, I didn't love it, however. I don't think that the relationship between Sally and Jefferson was particularly startling, I don't understand why the relationship would be a shock to anybody. Slaves are people too, so of course, people can fall in love with a slave, it's not impossible. I happen to be a black girl who likes white men, shocking? I think not. I do think that this movie did not concentrate on family, enough, I wouldn't have expected Jefferson to have long chats with his biracial children, but Sally too hardly said anything to them. And I so wish that people would quit calling Sally Hemings black, or colored. Sally was white AND black, a simple blood test would show that. Most blacks don't choose to believe that blacks should be considered less than a whole human, but they'll go for that one-drop-of-black-blood crap in a second! Carmen Ejogo didn't play Sally as well as Thandie Newton did to me, but she did a fine job!
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Cabin by the Lake (2000 TV Movie)
Pure crap!
2 February 2000
Cabin by the lake was pure crap! I read the tagline for it, and I thought it might be good, but was I wrong! Judd Nelson's character was on the borderline of funny at the start of the movie, but then he became amazingly annoying! Cabin by the lake was beyond phony, they may have had a few good dummies on the set, but the whole aura of the movie was fakes-ville. Don 't watch cabin by the lake past the first half-hour!
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