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Happy Days: The Spirit Is Willing (1984)
Season 11, Episode 14
Not bad for an 11th season Happy Days episode
16 May 2021
Many people did not like this episode because it wasn't a typical Happy Days episode. It's kind of a good lil sweet sentimental ghost story with the Fonz. Loved it.
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a leave your brains at the door actioner...
5 May 2006
MI III was your typical summer action blockbuster movie. A leave-your-brains-at-the-door kinda movie. It tries to pretend it's a James Bond movie in fact! If you like brain-dead action movies, go see it. If you like looking at Tom Cruise, go see it. If you like a lot of pyrotechnics, go see it. If you wanna see Cruise in another o.k. movie, go see it. But if you're looking for a movie that uses 1 spec of your brain, don't go see it. Philip Seymour Hoffman is o.k. in this movie. Fishburne reminds me of M in the James Bond movies, and Simon Pegg reminds me of a Q. MI III is o.k., it will keep your attention, it has a lot of action, but it doesn't have a lot of plot. Cruise acts like Cruise, he doesn't act like Ethan. I'm glad this movie came out first, just to get it over with. I never had any high expectations for it considering I'm not a huge fan of the movie trilogy.
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great for where it was shown...
6 December 2004
For a television movie, this was a totally awesome movie. Some were turned off by this movie, those who were just don't have a heart. O.k., so this movie was flawed...folks, it's a television movie, not a late-Fall theatrical movie or blockbuster summer movie. I thought Jon Voight did a great job playing Eddie. I thought the movie followed the book relatively close...and I clapped at the end of it, those who didn't, well, go watch Saving Private Ryan, because those kind of movies are more suitable for you. But this movie was great for a television movie. It was no Roots, but it sure beat the heck out of watching Nick & Jessica last week!
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Helter Skelter (2004 TV Movie)
creepy movie
19 May 2004
Some say this movie was too tamed. Hello? This is CBS-wuss we are watching, not the FX channel where TV-M shows are on at nights. Anyway, I thought Helter Skelter was a great movie, for a television movie that is. Davies was excellent as Manson, but I thought Bruno Kirby played Bruno Kirby, not Vincent B. Bruno needs to remember how well he acted in Godfather II, because he hasn't acted that great since. But I thought the other actors & actresses did a decent job. I thought the one that played Sadie did an awesome job. I think one Helter Skelter was enough, but you know Hollywood & t.v. stations, they ALWAYS like to remake a movie because they don't have an original bone in their body anymore, so everything now is based on books, old movies, stories and cases.
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a great movie!
11 December 1999
It amazes me sometimes...a perfectly POWERFUL movie like The Green Mile & yet, there are some that just don't like it. The acting is top notch, the directing, the screenplay, everything is top notch. Answer me this..or better yet, e-mail me a scene you think that can be cut out of the movie & it will still make sense. Every detail in that movie is vitally important to the plot. I liked Shawshank, but I went into the movie theater with a clear mind..I didnt expect to see Morgan Freeman or Tim Robbins come out of a prison cell. :)

It's a great movie & I hope it gets nominated...SPECIALLY the big black dude that played John Coffey. In my opinion, if you have a firm grip on what life is all'll love & fully understand this movie...if you don't know what life is really all about and what lies just won't understand the movie.
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24 September 1999
My fiancee & I saw this movie at a sneak preview showing in her college. The big lab building was filled with mature college students, and there were those who still haven't grown up yet. The lights dimmed and the movie started. It started out with Lester Burnham (played by Kevin Spacey), in a short monologue with an overview of the city they live in. From that moment until the ending credits rolled, I did not blink, I did not budge...except when I laughed...and BOY did I laugh. The movie itself was a bit....shall I say..oh...weird. My fiancee didn't like it too much, cuz it was too weird for her.

I thought it was a very serious movie, but with most of the serious scenes, it contains lots of humor. That's why I thought this movie was very good & original. It's very very serious, but at the same time, it was hilarious and shocking.

Please do NOT take your kids to this movie either (like I saw some parents do in American Pie), it's very BOLD & BRAVE. It has Kevin Spacey nearly commits statutory rape, it has Spacey masturbating (it actually showed it!), and it had Annette Benning having sex with Peter Gallagher..<very rough hard sex>.

In short, I think Spacey & Benning & Chris Cooper (the Neo-Nazi marine) all deserve oscars for this movie! As for best picture, as of right now, there's no movie as bold, daring & very well acted like this movie is. So, American Beauty, you have my votes!
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Cobra (1986)
a good Stallone flick
29 August 1999
I have read the comments on Cobra & they all have some good things to say. It was not an Oscar winning movie, but it was in no way Stallone's low-point..that's Rhinestone bub! Cobra is a good action flick. I mean, I read somewhere that one person who commented didn't know WHY the killers are trying to create a "New World". If you had common sense, it means that they hate the world they lived in..that's WHY they're killing people to create a new world. Far fetched, but hey, it's an action movie! I give it a 9 out of 10. Not Stallone's best action flick, but it was much better than RHINESTONE! :) You picky critics can nit-pick this movie, but it's an action's no The Firm, it's no Dances with's no Glory. So, I'm rating this as an action movie..and action movies serve to have lots of good action...cheesy or, Cobra is definitly a great action flick, just wish you picky critics would understand that.
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
a cool show!
5 August 1999
Hi, I'm Sean and I'm 26, me & my fiancee watch Boy Meets World every Friday night and most everyday when it airs on the WB channel at 5:30 with its reruns. We both like the show mainly because most of the cheesy programs today SUCK, with the exceptions of a few (Friends, Frasier, Monday Night Raw hehe). I saw a comment that says Cory is sappy and mushy. Girl, you probably aren't that romantic and too young. My fiancee & I are die-hard romantic and we enjoy the relationship Cory & Topanga have. That's one of the reasons we like it, because of how strong a love those 2 share. I also like Mr. Feeni because he's in a few of my favorite shows...Knight Rider (as Kitt), The Graduate (as Mr. Braddock). Eric Matthews is a very cool character and he's one of the best on there. The parents are cool too. The racial relationship Shawn Hunter had was a good story, it tells you, not to pick a mate solely on her looks, but what's on the inside. I truely wish Eric & that red head would come back together as lovers...That's all. :)
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The Haunting (1999)
one good movie!
24 July 1999
I won't write a BIG critique like some others do. It doesn't follow the book nor the 1963 version of this movie much. It's similar in the beginning, but it's its own movie towards the end. I did not judge this movie of how true it was to its original format, that's not right judgement. The movie, on its own, is a good movie. The ghost story is far-fetched, but I guess that's Hollywood for ya. When I saw this movie, parents took their little kids to see this movie....NOT SMART! This movie is a good example of not listening to just a critic's view. Go see it for yourself. It's not as scary as the original, but it's a very entertaining movie! Whoever didn't like this movie because it wasnt true to the too darn picky!
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American Pie (1999)
a great movie!
12 July 1999
I saw this movie last night and I rolled laughing in the isles. If you don't like shocking sexual movies, don't see this, if you do, it's a MUST! If you love comedy and don't have anything up your butt, then it's a must see!!!!
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Summer of Sam (1999)
a good movie!
3 July 1999
Summer Of sam was a good movie! I never thought it had flaws or anything. I mean, common people, these were the 70's, FILLED with sex, lust and weirdos! New Yorkers, specially in that area of the state cussed like that all the time..still & always will too. You have to understand Spike Lee's directing to fuly understand the camera shots, etc. This movie I give a 9 out of 10. Not at any point did I look at my watch or get impatient for this movie to be over with. It seems some have problems at lengthy movies...well, too bad! This isn't an Oscar winner..although the acting was great, and it isn't Lee's angriest movie, but as the net critic Berardenelli said & I agree, it was his most ambitious movie to date. Go see it!
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The best Chuck Norris movie ever!
29 June 1999
When I was growing up, I would watch Eye For An Eye a million times a year. That was my favorite Norris movie, until I came across Lone Wolf McQuade in the video stores in 1987. I love that movie SO MUCH! The acting isn't that great (I don't think any of his movies have 1st rate acting), but being an action Norris movie, it's right on target! The musical theme to Lone Wolf McQuade fit very much in the movie. It sounds a bit like those Eastwood spaghetti western themes, but better! If anyone didn't like this movie, they're brain dead! (Anyone who's a Norris fan that is) :) If you're a TRUE Norris fan & if you love action flicks, rent this movie today, you'll love it!
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A classic!
28 June 1999
Last night on the Turner Classic Movies channel, I saw Father's Little Dividend. It was a very funny movie! Spencer Tracy shines as he plays Stanley Banks. Just as good as the original Father Of The Bride. Despite the airheadedness of the last commenter, this movie is very much worth seeing. It's a classic! Not Tracy's best movie, but it's a gem!
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