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F******G "A"on this ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 August 2002
I was there Jack; and this one is right on the money!!!! This film is so true to the mark that for almost 2 hours I literally forgot where I was and thought I was THERE with those f*****' jarheads (God love 'em!) Although I was only an Army Ranger (5th Group) for 18 months, I was on 7 LZ' and was in 49 firefights and got into this film from the first minute-I got it only a few weeks ago on video, but have seen it on cable dozens of times and will catch it EVERY time it's on! Lee Ermey is absolutely flawless in every picture he does, and for a civilian, Wings Hauser isn't far behind. And the guy who did the chopper pilot was PHENOMENAL; I would have sworn he was real as gold!!! Unless you're a Jane Fonda or Hillary Clinton type, see this flick at least once- you owe it to every serviceman and woman who went over there- We did it for YOU!
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In Pursuit of Honor (1995 TV Movie)
A great Film-Almost restores your faith in Human Beings!
9 August 2002
I first saw this film completely by chance as I was shoveling my Dad's driveway the winter of 1996. I had turned on the TV in between breaks and went to HBO and it had just started and it was so well done that I watched the whole movie before I went beck out to keep on shoveling the snow. If the film's portrayal of MacArthur was true, he was a real Turd! And the treatment of the World War I veterans by our government shows that nothing much has changed over the past 80 years! But the film itself is a gem! If you love a movie with a corny old good guys vs. bad guys plot that will leave you feeling great at the end, and if you love animals, especially horses, you'll love this film. I have the video and will get the DVD as soon as they nake that - it's that good!!!
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Dick (1999)
Kirsten Dunst & Michelle Williams are the best duo since Laurel and Hardy!
21 January 2002
This is the first time I'd seen Michelle Williams in a film, but Kirsten Dunst is by far my new favorite female lead, and in DICK, she and Michelle are absolutely hysterical! I bought the DVD as soon as I saw it on Cable and have watched it 4 or 5 times since then. It's a hoot!!!!! I'd give it 15 stars if IMdb would let me!!!
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The BEST 'Nam movie made yet!
21 January 2002
This is easily far and away the BEST movie made about the war. It is very VERY realistic, yet also points out the absurdity of how the war was fought to keep Dow Chemical and Colt Firearms in business. I was there for 18 months and believed in what I was doing, but we were sold out by the Government and Big Business and were sacrificed for a nation that didn't care about us, or even want to know what we were doing, for the most part. It also shows how very different types of people can change in their attitudes, like how Tyrone goes over a mercenary type, and comes to like and even respect his fellow jar-heads and dislike his old way of thinking. All in all, it's a great flick, and when the He** is it coming out on DVD?????????????????????? My VHS copy is falling apart! C'mon, Hollywood, put out a GOOD film for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A 1994 sleeper that everyone should see!
3 June 2001
I just finished watching this absolutely captivating film at 5 AM Sunday morning, and feel great! It's just that kind of a film; one that by the title I would never have watched, but being an insomniac, I happened to be up and started it about 15 minutes into it. Toni Collete is beautiful, captivating, and if she's half as sweet as "Muriel", she must be a marvelous person, This movie is almost a throwback to a bygone day when you have a "Josephine six-pack" heroine who leaves her hometown to go to the big city, but comes back down to earth when her friends really need her. It's a first rate film, and I was glad to see on IMBD that she won Australia's "Academy" award for her performance; it is so richly deserved! See this film-It's a winner all around
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An absolute delight for the eyes and ears for all!
31 May 2001
You'll love this film, even if you're not Irish, because the tunes are so catchy, Sean Connery (and the others) are a delight, and the whole story is just plain fun! The Banshee and the Death Coach still scare me, but then, the way King brian helps Darby out at the end of the film makes the scary segments worthwhile. It really is an excellent film, so typical of "Old" Disney.
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Nell (1994)
Very Interesting-A sleeper that I really liked.
27 May 2001
Having never seen this film before, I "stumbled" on to it this morning about 10 minutes after it started on A&E and was so mesmerized that I watched the whole movie, and really liked it! It is well acted (Jodie Foster is INCREDIBLE), as is Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson, and it's just an all around GOOD movie. I recommend it very highly, and stopped short of giving it a "10" because it didn't have one of those neat what-happened-to-her title-over endings, though the ending IS a good one.
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A light but very funny comedy!
9 March 2001
This is one of those "sleepers" that you hear about from time to time. It's a perfect movie for a Saturday afternoon when you're by yourself and have nothing to do but want to see a film you can really get in to and enjoy. Watch for Dick Gautier's cameo as a crooked tele-vangelist; he's hilarious! I really do rate this one a 10; it's funny and very well acted.
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A hoot and a stitch of a flick!!!Ultra-hilarious!!!
20 December 2000
Although I haven't seen this film in many years, it was so funny that 99% of it is still in my mind and I look forward to the day it is put on video-though I don't know why it isn't out now, as funny as it is. If you get a chance to see it-DO IT! You won't be sorry!!!
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An extremely well done chiller!
27 November 2000
Having never seen Joan Crawford act, and in fact, my only exposure to her was Faye Dunaway's portrayal of her in MOMMIE DEAREST, I caught this flick on American Movie Classics and after 5 minutes was absolutely enthralled by her performance! I had read her daughter's book as well, and thought that Joan was just an off-the-wall screwball, but no more! I still feel that she was a little off center, but her acting in BABY JANE was absolutely flawless! I thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie, and will look forward to seeing it again. I am now looking forward to the next Joan Crawford movie I come across. BABY JANE is a definite, absolute Classic!
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Exceptional film and very factual for its day.
22 September 2000
I first saw this film in 3 half hour segments over a 3 week period in 1956 and have seen it so often I can almost recite the dialogue. Fess Parker has been and always will be Davy Crockett, and even though George Russell was a ficticious character, he also did a super job. I reccommend this film highly, and its so much nicer to see at one time.
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A Flawlessly delivered Classic!
21 July 2000
There aren't enough positive adjectives in all the languages of the world to praise this film. Gregory Peck is perfect (as he usually is) Brock Peters shows his true acting ability, and Robert Duvall is classic as Boo Radley (and I believe this was his first film role). The three children-Jem, Scout and Dill, are all so believable and well acted that every time I see this film, I feel as more like I'm eavesdropping on a period in the past, rather than watching a movie. It is indeed a rare classic, and well worth anyone's time to watch!
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Moby Dick (1956)
Another Flawless "PECK" Classic
21 July 2000
Is Gregory Peck capable of making less than a great movie!?!?!? If he is, I've NEVER seen it, and MOBY DICK sure isn't it! If I don't watch this movie 3 or 4 times a year, I go into Classic film withdrawl; it is GREAT! Everyone in it is so darn good that this film is one of the few I can think of that entertain me from second one untill the last - it CONSTANTLY keeps my attention. I cannot recommend this film enough-you MUST see it every year!
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First Class Unauthorized Bio of this Super Band!
1 July 2000
I've only seen this film twice, and will look forward to #3, as it is an excellent film. The acting is superb, the actors have the looks of each of their characters down pat, as well as the mannerisms, and the musical group, whoever they are, do a spectacular job of sounding as close as they do to the real "McCoy." I recommend this movie highly, especially if you love The beach Boys!
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25 June 2000
Speaking from the experience of someone who lived in Turkey for 3 years, this movie in spine-chillingly accurate. Brad Davis does an Oscar-winning job portraying Billy Hayes and his experiences in Turkey, and though I never had any run-ins with the Turkish police, their attitudes and slovenliness are very true, as well as their stupidity. This film is so good that it should be required viewing for anyone between the ages of 15 to 35 who is planning a trip to the Middle-East as a warning of what can happen if you violate a foreign country's laws. I recommend this film highly!!
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This has GOT to be the W O R S T movie of all time!
24 June 2000
I have only seen this movie once, and only then because I saw it with the most beautiful girl I have ever been out with, and she wanted to see all of it(and she hated it). The only redeeming thing about this idiotic film was the cinematography, because the plot was non-existant and there was no dialogue except grunting and hooting; sort of like a mentally retarded episode of The Flintstones. Even the "sex" scenes were hilarious! This film is so stupid,I wouldn't show it in a mental hospital. I gives bad a bad name!!!
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Papillon (1973)
First-rate film; Excellent!
31 May 2000
I saw this film when it first came out in the theatre, and really, due to the gorgeous scenery, that's the only place it should be seen. But since it has to be relegated to the small screen, the acting is so good that it more than makes up for the loss of the big screen. The only criticism I have is that, after reading the book, I learned that Mr. Charrieire, (I apologize for the possible misspelling) was not as nice a character as Steve McQueen made him seem, though he may have been innocent of the murder charge that sent him to Devil's Island, but I guess it's Hollywood's job to make people nicer than they might otherwise be. Still, it's a must see film, and often!
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An absolute Gem! Hilarious and musically a great film!
31 May 2000
I saw A Hard Day's Night for the first time in Heidelberg, Germany in 1964 when I was 14 years old, and I've been a Beatles fan ever since. This film is so good because it is shows the Beatles being themselves, and enjoying touring before it became such an insane chore 2 years later in 1966. If you're looking for a funny film that you can watch with the kids and really enjoy, this one is it. My kids (now 16 & 14) watch it with me at least once a year- I watch it by myself the other 2 or 3 times and listen to the music weekly if not more often. A first class film!!!
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Absolutely Superb, Flawless, Great Film!!!!!
31 May 2000
I haven't seen this film in many years, and am trying to get it on video. It is by far one of the best of the Biblical-type epics ever made. I have read two books on this particular battle (at Thermopolye) and this film sticks to the facts more truly than just about any other film of its type. If you haven't yet seen it, do so at the earliest opportunity. You won't be disappointed!!!
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The Egyptian (1954)
A Superb, interesting, and well acted Movie.
2 March 2000
I first saw this movie around 1968 and if I don't see it once or twice a year, I'm surprised. I've always found it engrossing, well acted, and, for Hollywood, surprisingly accurate historically. I heartily give it 10 stars and recommend it highly!
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The Best version of this timeless story!!!
30 November 1999
I have seen virtually all film versions of this story, and it is the B E S T! Alastair Sim is the best of the Scrooges, but

what makes this version #1 is that it follows the book almost verbatim, even down to the vocal comments. Most other versions take a little to far too much license with changes, the only other version I feel comes close is the one with Leo G. Carroll as Marley's ghost. I got this film on tape 6 years ago and plan to buy a new tape every couple of years to keep it fresh. This film is unparralled! I recommend it most highly!
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I have found a studio copy of this film-10/29/99
31 October 1999
After almost 5 years of looking, I have finally found a VHS copy of this film on e-bay, the auction place, and it only cost $31.00. I also just 2 weeks ago went on a tour of the escape route that Booth took after killing Lincoln, and HIGHLY reccommend that too (Call the Surratt Society)and it re-inforced my 34 year old opinion that Lincoln was murdered in a government conspiracy involving Edwin M. Stanton, and that Booth WAS NOT killed in Garrett's farm, but died a suicide in 1903 in Enid Oklahoma. The man shot at Garrett's farm was a confederate prisoner name Boyd-but I'm rambling-See this movie-It's GREAT!!
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One of Steve's Absolute BEST! a 5-star film!
31 October 1999
I have seen this movie at LEAST 30 times-start to finish, and each time I like it more. Steve McQueen and a 19 year old Candice Bergen (The future Murphy Brown) are superb in this story of war and sort-of romance between an American gunboat Sailor and a missionary's daughter in 1926 China.The Oriental actors are excellent as well, especially Mako, whom I have enjoyed in countless films. It is an extremely well-made film-well acted, and the scenery is gorgeous, being as it was filmed in and around Hong Kong. A 10 star rating-easily!!!
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Excellent (though historically a bit flawed) film.
8 August 1999
This is an extremely well made film, for its time, about Dr. Mudd's complicity (and knowledge) in aiding John Wilkes Booth in his escape after Lincoln's assassination. Factually, the film is very well done, though it tends to paint him as completely ignorant of who Booth was, and tones down Mudd's Southern sympathy and tries to make him look less "Southern" than he was.

His work at the prison in Dry Tortugas is also very well done, and is also very factual, according to Union guards testimony at the prison, as well as during Mudd's parole board hearings.

All in all, it is a very well made and factual film!
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Quirky but very funny movie; I thoroughly enjoyed it.
7 August 1999
I liked this movie because, having seen Wendel Meldrum as "Miss White" in The Wonder Years", I wondered (pardon the pun) if her acting ability was a one shot deal. This movie show that it most definitely is Not! She is good; Very good, and I recommend this movie highly.
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