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Der Kandidat (1980)
The Deep Poltical as well as Cultural Division within Post War West Germany
23 January 2023
I have seen this film in early 2023, just that you know the context of my review. This also applies to Der Kandidat which can not be seen (or appreciated) without its historic context as it's (like its predecessor Deutschland im Herbst) an interesting insight into the division of West German post war society (that's still visible in the unified Germany of the 2020s with the divisions caused by official Covid policies or the discussions around the Russian Invasion of Ukraine or the still extremely differing views on NATO or the German Green Party. So, although obviously dated, this film still bears some relevance for those interested in German post war history and society. The other two existing user reviews do not acknowledge that (with aliensexgods review being remarkably awkward).

If you are not familiar with West German post war history/politics and the huge divisions in Germany's post war society this film will be a rather tedious watch (Volker Schlöndorff or Alexander Kluge completists may be warned). It might also be important to do your own research on Franz Josef Strauss (the Candidate) and his postion (in politics as well as in public opinion) in West German post war society, because Der Kandidat is not non opinionated documentary. This film is (like Deutschland im Herbst) an attempt to create a counter public opinion that's not been displayed in the established West German Media (newspapers, TV, radio) of that time period. Today you would find similar approaches on YouTube.

This film takes you deeply into the West German left wing angst of the 1970s/1980s: the resurgence of a nationalist/conservative as well as fundamentally capitalist and corrupt movement in West Germany (that's also an alternative continuation of naziculture), the angst of a nuclear war (Germany would have been the main battlefield of tactical nuclear weapons), the manipulative character of German main stream media, that only publishes established (mostly moderate conservative) opinions and within all that the demonization of more left wing (not even radical) alternative policies (like the Green Party).

Apart from the now dated discussion on the possibility of FJS, who was kind of the Antichrist of the West German Left, to be able to build and lead a strongly anticommunist and antisocialist West German government, this film gives you a glimpse into German Cold War culture and you will be able to see scenes from the founding Congress of the German Green Party in 1979 in Karlsruhe (an important event in German History/Politics).

The film also displays a rather naive view on soviet politics (we are talking Breshnev here) fueled by a strong anti NATO, anti US sentiment, which is still visible in todays Germany, where the same opinions (by the same people?) are applied, with a very tame and uncritical, nearly understanding, approach to Wladimir Putin and an overly critical opinion regarding NATO and the US. And again this is paired with a mistrusting view an mainstream media.

Please excuse the long review. After all, i would recommend the film to everyone interested in as well as already informed about West German Post War Culture.
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Lame Sex Comedy
7 July 2022
The wave of West German sex comedies of the 1970s began to run out of steam towards the end of the decade. This film is a perfect example why this was the case. Even by the low standards of that subgenre it's not sexy at all. And adding to that it's also particularly unfunny (also compared Toten even lower standards of that subgenre). It must have felt dated at the time of its release.

It tries to dock on the very popular West German Spessart (a forest in the south west of Germany) comedies of the 1950s, in particular the film Das Spukschloss Im Spessart (The Spessart Haunted Castle), where ghosts of the 1600s haunt a castle in present, 1950s, time), a great film with satirical nods on German post war politics and the still existing shadows of Nazi Germany.

So here we also have a kind of nostalgic theme (with early 20th century costumes, silent film era comedy and even a ghost subplot), but it seems forced and out of place. The sex scenes are scarce and tame (compared to other soft sex films of the same era) and also appear very dated.

The film is episodic and is never more than a sum of these unfunny parts. There's the story with the ghost couple sharing time with their current doppelganger couple, there's the story about two businessmen going on their secret adventures and their young wives doing the same in the Spessart sex spa, and there's other couples/newlyweds making funny and erotic adventures.

Sounds entertaining? It isn't. Even at an 80 Minute run time it drags. The film still feels too deeply rooted in early 1970s, when in 1978 times already went on and the disco era with its new sexuality was in full swing.

There were still sex comedies produced in West Germany until the early 80s (then adapting a more modern style) but with contending vhs (and stronger sexual contents) the demand for that kind of cinema sank.

This film is a prime testimonial for that.
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Great German Crime Drama
7 July 2022
It all revolves around a slightly sleazy Munich night club called Moulin Rouge. Several stories are told intertwining, but they all are connected to the protagonists of the before mentioned night club and all the story lines show different aspects (drug pushing/drug addiction, family dramas, double lives, true love and fake love between customers and sex workers, lesbian relationships, promiscuity, sexual violence, gangsters, murder).

It starts with the under age (meaning under 21) daughter of West German industrial from Dusseldorf who gets dumped by her lover and is looking for places to stay because she's out of money (she ran away from home) and it ends with a couple finding love by chance (under tragic circumstances). There's really a lot happening. Sometimes it's lighthearted and funny, sometimes it's serious and very dramatic.

It kind of has a heart for all the characters involved (even the bad ones) and you get a picture, more a glimpse, of the night club life during this now long gone time.

I was totally surprised by this kind of Robert Altman approach of storytelling. Apart from that the look and feel of that era in West Germany, the sense of place and time, are a definitive plus. There are many good and familiar German actresses and actors of the time involved and the actresses are beautiful (thematically there's nudity involved). Also the songs on the soundtrack add to that nostalgia.

With a running time of under 90 minutes it's pretty fast paced and never drags or gets boring. Just the ending feels a little bit rushed, too abrupt for my taste. All in all a welcome surprise and a definitive recommendation for anyone who is interested in West German post war exploitation of the 1960s and 1970s.
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Roland Verhavert is a Master Director
11 January 2022
I stumbled over the films of Roland Verhavert by chance (via Netflix). His films remind me of the works of the works by Paul Verhoeven or Roman Polanski. Rolande met de bles is a dark, at times noirish (in a Henry James way) period drama set right after WWI. It's 1920/21. Renier, a wealthy landowner, has returned from the war to his estate in Belgium. But the war left a mark on him. He's a widower with a son (of very fragile health), living together with his family (his mother, his son, his sons nanny and a doctor/house friend) on a vast and beautiful estate. Everyone expects him to return to his usual life as the Family patriarch caring for the family, the family's name, his son and the estate) and to remarry (the child's nanny, who is madly in love with him. But during the war he has met the Parisian girl Rolande (a classic femme fatale) and fell passionately in love. Life cannot go on the same way as before the war. But there's another problem. Rolande has to get her divorce through before moving on and stays in Paris, where she's also involved in a new business, a beauty farm. To Renier she's distant and present at the same time. They have only brief encounters/dates and communicate mainly via letters, but she occupies his every thought. He complies to help her financially with building up another beauty farm in Brussels as he waits for her in his estate. But the distance between glamorous life in Paris and luxurious rural life in Belgium still remains and Renier cannot cope. Tragedy unfolds slowly.

This is told masterfully with beautiful cinematography, filmed on location. We see Renier on a downward spiral like we've seen in a similar way with the protagonist in the second half of Stanley Kubricks Barry Lyndon (that came out three years later). Also similar to Barry Lyndon there's a off-voice narrator marking the significant plot points or informing us about the contents of the letters between Renier and Rolande in a dry, distant and not particularly involved manner. These similarities alone should make the film interesting for any cinephile.

It's a real treat for those who love 70s European cinema or period dramas.
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Slachtvee (1979)
Little Known European Crime Movie Gem
6 January 2022
This will be of interest for any admirer of European (mainly French or Italian) crime/noir films of the 70s/80s. It's a Belgian film, coscripted by the famous Jean Claude Carriere. The Production overall (direction, actors, production values) is above average. They make good use of original locations like warehouses and it has a nice musical score that makes use of a Moog synthesizer). The pacing is good and the plot goes straight forward. A top executive of a local slaughterhouse/meat factory leads a successful life and is going to marry his boss' daughter. When he all of a sudden gets diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer he loses all fears and he gets sucked into the local underworld. He starts a small crusade against some pimps and pushers only to find out things are not as simple as they appear. Some of the Brief slaughterhouse sequences in beginning and end will be shocking to some viewers but help to give the film a darker tone. Recommended.
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Femmes (1983)
Forgotten Early 80s Erotic Cinema
17 December 2021
Rightfully forgotten, I might add. Helmut (Helmut Berger) returns from a sailing trip around the world to his love Alexandra (Alexandra Stewart) and gets erotically involviert with Alexandras 16 year old daughter (Eva Cobo). It takes place on an island where Alexandra, who's a artist/painter (currently portraying some female Star and her lesbian lover), lives in a villa. And so we are diving into freeminded, hedonist, meaningful, european, early 80s erotic dream with lots of nudity, beautiful mediterranean atmosphere and a (mostly tame) occasional sex scene once in a while (oral, coital, lesbian). The women are beautiful and Helmut Berger is...Helmut Berger.

It's an uneventful erotic time waster. If you've seen one (or more) of these generic european erotic films from the 70s and 80s you won't be impressed. The director did not make another film. It's just for fans/completists of that particular genre or fans of Helmut Berger. Everyone else might skip it.
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Early German Post War Krimi
14 October 2021
It's a true crime film, based on a post robbery in 1949. So they followed up on the real events pretty quick (within a year). Everything has been shot on location using all the real locations where the original crime took place (Mannheim/Heidelberg in the southwest of Germany). You can get a real glimpse of life of the, in large parts destroyed, post war Germany. It's the only directing job of Otto Wernicke, famous for playing the role of investigating police officer Lohmann in Fritz Langs M and Testament of Dr. Mabuse. He kind of reprises this role here. The acting of the whole cast is very good and the plot moves forward at a good pace. It has a black market angle that seems influenced by Carol Reeds The Third Man. These influences make for a very entertaining feature that seems like a predecessor of the German Krimis that followed the following decades. For fans of that genre it's a must see.
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Entertaining Erotic Period Drama
12 October 2021
I'm a huge admirer of Luciano Ercoli. His Gialli/Thrillers are up there with the best works in the genre (Argento, Bava or Martino). So I had to watch this early 70s erotic period drama about the infamous Borgia family. Production values are ok, the story telling is at a good pace, acting is above average, there are beautiful women (and nudity). Ercoli is a capable director and keeps the film interesting and entertaining throughout. But don't expect historical accuracy. It's exploitative but not sleazy. Outstanding is the music by Franco Micalizzi (who most of us know from his work for Umberti Lenzis Polizieschi, like Napoli Violenta). This time he delivers a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack that reminds of Ennio Morricone. And then there's the beautiful Simonetta Stefanelli in the title role. She really shines. Overall it's a decent film that does not disappoint. Fans of Italian period dramas and fans of Luciano Ercoli definitely should watch it.
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A Sean S. Cunningham Must See
16 October 2014
I can't believe, this movie only has been reviewed once before. Apparently it never got released. I stumbled over it in a DVD bargain bin in Italy (Milano Centrale I believe) and grabbed it immediately. With a production date in 2001 it looks pretty dated by now, but at the same time it's a time capsule of that era (the first 90s boom of Reality TV with shows like Real World, Big Brother and Survivor). The low DV quality definitely helps and is used very well. Sean S. Cunningham did a great job and it's a real shame, that nearly no one had the chance to see it. For me it's one of his best efforts (I only liked New Kids more than XCU). I especially liked to see the influence of Mario Bavas masterpiece Reazione a Catena (Twitch of the Death Nerve) again (as in Friday 13th). It's a very welcome return to his roots, although not as gory. The very authentic reality TV angle makes up for that. It's a great horror/slasher film as well as an intelligent media satire, even by todays standards. All the actors turn in good performances. I especially liked C. Thomas Howell (never thought of that remembering some of his more recent films of the last decade. Hunt this movie down and see for yourself.
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Funny Italian Vampire Flic
18 May 2012
This Italian Vampire comedy really delivers. The location is a beautiful castle turned Grand Hotel at sunny coast of Italy. Christopher Lee successfully revives his most famous role with a well timed comic twist. And there are lots of sexy 1950s girls (including the stunning Sylvia Koscina) that get bitten. Of course it does not get too sexy. It's still a 1950s movie and some comedy might feel a little bit dated. But that's also the charm of this enjoyable romp. They don't do it like that any more! It's a time capsule that deserves to be rediscovered. Although it's not (and never will become) a classic, I did not regret the spent time and money.
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1/2 Mensch (1986)
Definitely a Classic
2 October 2003
This one hour feature just has to be seen. Director Sogo Ishii filmed the famous German Band "Einstürzende Neubauten" in a deserted factory loft (the perfect industrial setting for their music). It all looks very rough as you would expect it from one of Japans most influential filmmakers (his influence on Shinya Tsukamoto cannot be ignored). This film is rarely to be seen. If you get the possibility to watch it, do not hesitate. The images and the experimental sounds build up a perfect connection, which you do not get that often in concert documentaries.
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Death House (1988)
likable, but really not good
30 August 2003
I really wanted to like this movie. It has a nice prison setting, conspiracy theories, bloodthirsty zombies, a perfectly hideous 80s-touch and it is a directorial effort by actor John Saxon, who also plays a bad (you guessed it) a bad guy. It reminds me of some (beloved) Italian horror flicks. But the direction is very wooden and there is no nightmarish/frightening moment in there. It just goes on and on and on, and then it (logically) has to end. More suspense and more daring visuals and its destiny as a cult classic would have been sealed.
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Black Plague (2002 Video)
Pretentious Middle Ages
13 August 2002
Being an avid admirer of director Alberto Sciamma´s first film "Killer Tongue" I did not hesitate to watch his new movie while it was shown at the "Fantasy-Filmfest" Germany. I cannot say, I´m disappointed. But i did not turn out the way I expected it. Compared to his first movie, an extravaganza beyond compare, "Anazapta" looks too arty to capture my benevolent attention. There have been some great movies on the middle ages, like "Flesh and Blood", "Jabberwocky" or "Hour of the Pig". In all these movies the middle ages are so dirty, amoral and violent as you always thaught thy would have been. "Anazapta" makes no exception, and that´s the biggest failure. It does not show anything you haven´t seen before. The movie looks very tv-like. There is no spark. Compared to the in some aspects similar "Hour of the Pig" it´s a major disappointment. Although it´s twisted, you lose interest in getting to the final twist. Don´t misunderstand me. It´s not a bad movie. I have seen much, much worse. But my expectations were higher.
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This is Bad!!
4 October 2000
I love Aristide Massacessi aka Lee Castle aka Joe Damato aka... He´s been a gifted cinematographer for many years in the Italian movie industry and then he decided to work as a producer and director of exploitation films. And that´s what he´s best known for. He created the Black Emanuelle series and such Gore classics as Anthropophagus, Rosso Sangue and Buio Omega. He also produced and directed many, many, many porn films, and this is one of them. Being true to the horror genre he mixed the various copulations in this one with a very bad voodoo story. Sounds good? It isn´t. The actors are not very attractive and the sex scenes are boringly shot. And sometimes it really gets disgusting, so you might want to cover your eyes. I´d like to forget it as soon as possible.
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It´s a Wonderful World
4 October 2000
If you´re an admirer of Jess Franco and the unforgettable Soledad Miranda, who died shortly after the production of this film, which has been produced back to back with Vampyros Lesbos and Sie tötete in Ekstase, in which she starred also, this one´s definitely a must-see. Everything in this movie is adorable (besides gorgeous Soledad, who is credited as Susann Korda): the plot (hilarious secret agent/conspiracy stuff), the actors (watch out for Horst Tappert), the production values (you might remember from Vampyros Lesbos) and, of course, the unbelievable groovy 70s soundtrack. It´s got everything you wish from a typical Jess Franco movie. And if you haven´t seen one yet, this is a good one to begin with.
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Double Face (1969)
Kinski´s the Good Guy
4 October 2000
Surprise! Surprise! There are not many movies where Klaus Kinski doesn´t play a bad guy. This is one of them. And it´s rather twisted. He´s a prime crime suspect, and we follow him solving the case right to a surprise ending. It´s a German Edgar Wallace adaption directed by classic Italian director Riccardo Freda and , yes, it´s a typical Giallo. So I guess all the fans of those "normal" German Edgar-Wallace-Movies didn´t like it very much. It´s only for fans of the director and, of course, the brilliant, astonishing, unforgettable Klaus Kinski.
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One of Mattei´s Best
26 September 2000
This movie´s a sleazeball. There´s no other way of describing it. I guess, that´s no big surprise for you, knowing other Italian Nazi-Exploitation-Films like "La Bestia In Calore" or "SS Camp 5: Women´s Hell". But this movie is different. It´s not as campy as the others. On the contrary, it tends to take its story serious, which doesn´t make it easy to watch, because some sequences are very disgusting and depressing. So, it´s one of the rare serious efforts by Bruno Mattei, King of Sleaze-Boredom. Although very cheaply produced like simply all his other films, this one´s not the right choice if you want to have a cheap laugh at his incredibly bad directing skills and, surprisingly enough, he might have intended it that way, perhaps to give us all something to think about. But why? He doesn´t come up to our Sadiconazista- Expectations, he simply doesn´t deliver. So, now you´re warned.
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Nero (1992)
Hasn´t anyone seen this film?
25 September 2000
This is for all of you, who are deeply in love with Italian movies.It´s produced by Dario Argento´s brother Claudio and it´s written by Tiziano Sclavi (Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man). I would describe it as an Italian "Into The Night", but more grotesque and with a final twist, which makes you want to watch the movie again from the beginning. What more can you ask for? So, don´t be silly. Watch it!!!
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Top Line (1988)
Romancing the Stone meets Cocoon meets Terminator meets...
25 September 2000
This one´s quite original. Italians did not have enough money to make those big movies we all tend to like or at least watch. So they put cheap funny flics like this one together. There are Nazis, Extraterrestrials, Cyborgs, a Spanish gold treasure and of course there´s Franco Nero as the always drunk Soldier of Fortune, who has to pull it all off. As you can see, they didn´t let anything out. And, I think, it works. The FX are cheap but enjoyable, the pacing is fast (it has to be regarding the really dumb plot) and the acting is quite reliable (of course Franco Nero is great as ever and there´s also Hollywood veteran George Kennedy as a Nazi Villain). Director Nello Rossati did the also very enjoyable sequel Django Strikes Again before. A Movie you might check out, too.
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Megacities (1998)
Mondo Cane is back!!!
22 September 2000
After reading the other comments and reviews I have been expecting something like Kooyanisquatsi, Powaquatsi or Baraka, and I think that might have been the intention or ambition of the filmmaker. But, oh my, he failed big time. This is exploitation all the way. It´s completely staged and directed, and it suits itself by showing images of violence poverty and selfdegradation. He never comes even close to the real issues of Megacities in our time ( so he leaves out Tokyo for example- not enough poverty and crime there, I think). It reminded me fatally of the Italian exploitative documentaries of the 60s ( for example Mondo Cane by Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi, who also staged everything they depicted in their films). So even his approach is not at all new or original. And like the Italians he seems to look down on people in a way you might call fascist, but everyone should judge for himself. So, if you watch it, do not take it too seriously. It´s not worth it, at all!!
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22 September 2000
It´s a rarely seen, unknown Spaghetti Western Classic, you might want to check out, if you are not only interested in the classics by Sergio Leone or Sergio Corbucci. This one has extraordinary camerawork and good acting by Giuliano Gemma, who is playing a character seeking for revenge in typical italian style. It´s very dark and has kind of a gothic horror atmosphere, which makes it a little bit different from other Spaghetti Westerns. So, do check it out!!
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Good Effort
29 August 2000
When I first noticed this movie in a local video store, I did not know what to think of it. Remembering many Italian movies of the late 80s also did not help much, because most of them are quite crappy. So, when I finally dared to watch the movie, I was very surprised realizing this movie as one of the few well crafted Non-Argento-Soavi-Gialli of that particular time period. The photography is very stylish, and the murders are gruesome enough to satisfy everyone´s wishes. As I read in another publication, the director worked before as a special effects technician and a director for commercials and music videos. Something you can clearly see in his direction. The whole movie has a nice 80s touch with music of Frankie goes to Hollywood, Huey Lewis and the News and Kissing the Pink. So check it out if you can.
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