
2 Reviews
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54 (1998)
Mike Myers should have received that rumored Oscar nomination for this movie...
17 June 2000
While the acting is pretty dull in this movie, Mike Myers proved that he can handle serious drama. Shortly after this movie came out, it was rumored that Mike Myers would receive an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for playing the Studio 54 owner. I would have strongly agreed with this nomination, and I only recommend 54 to anyone curious about the serious side of Mike Myers.
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G.I. Jane (1997)
Anne Bancroft as Senator Lillian DeHaven is Oscar worthy...
17 June 2000
G.I. Jane was a fine movie that effectively combined drama, politics, and brutal action in one. Demi Moore and Viggo Mortensen are powerful leads, but the real attention-getter is Oscar Winner Anne Bancroft, who plays a Texas Democrat Senator Lillian DeHaven. Not only is it rare to see a high-ranking female politician played in movies, but it is exceptionally rare to see a high-powered female military figure as Bancroft was. As Senator Lillian DeHaven, she played the chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Military Arms & Actions who promises an appointment to Secretary of the Navy to a gentleman who allows her to enter G.I. Jane (Moore) in the elite Navy Seals program. Senator DeHaven is up for re-election in Texas, and she is expected to loose unless she can gain publicity, which she deceitfully uses G.I. Jane for... Excellent Movie
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