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12 June 2005
I just saw this film at the Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival and was very surprised by it. It starts out as a cold psychological thriller, then turns into a very tense thriller and then becomes something... well, you just have to experience it, I guess.

I must admit, just as I had with Pi, I don't get all the plots turns and twists. But, just as with Pi, it doesn't matter. As a whole the film is very satisfying and enters some dark, new grounds. Plus its combination of visceral gore and psychological terror works very, very effectively.

As you probably have noticed by now, I'm not telling anything about the story. Just take the ride. It's worth it.
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great fun
6 November 2003
I liked Revolutions a lot better than Reloaded. Reloaded was either too long scenes with so much dialogue it became boring, or it was so much actions that was really expensive, state-of-the-art boring.

But Reloaded is like Star Wars. It rambles along with a good pace and really packs a punch. The ending is original (I thought) and something you can think about on the way out of the cinema.

I felt it didn't deliver on it philosophical promise it made in Reloaded but maybe I'll discover more of that in a second viewing.
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Even Worse Than "Curse of Michael Myers"
31 October 2003
Even though Halloween jump started the slasher genre, it has gone way off track after the 1st sequel, Halloween II, which was pretty good.

Halloween H20 was a huge letdown because it didn't deliver what it promised, but was still fairly enjoyable.

But Halloween Resurrection is sooo bad. The story doesn't make any sense, is never believable and is therefore never, ever, even once scary. Plus Busta Rhymes may be a skilled rapper but he gives a performance so lousy it's almost embarrasing to watch.

If you're a fan of Michael Myers, you owe to him to pass this one.
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Not good
26 January 2003
If you have never heard before about a war in Bosnia, and have no idea what was going on there, this movie might have some suprises for you.

If you did know some of what was going on, you'll see this movie for what it is. Rambo with a philosopher in the lead. This film is predictable, dumb, sentimental and -most of all- boring to death. Except maybe for the scene where their shot down.

If you want to see a good film about the Bosnian war, check out NO MAN'S LAND instead (winner of the Oscar for best Foreign Film!).
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Apt Pupil (1998)
A truly great and chilling film...
26 January 2003
This movie was all that I expected DONNIE DARKO to be. I just catched this on TV last night and was blown away by it. It's not a movie about WO II, but it's about the dark side of man. How can I well brought up, smart high school kid turn into a monster, and how can a monstrous Nazi mass murderer become sympathetic.

Well executed, chillingly acted, brilliant editing... This movie is by far one of the best I have seen.
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S1m0ne (2002)
Bad Timing & Boring
18 October 2002
This movie was not a lot fun to watch, for two reasons.

Al Pacino plays a director who uses a CGI actress in his film. For some reason, he feels he has to cover it up and may never tell anyone. Why? Why must it be kept a secret? Why would he be seen as a bad director if his actress was a CGI even though everybody thought her performance was great? Why?

It's never answered in the movie. And it while I was watching this movie and

Pacino was getting deeper and deeper in trouble, I was just thinking "just come clean already, you wimp"...

Second, one of the most important things in comedy is timing. Even a bad joke can become funny when the timing is right. Great comics like John Cleese and

Rowan Atkinson are masters at timing. That's what makes them so great. In this film timing is out the window. Jokes are obvious from the beginning of the scene, yet the scene's themselves go and on. After a while you start to think that there may come a twist, like in SCREAM, but nothing... It's just the same old cliche all over again.

Even worse, characters in these scene's get atrociously bad written monologues and even a truly great actor like Al Pacino is falling flat on his face. Very painful indeed, and more embarrassing than funny.

In the end, this film bored me to death. I really can't remember any other movie that didn't bore me as much as this one. Not even Scary Movie 2.

Yes, that's right, I said Scary Movie 2.
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Beyond Great...
28 September 2002
I watched pro wrestling a lot when I was a kid. We hardly get to see it here in Europe. I always liked the complete over the top bizareness of it.

And it's all here in this fabulous documentary. It profiles a lot of wrestler. A big part is about Terry Funk, who is called a legendary wrestler but here in Europe I never heard of him.

We do get Jake 'the Snake' Roberts who has a heart wrenching enqounter with

his daughter. We get 'Mankind' who was the only wrestler that could still scare me with his appearance, who turns out the most wonderfull dad ever. But

through all this we see the kitsch, the show and the broken dreams.

I highly recommend this documentary to everyone!
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Ringu (1998)
A bit overrated...
20 February 2002
Yes, this film is creepy to watch but I was expecting a bit more after

reading all of the positive comments hear. There were two

problems I had with this movie. First of all, the characters accept

the supernatural part of the movie too quickly. One of the reasons

a movie becomes scary because the characters can no longer

turn their back on the horror. Here, they don't question it enough.

They just accept it.

Secondly, the whole story at the core of it all, isn't all that scary or


While watching the movie, you'll be creeped, most definetly. But

when it's all over, there's something like, "that was it?"

When you liked this movie, I highly recommend David Cronenberg's VIDEODROME. While not as scary to watch, it will

not leave your mind soon after you've seen it. RINGU left it before

the credits ended.
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Cast Away (2000)
Take The Time For It...
12 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Cast Away is one of the better movies Hollywood released in the

last couple of years. However, reading some of the comments

posted here by other people, it looks like not everyone here "got it".

This movie, in the most part, is aboult desolation and what it does

to a person. So in order to appreciate this story, take the time to

watch it. Sit down and relax, unplug the phone and other


A lot of people have said how good of an actor Tom Hanks was in

this piece, and he really was. Others have said how good Bob

Zemeckis's direction was, and it is. But what stands out for me so

much is Bill Broyles script. It is very clever and wraps up all

storylines neatly without getting to preachy. A very, very sound and

quality script that unfortunatly cannot be appreciated by everone.

*SPOILERS* PS- Some asked earlier what the point was of the package

delivered in Russia. It's from the woman Tom Hanks delivers the

final package to.

And why does Tom Hanks keep one package closed. Because it

becomes his goal in life. To deliver that package. Not because the

package is so important, but to motivate him to "keep breathing"

just as Wilson is substitute for his concious and gut.
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Loser (2000)
Fun but doesn't deliver what it promises
24 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I checked out this page before deciding to order this film on

pay-per-view. What I was hoping for was a romantic student

comedy. And it was that. It was never hilarious but the story had an

interesting build. When it starts out you think it's a complete

comedy, as we have Dan Aykroyd as Jason Bigg's father and

Jason Biggs in other `hilarious' mishaps, which don't promise


But when the story gets underway of the two trying to get to know

each other better, it's getting really good. The writing of the

characters is very true to life, which is a rarerity these days.

Unfortunaly, the film looses tracks. The girl passes out during a

party and the guy takes her to a hospital and cares for her. And we

are waiting for the moment when she wakes up that he has to tell

her what happened. Dramatic moment! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

But no, what happens is she wakes up, apologizes for using his

bed then asks how long she was asleep. He says since Friday.

She says, well okay I have no memory of what happened but what

did they say at the hospital? Duh, am I missing some dramatic

plot development here?

Film never catches it's track back and I think is mostly interesting

for film students (as myself) for Heckerling tried a lot of interesting

things, instead of watching this film for fun and realizing

Heckerling this time didn't pull it off.

A 6 out of 10.
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U-571 (2000)
19 October 2001
The story is pretty straightforward subthrills. That means lots of

sweaty faces looking at depth-meters slowly going in the red zone.

The movie pulls this of very nicely and is pretty exciting. But that's

all it has to over. The characters are underdeveloped, not much

dramatic tension other than the risk they take while on the job and

therefore not very satisfying when it ends.

Still a recomendation, though.
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Colder then I expected....
17 October 2001
The whole movie, although beautifully executed, left me as a viewer out in the cold. The pace in the movie is so quickly that it is difficult to become involved with this movie's characters and story. For the entire duration I felt like someone watching a movie, which is the last emotion I want to feel when watching a movie. On the other hand, it didn't bore me either. I haven't read the original book so the story was surprising and exciting as it slowly unfolded. The script is very good but some parts are so hastily done. There are hardly any scene's that allow the viewer to just catch his breath. And as the story progresses all the characters do is find out something new, then saying out loud they don't believe it. I mean, I never knew there were so many different ways of saying `No, Quinten, don't go.' Also, a lot of times the action and movements were so stylized it became annoying. The ending struck me as odd, since it didn't feel like the story was concluded but just went into a new phase. But even though I might sound negative, I am very much impressed with the overall ambition and complexity and really felt I was watching something special... if just not on all levels. One final note, beware for the big ending which feature some of the worst CGI effects in cinema history.
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Road Trip (2000)
10 August 2001
Of all the recent teenage comedies, ROAD TRIP is the first one I've

seen. I did see SCARY MOVIE but didn't like it.

Road Trip was good though. The story moved at a nice little pace

and it never became too bizarre. However, during the course of the

film things just don't make sense anymore. In one scene, this guy

tries to buy marihuana from a hotel clerk because he doesn't have

anything anymore. In the next, he is smoking marihuana with an

old guy.

Tom Green is pretty funny, but his crazy antics aren't as funny

around professional actors, as they are around unsuspecting


Still, a nice rent and a good laugh.
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doesn't get going
21 July 2001
I was hoping this would be a non-stop thrill fest. To my suprise the

movie was a lot of plot. A lot of conversations, explanations to a

story that isn't really engrossing to begin with.

Action sequences are nice. Angelina Jolie is nice. Some nice

comedic touches but as a whole, it's just dragging on.

I've never played a lot of Tomb Raider so maybe I'm missing some

inside jokes but the best computer-game movie is still Paul

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Good, epic film...
19 July 2001
When I sat down to watch this movie on TCM, I was actually

expecting a western, but this movie was a very nice view at

American History. And what amazed me was that it had more guts

with this then many of the movies now. Not much glorification, but

a senseless war. Also the demonizing way the railway was built is

not spared within this epic film.

The one problem I had was that it is really several different stories

tied together that don't have a lot of matching points other than

some of the actors return to reprise their roles, but they look so

much alike that it's sometimes difficult to see who's who now

under the old-age make-up.

But a worthy watch nontheless.

7 out of 10.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Better Then I Expected
13 July 2001
I was hearing a lot of negativity about this movie. The build up

would be dull, the scenes involving the Japanese embarrassing

and the actual bombing too short.

When I finally saw the movie with my girl, I was still thrilled. I've

always liked Bruckheimer/Bay's eye-candy and knowing that when

the script was in the hands of Randall Wallace, there couldn't be

too much of a problem there.

And there wasn't.

I've had a fun time. I didn't think the beginning was too slow

because it gave a lot of information about the time and really

established the characters. The acting (especially Alec Baldwin's)

was better then I expected as well. Of course Alec's a stiff, he's an


I didn't cry during the movie. It didn't affect me that much. Some

fighting shots actually resembled jeans commercials which was

annoying but the overall movie is satisfying and fun.
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13 June 2001
I just watched the film on DVD. I didn't really want to buy it, I already

have so many horror DVD's, it's such an old film. And rewatching it

again, there's really not a real plot or meaning to the film.

But somehow, it such pure cinematic genius. Anyone interested in

cinema, should check this one out. Texas Chain Saw Massacre is

like cinema's primal scream.

This movie is absolutely relentless in it's attempt to scare and

disgust you, and finally drive you out of your mind. I don't care how

many Screams you've seen, this one will scare you. It's amazing

that a film this old, with a relative slow pace, doopy seventies

costumes and what not, still packs such a punch even today.
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Not That Suprising
29 April 2001
Being very impressed with Kruger's script for ARLINGTON ROAD I

was hoping to get something smart with this movie. That it wasn't.

It was still very enjoyable but unlike ROAD that was so involving

because the tone of it was so real, this is a funny movie from the

beginning with Ben Afleck wisecracking all over the place.

The acting is good, casting great, writing clever, camerawork

expensive, editing cool but never was I really surprised, never was

there a plot twist I didn't think of before it happened. And the final

ending is the same as SCREAM 3, a writer's trick and not a logical


All in all, a good thriller with some original touches, but not

something to really remember.
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Much better than I expected...
18 April 2001
I went to see this movie mostly because my girlfriend loved the

trailer. I wanted to see 'Traffic' but it was her time to pick the movie.

Anyway, I actually found myself enjoying this movie. First of all, the

acting was really good. I didn't really expect this. Also the

black&white thing wasn't a heavy thing in the beginning in the

movie. Further on it became an issue but it wasn't a movie about

racism, as much as it is a movie to follow your heart.

There's a good flow through in his movie. I wasn't bored and had

some happy memories of Flashdance I loved when I was 8.

Don't watch this movie when you are all serious, don't expect too

much depth, but enjoy it for what it is, and it may just be worth your

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Traffic (2000)
A Great Movie, and Modern Classic!
18 April 2001
One of the best films I have seen last year. What made this movie

so great it is so beautifully crafted in every department. The acting

is great. Camerawork is stunning and the colors are beautiful. But

the best of the whole damn thing is the screenplay.

It takes the issue of drugs and drug-trafficking and highlights every

part of it. From the lonely, rich teenage girl, to the corrupt Tijuana

police officer to the top U.S. judge trying to grasp the size of the


Some friend told me it gets to preachy and "happy" near the end. I

disagree, if there wasn't something of a message attached at the

very end it would have been a very nihilistic experience. The final

message of the movie was that it isn't so much the drug trade that

is the problem, the problem is people getting hooked.
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The Gift (2000)
Characters better than the plot
12 April 2001
I have watched a lot of horror movies in my days, but this has been

the first time I actually got more engrossed with the charachters

than the plot.

This is a superbly written and acted film. Even Keanu Reeves

made me forgive him BRAM STOKER's DRACULA with his powerfull performance.

However, the supernatural plot hooked me early on but never

scared me. The final ending was a pretty lousy but still enjoyable

fold-up, but never the less is superbly made film.
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Screen One: Hostile Waters (1997)
Season 9, Episode 2
Started off nice
23 February 2001
I catched this movie on TV when it had already been started. I did know the story about what happened in 1986 and was intrigued. The beginning is exciting when the boats collide, and there is some decent CGI there. However, as the movie progressed all the American actors like Martin Sheen dissapear. On the Russian ship alone the climax just isn't cinematic enough. All in all a very intresting story too simplisticly told.
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Eye candy
23 February 2001
A surprising amount of great actors in this flick. Leonardo

DiCaprio, Russel Crowe, Keith David, Sharon Stone but the main

man is – without a doubt – Gene Hackman.

When the film was first released, all the critics complained that he

was doing the same thing as in Unforgiven. Well, a main

difference is with Unforgiven and Quick and the Dead is that where

Unforgiven strives for realism and social drama, Quick is waaay

over the top.

And the brilliance of Hackman's performance is that in this world

that couldn't possibly be, with characters that have as much depth

as a pizza, he makes it all real and shine.

Add to that Sam Raimi's dazzling visuals, his best since Evil Dead

II, and you got a GREAT flick, even if it does go on too long.

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Braindead (1992)
A genuine classic.
23 February 2001
When this movie came out I was fifteen and at that point it was one

of the greatest film I had ever seen.

The best thing about the movie is the pace. It never gives in, it just

goes on and on, giving you something you just can't believe and

then top it with something that actually does top it.

The acting is decent, with Uncle Les as my favourite, although the

kung fu priest (`I kick butt for the lord') will never leave my mind.

The special effects are a crude, disgusting and state-of-the-art.

The camerawork is very riveting, even is the lighting is sometimes

overdone. Music's a bit of a letdown, though...
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Unbreakable (2000)
Boring and disappointing
29 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the Sixth Sense so my expectations were high when I went to see this film. I also knew that it had gotten a high grade on IMDb but I was bitterly disappointed.

The second scene in the movie where Bruce Willis is riding on the train the camera eerily peeks from behind one chair to Willis, or to his co-passanger. This scene is tense like the Sixth Sense was.

But, unlike Sixth Sense there is no threat or doom lurking within this movie. It just goes on and on while Willis is refusing to accept his destiny. Scenes are overlong, the dialogue becomes pretentious and all the fun and excitement quickly disappears.


The final ending makes the character of Samuel L. Jackson so much more interesting, I clearly don't understand while the entire focus on the film wasn't on him.

All in all, a bitter disappointment after an excellent SIXTH SENSE.
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