
21 Reviews
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4 March 2000
This is one of the episodes of Tom & Jerry that shows exactly what the show is about. The most part of the episodes are about Jerry hurting Tom just for fun. But this episode totally brought a new face to the cartoon. Jerry starts to sleepwalk and do bad things to Tom, who starts to get mad. Then, Jerry does everything to stay awake. The whole idea was very good, the sleepwalk scenes were hilarious, mostly the anvil scene. The soundtrack was one of the bests ever. Everything helped on this cartoon to make it one of my favorites.
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So cool...
16 January 2000
I never seen a so well done comedy in my life! All the jokes are funny, the history is awesome, the acting is marvelous, but, most of all, the characters are excellent. Each character has its development. And, as the history goes, things are being reveled and, you realize that nothing is like is seemed to be. Everything worked well in this movie, and, if you want lots of laughs, check this one out. You won't be disappointed.
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It's Like, You Know... (1999–2001)
Got it?
15 January 2000
This is one of the most intelligent shows ever. You must to GET the jokes. And, once you UNDERSTAND the things, each episode gets better and better. And, it requires patience from the spectators. If you see 1 episode, probably, you'll think it's the most boring show ever. If you see 2, you'll laugh a little. Once you saw 3 or 4 episodes, you'll become a fan. You need to feel the show. You need to accustom with the show, so you can enjoy it. Got it?
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That's a good one.
9 January 2000
A common fact among successful movies is a sequel. Normally, they are terrible: Free Willy 2 & 3, Neverending Story 2 & 3, etc. But this one was great! The actors were very cool and it was full of suspense and action. And, why do they think this movie was bad? What do they expect of a movie? If this movie was not as good as Speed, it doesn't mean it's BAD! It's just WORSE, but not TERRIBLE! This movie was great and deserves a recommendation to everybody.
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9 January 2000
How could someone THINK on making a movie like this?

This is a cartoon in a film format.... but an AWFUL cartoon and an AWFUL movie! Very unrealistic and a terrible lesson: "We make our parents happy being bad".... heh. Great lesson!

Unrealism is frequent in this movie. When I was 8 or 9 and I watched this movie, I liked it. Now, I'm 14 and, as I grow, I hate it more. This movie isn't fun, and it would be a REAL CRIME to recommend it to ANYONE!
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
The most stupid series ever.
9 January 2000
What is Baywatch? A lot of beautiful lifeguards running in the beach in slow motion. That's it!

The only thing we see in this series is people drowning and beautiful lifeguards running to save them. If we really want to see *this*, we can go to a real beach. But, maybe it's too hot, and the people prefer to watch it in the comfort of their homes. That's why the series are so successful. There are only lifeguards with big breasts in this series. Nothing else! Isn't is stupid?
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What were you expecting?
26 December 1999
What were you talking there about "weak plot"? What did you wanted? "Romeu and Juliet" of the aliens? "Mulder and Scully destroy the aliens"? I liked this movie because it was filled with action and suspense. The actors were exceptional, with no exceptions. And if the plot was weak, gimme a better plot.

All the visual effects were awesome and very realistic. That helped the movie a lot. I liked ID4 and I still like it. And if you care for the goofs, you can care. I don´t care for the goofs and I don´t care for what you care. And if you don´t care for what I care, I don´t care for what you care for what I care.

If the "care" thing was poor, sorry.
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Sphere (1998)
Very intelligent movie
12 December 1999
I liked this movie. It´s intelligent and it has good history. The suspense scenes were superb.

The history has great action and the history itself is developed in an awesome way. Despite the performances weren´t so good, the plot filled this hole, and the scary moments really were worth.

I cannot say it´s excellent, but can´t even say it´s terrible. But, it´s worth taking a look at this one.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
One of the most classic shows ever
12 December 1999
I watched 3 or 4 episodes of this show.

It is enough to tell that this is one of the best series of the world.

It´s very classic. It´s hilarious and it´s fun. And it´s about nothing. NOTHING! That´s what makes this show classic. There´s no point it the show. And it´s hilarious. All the characters are brilliant.

Well, there´s one point in the show. It´s about REAL LIFE. It´s about what happens in our lives. Those things that we doesn´t even care are transformed in laughter. That´s hard to do, and the writers are earning congratulations from me.

About the end of the show? Well... we will miss it, BUT, it was good it ended before it started to become bad. It finished, but it still lives in the world.

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Scream (1996)
11 December 1999
I loved this one. In '96, it was THE BEST SUSPENSE MOVIE. It´s simply awesome. The history is fascinating and it´s fulfilled with scary moments. It satirizes those movies that were a pure bloodbath with no plot. It was scary AND very funny. I laughed and screamed in this one. I saw it several times and I enjoyed it. YAHOO!
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Step by Step (1991–1998)
Instant laugh machine!
27 November 1999
I watched this show and all I can say is: This show is great! It's very funny and the history is amazing. I laughed hard several times watching Step By Step, and I recommend it to all the good-humored people who like family comedies.

This show is not "almost perfect", like Blossom and Dharma & Greg. It may look like another stupid TV show with canned laughs. But, if you watch it, I bet you'll laugh and like it.
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Full House (1987–1995)
It´s BAD and it´s COOL. In the same time. (Is it possible?)
27 November 1999
This show has two sides to be looked at.

FIRST: This show is awesome because it's funny. It isn't that humor that makes you laugh out loud, roll on the floor and be unable to breathe. It´s that subtle humor and soft jokes. It's touching sometimes. Combines comedy with family drama awesomely. (not as good as Blossom (Blossom again?), but it´s still awesome)

SECOND: It´s terrible because some things in the show are disgusting. Every character is good and loving. Couldn't there be a Joey Russo to make great jokes? Couldn't there be a Bart Simpson to make the things better? (Just as another person commented) Nothing special got into the show. Nothing funny, interesting or plot-twister. (just as an example, Blossom (sorry) got Nick's wedding with Carol and Anthony's departure) It´ doesn't even have something original. (the only thing that´s a little original is Joey, the comedian) Every TV show has something original. Blossom has the dumb Joey. Ally McBeal has Lyng, the bad girl and others. The Simpsons got dumb Homer, terrible Bart, gifted Lisa (she´s gifted! It´s the first show that have a gifted character!) and several others.

Now, if it´s hard to decide if the show is good or bad, watch the show, and make your opinion.
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Orfeu (1999)
Excellent movie.
20 November 1999
I liked this movie. It was very well done and the director was awesome. This history can serve of an example to everybody. Sorry for my terrible English, but this movie was very good. The actuation of the actors was great. I recommend it to the lovers.
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Futurama (1999– )
It´s great! It´s awesome! It´s Futurama!
20 November 1999
I love Futurama. Till the first time I saw it, I started to love this show. It shows a very realistic image of the future. (I mean, very realistic)

Fry is a hilarious character. He is completely lost in time and space. This makes him very funny.

Bender is a brilliant character! He has strong personality and he looks like a real character, even being a robot. I look at him and I got a feeling that I´m looking to a human!

Leela is awesome. She is a great character due to her dedication to her job and her constant try to help her friends.

I really like Futurama. I like it so much that I used to call my sister Leela. (Not because of the eye!) Everybody know that Futurama will never be like The Simpsons. But it´s almost like it.

Groening is a real genius! It´s needed to have a very creative mind to create two great shows like The Simpsons and Futurama and so cool characters: Bender, the human-like robot; Fry, the lost guy; Homer, the dumb and really fun guy; Lisa, the gifted kid (my favorite one!), etc.

Just a message to Matt: Create more shows!
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Teen Angel (1997–1998)
Average to Good.
20 November 1999
I liked this show. I can´t say that I ADORED this show as I ADORE "The Simpsons", "Blossom", and "Dharma & Greg". But I liked it.

Teen Angel had a superb history. The episodes were great, and the jokes were good. But, I think Mike Damus was a little annoying. He was always doing stupid things and was always trying to imitate Jim Carey. This show could have been better, but they should stop doing stupid references to TV shows (like The Simpsons and Dharma & Greg... Was D&G when The Head said about the senseless text in the ending credits?). It really should have more than 1 season.
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Dharma & Greg (1997–2002)
Jenna and Thomas are the couple of the century!!
20 November 1999
I really love Dharma & Greg. It shows the life of a young couple, in a very funny way. The episodes were hilarious and the actors were great! All the characters are great! There isn't that "I Hate Him" character. Dharma is hilarious and Greg is very cool, too. I think Jenna and Thomas are the couple of the century!!

I wish I could tape the episodes and watch them again. I laugh a lot watching it. The jokes are great. And I always wanted to freeze-frame the episodes in the final credits to read that LONG texts. I love this show.
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Early Edition (1996–2000)
Awesome! I´m glad I can watch it!
20 November 1999
Now THIS is a show that can be called magnificent. Early Edition surely is one of the best drama TV shows on Earth.

The plot is awesome. A guy that receives the next day newspaper. He doesn't know why, how, and why him. Each episode is better than the other one. It´s wonderful to watch the development of the episodes. Everything he does has a consequence. And those consequences develop the histories. This episode is just amazing. If you don´t watch it, it´s a shame. Sorry...
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
20 November 1999
Boys Meets World is a terrible show. The episodes aren't funny, but they have good histories and the characters are terrible.

The show has good histories, but I laughed very few times watching this show. This show is more drama than comedy. But, even if it would be classified as drama, it would be terrible. I never seen characters so annoying than the characters of this show. Even Lyng, from Ally McBeal, is less annoying that Cory.

In SBT, a TV channel from Brazil, BMW airs before Blossom. And these shows contrast.
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Blossom (1990–1995)
I really adore this one!!!
20 November 1999
I must to say. This show is one of the best shows ever done. The actors are amazing and the histories are excellent. The characters are very well developed through the show, and each episode is best than the other.

This show treats about problems that happen in youngsters life. Every episode is very funny and good, and here in Brazil, it gives high audience. And I can proof this. SBT, the channel that airs Blossom Sunday to Friday, aired the show from the start to the end, and repeated 3 seasons (I´m not sure) around 4 times. And it´s still been aired. I watch the episodes several times and love to see them again. This show is serious when it has to be, and funny when it has to be.
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A very interesting history that keeps our attention till the end of the movie.
30 October 1999
An excellent movie! A very interesting history that keeps our attention till the end of the movie. The end of the movie is amazing. It reveals a thing that was always in the front of our eyes and we couldn't see.

A thing that disappoints is that there isn't a real point in the movie. It´s just 'A man that tries to help a child who sees dead people', but it got my attention and the money that I paid was worth.

I really liked this movie. Its history is fantastic and it´s developed awesomely. It surprised me several times showing totally unexpected things.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Saying this show is excellent is the same as insulting it!
30 October 1999
Well, what can I say... It´s just perfect! This show is awesome. I watch this show every single day and it gets better every day. The histories are amazing and they're always full of gags.

I can say that I´m a big fan of the Simpsons and I can explain why: It always keeps me laughing to death and it touches me several times. It always focuses in interesting things, like homossexualism, gifted children, brainwashing and moneytaking religions, etc. The characters are absolutelly perfect and they force me to adore them, (in a good way) especially Lisa, who is a gifted child just like me. Many things that happen to her happened to me, too. And it usually helps me.

Everybody likes this show. All my friends like The Simpsons and they´re always saying: "The Simpsons are awesome!". Only 1% of the people I know hate this show. And I think that saying this show is excellent is the same as insulting it! It´s more than that...
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