
6 Reviews
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The OA (2016–2019)
Second Season?
10 September 2020
How in the world did this get a second season? I can watch anything and the first season killed me to finish. There are so many other shows out there getting canceled and something this bad gets another season??
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The Witcher: Betrayer Moon (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Loving it
22 December 2019
After reading and playing the video games for so long I am loving this adaptation. I just wish they had found a Red Head for the part of Triss. This actress could end up to be awesome, but it's just not Triss without the hair.
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Joker (I) (2019)
The longest Bruce Wayne origin story ever.
2 November 2019
Not a bad movie, not a great movie. I wish I would have waited to watch it at home. But I had a friend who said it was a "theater movie". It's not that at all. It is very interesting, the time period they put it in and the "Batman" references are a solid movie.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Batman reboot based off of this world. It's old and gritty, but this movie is long for only the 2hr and 2 min run time.

But this movie is not a 10, it is not some masterpiece that people keep flaunting.

The theater was 90° so I will say that added to the discomfort for me. If you're choosing between movies wait till this is on Netflix or something.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Still like it, come at me.
7 October 2019
This movie though it had issues was one of the more perfect comic book movies.

The bad guy wasn't the greatest, but they had his origin story pretty perfect. Ryan Reynolds Hayes on this movie too, but I really wish they would have made more. He would have been a great add in to Justice League for comedy. There are just so many bad decisions being made at DC.

But this movie deserved better and deserved a second movie to see Sinestro.
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The Orville: Home (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as she said something about someone being in the island I knew where it was going. Awesome episode though. I'm only watching them now so if this is truly Halston Sage's last episode I'm very depressed. I love the show but she was my favorite. 😢
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
The Transformers Movie we Deserved
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They finally did it right.

Not a perfect 10 or anything and it had weird issues. But so much better than all the others.

It was awesome to see Soundwave, Ravage, Shockwave and others on Cynerteon. Nit picky things... Autobots had tires sticking out on their bodies, they wouldn't have those till they get to Earth and mimic Earth vehicles. Same thing Optimus has his chest that looks like windows from the Semi. But with everyone (me included) complaining about the first movies and none of the Transformers looking how they should I can overlook those in this movie.

Go watch it! Let Hollywood know that this is what we want when we see Transformers, not that Michael Bay crap.
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