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Pulse (2001)
Cult Japanese Horror!
18 September 2006
First off i love Asian cinema. Originality pours into they're story's and keeps reminding us all that there's still hope in film. Unfortunately these fantastic efforts get completely mistranslated these days when they get shipped abroad. Examples being The Ring, Dark Water and The Grudge. Now they've gone and done it with this classic horror tale.

Kairo (Pulse) creates unbearable tension all surrounding a truly amazing concept of loneliness that relates to the afterlife. Students start getting picked off one at a time in trying to uncover the goings on of a friends suicide. He leaves a disk, part of a virus uncovering a doorway that has been unlocked to the afterlife. Ghosts that once confronted, open the eyes of those that meet them into the horrible realisation that after become trapped within the pain of being alone, thus being killed by your own sorrow.

Kairo is an extremely dark and creepy film that is supported by fantastic visuals and a very downbeat music score. It has no full on gore, which is what you'd expect when watching the classic Asian horror films these days, indeed most of the torment is created by the things we don't see, so an open imagination helps aid the enjoyment of this film.

I have to admit i had to watch the film a good three times to fully follow the story. So please make sure when watching this movie that it has your full attention.

If you enjoyed Ju-On The Grudge then you will enjoy this. I haven't yet nor care to see the remake yet, tho judging by the poor reviews its getting already i don't think I'm missing out much! Great Movie
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One of Carpenters better jobs.
11 February 2005
Recently we have seen some truly awful work of the great man. Yes i still regard him as the great man because we should always remember the great films he did release that made an impact in the 80's and 90's. Forget Vampires and Ghost of Mars and let us remember his work such as The Thing, Haloween, The Fog, Prince of Darkness......and this little gem.

In the Mouth of Madness is one of those horror films, just like The Thing, where at the time of its release not many people really acknowledged it. But now 10 years on because horror movies are being made so badly at the moment we have to rely on the past to show us how a true horror movie is really done.

The film is about Sam Neils character John Trent who is a hired Insurance Investigator trying to track down Cult Horror writer Sutter Cane played by Jurgen Prochnow, who apparently has gone missing. Trent accompanied by Julie Carmens character Linda Styles journey to a town to find the writer only to discover they have entered a place which breaks the realms of reality.

From there on it becomes a question of where is Sutter Cane and what has happened to him.

The assembled cast is reasonably good. Sam Neil and Jurgen Prochnow do good jobs and Carmen is okay as the lead female. Add in a few star short appearances from David Warner and Charlton Heston and you've overall got a pretty decent crew.

The effects are good. Some of the creature designs remind me of 'The Things' work back in the 80's. CGI is so overrated when it comes to capturing a persons imagination based on horror i feel.

As for the music, yep its got the recognisable John Carpenter work as usual. The guys multi-talented what can i say? A good film.

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Creep (I) (2004)
What a shame...
2 February 2005
Honestly the potential for this movie is huge. The London Underground is a terrifying place to be during the day let alone at night. So add Franka Potente stupidly falling asleep past the last train, a few homeless people and a dog, and surely you have the premise for a great horror film.

Oh dear....

***Contains Minor Spoilers*** First of all i'd like to say the first 45 minutes to this film is fantastic and full of suspense and eeriness that really did cause alarming edge of the seat stuff. The London Underground at its most fearsome. A place you really don't want to be in the early hours of the morning running away from some killer thats going round ripping his victims to shreds.

Going back to those 45 minutes. The movie had us asking ourselves. Is this really a human being we are seeing causing panic on the screen, or could it be something quite different? Not revealing the terror was the one thing they should of kept through the 90 minutes. Unfortunately they didn't do that...

And now comes for the 2nd 45 minutes.....

The terror is revealed and we start to laugh at the funny noises he starts to make as he runs round dark corners chasing after helpless Kate and trapped worker George (Vaz Blackwood). Revealing the killer was just too much for me to take. I stopped being scared of this film and found myself laughing at a few of the scenes that a short minority of viewers might find quite disturbing.

What the hell happened? I wont say much more because there really isn't much more to go on about in regards to the plot.

As for the acting, well i think Potente was terrible as the lead role. Her over the top emotion (and lack of it in some points) was a real let down in some vital scenes of the film. Vaz Blackwood was okay in the scenes he had, nothing special but at least there was a character that i cared about surviving. Paul Rattray provided the best acting in the film as the homeless Scotsman Jimmy. But sadly he didn't last too long.

This is a low budget film and i respect the film for trying to be different with the the small budget that it had. But unfortunately i can see people reacting to the film, especially the 2nd half, in the same manner as i accepted the film coming out of the cinema. Disappointed.

3/10 - Being generous largely due to the first 45 minutes
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Spartan (2004)
Val Kilmer finally hits the right note.
11 November 2004
Well i was starting to wonder whether Val would get his career back on track after seeing him in mishaps like Mindhunters (Cheesey but fun) and his brief role in The Missing (Boring boring boring). I haven't seen Wonderland yet so i can't judge him on that one just now.

This is the guy that starred in films such as Willow, Heat and Tombstone (His best role to date), he should be starring in bigger films these days and making a better reputation for himself you would think. But up until now this hasn't happened. So thank god for Spartan....

The trailer looked quite average so i wasn't expecting much, but it starred Kilmer and Macy so i was hoping to be pleasantly surprised somehow. Which i was.

The reason why this film hit the right note for me was its pace. It flowed really well and i thank Mamet the director for that. The first thirty minutes to forty five are fantastic and didn't let go of the audiences attention at all. It did dip through the middle but again picked up to my delight after that patchy spell.

I've already commented on Kilmer enough and he does a great job in his role of Agent Scott. He is backed up by rookie partner Curtis played by Derek Luke. This is the first time i have seen this guy and he did a great job with the screen time that he had.

My one disappointment is William H Macy's character Stoddard. There was no development whatsoever to his character and he was restricted to very tight screen time. The best actor in this film restricted to a few lines is very harsh. I'm sure a few people will agree with me there.

By the way i loved the fact that they didn't relate to the girl as the 'presidents daughter' once throughout this film. Simple but effective

A gem of a film.
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11 October 2004
This was the first ever film that i saw of Kevin Spacey. The moment i finished watching it i wanted to find out more about the guy. He is outstanding in this film where he stars as the pushy boss that go's too far and makes Frank Whaleys life a living hell as a P.A.

The film follows Whaley's character (Guy) throughout his days at the office to the eventual breakdown and confrontation with Spacey (Buddy). He breaks into his home and gets his revenge on a years worth of slavery and abuse given to him by Buddy.

Add to the complications we have the love interest of course. Played

by Michelle Forbes (very very good in this film). The film boils down to an excellent and powerful ending that i really wasn't expecting. Well worth adding to your DVD/VHS collection.

8. out of 10.
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
Surprisingly enjoyable.
21 June 2004
Well i watched this film on Terrestrial TV having been a fan of the 1st and 2nd in the saga but truly hating the 3rd and 4th. I must admit, it's pretty good.

The film severely sidesteps from the 'all out gore' of the previous 4 and instead introduces an element of suspense which honestly kept me watching the film throughout without wanting to take a quick break away from the TV.

Acting is Solid, Bradley again as Pinhead is flawless even though his screen presence has been toned down. Sheffer is excellent as the main character, delivers his lines very well and was very convincing in the more dramatic scenes of the movie. James Remar is surprisingly good also in his supporting role as the Doctor.

The film's suspense really reminded me of the silent hill games and the films characters were all pretty dark and untrustworthy. Even Sheffers character was sleazy and a bad cop.

As for the gore, it is still there, but not quite as nasty as what we have come to expect from a hellraiser movie. It was introduced when it needed to be, though I have to say the cenobites were nowhere near as gruesome as they should be.

Overall the film is really worth watching. Credit to the Director and the Writer for being brave enough to change the whole element of the Hellraiser Saga......but then again.....the saga really needed to be saved.

7. out of 10.
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Oh dear....
27 December 2003
Well the highly anticipated sequel to one of my favorite films of all time has finally found its way into my household. I was really excited thinking that this could possibly be just as good as the 1st one. It seemed to have all the right ingredients in the trailer to suggest that!

Unfortunately it just did not deliver. Actually I have to admit I hated Battle Royale 2. It really was that dissapointing. It started off pretty well and promising. A familiar start to what the 1st film had. Wild opening credits, a slight insite into the characters, a familiar music score, i thought to myself, 'yeah..this might work'.

It all go's to pair after the first 20 minutes once the children have been briefed. I totally lost interest half way through the movie and really couldn't care about any of the characters in the film.

I'm pretty sure i won't be the only Battle Royale fan to act out his dissapointment and frustration. I should be praising this film instead of scoring it 4/10 on IMDB and giving it such a bad reviewers comment!

Wait for it to be shown on TV, not even worth a rental! :o(
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5/10 - I wanted to give it less!
6 November 2003
Well what a terrible 3rd installment to the trilogy. I didnt think much of reloaded, but i was willing to give this one a chance. I went to the Warner Brothers studios in Leicester Sqr in London, in the biggest screen there. I thought to myself, this cant go wrong, the settings are all here for a great film!

Terrible.......i honestly got bored with it half way through, most parts were too predictable. I blame the shocking acting from notibly Keanu and Pinkett Smith. I cant believe they got paid millions of pounds to play parts so badly.

Laurence Fishburne wasn't in the film enough, his character was completely pushed out in the shadows, which i thought was a great shame! The Kid known only as "the kid" in the film was just annoying and was too cliche!

But saying that i thought Weavings performance as Agnt Smith was awesome AGAIN! Every time he was on the screen he lit up the film, sadly it flashed back to Keanu shortly after!

And what happened to Lambert Wilson (Merovingian) and Monica Belluci (Persophone) - they were both so good in the 2nd film, they were in it for all of 5 minutes in this one. Damn Shame!

Of course the 1st Matrix was never going to be beaten by either Reloaded or Revolutions, but the least they could of done was compliment it. I for one wont be buying the boxset!

5/10 - Mainly because of Weaving!
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30 January 2003
I now own the brilliant DVD collection set of what has to be the finest war epic i have ever seen in my life. It's touching enough to hear about the war through tough personal stories spoken by those family relations.

Now we have the stories told in a way that i can describe only as 'mesmerising and deeply moving'. Warner Brothers presents 'Band of Brothers', the 10 part mini series that covers the horror and the bonding of war from the training camp through to D-Day and continuing on to the surrender of the German Army.

The casting for the series is spot on, with outstanding performances coming from Damien Lewis, Ron Livingston and Donnie Wahlberg to name a few. All the characters are based on the real are the the events that are covered over a mighty 10 hours!!!

The series is recognised as the most expensive project that has ever been created. In my view i dont think they waisted a single penny of it...the visuals are stunning, the scripting is fantastic, the music score is exceptional and moving and the landscapes is just how i would imagine it!

Tom Hanks and Steve Spielbergs seem to have the midas touch with anything they have an association with!

Hats off lads

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The Curse of Monkey Island (1997 Video Game)
Best of the 4!
2 December 2002
After finishing Escape from Monkey Island just recently i sat back and reviewed all 4 of the saga in my head! The first 2 monkey islands are brilliant and are a landmark for adventure gaming genre! LeChucks revenge just eclipsing the first outing! Escape from Monkey Island is a tough one because it has a completely different control system and a new graphic engine. So this kinda ruined the jokes within the game that would of been preferably suited to graphic such as in the curse of Monkey Island!

The Curse of Monkey Island is the 3rd outing of the series, and the best of the series too! Once again you play Guybrush Threepwood (who has some great and funny voice acting throughout) who is trying to lift the curse that he accidently puts onto his love, Eleein Marley. The animation to this game was brilliant for its time and actually really suits the game because with the cartooney graphics, you can relate to the jokes within the game more appropriately!

There's some old characters from the past 2 games and some great new ones too (especially Murray the demonic skull, who had me in tears throughout!). Voice acting is fantastic and suited there characters.

If they brought out a film i hope it is an animated one and they relate to this game when thinking of a story line! This is a gem of a game and it is given a 9/10 from me!

9/10 ;o)
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Resident Evil (2002)
Very enjoyable
7 September 2002
First off i think that the critics were very harsh on there comments of this film. Half of these so called critics probably havn't even heard of the 'Resident Evil' franchise and therefore their comments really dont have any effects to my view on the film.

Ok, so it wasnt exactly an award winning film but it still had enough ingredients to make me want to see it again, and buy it on DVD. Milla Jovovich was quite good as Alice though i did find i couldnt really bond to her as the main character to well. Michelle Rodgriguez on the other hand was very impressive as the hard-ass Rain, her performance was only marred by the harsh fact that she probably is too young to be in an elite special force??? - but apart from that she was great! Eric Mabius (Matt), Martin Crewes (Kaplan) and Colin Salmon (One) were all good as supporting cast!

The films special effects are brilliant and director Paul Anderson uses his imagination well to build a story around the resident evil game. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of the mansion in which Resident Evil is known and loved for. The twisted metal music score is excellent to this film and Marilyn Manson must be applauded in the way he handled the high tense scenes within this movie.

Resident Evil: Nemesis is in the pipeline for 2003 and hopefully it will have the same pleasing effect as this film did. It will also be nice to see some familiar looking characters be introduced into the sequal i.e. Albert Wesker!!

A great film - 8/10
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Lynch is a crazed genius!!!
1 September 2002
My impressions going into this film were not that high due to the fact the critics praised this film so wildly....This for me isn't a good sign because i thought Gosford Park and Moulin Rouge were very overated and yet praised to the high heavens!

Thankfully it wasn't the same for this film due to the vivid imagination of one Mr Lynch. The films strongpoints is allowing the viewer to use there own imagination to fill in the plot holes, aiding this was some brilliant acting from the two lead women in the film Naomi Watts (Betty/Diane) and Laura Hanning (Rita/Camilla). Both these actresses played there parts to utter perfection and completely dominated the screen with there presence.

The Eerie score adds to the overall effect and wierdness to the film allowing each scene to move on flowingly and eventually leading to a mind boggling finale.

How on earth David Lynch came out of the Oscars without the best director award is beyond me. This film is one of a kind and not very light on the mind so you will almost gaurantee yourself a second viewing to make more sense of what is a fantastic dreamy film!

10/10 :o)
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Great remake with fantastic effects!
19 March 2002
With films like Thir13en Ghosts and house on haunted hill, you don't take into consideration the storyline....cos you know its basically not gonna have one....and this film excepts it. Its not going to win any awards of course but it was extremely entertaining through the aid of some individual acting performances and superb special effects.

The film is about Cyrus Kriticos (Abraham) who imprisions the souls of various ghosts in his fantastically crafted glass 'haunted' house. The ghosts are used to power some sort of machine that will eventually open a gateway to great demonic powers. He dies during the capture of the last ghost and passes on the ownership of his house to his nephew Arthur Kriticos (Shalhoub) and his two children, the oldest being the incredibly sexy Shannon Elizabeth.

Then here comes your typical plot, ghosts escape from their captivity and terrorise the family and the 2 scientists that sneeked into the house. Although the movie was predictable, i found it very enjoyable with one or two really jumpy scenes assisted by the wonderful special effects that were used throughout the whole movie.

Matthew Lillard who played Dennis Rafkin in the movie did a great job portraying the crazy psychic ghostbuster. He was the only character in the film that i felt played the part really well. Embeth Davidtz, Shannon Elizabeth and Tony Shalhoub were all below par in there roles leaving Murray Abraham with not enough screen time!

The ghosts themselves looked fantastic and created a great deal of tension through each individual scene that they were in. The only serious complaint that i have with the overall movie is that the ending was rushed and gave no real satisfaction to a really good hour and something to the movie.

But anyway this will be brill on DVD and i will probably buy it knowing my taste. I gave the movie an 7. Recommended to those fans of House on Haunted hill!
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Typically Kubrick!
3 January 2002
When i first saw this film i didn't know wether to like it or hate it, so that is why i decided to watch it again. In all honesty i'm not the greatest Kubrick Fan....but i do like his style sometimes.

Full Metal Jacket really didn't have enough grip of the audience to convince me and the 2nd half of A clockwork orange dissappointed to a much superior first half of the film! Its only 2001: SO that stood out as the only film i liked.

Eyes Wide Shut finds Bill (Cruise) and Alice (Kidman) who are experiencing a rough patch to there relationship when Alice explains her erotic dreams. Bill then go's on a journey through mystery where he meets suspicious characters and finds himself at a Party that he would never forget.

The atmosphere is typically Kubrick with the lavish suspence and the slow tense music score....with every character Bill meets you know theres something there yet to come out of the box. The Storyline has incredible depth in which we find a lot of interacting between the main cast which mainly focusses on the relationship between Bill and Alice, you could really tell that Kidman and Cruise were a couple in real life!

Tom Cruise once again provides a pinnacle piece of acting that shows all aspects of his character. I felt Kidman even though she was one of the main characters didn't really have that much to do and was left out in the cold most of the time! The supporting cast were very good and helped build up the secrets to be unlocked!

I will gve this film a 9 out of 10 because the script was excellent and Cruise was brilliant!
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Scary, Stylish and Suprising!
21 October 2001
I went to the Cinema to see this being told led up to this movie by friends that it was a waste of time, lucky for me that i don't listen to my friends when it comes to there opinions on films!

The Story follows Trish (Gina Philips) and Darry (Justin Long) who are on there way to see their parents when there journey is ubrupted all of a sudden by a Large Truck which hauls them off the road. They continue on only to come pass an old church and find a suspicious figure throwing bloodied sheets down a huge rusty pipe.

The first 45 minutes of this movie is very obsorbing and the director obviously was very keen to produce background to the 2 main characters in full detail. The scene where the 2 decide to investigate the pipe was excellent and very disturbing.

I'm glad this film didnt turn into a typical teen slasher horror and become predictable. Instead it was a much needed horror movie to rival any other in its genre. This was achieved through its incredibly dark atmosphere, nearly the whole film was done in the dark, this made the movie so much more tense and sucked in the audience to its next chapter.

Theres a lot of mixed opinions about the ending, I for one am still a bit cheated by it, but it doesnt take anything away from the film itself.

I gave this film a 9 because i love the horror genre and it was a clever, suprising flick!
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Cast Away (2000)
Another great to many greats for Hanks!
8 June 2001
Cast Away could only of been successful through one actor alone....and that actor is Tom Hanks. This guy has to go down as one of the best actors of all time. The plot of cast away is straight forward as you'd gather from the title.

Tom Hanks plays the part of Chuck Noland who is a FeDex operative transporting packages by air. The plane nose dives into the ocean through bad weather and only Chuck comes away alive, he then drafts to an unchartered island where he is on his own.

The crash scene was very brutal and it almost made me look at flying in a completely different way, then i convinced myself "it is a film". But the scene was so realistic that it can honestly change your opinion. Hanks, once on the island, is very capturing, you see him struggle to survive and then LEARN to survive.

The acting by Hanks alone should of beaten off Russell Crowe for the Oscar i feel. He shows great emotion and presence within the movie to back that statement.

This is another great movie to go in Tom Hanks' record of achievement and its another great film to go into my collection.

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Tarantino's landmark film is awesome!
13 May 2001
This film is truely fantastic......

I own the collector's edition on DVD and its proved to be £20 well spent. Harvey Kietel, Steve Buscemi, Michael Madsen, Tim Roth and Chris Penn all play excellent parts as the group of bank robbers who go by the aliases of different colors in order to pull of the job of a lifetime. But it all go's wrong when the police make a suprise spring on there operation and the survivors of the crew are convinced that there was a set-up and a rat amongst them.

This is where we get the strength of the story and the full quality of the actors on board, especially Buscemi and Madsen who show great on edge performances. The Flash Backs that guide the backgrounds to the mob are fantastic and give great descriptive information on the characters, this was well inputted by Tarantino.

The violence is very classy and stylish and it draws your attention to the screen. Most critics viewed the violence within this film as being too strong for a wider audience, but i feel that they were trying to find a flaw to a great Tarantino film.

Highly recommended!!!!
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Code Red (2001 TV Movie)
19 April 2001
This film really did make me laugh. The acting was terrible, the sound and special effects were nothing special. The only reason i watched this film is because it was free, and i still feel cheated.

All the way through this film it tried to be like Predator that happens to be one of my best films of all time!

The story line was exactly the same as predator, but thats where the comparisons end i'm afraid. Also finally, the aliens in this film are really stupid.

1/10 - its that bad. This is a warning - not a review.
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Watch the original instead.
17 April 2001
This TV mini series was on over the Easter Holidays and i was caught by the impressive cast that they had lined up for this movie.... i also had to watch it also because i really enjoy greek mythology. What i got was over 3 hours of false mythology that doesn't even deserve to share the same title as the 1960's original.

Jason London was not convincing as the main character Jason, neither was Dennis Hopper unfortunately who fell victim to a silly scene at the end where hes wearing the fleece on his head, it cracked me up, he looked an idiot. Natasha Henstridge and Derek Jakobi were not in it enough to make any sort of impression and the gods were too merciful i thought.

The SFX was okay, but i still prefer the ground breaking effects of Ray Harryhausen who's designs for the titans in the original scared me when i was younger.

This film was false when it comes to sticking by the facts of greek mythology i.e. there were no female argonauts - Atlantas is a false. Also the fact that Orpheus was greek and not African, these are just a few points from many mistakes that effected this series.

My two biggest groans though must be.... a) Why did they replace Talos the bronze giant with that stupid bull, Talos was my favourite Titan in the original and i was looking forward to see him redesigned for this series.......but not into a stupid bull that breathes fire....OH DEAR! Also the Hydra was replaced by a dragon......why?......i don't know?

and b) The sound effects were not as ground breaking as the original. The sound for the original film captured half the scene, an example being the appearance of Talos - it created tension. It was sorely missed.

In the end Hollywood have spoilt mythology and replaced it with a child's bed time story........5/10
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Memento (2000)
One of the greatest films of all time.
9 April 2001
I know my summary is a bit strong, but you just have to witness this films attraction through its cast, storyline and final twist to understand what im talking about. I missed this film at the cinema when it came out over here, it was only on for a week, i was pretty angry as you could imagine because i was captured by the originality of the trailer.

Guy pearce is excellent as he plays short term memory victim lenny who can remember everything in his life up to the agonising murder of his wife, he got a bang on the head in the process and cannot remember anything there on.

So begins a trek for his wifes murderer with the aid of a few suspicious characters Natalie (Carrie-Ann Moss) and Teddy (Joe Pantoliano),also with help from his photos and a body full of tatoos describing important referencing. The acting in this film is excellent and it shows how well respected all three of the main stars are in the film business these days.

The reason why this film is different and stands out more than any other film in its genre is because of its overall plot layout. The storyline is shot backwards, so the audience and lenny try and workout whats really going on with his circumstances. It had me fooled all the time.

Sheer brilliance - gets the full grade 10.
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Boiler Room (2000)
Great cast, great plot and a great film!
1 April 2001
The boiler room hosts a number of great up and coming young stars of the future i.e. Giovanni Ribiesi, Ben Affleck and Vin Diesil in perticular.

The film surrounds the working environment of a fraud stock broker business that is run by Tom Everett scott who i feel isn't in the film long enough to make an impression. Giovanni Ribiesi plays Seth who gets mixed up in the conspiracy behind his new employers and then gets into a mixed relationship with the firms secretary Abby (Nia Long). The story line as a whole was different and the acting was second to none, i feel maybe the plot may of been stronger so it may of had a better appeal to more people.

But in the end the acting does this film justice and it gets a very good 8/10 from me. Watch out for the scene stealing scenes that Ben Affleck has in this film, he is very convincing and has a very strong presence.
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Best martial arts film i've ever seen.
22 March 2001
Its hard these days to see a good story and some decent action all in the same film, the only film i've seen that has those qualities are The Matrix and Crouching Tiger.

The film boastes excellent cinematography, a great cast and script and fantastic special effects guiding the martial arts. Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh are great in their portrayal as two legendary warriors who seek to retain the stolen green destiny sword that has been taken from a village sworn to protect it.

The stunning Martial arts are what really caught the eye though, from the Grey Fox introduction to the fantastic fight scene in the trees. This is the next step to action special effects and this film will definately pick up a few oscars this year. A perfect 10 due to being the best kind of film i've seen for its genre.
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Red Planet (2000)
A really great film!
12 March 2001
Looking at the other comments i think people really have a hatred to sci-fi films at the mo. I know that Mission to Mars was bad, i'd be the 1st to admit that......but that doesn't mean that all other sci-fi films are going to be bad. Last year we had Pitch Black which i thought was okay.........and we had Red Planet.

Red Planet came with a reasonably large budget, a really superior cast to Mission to Mars and absolutely great special effects. The main story line in itself is not ground breaking, but the sub plots within the film give the film its real grip!

A crew of 4 astranauts and 2 science officers agree to board a mission into building a new home on mars through the aid of making it a breathable atmosphere through the aid of planting algae.

Then in comes your usual suprises, the spacecraft that their in hits critical conditions causing them to land on Mars earlier than they wanted to and therefore building a storyline of what they are going to do to get back to earth.

The sub plot involving the crews relationship between pentigill who was a last minute choice for the mission is excellent. Simon Baker plays the character excellently and you never know wether to trust him or hate him. The special effects on the robot AMEE were outstanding aswell, this created the suspence part of the film.

I gave this film 9/10 because i love sci-fi and i thought that it was well acted and had a really decent storyline.
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Snatch (2000)
Brilliant stuff!
15 February 2001
I loved the originality of lock stock and 2 smoking barrels in the form of its story layout and character presentation, and we have Guy Ritchie to thank once again for bringing it back to Snatch.

The story surrounds the theft of a 84crt stone that is then passed around and stolen from a string of corrupted low life characters who are all wiling to get there hands on the rarety of the jewel.

The film starts off very explosive and strong and finished with an excellent climax that you would come to expect from a film with such a talented cast. Alan Ford who starred as Bricktop i felt stole the screen due to his willingness to hate everyone he meets in the film, it really was great to watch. bradd Pitt also does the business as usual as he is casted as a Gypsy bare-fist champion 'Micky'.

Overall just as good as Lock stock - in some ways better, also very good on DVD!

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Great Sci-Fi film!
9 February 2001
This film is absolutely fantastic and still doesn't look out of place now amongst the big sci - fi adventures such as independence day and that stupid film with john travolta (i made no effort into finding out what the film was called!).

With a mixture of good acting, very dark suspence and a plot that has you on the edge of your seat, you know you've got a great film in your hands. This is far superior to the 1958 version and still overshadows the questionable 3rd remake in 1992 with forest whitaker.

I was so impressed with this film that i bought the DVD and can now watch it whenever i want to amuse myself. Its true cinema brought to the TV screen.

9 out of 10.
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