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What the hell?
10 November 2001
What the hell was this? It was only on for about 3 episodes and I was channel surfing and caught it. It is so bad and unfunny. It makes Big Daddy look intelligent. Basically the only thing that was supposed to be funny is that some guy has constant hallucinations. This show was crap.
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Classic Comedy/Thriller
10 November 2001
RATING: ***1/2 out of ****

Many people will go into The Big Lebowski expecting an action/comedy along the lines of say, Rush Hour. These are the people who don't know who the Coens are. The Big Lebowski is actually a very original comedy/thiller that is bursting with energy. No character is a recycled version of another one. Even The Dude could've ended up as a Jay-type slacker but he becomes something else. Walter Sobchak...well he kicks f***ing a**! There's also a surprising sweetness in the story which I didn't really expect. On the other hand, there isn't enough of the funniest character Jesus Quintana. You'd think that there would be some kind of relation with the plot but unfortuatly there isn't. Also The Dude's dream sequences, no matter how good they are, seem just like filler.

So all in all, The Big Lebowski is an incredibly entertaining movie. Go see it.
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Stressed Eric (1998–2000)
9 November 2001
There was a big hubbub about Clerks being cancelled after 2 episodes. The same fate befell this show and nobody cared. This was an absolute gem of a show and I was the only American guy who watched it. The Perfects are so damn funny. A lot of the humor is so stupid that you can't help but laugh. The funniest is when the donkey explodes for no reason at all. PUT THIS ON DVD!!!!!!!!!!
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Training Day (2001)
Take the kids!
19 October 2001
Finally! We get a family film that doesn't promote homo-erotocism (Emperor's New Groove) or that makes teenagers look smart (Princess Diaries). "Training Day" is a movie that families can go to and enjoy! Its full frontal nudity will definitly have kids playing the fun game "Match-the-Movie-Body-Part-On-Mommy". Denzel Washington also gives kids good lessons like, "Don't turn down any offers in the streets". It'll also want kids to beg you to take them to the nearest 'hood! Ignore Max Keeble, go to Training Day!
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29 September 2001
REVIEW: THE LADIES MAN *1/2 out of ****

The Ladies Man is astonishing in its ability to make Tim Meadows, Lee Evans, and Will Ferrell incredibly unfunny...AND MEADOWS EVEN CO-WROTE THIS S***!!!! The movie is nowhere near as entertaining as it should be. The sketches are hilarious because Leon can only pick up the most filthiest, sluttiest skanks. Here, he's a lovemeister and can pick up any girl. That was a BIG mistake. Not only that, but the film also resorts to the tired "boy-meets-girl" formula. The film has the new "renovated" Leon Phelps (Meadows) getting fired from his radio show. (He has a TV show on SNL) He has no luck finding any jobs with his producer (Parsons). Then he finds a note from a former lover who wants to marry him and finds that some angry husbands whose wives he cheated on with are trying to kill him. I nearly cried at seeing Will Ferrell in the tired "guy-who-is-gay-but-denies-it" character. And yet again, Eugene "I'm In Every Third Movie That Comes Out" Levy is totally wasted in his role. The last movie to properly use him was Best in Show. However, there is a surprisingly well-done musical number that is a bright spot in the film. But, just watch The BEst of Tim Meadows to see some funny Ladies Man stuff.
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Siskel & Ebert (1986–2010)
20 September 2001
Why, Gene, why?!? You were the only critic with taste! You gotta love a guy who puts Kingpin on his top 10 list. Now, we have Roeper who makes this show funny because he hates just about everything. Then there's a hilariously funny argument between the two whenever there's a split decision. I make sure to tape it every week. Funny stuff.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
18 September 2001
MOULIN ROUGE: MOVIE GRADE: **1/2 out of **** BAD MOVIE GRADE: ***1/2 out of ****

Moulin Rouge is one of the funniest movies of the year. Ignore everyone who says it's "stunning, beautiful, well acted". This is nothing more than a hilarious expensive B-Movie. The acting (Especially by Leguizamo) is so over the top that you just can't help but laugh. The lines are so dumb that it's hilarious whenever somebody says them. Just about anything Jim Broadbent said had me in stitches for days. Just about the only thing that is intentionally good is the singing. Ewan and Nicole can really sing well. Though I worry about Baz Luhrmann. He shows a midget in a bikini 3 times, an extreme close-up of John Leguizamo in clown make-up, and fat guys doing cart-wheels. I hope he's just joshing us and that MR is one big hilarious joke. So don't go in expecting something thought-provoking. Go in expecting the funniest musical parody since South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Hilariously Awful!
15 September 2001
REVIEW: Pearl Harbor MOVIE GRADE: *1/2 out of **** BAD MOVIE GRADE: ***1/2 out of ****

Pearl Harbor is the most unintelligent action movie I've seen since Armageddon. It is so awful that it gets hilarious at times. Especially when a girl tells a boy, "I'm gonna give Danny my whole heart, but I'll never be able to look at another sunset without thinking of you". The movie attempts to do to Pearl Harbor what James Cameron did for Titanic. Titanic seems like Ingmar Bergman compared to this. There are two things I hate most about this junk. First, the movie has a good story (Dorie Miller) in its reach. Just when it's getting interesting, they cut away to a boring love story, probably because they're afraid to put an African American story into full focus in a summer blockbuster. The other thing that I'm most offended about is toning down the carnage to a PG-13. I HATE watered down war movies! That's partly why U-571 was so awful. By toning it down, they are just giving a giant middle finger to all WWII vets everywhere.
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14 September 2001

In what is so far a very dismal year for film, Jay and Silent Bob have saved 2001! Flat out, this will probably end up being the funniest movie of the year (Though it has some competition from Zoolander and Monsters, Inc.). Nary a line of dialogue goes by without something funny passing by. I was laughing so hard that I missed at least 90% of the movie. Also, it's the most intelligent juvenile comedy since South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. The movie opens with Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) getting banned from the Quick Stop from Clerks. They soon discover that the comic book which they sold their likeness rights to, Bluntman and Chronic, (Rent Chasing Amy for more info) is getting made into a movie. So they start the funniest road journey since the members of Animal House shouted "Road Trip! Road Trip!". This will definitley become a classic and is so far Smith's best work yet! Oh yeah, this is much different than his last, Dogma, which is pretty boring and unfunny if you aren't Catholic. Oh yeah, and there was a 60 year old guy next to me at the movie breaking down at every blow*** joke. This is great for older ones too!
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Why all the negative reviews?!?
24 August 2001
REVIEW: CHASING AMY **** out of ****

The best movie of 1997, a great year for films, was Kevin Smith's second best film! His characters talk, talk, talk, talk about various things (mostly sex) and it is all painfully honest. This isn't Shakespeare, this is a romantic comedy and a non-cliched one at that! I can't believe all these negative reviews! It's a disgrace!
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Almost Famous (2000)
Best Movie in a Long, Long Time
27 June 2001
REVIEW: ALMOST FAMOUS **** out of ****

I was very reluctant to watch Almost Famous at first, because I thought that it would be a depressing portrait of a teen's life. So, I rented it one night, 'cause I wanted to check it out and see if the critics were right and they were! Almost Famous has nudged Unbreakable to #2 on my Best Movie of 2000 list. The movie is a coming of age dramedy about this kid named William Miller (Patrick Fugit. The fact that he didn't even get nominated is a travesty!) whose sister (Zooey Deschaniel) moved out when he was a little boy. She left him her record collection and he becomes a music fan. So, now he meets Lester Bangs (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) and he sends him on an assignment to cover Stillwater. Surprisingly, his strict mom (Frances McDormand. Oscar-worthy) lets him go. He meets a groupie named Penny Lane (Kate Hudson, yet another Oscar worthy performance) who falls in love with him. It's horrible the way that the band treats her. The band is going through problems of its own. Jeff Bebe (Jason Lee. Yet another great performance) feels upstaged by Russell Hammond (Billy Crudup). The movie is a delight from start to finish. It's been a while since there has been a movie that has taken classic rock music so seriously. As a fan of that music, I love it. Rent this movie and you won't regret it. "I'm on drugs! (YAY!)...I dig music (Awkward Silence)"
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Beautiful. Stunningly Beautiful.
12 May 2001
RATING: **** out of ****

Tom Green's "Freddy Got Fingered" is a masterpiece that all future movies must follow. It's one of those rare movies when you walk out of the theater and say "Wow! That was the most moving experience of my life. We follow the tragic and moving story of Gordon Brody (Green). Young Gordon has just left the nestled bosom of his parents to venture off into the real world. His overbearing father Jim (A Horribly Nasty Rip Torn) does not care about his son's future and just wants him to get a job. Gordon wants to a famous animator but his Satanic father just wants to him to get a job. After an ill-fated attempt at animating, Gordon goes to a cheese sandwich factory and quits and goes back to his evil parents.

A great thing about the movie is that it's symbolic. In a late scene, when Gordon rubs an elephant male reproductive organ and sprays his father with it's semen, the semen represents all of the evil that the father has done to Gord over the years. Symbolism is terrific. I love a movie that is symbolic. Kudos to you Green...kudos.
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SCREW YOU ALL! This movie was good!
19 April 2001
REVIEW: 3000 MILES TO GRACELAND *** out of ****

It REALLY gets to me when a good movie is so panned that nobody sees it and it flops at the box office. That fate befell this movie, which isn't as bad as they all say. It's pure fun. Think "Terminator" crossed with "Reservoir Dogs". The fun begins right away, with a cool animated visual of a scorpion duel. S P O I L E R S

The story goes like this: A group of guys (Led by Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell) rob a casino dressed as Elvis impersonators. The robbery turns violent and one of the guys dies. (The guy who dies first prooves a well known cliche.) So then one of the other guyes wants half the money and Kevin Costner kills him. He sets his sights on Kurt Russell now. Russell high-tails it out of there with a ahem, "sexy" waitress (Courteny Cox) and her young son. It's not perfect. Nearly everyone who isn't Kevin or Kurt dies. But it is a fun, fun movie and will tide you over 'till the summer.
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24 March 2001
RATING: *** out of ****

This movie will not be seen by some because "You can see the same thing on Comedy Central". Well, this isn't CC kind of stuff, this is more like Def Comedy Jam...only with older comics. Spike Lee also does a great job directing. In the hands of another director, the movie could of looked like somebody in the audience taping the audience in his seat. But Spike makes it interesting. He uses different styles of film and video and many camera angles to show the movie. It's really cool-looking. The funniest comic was Steve Harvey. Anything he said was hilarious. All of them were good in their own way but Harvey RULES! Bernie Mac was hilarious as well. Cedric the Entertainer was funny too. D.L Hughley too. Possibly the funniest part in the movie is from Cedric. His Peanut Butter song. My only complaint is that sometimes the performers slurred their lines and I couldn't understand it. Rent this movie! You'll have a blast. If you're still skeptical, remember I'm a white guy from Texas.
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TV Funhouse (2000–2001)
Idiots unite!
11 March 2001
If you are looking through the TV guide and find this show listed and view it with your small children...well, you'll hear them say "Daddy, what's a fellatio?". But it's a perfect show to gather around drunk and watch. The show is a mock kids TV show (Hard emphasis on MOCK!!) that is hosted by a guy named Doug. Doug is one of those guys who host kids TV shows and is so plastic he doesn't even have bodily functions. Every week, there's a new theme for the day (Spaceman Day, Cowboy Day, Chinese New Year Day, etc.) and tries to get the Anipals (animated puppets) to do activities that have stuff to do with the theme. But they always go somewhere and it leaves Doug having to do the show by himself. Oh yeah, there's also cartoons like the ones on SNL, only way dirtier. The show does have a bit too many sex jokes, but they are always funny. But remember, even though the opening shows some happy kids watching the show, DO NOT WATCH IT WITH CHILDREN! The cowboy day had a chicken masturbating with some ice...
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Disturbing and Great
21 January 2001
REVIEW: THE TRUMAN SHOW **** out of ****

The Truman Show rocks! It is BY FAR Jim Carrey's best drama so far. The movie takes a look at our obsession with TV and would work even better now in 2001 because of the reality show trend. The movie somehow manages to be weird, original, funny, and disturbing all at the same time. However, if you haven't seen it, be warned. When I saw it the first time I didn't have a happy feeling. However, after watching it many times, I really liked it. The story goes like this: Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) is an ordinary guy, with an ordinary house, and an ordinary wife...or so he thinks. But he's actually the subject of the biggest, most controversial reality show of all time. His world is controlled by the God-like Christof (A Brilliant Ed Harris) who runs Truman's world from the "moon". Meanwhile, Truman wants to travel and go to Fiji and find a girl who he fell in love with in high school but was taken off the show because she was determined to tell Truman of what was really going on. All through the movie he grows more and more suspicious of his surroundings wondering "Is this all real"? Jim Carrey, who once made his butt talk, really shows that he has come a long, long way from doing a slapstick Kung Fu routine in Dumb & Dumber. And Ed Harris...he really makes you hate and love his character who has locked Truman up in a prison and videoed him for his own profit. Truman is really the only likeable character in the movie because everyone involved with the show, except him and Sylvia, are all the meanest kind of criminal. An emotional criminal. Everyone from his wife to his own mother has falsely loved him and are manipulating him for their own profit. But the strange thing is...they are truly horrible people but the actors who play them make them very likeable. The Truman Show is a very uncomfortable experience yet it is extremely great.
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Double Take (2001)
Surprisingly Good
16 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
REVIEW: DOUBLE TAKE ***1/2 out of ****


I was all pumped to see Double Take after months of seeing the TV spots and trailers and hearing friends doing the "Schlitz Malt Liquor" routine. I got to the theater the movie started and I see "Written and Directed by George Gallo". My hopes were gone that very second. I knew it would suck because Gallo is the guy responsible for Trapped in Paradise. Yes, it does get off to a lame start, but then the movie goes into laugh mode and is like a sillier version of Bad Boys. The plot involves all sorts of twists and turns so I won't recount the plot. I can give you a short description of it:

Darryl Chase (Orlando Jones) is a successful banker type guy. He gets ripped off from a street jiver named Freddie Tiffany (Eddie Griffen). When he gets home he finds somebody dead and is framed for a killing. So he switches places with Freddie and has to get to Mexico to meet an FBI agent who'll protect him.

That's as far as I go. It also has some pretty decent action sequences and some quirky moments. (Chase finds himself on an Emu Farm.) So if you want a good action comedy on the lines of Rush Hour, see Double Take.
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You guys had 18 years to think up a sequel. All you could think of was rehash?
5 January 2001
REVIEW: BLUES BROTHERS 2000 ** out of ****

BB2000 is pathetic. There is not ONE laugh in the entire thing. Maybe a chuckle at the part where Elwood visits Cab for the first time but that's about it. The movie thinks that just because we saw the original 18 years ago we'd forget all the humor and laugh at it again and think that it's completely original. John, you're cheating us. The only thing that saves it is the music and the acting. The performers were really top notch. But really, what was the point of the kid? For Elwood to be a hero to ex-con single fathers everywhere? Speaking of Elwood, Dan Aykroyd did not look like he was having that much fun in this. The first one you could tell he was having fun but here he just acts bored. There could have been a more original plot here. What about if there was a prequel and you had somebody young to play Elwood and somebody young to play Jake. Or since music is the only redeeming quality, why not just make a concert film? Good idea no?
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2nd Best Movie Based on a Sketch Comedy Show!
31 December 2000

Oh my God! THIS MOVIE IS FREAKIN' HILARIOUS! It's the second best movie based on a sketch comedy show. The first being Brain Candy. THis movie has so many great moments. The whole Sperm sequence was great and the part about death was pretty funny. However, the part that will be implanted in your brain (Even if you've seen Scary Movie) is Mr. Kreosote, which is probably the grossest thing ever put on film. I'm glad I saw it on video. Imagine it in Wide Screen. Anyhoo, rent this movie! If I go on, I'll spoil something!
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Drowning Mona (2000)
Fairly Amusing with Bad Acting and a Low Amount of Laughs
25 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
REVIEW: DROWNING MONA **1/2 (SPOILER AHEAD!!!! IT'S THE ENDING! BE WARNED!) Drowning Mona is a movie that is like an obese runner. He starts out with a good frame of mind and is going as fast as he can. Soon, he gets slower, slower, slower even coming to a complete stop once in a while until by the end of the race he is crawling on the ground, desperately trying to get faster, but failing. Drowning Mona has some really good ideas and could've been a very funny dark comedy on the lines of say, The Cable Guy, but it's ruined by a weak script and really bad acting. One of its problems is the fact that this is set in a small town. This satire of small town life angle is getting so used up! This should have been set in a big city with Mona as the head of a corporation or something and the suspects are everyone in the corporation. Another is the fact that the acting (except Neve Campbell) is really bad. Casey Affleck has some potential, but the character he had was so bad that he couldn't play him and all he does for 90 or so minutes is mumble. Same with the guy who plays Jeph. The movie also suffers from one of the dumbest endings in a movie I have ever seen. (SPOILER!) Why would Rash let BObby go just because he's marrying his daughter? If I were Rash I would have beaten up Bobby and sent him to jail where he will serve hard time and "hard" time with a 404 lb. inmate named Bubba. And if I were the guy who wrote this, I would've trashed this script and started over on the corporation thing...But that's my movie...
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This Movie Rules!
12 December 2000

I saw this movie over the summer after becoming a full-blooded fan of watching the KITH TV show. This movie, for some, will take a few viewings to appreciate, but when you do appreciate it, YOU LOVE IT! This is one of those movies where every single line of dialogue, every character, every frame, is a true classic. The movie spoofs our obsession of being happy all the time, making a Prozac-like pill called Gleemonex. The drug is discovered by Chris Cooper (Kevin MacDonald) and is named by Cisco (Bruce McCulloch). Meanwhile, the boss, Don Roritor (Mark McKinney) is taking advantage of the drug and...well I won't tell you the rest. But trust me, it is an awesome movie. Go rent it NOW! NOW NOW! However, it is best if you are a fan of the series. Only fans will get Cancer Boy.
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Romantic Comedy to the X-Treme!
25 November 2000

Well I finally saw this and MAN how can they get away with this stuff?!? Ever since I saw the "zipper" scene in the trailer I have been scared to death of going to the bathroom. With therapy, I overcame that. Anyway, the movie has a lot of gut busting belly laughs and is one of the funniest Farrelly Bros. movies ever. However, it still doesn't top their best, Kingpin, which will never be topped by any of their movies. Even with all of the jokes about retarded people, animal cruelty, uses of the f words, and sexual references, this still is a pretty good date movie but don't watch it with the small kids. So in conclusion, it's good for a laugh so rent it when you feel depressed.
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You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
22 November 2000

First off, Tim Burton should have directed this and Christopher Walken should have been the Grinch. Don't get me wrong, Jim Carrey was great, but the movie was too lighthearted. There could have been a darker, more adult fantasy movie buried underneath all of the slapstick humor, which Chris and Tim wouldn've pulled off perfectly. But alas, no. This is no more than a dumb children's movie that is too scary for kids and too childish for adults. Next, there is NO way to make a 2 HOUR MOVIE of a 19 page book! It's like turning Weekend Update into a 4 hour epic. So, for about an hour and a half, nothing happens except for Jim Carrey re-enacting The Mask. Then, by the time "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" starts playing, you wish that you had just gone to see Rugrats or The 6th Day. The make-up is great though. But if I was Ron Howard, I would've convinced Tim Burton to do this movie and have Christopher Walken to be the Grinch. Then, it would've been more darker, more ironic, and less dumb and more time would be spent on why Grinch became such a Grinch. Sorry that I'm raining on everyone's parade, BUT IT'S JUST MY FREAKIN' OPINION!
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High Fidelity (2000)
You just can't hate it.
9 September 2000
High Fidelity is a pretty funny movie. John Cusack is great as lovelorn Rob who is so lonely that he talks to a camera and imagines getting advice from Bruce Springsteen. The characters are very cool and many of them may be people you know! (Barry is my friend's brother as an adult) The movie never really gets into touchy feely mode like many other romantic comedies (Blast from the Past, Edtv,...) MY only complaint was that there was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much talking to the camera. But at least Rob wasn't annoying, then you're stuck listening to him whine and moan for 2 hours. Good thing for jilted lovers to see but not a good date movie. *** out of ****
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Grinch on Crack
3 September 2000
This is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen! It is very bizarre and way too strange for someone who would rather watch 1900 House than Family Guy. This is one of the very few instances where stop-motion is not gross or disgusting, because it usually is, too me. Anyway, the visuals are some of the best things about the movie as well as the songs which will stick in your head for about a year. It is better than most Broadway musicals. (Can't you just see a Nightmare Musical? David Hasslehoff as Jack?) The movie also disagrees with Hershey's and says that change is good. I recommend it to any animation or blackcomedy fan. **** out of ****
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