
7 Reviews
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Zafer does it again!
8 March 2002
I saw the rough cut of this crazy film over at Tromadance 2002... It's sexy, disgusting, and promotes unhealthy lifestyles! Everything a good comedy should do. I can't wait to see the tightened up cut of this film, since it shows tons of potential. The story's great too, because it's like a strange heavy metal fairy tale/urban legend that's fictional, but nevertheless totally funny as all heck. Great stuff! Let's see some more, Z!!
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Laughing Boy (2000)
Underappreciated gem of cult comic flavors!
4 March 2002
What can I say? I think "Laughing Boy" is highly original, filled with sprit, and very well-written. Joe Grisaffi has acting chops to boot. The fantasy sequences are funny as all heck, and the whole dinner party is very well-mapped out. There's a lot of great atmosphere in the film too. About the only thing that was missing was some nudity and perhaps a drug reference or two. Other than that, the film is brilliant. A truly indie film that shines (and laughs!) over the rest!
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Best Movie Documentary Ever!
21 February 2002
Forget "Hearts of Darkness", "Farts of Darkness" is the real thing! Watch this movie, and be truly inspired. Lloyd Kaufman really does make movies of the future... but people are finally getting hip to him today. This is the must-see indie moviemaking doc. Get an appointment, "Farts of Darkness" rocks like anarchy bubbling under Hollywood. Revolutionary and Fun. Nothing can beat that. Way ta' go Lloyd!
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Fever (1999)
Most underrated film of 1999/2000!
21 February 2002
Simply put, Alex Winter is a genius. Thank you for taking me on this journey. "Fever" is a film any film lover should see with an open mind. Eyes open, ears tuned in... Enter this beautifully atmospheric film... It's unfortunate that it's from another time... ahead of this one. A super film, and a great dvd too! Make some more, Alex! Keep it personal, and don't compromise. This film rocked like Elvis and David Bowie rockin' in New Orleans! Dark, dynamic, and visionary!
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A surreal and wonderful gift from Lowe, Tennant, Leutenant!
21 June 2001
A real gem of an indie film. British, with great production value, lots of strange dollying shots and some fisheye shots too. The look of it is like a sparce and cheaply-made Terry Gilliam film, with a minimal and very absurdist plot filled with odd references to the Pet Shop Boys songbook, their childhoods, and their love for surrealist art, kitsch gay, biker, slapstick, and Derek Jarman films, as well as touches of Steven Wright jokery and some nice colors. I've got this on tape, and yes, you can't find it anywhere! The Pet Shop Boys are brilliant! Now, if they did it again, they should come up with a real script, and have someone like Baz Luhrmann or better yet David Cronenberg make it. Horrific, asexual, glamorous, poppy, tripped-out, and often quite, quite funny. Neato!
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One of the greatest and most innovative Saturday morning toons ever!
15 June 2001
I absolutely loved this show when I was younger, even though I still wasn't that young when it was on. Along with "Pee Wee's Playhouse", "The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse", "Dungeons and Dragons", and "Gummi Bears", this was the coolest and wackiest show around. I thought "Alf" was different when I saw the 1st episode as a kid, but then after the 1st season it turned into absolute garbage. "Galaxy High" was not like that. This is one of the most forgotten cartoons ever. I want the freakin' dvd! Some one pick this stuff up, and release it. While you're at it, please release "Eraserhead" on dvd, and put "The Hardy Boys" tv series out too!

Somebody listen to me!


Ramzi Abed
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Ellie Parker (2001)
Scott, you did a fantastic job, and Naomi's amazing here!
23 May 2001
I have been blessed enough to have seen this fine DV short at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival. Scott is a wonderfully nice guy, and a talented director. His previous short, "Gray Matter" (once linked to the defunct, "Traphik" series, which apparently is a long and saddening story...) Anyways, this is a super film, and Naomi Watts emotes magically. "Ellie Parker" really captures the guerrilla film-making spirit! Mulholland Drive" is a product of these two talents too. David Lynch may be a genius (and my personal fave), but it takes talent to pull the performances off! Scott, I hope you kick major ___ on your 1st feature; you're a real gent and an artist with heart.
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