
23 Reviews
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Private Benjamin (1981–1983)
Harmless But forgettable
4 April 2002
This series suffered from poor writing and Blah direction which probably explains why it has never shown up again since its demise.

Lorna patterson is passable as Private benjamin but nothing special...And none of the gags in any of the episodes were ever above par.....The show was sweet natured enough...but thats really about it

Oh and what ever happened to Lorna anyway???
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Driven (2001)
Without a Doubt,The Worst film of 2001
4 March 2002
A truly atrocious film, in that it never puts one foot right from the first reel to the last.Renny Harlin should really consider hanging up the directors hat after this (although the fact that he kept his job after Cutthroat island means he will probably be here for a long time)

For starters, Stallone slurs his words so badly that you virtually need subtitles to understand what he is saying.NEXT,the racing scenes which are supposed to be the highlight of this film are excruciatingly dull despite the fact that harlin has done everything humanly possible to liven them up,including some utterly terrible computer generated Car crash scenes that almost look like a cartoon and play like one(What's with the scene of the tire flying into the crowd???)

NEXT,with stallone really only playing a supporting character,the main characters of this film are people we simply dont connect with or care about.It doesnt help they we havent seen any of them before. Gina gershon is completely wasted as stallone former love who spends the first half of the film attacking him, and the second rooting for her new love(Get a new agent Gina puhlease).Ohh I think stallone has a new girlfriend in this film although she has virtually an invisible role.

I wont even ask about the stupid Humming stallone does while driving his car for inspiration(although I guess its better than listening to him sing).And the scene where jimmy and lucretia save whathisname from the burning lake,I was kinda amused how at the last second, we get a quick(and completely meaningless)shot of stallone running through the bushes to the crash site, almost as if during the post production of the film, the film makers decided to quickly throw in that shot cause they didnt want stallone looking as if he did absolutely nothing during that whole segment.

If the film at least had a sense of humour or some great one liners it may have worked. But this piece of trite is completely humourless which only makes it worse. Harlin does everything wrong in the direction of the film in pretty much every scene. The final race scene, again which is supposed to be the films highlight is drudgingly dull and nobody really cares who wins or loses except maybe for the people onscreen

Probably the only watchable scene is the chase through the streets of chicago which isnt great but may keep the viewer around a little while longer

Renny harlin did commentary on the dvd release of this film, which means he must be proud of this picture. All I can say is,Renny you made a mess of this flick so try and get your act together and have the dignity to leave this shameful piece of crap behind.

Although Freddy got fingered will probably beat this out as the worst film of 2001 by the razzie awards, FGF at least never tried to be a good film...This film did..and it full honours should go to this..and to everyone involved...and the film itself should be driven into a bleeding wall

I give it............0 out of 10
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Pretty good film,if not that original
24 October 2001
Although I quite enjoyed this disney offering..I couldn't help but notice the comparisons between this film and the Dreamworks offering ROAD TO EL DORADO.In both films,People follow maps and pass many spectacular stone carvings trying to reach a great place,and when they get there,the beauty of it is beyond words.

Unfortunately for this film,the story runs out pretty much by the time they get to Atlantis.Chances are the filmmakers didnt want to plagarise Road to el dorado, so they took a different path which doesnt always work in its favour.In this film our heroes companions betray him so they can get the city most precious diamond and take it away.It makes for a Great and highly visual action climax which compensates for the lack of story

The film is funny and has some great visual scenes aboard the Sub(Many times I was asking myself how this film would work as a live piece).It was an enjoyable film indeed..which also spared us the musical numbers...but it makes me miss the old days of film when films like this were done live..and without the dreaded digitism.

I give it....7 out of 10

I give it
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A very so so Comedy
29 September 2001
This film Beckons the Question....How do you Spoof a film which never took itself seriously to start with,and in some ways was a comedy.

The answer is,it really cant be done and in the end,the Lethal weapon films came up with far more laughs mostly in part to its laid back nature...whilst this film take a far more laboured approach.

When I went to see this back in 1993...I went with much higher expectations and was disappointed.When i hired it recently on video recently i actually found it more funny as i watched it with far less expectation.The laughs in this film range from hit and miss,but the Real problem is Estevez trying to do a Leslie nielsen style deadpan act.It doesnt even remotely work and estevez got more laughs when he played Billy the kid in Young guns.

Kathy Ireland is terrible(as you would expect from a Model)...and whilst Samuel l jackson falters on a humour level,he does show a sternness which helps a little bit.The film looks Utterly cheap and Jon Lovitz trying to do Joe pesci Role is so Bad that one only wished that Pesci himself was hired.

I wont dabble about the rest of the cast...But the film is a real disappointment,and one can only hope that when people attempt to do Spoofs from now on...they can possess some of the Talent of the Airplane boys

I give it 4 out of 10
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Enjoyable Sequel
4 August 2001
Firstly I must say that I enjoyed the sequel to the 1994 hit film....And I was very glad they made it...Its one of the few sequels that is not only quite fun,but one I was happy to see come around.

Unfortunately though, this films does have many faults. Although Kristin Johnson and jane krakowski bring Faaaaaar more sex appeal to their roles of Wilma and Betty than their 1994 counterparts, their acting doesnt seem to rise above Sitcom level which is a Bit of a Shame, but no letdown. Mark Addy as Fred flintstone struggles with the fact that he has an english accent and minimal comic talent. He certainly looks like a Young Fred and brings more depth to the Character than expected. And like the rest of the Cast, he is willing to do whatever it take to make it work which is most admirable.

The Real Standouts here are Stephen baldwin as Barney..and Alan cummings as the Martian Gazoo. Whilst Rick moranis in the Original film took a more vulnerable approach to the Role,Baldwin goes after the role in the same way as the cartoon character,getting the voice pitch perfect and depicting him as the cheerful fella that the series did.Alan cummings is also very enjoyable as the Great gazoo.These two actors should take a bow for excellent performances.

Thomas Gibson is a bit over the top of the scheming villain..But the sets are Great..the film is imaginative...and quite funny in many scenes...even if the ending is a Bit predictable(ONE QUESTION...HOW DID BARNEY SHRINK SO MUCH BETWEEN THIS FILM AND THE ORIGINAL....JUST A THOUGHT)

All in All...a great effort guys...Im so Happy this film was made..cause when the first one came was more than just a was a special event....and this film was the icing on the Cake....

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A Dark...and Not very Satisfying Bond outing
26 July 2001
Besides the Bus chase and the Boat chase scene...there really isnt a lot of reason for anyone to wanna watch this film. Its a rather dark film and never has any uplifting moments. Yaphet kotto and Julius harris make pretty good villians but that is hardly a great reason to sit through this....and the now ritual pre credit action scene is absent here. In its place is a Story set up which is hardly interesting.

Although oddly enough, I would still watch this one, over the Campy DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER and the almost pointless THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. Roger moore breaks into the bond role rather well, though one scene where he threatens to shoot rosie carver if she doesnt give information..(which leads the poor girl scurrying to her death)..turned me off him a Bit.

Film does boast the usually bond the leap over the crocodiles...Bonds air pellet gun....and kanaga's inflatable death.But all in all,The later moore films, like Octopussy and For your eyes only, had moore the way he should have played a more Jokey way...cause it seemed to suit him Best

All in all.....6 out of 10
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Dumb Kids Film
18 July 2001
I was 16 when this film was released in 1988 and when it came out, I rushed to the Cinema believing that this was gonna be as good as THE LOST BOYS or as enjoyable as THE GOONIES. And Boy was I sorely Mistaken on Both Fronts.

For Starters,All the acting is appalling especially from the Monsters (I wonder how Dracula put on so much weight given he is only a Blood sucker).All the Kids in the film give typical "Icant believe I'm in this film" acting and Andre Gower is so Bad that its a Great thing that he has never acted since this Movie.And Oh yes, Jason hervey turns up as the School bully(Naturally)and has two embarrasing scenes in this Film.

The Film has a Few imaginative scenes, But is aimed at 5 year olds who will probably cheer for the Stars, But is Unlikely anyone else will. The Film might have worked,if the monsters were at least Scary, But they failed that Test with Flying Colors.

All in all,Unless you are a Preschooler...Avoid at all Costs
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Freejack (1992)
Poor Sci fi
16 July 2001
If Nothing else, This film certainly deserves points for its Ambitiousness. Director Geoff Murphy seems to be trying to make this a Good film, despite the fact that he has to work with a Poor story and awful performances.

This is the Kind of film you forget about the moment you walk out of the theatre.And in the Case of this film, It would be amazing if you ever thought about it again.

The Story goes like this...In 1991 race car driver Estevez is taken from a Race car moments before a blazing Crash and is hauled into the Year 2009.The Idea is a Businessman who is already dead????...wants to get into his body cause Estevez's ex love rene russo who now works for the Businessman still mops about her Ex Boyfriend

Firstly Estevez and Jagger give awful performances...Jagger is so bad that he comes off as more amusing than terrifying...and Estevez is all wrong for this film,He simply cant do a Dramatic role,(and the scene where He trys to pretend he is Anthony Hopkins left me in Stitches).Rene russo isnt to bad,although her and Estevez are so mismatched in this film,that I can hardly imagine her spending 18 Years crying over him.

Anthony Hopkins certainly made a Mistake doing this film,He gets a Huge demerit for this one.And some of the Effects in this film look downright cheesy.And a Lot of the Direction is poor.The Film have some Funny moments,But it is all a letdown.

When it was release in early 1992...I rushed out to see it...Mostly at the prospect of seeing Jagger play a baddie...that was a Mistake..I didnt mind the Film,But I expected much Better

I give this....3 out of 10
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Tuff Turf (1985)
Enjoyably Silly
7 June 2001
I only saw this film Recently...although Ive know about it existence since It came out...

I was first under the impression before i saw it...that Spaders Character was a tough guy....But I was wrong....His character was one that simply cant stay out of trouble.And Yeah,he takes quite a beating in this film.

If there is one real tragedy about this film,its that the Talented and beautiful Kim Richards who gives a wonderful performance here, never went on to better things after this.She is better known as a Child actress which probably explains why her career floundered once she grew up

I was quite surprised by the Musicals numbers in this film,since i was simply expecting the standard punk film....But the 80s hairstyles,dress styles,and makeup made me wanna throw up.What were people thinking back then anyway.

All in all,a pretty good film...and KIM,Start acting again..we miss ya
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Pointless biography
17 May 2001
THis film beckons the simple Question....Was it even worth making.

Well judging by the Box office returns...The answer is simply NO.

Jim carreys excellent performance as the late Andy Kaufman seems to be the only thing really going for it.Courtney love is only so so,And danny devito who presumably only did this film out of respect for his late TAXI costar,is about as fun as watching paint dry.

Putting it mildly,Kaufman is such a Jerk that one wonders if it is even worth trying to examine him.Even if he was,the film makers have failed in their efforts especially the screen writers.

Even Paul Giamatti goes by nearly forgotten leaving little else for us to care about.The film has a few funny moments(like tony cliftons overeaction to be thrown off the Taxi set,,although he made it happen) and some touching moments...

Whilst People versus larry flynt was more entertaining and thought provoking..this film is somewhat subdued and pointless.

I give it 5 out of 10
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Abyssmal Tony scott film
14 May 2001
This is truly one of the dumbest and most Lame films of the 80s...But then again,What did you expect from Tony Scott.He is simply a Director who specialises is Loud,over the top action films with Flashy visuals and No intelligence whatsoever.

Unlike the First film...which was surprisingly original and very down to earth..This film is nothing more than flashy commercialism,made simply to gain a quick dollar.There are a couple of funny moments but the whole film falls flat on bad acting and plain stupidity.

Now lets start with the films many mishaps...

Firstly...How did Axel foley and Detective Bogomil come to be friends at the beginning...If I recall correctly there was certainly nothing to indicate that in the first film(in fact they couldnt stand each other),But in the film they are now close friends???...Please explain

Secondly...What were the producers thinking when they cast both Jurgen prochnow and brigitte nielsen as the baddies...Could they have found two more dull and hopeless actors...I think not

Thirdly...High ranking police officers simply cant be fired on the spot(as in the end of the film).I could give a ton of reasons why,but the fact of the matter is,they simply cant. Even if they could,Its unlikely they would just shrugg their shoulders and accept it.

Fourthly...Why in Tony Scott films, do tiny little handguns not only make this ridiculous Canon sound,but are able to blow vases to shredds amongst other things. Presumably this is a desperate attempt by the director to make the film more fun, But in this film its probably just so the audience will stay awake.

Fifth...Whose Brilliant idea was it to give Gilbert gottfried a role in this. "Geez he is loud,lame and downright stupid"..and is gifted with killing any film he is in,(Example Problem child 1 and 2,Adventures of ford fairlane,many more),But then again, film was dead to start with anyway.

Oh and Billy rosewoods Gun obsession is completely laughless

All in all,A flashy loud poor film that im sure did great at the box office but should be burned.The only redeeming factor is the return of most the original cast members who now all probably feel robbed

My final word for director Tony Scott is...leave the directing to your Brother Ridley. He is the one with the talent...

I give this....2 out of 10
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Cool Runnings (1993)
A truly Great Film
13 May 2001
Given the awful films that John candy made right before his death(Example...Canadian Bacon,Wagons East),It is Great to see that a film like this one stands out as not only a wonderful,funny film...But also as a Showcase for John Candys Great acting abilities which Unfortunately the late actor never had the Chance to show in most of his other films.

He gives a wonderful performance as the Disgraced coach of the Jamaican bobsledders...A role which required acting,Not comic shtick..and Candy proved himself up to the challenge.The film makers deserve praise for Giving Candy that opportunity before his Death...One that few others did.

The film itself is quite funny....the 4 actors playing the Bobsledders are very funny....(Doug e doug's busking scene was Hilarious)..and the film has sad moments...and some Great action scenes.

Words simply dont some up this fabulous film which is a triumph for director john turtletaub...(Whose subsequent films have been pretty low grade),its a special film that will always remain in my heart..and one I will always think about.

The film makers should take a bow...for giving us this Brilliant film..and giving the late John candy the chance to show his true acting ability...a chance he rarely had.

I give it 10 out of 10...and as doreece says....Peace be the journey
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Utterly terrible
12 May 2001
This is Undeniably the worst film I have ever seen...The acting,the direction,The story are all Utterly Atrocious.

Raul Julia must be turning in his Grave thinking..."my god was that really my final film"...and Understandably so.

I could go on and on about How rock bottom this film is....But I wont Bother...No words could possibly describe it.

All I can say is...PLay the game instead....cause It is much more fun...and heaps more Cheaper

I give this....-100 out of 10
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DragonHeart (1996)
A Truly Great Film
21 April 2001
In my Opinion,This is one of the Best and most underrated films of 1996.In fact this film is impossible to Dislike...The performances,The great effects,the humour,the great scenary shots and the films visual style are all top notch.

The only complaints about this that the story gets a little sluggish in spots...And David Thewlis,in his Sonny Bono Wig,Comes off as more Hilarious..than the Evil king.

Other than that..this is truly one of the Greats...with Sean connery Carrying the film with his Dragon...and Dennis Quaid doing a wonderful job as the slayer...(Pete postlewaite also shows a surprising Flair for Comedy as the Bumbling Brother Gilbert).

The final"To the Stars"sequence is one of the best endings ever...and the scene where they go to avalon(The final resting place of Sir King Arthur)is dazzling...

The film makers should take a bow...They have given us a gem....I give this 10 out of 10
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An inferior sequel indeed
18 March 2001
People who say this is better than the Original should be Shot...This film is enjoyable, But it never outclasses the Original,Despite Great effects and a 100 million dollar budget.

Its obvious that james Cameron has toned this film right down,So that it will gain a wider audience(and Probably at Arnolds insistence).As a result The whole film looks heavy handed and completely ineffectual.

For a Start,much of the film is just a Remake of the original..For Example "The Bikie attack the the Beginning...The Chase scene at the End...and Many other scenes.Also the opening sequence set in the future,Whilst colourful and more descriptive...Has none of the impact of the sequences in the original which was done on the cheap.And arnold who had a Lot of Edge in the first one,Looks like a Big lug in this Film.Hollywood doesnt seem to realize that Huge budget and Great effects dont always make a film,In many cases they might...But this film already proved that you didnt need either for the film to be great.But naturally we got it anyway.

The film has no edge whatsoever...although it works great as a Message film.And James Camerons preaching approach is a damn Joke(Arnie proves his Humanity by shooting all his victims in the kneecaps instead of killing them...But the question of whether they still wanna live after that,is another issue).This film has No dark tone whatsoever,Jim cameron has just gone to any lengths to haul in an audience...An act he intends to keep until the die he dies.

Edward furlong gives a very good performace as the young john connor...and robert Patrick is menacing as the T-1000...But Linda hamilton in all her Efforts Fails...and Arnie is,well..Arnie.Its understandable that like many other great directors,James cameron simply doesnt know how to approach a sequel to one of his films,Much like steven speilberg whose Lost world and Indiana jones and the temple of doom were far from his best.

Basically Terminator 2 is well done as far as it goes,has some good action scenes at the Start and brilliant effects...But my opinion is...If they do precede with a terminator 3 which cameron has already stated,he wont be directing...Get some of the old edge back into the film...and forget about huge Budgets...lets give the big guys what they really need...Some kickass Fun

I give this 6 out of 10
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Brilliant film
22 February 2001
This films story has been copied so much by now, that chances are No will probably remember where it all started

Well this is the film. A great Martial arts film with heart,Great photography(the beach scenes are spectacular) lots of humour, good performances and much more. In my opinion,Director John G Avildsen should have won the Director Oscar for this film and not Rocky.

The Storyline..."New boy comes to Town...Falls afoul of some high school Bullies....Finds elderly mentor who teaches him karate...Gets the girl...And takes on the Baddies in the Karate championship and WINS"..Has been(and still is) copied so often in films like..Karate warrior 1 and 2,Kickboxer,Sidekicks and many others to no effect.All these films copied the karate kid and Failed.

This film Grabs you by the Heartstrings...and guaranteed to have you practising your Karate shots after seeing the film that it deserves all the Credit it gets.Ralph Macchio and pat morita are great...And martin Kove is especially good as the baddie who teaches his own way of karate to all the bullies(which basically is to beat the crap out of them)

The soundtrack is Superb too...and Shots of Macchio Practising his karate against the Sunlit beach will always be memorable...My biggest regret was how fast this film faded out of peoples memories..especially when they released Karate kid 2,3 and 4..(Karate kid 3,was an absolute shocker).This film will always stand out cause of its Greatness..and it is a Great film

So Daniel son..Keep up the good kicks..I give you 9 out of 10
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The Goonies (1985)
Enjoyable Kids stuff
19 February 2001
I found this film both enjoyable and Funny..when I saw it as a Kid...But i had a few complaints

The first is....I found it was too childish (probably at Steven spielbergs insistence)......When I first saw it, I was 13...and even then I couldn't get into it....I expected a more Indiana jones like film...Or one with more mystery and swashbuckle....But obviously the filmmakers didnt want to upset the everything is toned right dooownnnnnn. Even the car chase scene at the start which I hoped was gonna be exciting...was played simply for laughs and nothing else. The kids are likable enough...But only Feldman seems to Really deliver.

My other Complaint was Sean Astin...I got nothing against him as an Actor....Its Just his Character..... His Character is so weepy and sentimental and goodie two shoes, that he got on my nerves after a while...When he lectures the others about continuing to find the Gold...or Crying to his dad about how he felt they had Failed....All Im thinking is...SHUT UP sean, I dont give a damn, Spare me.

I liked Robert davi and joe pantiolo as the baddies...they bring something to the Film... This Film does bring back a few Memories...But from Now on mr speilberg...Aim above kiddies level please...We adults like to enjoy the film too

I give it 6 out of 10
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Utterly Terrible
17 February 2001
Quite possibly the lowest point in Burts Career...The First was equally terrible..But seeing as it was made at the peak of reynolds career...It made a lot of money....This on the other was made when His career was on the downhill and people were understandably sick of his Road movies. So it was a Flop....Surprise Surprise.

Admittedly This looks like Nothing more than a Bad home movie with all of Burts friends and colleagues involved...Oh yes..Even the Rat pack turn up...Geez they must have needed the Money.

This Film has maybe one or Two laughs in it....(Funny How richard Kiel and telly savalas who have made plenty of bad movies in their career show up)....the car stunts are absolutely terrible.....The actors are all lousy...and the film has no story whatsoever

Oh Yes...Jim nabors..a Close friend of Burts shows up...Cant leave any friends out can we burt.... Jamie farr who has never done anything good outside of MASH is the absolute Pits...He tries His hardest to be Funny and clearly seems to be having a Good time playing the Sheik...Trouble is,we arent having any fun watching him.

And Dom deluise....Well Americans seem to think he is Funny...Well he Aint...Sorry to disappoint ya. The whole film is a Joke in itself...Made purely to try and rise Burts Career...and of course, as a big Home movie to all the Actors involved.

Of course, someone should have told them that the only people who enjoy home movies are the people who were there...Which counts a Hell of a lot of people out....including myself.
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A wonderful film
16 February 2001
Being a Big Fan of the highlander series..I thoroughly enjoyed this film...from Start to End.

I know many people have complained that in highlander 2, Connor Mcloud lives into the future, But in my Opinion...Highlander 2 was a Mistake. It had nothing to do with the story and was a lousy film.

I know that producers have taken a path similar to Star trek generations.That is to have the former star Killed off...and have the newer one take his place in case more highlander films come along. But I have no complaints about that.

Even if these films have no Continuity..(and Im Sure Leonard Maltin has his knives out ready to savage the film)...I feel they should be enjoyed for what they are...After all, How much Story did Phantom menace or Twister have....Almost none.

So sit back and lap up and enjoyable series...and Ignore what all the cynics think...after all it isnt brainfood...its good ole fashioned fun.
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Enjoyable Junk
15 February 2001
I enjoyed this film..and loved the car chase scenes...But to me this film suffer from one thing...Its utterly superficial....The whole script and film itself looks like it was done in a day.

The actors have little to do in the film except look good..which is a shame given there capabilities...(well this is a bruckheimer film so what did you expect)....and Director Dominic Sena....doesnt seem to do much more than play on the action...which doesnt always work

The car chases are enjoyable.....But the film has no substance.....Just there to be enjoyed.....and obviously done with a high budget..... None the less...bring us more mr bruckheimer.....we need them
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Disappointing max adventure
20 December 2000
In an interview once, mel gibson called this film "s**t"(and It was also his last Aussie film). OK the film isn't to bad But I found it kinda Sad that Director george miller had to take what was originally a daring Idea...and cater it to all ages, which was never what the Films were about.

Given the series popularity...It looks as if every aussie actor, man or child, who ever appeared on screen has found their way into this film..and not because of their acting abilities. And the final chase scene not only rips off the second film But is utterly Weak and devoid of energy. In fact it is pretty obvious that george Miller threw it in just to Keep fans of the first two films Happy...NICE TRY. And what is with all the cute kids, This is a mad max film for crying out loud. The original film was R rated, Low Budgeted, Nasty, fast and full of action....How did it sink to this level.

But the one thing that I truly didnt understand in the film was Bruce Spence. In Mad max 2, He played the gyro Captain. In this film, he is again Playing a pilot, and it took me till nearly the end of the film before I finally realized that he wasnt playing the Same role.(So in the desolate future, all pilots look like Bruce spence, Yeah right).

On the plus side, This Film has some good songs and george miller again Maintains the thunderous atmosphere he did so well with the first two. So it looks good on the screen. But not much else. George Miller Achieved his Vision with Mad max 2, the best in the series and one of my favourites, But i have no idea what he was trying to accomplish with this...maybe a more lighter vision or something.

I did like the final scenes of a Sand covered Sydney harbour bridge..and Sydney Itself....But the Mad max films reached their peak with Number 2...Lets leave it at that Shall We. I give it 6 out of 10
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They dont get much worse than this
11 December 2000
Truly one of the worst films of the 80s...although just about any film with robert vaughn as the baddie..pretty much goes that way.

the first half of this film is an utter bore...the second half is...well lets say...watchable..but the whole Film stinks.

I couldnt believe that in the 80s, they tried to turn tommy lee jones into an action hero...he is a great character actor.....but as an action hero...he's a turn off.

And what in gods name was the late keenan wynn doing in this....Ive always liked wynn...But this was a bad end to a good career...Even his character was intolerable...and all he is doing is dying in a bed.

The Script is cretinous to say the very least...for instance..after tommy lee jones makes a smartass remark to his Boss Bubba smith...smith kicks him in the gut and says..."Dont mess with the Law"....Puhllleassseee.

The 80s were a bad time for Films...Cause 70 percent of them stunk....this is a true example of One....A film that had potential..and completely blew it..

At least in the 90s...people made more effort to do good films... This is an example of low class film....and one I do not look back on with any praise...

It is a Black moon sinking in my opinion
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The Chamber (1996)
Utterly Terrible
11 June 2000
Undeniably the worst adaption of a John Grisham book...This film does just about everything wrong from start to Finish...Obviously Its trying to be another..Dead man walking..But fails under poor direction..And Hackman and O donnell(although both well cast)..are neither convincing nor interesting to watch I read the book and thought it deserved much better treatment...and it certainly didnt get it here....For example.Odonnell doesnt have one scene to himself..Hell he cant even go to the bathroom without someone else being there....And it features one scene that was never in the book...A scene where o donnell goes to a boxing ring to find one of Hackmans former associates and,For no apparent reason is beaten up by a bunch of thugs(even they dont seem to know why).And film cuts out many aspects from the book that could have made it better causes quite frankly,i dont think a good film is what anyone had in mind. Up till now,there has scarcely been a bad adaption of a Grisham book,with this film being the one exemption...Its is utterly terrible...and completely Dull.... Basically this Film Stank and I will say No more....(Oh accept,I love their attempts to make hackman look young in the opening scene...that was certainly good for a laugh,I guess)
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