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Blood Work (2002)
Dreck of a wreck
23 January 2003
Eastwoods good performance notwithstanding, this film is a flat failure. Not an original character to be found, nor an interesting one at that. The whodunit aspect of the film is about as predictable as a Chicago Cubs season and it is entirely unbelievable throughout. Heres to better days Clint.
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Mediocre at best
25 January 2002
This film was a visual feast, but was tailored to the 20-something male who plays Nintendo and Sega far too much. This film was needlessly over-gorey, had nauseatingly bad dialouge, and a soundtrack that added NOTHING to the film and was, at times, unnessecary and overblown. I felt no connection to any of the characters, was given no real reason to care about the success of the mission, and worst of all, the film portayed the Somalis as blood-thirsty savages, all of whom were barbaricly brandishing weapons and ky-yiing at the top of their lungs. Terrible filmmaking. Thumbs down and 4 out of 10 - which is quite generous. LOTR still the best film of 2002.
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Cast Away (2000)
I fell soooo cheated.....
23 December 2000
First of all, let me register my agreement with nearly all of those who wrote before me in that Tom Hanks should and probably will win an Oscar for his performance here. That aside, I feel very cheated in that the movie completely failed to show the viewer what they want to see: the transformation of Chuck Nolan over 4 years on an island. The issue in this movie is not "will he get off the island?" for the trailers and previews and press releases have all told us that he spends four years there before being rescued. Okay -- now that we know that, the real issue then becomes "how does he transform himself over the course of those four years?" How does he grapple with desparation, depression, loneliness, sickness, weather, hope, fear, spirituality.....the list goes on and on. Certainly the movie need not go into every intrinsic detaila bout his life -- but the audience, I think, wants to SEE how he transforms himself -- not just be told, "Four Years Later". That is lame! All in all, even Hanks' stellar performance cannot save this film. Too many questions, too many plot holes, too many "huhs!?!?!". Thumbs down from me.
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Phenomenon (1996)
Travolta and Duval at their finest.....
3 August 2000
This movie was, without a doubt, one of the finest ever made in a long, long time. I was expecting ti to take a sci-fi route with abductions and vulcan mind-melds...but the ending and explanation for George's predicament are not only plausable but heart-breaking. You cannot help but feel for a like George Malley. I didn't buy into too much of the hyseria surrounding the townsfolk as it seemed a little "tacked on"...but the performances by Travolta, Duval, Kyra Sedgwick and Forrest Whitaker made up for any shortcomings and plot holes. I have watched this movie time and time again and the combination of true emotional drama and a beautiful score nearly bring me to tears everytime. 9 out of 10.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
One word comes to mind.........LAME!!!!!
24 July 2000
This movie had all the intelligence, acumen, forethought and necessity of, orangutan using an adding machine. WOW, has Matthew Broderick's career folded faster than Superman on laundry day. Sadly enough...he was one of the BETTER actors here!!!
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NOT!!!! Oscar-worthy
24 July 2000
While this was definatly a "good" film and possesses many worthwhile and admirable qualities -- it is a absolute CRIME that "Shine" not only lost the Oscar.....but lost it to this film. I did, indeed, enjoy the film -- but that says very little. It was far too long, overdrawn in many places and tried far too hard in places to be "deep" "symbolistic" and "meaningful". Fiennes and Thomas and even DaFoe were all praiseworthy for their respective performances, but not nearly enough to merit an Oscar for the film. I know I stand in a minority view I shall have to merely take solace in the Golden Globe awards.........(sigh).
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Amadeus (1984)
Brilliant and Breathtaking
24 July 2000
Very few movies have permanant effects on viewers...but this was one of those for me. I resisted seeing the movie in the theater when I was a child, because I thought that I would be bored to tears. Finally, many years later, it was on television and I decided to watch it as I worked a jigsaw puzzle. I got maybe four or five pieces put together....and then I was enraptured in this tale of lust, love, jealousy, murder and music. I have seen this film over 100 times and undoubtedly know all the lines by heart. I never tire of it or the soundtrack.

The film portrays the "hero" as an absolute jerk, which most historians agree that Motzart was, or was at least percieved that way. It is a film about a man who was at the top of his craft, but lacking in almost all other areas. Enter into the fray a humble man, Antoni Soliari, who wants nothing more than to "sing to God" -- if only He would bless him with great talent. For Soliari, the frustration of watching such a "creature" be so succesful while he tires away and receives less praise from his peers is more than he can stand. He feels resigned to be a "mediocrity"

The movie never really says whether or not Soliari kills Motzart or not -- and that is to the films credit. Perhaps the most memorable part of the movie (other than the great laugh of Tom Hulce/Motzart) is the last line of the movie, when Soliari is being wheeled away from the priest whom he just confessed to. He say, "I will speak for all mediocrities. I am their patron-saint".

Very few films have risen to the level of this achievement -- but NONE have surpassed it. 10 out of 10.
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Voyagers! (1982–1983)
What t.v. should be about
24 July 2000
I remember this show clearly from when I was in 4th grade and was quite devastated when it was cancelled. This show helped spawn a love-affair with History and learning. I so greatly wish that more shows like it were to be made....but instead we must be flooded with cr*p like, "Making the Band" and "Full House". If anyone knows when the Sci-Fi Channel plays these episodes -- please let me know!!
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Star Blazers (1979–1984)
I LOVED this show!
23 July 2000
I can still sing the theme song...."We're offfffffffff to outer spaaaaaaaace. We're leaving mother eaaaaaarth. To save the human raaaaaaaace........" My friends and I watched this show everyDAY before 7th grade and after that also. It came on right after Speed Racer and before Rodger Ramjet. We continually followed the plights of Mark Venture, Derek Wildstar, Nova, the Captain and all the others. I believe that I was actually very, very sad when the Captain died. It seemed that there was ALWAYS a reason to fire off the "wave-motion" gun in each episode.....but oh well. I loved the series....hope it comes back on cable!
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X-Men (2000)
Not bad, but definitely not great
18 July 2000
While I enjoyed this film and am mildly looking forward to the sequel(s) -- I am amazed by the ability of an average movie to receive such gushing reviews. What has happened to us as moviegoers?? The action of the movie kept it moving along and held the audience. However, that wasn't entirely neccesary because the movie was predictable from start to finish! The acting was all around good -- if not GREAT in places and parts (i.e. Patrick Stewart), and all the characters were at least interesting. Nonetheless, the back-story to all of them was noticeably absent. I had to wonder "why?", at times, did this particular mutant team up with Magneto or this one with Dr. Xavier. Do they feel torn with the issues? Do they have extreme loyalties to the person, or just to themselves? Why did their "powers" develop as they did? The scene in Washington D.C. at the begining of the film where the Senator makes a speech in the middle of a conference was as subtle and intelligent as, say, an orangutan using an adding machine. The comparisons to Macarthyism and racial oppression were certainly appropriate -- but give the audience a LITTLE credit! Sheesh! That said -- the movie was still worth the $5.25 I plunked down (matinee price), but not by much. The feigned attempts at catchy one-liners were cute, but forgettable. Obviously, the sequel(s) are already being written.....or even completed as the movie not only leaves several issues unresolved.....but hits the audience over the head with them as the movie ends. Again -- this is unneccesary and only a plot device to make more money in the future -- not about good film-making. Oh's not the first time thats been done and it definitely won't be the last, so I don't blame "X-MEN" for that. Final Verdict.....6.5 stars out of 10.
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Conrack (1974)
Jon Voight's BEST performance
7 July 2000
I first saw this film when I was in the 8th grade and I remember that it had a profound affect on me then. I saw in again about a year ago (I am now 29) and it still moved me in similar ways. This is a great movie that personifies the struggle of "principle vs. pragmistism". Voight's character is the idealist teacher that won't give in to any psuedo-racist leanings of the Superintendent, Mr. Skeffington. That story also personifies the struggle of how older people often resist change, and more specifically, cultural change. Often at the expense of children. When these battles finally come to a boil, Pat Conroy loses and pragmatism reigns triumphant. Or does it? The children that he has to leave are better off for knowing him, more exposed to the "real" world and to classical music. The other teacher at the school gained respect for him and he learned much about himself. A great film with a heart-breaking ending. I recomend that anyone who enjoyed the film to read the book, "The Water is Wide", by Pat Conroy. It will stay with you!
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Ahhhh....great memories!
5 July 2000
While I know that this show was no emmy-winning fare, it brings backs memories of my youth and gaining an appreciation for nature and all animals.

Somewhere in all of us, lies that Walden-esque desire to abandon the trappings of modern life and live in the wilderness among nature. While this was merely a television program, and undoubtedly fraught with errors and impossibilities (i.e. raising an orphan cub to be your "buddy"), it allowed for soles young and old to live out that Western fantasy, albeit vicarisely. I miss those days curled up with a pillow on my Grandma's floor and imersing myself in Grizzly Adam's world.
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