
406 Reviews
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Average Disney Sci-Fi
12 April 2003
Average Disney Sci-Fi Adventure Animation movie that needed a better story and better characters.Also,the Jules Verne style 1910 setting does not work now adays as well anymore.The atmosphere here was done slightly more darker than the usual Disney mellow fare but still,it falls short in the end due to lack of a better script/story.Only for big fans of Disney movies who would not mind a typical Jules Verne style adventure.Most kids though will love it of coarse!
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Very Good Anime Sci-Fi Film
6 April 2003
Very good anime Sci-Fi film that is not as good as the TV Series overall.In comparison,the TV series had better screenplay and action hands down.Also,there was absolutely nothing new added to this new adventure.It was the same old stuff with more minutes and slightly less quality.The ending sequence was not good enough.Also,there should have been at least 2 or 3 more good fight scenes and less talk. BUT this Anime film is still one of the top ten all time best Anime films because COWBOY BEBOP ROCKS! Properly combines Noire,Rock-Jazz,Sci-Fi,Action,Kung-Fu,Drama,Comedy and Art-Filming......If one understands Sc-fi Anime genre,this film will be a hands down favorite. But the TV series is so incredibly outstanding,even this movie version could not compete with it.It would be better if one sees the TV series first.....then see this movie.Still,this movie is good enough to impress the genre fans who have not seen the TV series.To all Sci-fi Action Anime fans.....DO NOT MISS ANY COWBOY BEBOP shows! that would be a big nono ^_^.........
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X-Men (2000)
Good Superhero Movie
6 April 2003
Good Superhero action movie that introrduces the great things CGI can do for the genre.Tries to stay true to the comic but could have done better in this department.Also the ROGUE character was not well portrayed and some costumes could have been done better (like Wolverine and Magneto).Also,there was not enough minutes (90 min.) as this great comic book story needed more time to be told propery.Still,a good movie overall and a great teaser for the new things coming for this movie genre due to CGI technology. Only for fans of the genre and big fans of the lead actors.......
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Godzilla 2000 (1999)
Same Stuff
23 March 2003
Same old standard Japanese production Godzilla movie that tries to get back to basics with a little bit of newer CGI effects here and there.An ANTI-RADICAL CHANGE for Godzilla movie if you will. Only for big fans of this genre. They could have done much better for this movie. I have seen much better production for the TV Series POWER RANGERS compared to what was presented in this B-Movie......
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Daredevil (2003)
Very Good Devil!
22 February 2003
Very good super hero action movie.The CGI and sound effects were done very well.Good all around production.Some very avoidble boo boo's though kept this movie from being a classic like those scenes where Bullseye and Electra had semi-flight powers and also Daredevil's unusually fast healing powers.Also,the Screenplay could have been bettr.Still,this movie was better than Spider-Man because of it's sincerity to the comic book version and also because of Affleck's good performance.Only for fans of this genre and big fans of the lead actors.......
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Good Romance Comedy
15 February 2003
Good romance comedy with average production.You get here exactly what is promised to you.Main attraction is the sex appeal of the KING OF HIPHOP LL Cool J. Could have used better screenplay.Only for fans of Hiphop and LL and this particular genre........
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Money Talks (1997)
Good Action Comedy
3 February 2003
Good popcorn B action movie that delivers what it promises.Nothing spectacular but is funny for those who like urban humor with action.Tucker displays his star power here but Sheen was not given too much to do.Average all around production.Better seen on TV.Could have been better with higher quality script/screenplay.Only for fans of the genre and big fans of the lead actors........
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Under Rated Thriller
25 January 2003
Good action thriller pop corn B movie that is meant to entertain and is not the kind of movie that should be taken too seriously.Another one of those TERRORIST based stories.Has a good action thriller genre lampoon humour quality to it.Bullock looks nice here.Good CGI effects.This movie could have beeen a classic if it had better script/ screenplay and editing.Only for fans of the genre who are also big fans of any of the lead actors.........
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To The Batcave!
24 January 2003
A good camp style sci-fi action movie.This third modern Batman movie is the second best of the four(to date).Yes,it is better overall than the hastily put together BATMAN RETURNS.This third installment is a cross between the lighter mood Batman of the late 1940's to 1970's and the more darker mood Batman of the post early 1980's.This direction of the character was a good and refreshing decition.Val Kilmer did a very good job portraying Bruce Wayne even though he has the wrong hair color.The other star actors aso did a great job particularly Carrey as the Riddler.The movie had good color and special effects but was slightly lacking in the script/screenlay department which kept the whole movie from becoming a classic.Only for fans of the genre and big fans of the lead actors........
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The Shootist (1976)
Great Exit!
20 January 2003
A very good Cowboy drama/action film that keeps it simple but strong.Good all around production and capitalises fully on the outstanding performance of the quality cast.A timeless Western classic that could have been a masterpiece if it only had a better story and bigger budget.A great last film for the legend himself JOHN WAYNE.Going out as he should in a blaze of glory.Has a good edge to it's flow (Rated R).Nice few scenes of the great James Stewart as the Docktor as well.One of the Duke's greatest acting performances.He truly mastered his acting skills by the 1970's.Only for fans of the genre and big fans of the lead actors.......
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Don't Expect Much
12 January 2003
Average CGI disaster thriller movie with a Hollywood formula.Average production.Lacks edge and the script/screenplay was average as well.Slow first half with more thrills at second half.Has a feminine flow to it's style.Could be quite depressing so be ready for that emotion.Good performance by the actors who were limted only by the direction of the film.Over dramatic background music could get irritating.Worth a look if one is itching for a sea disaster thriller or if one is a big fan of disaster thriller genre movies.Also for big fans of the lead actors performing here.......
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Average Action Movie
12 January 2003
Average action movie that has a super hero formula to it.Simple but good action sequences although nothing spectacular and also there was one very bad action sequence that should have been cut out.....the scene at the Diner/Gas Station where Seagal shoots a flare from a villians hand and then shoots it again while in mid-air to snuff it off.That paricular scene was too exagerated and out of place.Still worth a look for fans of the action/martial arts/superhero genre and for big fans of the lead actors........
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Very Good Mecha Anime Film
7 January 2003
Very good Mecha Anime film that puts a good closing story on the original MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM tv series.Very good quality drawing animation.The story however is not friendly to viewers who did not follow the mentioned tv series.Despite this flaw,the film holds up as a classic anime for all fans of the genre.Very good last 20 minutes too......
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Ransom (1996)
Good Thriller!
5 January 2003
Good action thriller that actually gets better as the movie progresses.Good all around production and will satisfy most fans of this genre.Very good performance by Gibson.Could have been better if it had an even higher quality script.Not a typical average pop thriller.Has a good edge to it.Only for fans of the genre and for big fans of the lead actors......
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Timecop (1994)
Average B Sci-Fi Movie
29 December 2002
Average B grade Scifi Action movie that fairly entertains fans of this specific genre and would definitely turn on most devoted fans of the lead actor.Average production that could have used better quality action choreography and directing.There were too many low quality action sequences that simply ruined the movies flow.Only for those who can tolerate B movies of this genre and big fans of the lead actors........
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The Best Film Of 2002
22 December 2002
The greatest CGI special effects (only in terms of CGI) film so far.The acting was superb and the movie was done with a lot of love put into it.BUT.....just like the first Lord Of The Rings,the characters were not well portrayed.If if the first Lord Of The Rings film we only had one great character in Wizard Gandarf The Gray, in this second installment,we have only have two great characters,namely Wizard Gandarf The White and (the all CGI character) Gollem.Fantastic CGI effects for Gollem!Puts Jar Jar Binks (of Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones) to shame.The story was also nothing spectacular.The fantastic battle/action sequences had to make up for the transitional storyline which was not grand at all.Color was not good.They should have made the cinematography more colorful to compliment the fantastic CGI effects.Granted the film was supposed to have a dark edge/mood,but the storyline and settings alone could provide that mood without making everything look almost black and white.All in all,this film is a Classic but not a Masterpiece and even falls short of being better than the first Lord Of The Rings due to that film having a better storyline.I realy expected the story to be better this time but it fell short in that category.But the CGI met my full expectations.INCREDIBLE BATTLE SEQUENCES!Still one of the best films all time (Classic) and I would easily place it in the Top 10 Sword And Sorcery Films All Time (as of this writing).Only for fans of Sword and Sorcery films,big CGI special effects movies and big fans of the lead actors.......
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U-571 (2000)
Good WW 2 Submarine Action
22 December 2002
Good WW 2 Submarine action movie done with modern CGI tools here and there to enhance the quality of it all.The story is simple and not too historically accurate.Just plain old Testosterone induced Submarine warfare between the U.S. vs. the Nazis.The production was good and nothing spectacular.Like WW 2 action ala VICTORY or WHERE EAGLES DARE?Then this ones for you!Fans of the lead actors might also like this one......
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Average Comedy/Drama
4 December 2002
Average family comedy/drama movie that had a great cast but average story/screenplay.The script was above average though and the performances was also good.The cinematography was bad and so was the lighting.Story deals with adultery and the trials of fixing a marriage after the affair.Nothing spectacular.Only for family soap comedy/drama fans and big fans of the lead actors.....
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Good But Over Decorated
1 December 2002
Very Good action sci-fi film that could have been a classic if it was not over done as it was.Too much spices will ruin a meal.The spectacular performance of Pierce Brosnan (who has really mastered the role by now) was truly wasted by the most cartoonish and unbelievable escape sequences by any Bond movie yet.Very grade school indeed and does not go well with Brosnan's very serious and gritty portrayal of Bond.The rediculous escape and battle sequences made Roger Moore's super routines look pale in comparison.Moore's super feats went well with Moore's lighter/lampooning style but does not mix well with Brosnan's darker style which asks the audience to take him seriously.Connery could do both Moore's lighter/playfull style or Brosnan's darker/serious style,but for Brosnan,his best Bond is the serious style so the producers must keep this in mind.Cartoonish sequences do not mix well with Brosnan's Bond.Also,this film could have had a better script and editing.The editing looked very rushed.The story was nothing original and very bland actually.The writers should have focused more on the human side of Bond which they began to explore in the start of the film where in Bond was captured by the North Koreans,his cool escape from the British Navy Ship in Hong Kong (which made me forgive the sloppy Hover Craft battle at the beginning).But from the Cuban Hospital sequences on,it went all downhill....quickly turning into a Power Rangers show (which is a good show.....BUT THIS IS BOND!).Oh well,it was still entertaining,but for a 2oth Bond film celebration and featuring the great Halle Berry (who did a great job here) and a cool Techno/R&B song by Madonna,and all the great CGI tools available these days,I truly truly expected a masterpiece this time, but got an average Bond film (which is still better than most action movies out there) .TOMORROW NEVER DIES was much better and is still Brosnan's best Bond film.Only for action sci-fi fans and big fans of the lead actors......
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Average Christmas Movie For Kids
24 November 2002
Average Christmas movie for kids.Think Walt Disney style with Arnold Schwarzenegger.Christmas family movie basics are here,with Slapstick style and CGI effects thrown in for good measure.Expect these and if you are still interested,you will be entertained. Nothing spectacuar here.Just pure family Christmas movie fun.Could have used better screenplay and editing.Only for fans of family semi-slapstic comedy movies and big fans of the lead actors.....
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Average and Slow Sci-fi TV Movie
24 November 2002
Average and slow sci-fi tv movie about time travel.The horror factor attempt is weak and this movie could have been much better if it had a better screenplay and CGI effects.The story was not all that bad as the time travel concept here is quite different.If one does not mind slow time wasting scenes,this movie will entertain any sci-fi tv movie nut.Very TWILIGHT ZONISH.If not into that kind of style and genre,stay away from this one as it could mean wasting your time (4 hours) just to see what happens in the end (which is not much)......
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Average Action Drama
24 November 2002
Average action drama movie that involves a mafia Hitman and a little orphan girl.Entertaining if one can forgive unbelievable and inexcusable action sequences.Very good story but sloppy execution of script and screenplay.Could have been a classic if done better.Very European style flavor was nice.Only for Liberals who like action dramas and for big fans of the lead actors.....
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Poor B-Horror Movie
10 November 2002
Poor horror B-movie that was done without much love put into it.Very sloppily done for some reason and comes out very cartoonish like Scooby Doo.The script/screenplay was poor and so was the CGI effects.This would probably scare only kids up to 15 years old generally.Too bad because the plot quality was good (remake of 1950's cult horror classic).Only for big MTV style Horror lite B-movies and big fans of the lead actors......
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Soldier (I) (1998)
Average B-Movie Action Scifi
10 November 2002
Average B-movie action scifi which starts out very well but then deteriorates very quicky as soon as the Garbage Planet scene is shown (around 20 minutes into the movie).Too bad because the story was promising (Super Soldiers versus Clone Soldiers) and Kurt Russell looked good here too.The movie is a RAMBO/MAD MAX combo and does have some good action sequences here and there.The budget was low and there are better special effects on kids tv shows (like POWER RANGERS) today than what was presented here!Could also have used better script/screenplay.Only for B-movie Scifi action fans and big fans of the lead actors......
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Good B-Movie Action
10 November 2002
Good B-movie action about 1980's Palestinian Terrorists versus the U.S. Delta Force.Delivers everything expected as long as it is clear that the production is not going to be as grand as STAR WARS. The acting and script/screeplay could have been better.But the action/suspense scenes were energetic and exciting.Had a very TV movie feeling to the production style.The only scene that was really done very poorly was the Volkswagen car chase/shooting scene.Only for Patriotic U.S. war action movie fans and big fans of the lead actors.....
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