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Lovely Romantic comedy !
29 March 2003
After having seen "Marrying Mafia", I'd nearly lost my faith in Korean movie business. But this one brought my faith back.

Leading female character who is university student forced to teach the spoiled, rich but charistmatic high school student guy. He is actually female character's age. Through some hilarious quarrells, these two end up being great friends.

I was pleasantly surprised that newcomer kwan sang woo did his job with excellency. He was such a revelation!! Actress Kim ha nul was also charming as usual.

This movie tried hard to avoid any cliches that can be seen in typical romantic comedies. And it didn't show us any unnecessary nude, sex scenes. It was brilliant, lovely , fresh, made me want to see it again.
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Sex Is Zero (2002)
Horrid experience!
29 March 2003
This movie has been compared to "American pie" since it came out. Although I really liked "American pie", "Sex is zero" was the worst korean movie I've ever seen in my life.

I was extremely disgusted with the movie. I'm not saying some dirty scenes as you might think. I can endure that, have seen worse. There's no respect on women. The director tried too hard to show only actresses' nude, breasts. I'd never so offended like this before.

And as far as I know, this was represented as a "sex comedy" . But suddenly the director pull out the subject "Child abortion" very seriously. It ruined the comic atmosphere, and forced the audience to weep for female character. Maybe the blames have to go to an Absolutely not talented writer.

Everyone picks "Marrying Mafia" was the worst korean movie last year, But this one was far worse than that. However you'd like this. You'd laugh and cry(Ugh!) But that's nothing to do with the quality.
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My best romantic movie ever!!
10 February 2001
I have seen this movie when it first came out, I absolutely fall in love with this. Sandra bullock and Bill pullman's chemistry is Great!! This movie is so warm and sweet. Whenever I see this, I can barely sleep. If you feel depressed or lonely.. See this. You'll love this.
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The Watcher (I) (2000)
27 January 2001
All people have seen this movie says "Terrible" "Waste of time" "Horribly boring"...etc. Then I went to video rental shop, there weren't anything worth to rent.

This film was not that boring than I'd expected. It had some thrilling chase scenes, and a Good actor :James spader. I like Keanu Reeves so much but he seemed like a fish out of water. Maybe it's just my opinion, because I've always used to seeing him in lead roles, not a serial killer.

What was his motivation of serial killing? Probably Keanu's character feels so lonely, he needs someone to pay attention to him. Not that bad to think this one as a "Horribly boring".
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Mixed Review
27 January 2001
I've wanted see this movie for a long time with great expectations. But a little bit disappointed. As many viewers have commented, every scenery in movie were exceptional. Love between two lead characters was beautiful and heart wrenching. Ethan Hawke was Great. I started to adore this actor.

But the movie began to get boring and pointless from the half way. There was no tension in the court scene. I got confused what this movie really wanted to speak to audiences. This movie had a great potential to be a magnificently beautiful film , not only its scenery but its storytelling.

I feel the need to read original book which this movie based on.
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Sabrina (1995)
It gets better than the first time view
27 January 2001
When I first saw this film, I was a mid-teenager. Although I've really liked almost every romantic movies that I've ever seen, this one was less satisfying than I'd expected. A few years later, this movie came across to my hand, this time I really loved it. I don't know how Audrey Hepburn Original movie was, but Modern Sabrina version is Great!! I can't help but watching this over and over again whenever I have time to get around at home.

Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond and Greg Kinner are all suits to their roles well. Especially Julia Ormond. She is Great as an easily fragile but graceful woman. Her transfomation to this beautiful girl is the most enjoyable part in this movie to me.
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White Fang (I) (1991)
This film is a great fun to watch!!
27 January 2001
Maybe I've seen this film for about 5-6 times so far. But it seems that I would never get bored. I just love animal movies which are involved with dogs or wolves.

While the lead characters(one young boy who plays Ethan Hawke) are traveling the snow mountains, they encounter a pack of wolves. The battle to survive between them ends up one person and one beast got killed. A baby wolf left alone in the cold place, begin to explore outside world alone. Boy and wolf meet for the first time in the river, their friendship starts growing in the experiences they go through.

The real star in this movie is absolutely a wolf. This brave, dangerous but irresistible creature totally got me through the movie.
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One of the best Korean movies in my life.
16 October 2000
When my friends forced me to see this movie with them, I really didn't know what to expect. Raving reviews bursted out everywhere that no Korean movies would be better than this one. Nevertheless, I was hesitant to go to cinema. I insisted that I am not in the mood watching serious movie.

It was finally started, I found myself laughed out to tears through the movie. It's supposed to be a serious movie, but not at all. It was a really inspiring one which is more worth than one thousand times Reunite demonstration.

Of course this movie is not a perfect one. If you look through the movie carefully to find plot holes, there are so many. At first Joint security area is not such a remiss place as it portrayed. And there aren't any certain explains why two lead south soldiers shot one north soldier dead who once considered to be their best friend and brother.

One more thing, I could hardly understand why two south soldiers ended up like that. Well, These some hurts the greatness of this film.

The most powerful scene was the last scene. It was the best of all. I was extremely touched by only one that scene. That picture explains everything that the director might have wanted to say.

Don't miss this one. Even though you are not a Korean, I bet you would understand the air of this film, and could laugh together, and could touched together.
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It was just a OK movie
16 October 2000
The video rental shop near my house came up with a new idea that every customer whose rent one new video tape can benefit one other movie with charge free. My sister picked this movie, we had nothing to do but watching this one.

My review can be summed up in three words : Better than expected. There were a few good parts that I could hardly expect to see in this mediocre movie. This movie reminded me of lots of other Sci-fi movies like Aliens, X-files....

Anyway Eric's beautiful nude distracted me from watching this to an end. He was the gorgeous!! ^_^
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The Patriot (2000)
8 August 2000
While watching the trailer of this film, one actor caught my attention, and looks there was no other films worth seeing than "The Patriot". so decided to see it. as Neither an american nor an English, I didn't much care about the Historical accuracy which is a very controversial issue on this board.

I was just entertained , never felt bored during the film and glad to see that actor that I found for the first time. there were Humor, death, Love(?), revenge, tears...those are just kept me sat through the movie.

but it wasn't great. it has much potential to be a great movie, but failed. a big hiss and boo and laughs burst out from the audience included myself throughout the film, especially when Gabriel's wife gaves speech in church about what the patriotism is. then one by one stands and agreed to fight against Redcoat. the director wanted to emphasize the patriotism through this scene? it wasn't patriotism to me at all. looks people reluctantly agrees to fight for the honor.

and why Benjamin's youngest daughter hasn't spoken anything until her father decides goes to battle? that "l'll say anything you want" was the most corny, cliche scene that I've ever seen these days. that scene forced me to cry, actually I didn't want to at all.

The actor who caught my attention in this movie was Jason Isaacs who's play sadistic, vicious Col. William Tavington. if his Col. might looked as one-dimension character, it's Script's fault, not the actor's. actually He plays the role perfectly. and also loved Tom Willkinson as General Conwallis.

I gave this movie 7
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I liked This Film.
8 August 2000
I'm trying to avoid being biased in writing a review about this film. because I am a huge Kevin Spacey fan.

Although the ending was too corny to me, enjoyed the entire film. some imaginary beautiful scenes kept me wow, and pounding. and a big laughs continually bursted out from the audience, especially from male audience.

as not an American, sometimes wasn't able to understand or get the main characters' emotional desert, and sometimes I was extremely uncomfortable with some scenes which are never seen before, or never expected to see it here. my laughs slowly turned into tears. I didn't know why... I cried until the ending started to hurt my pleasure.

Anette Bening was standout the most..(of course Kevin spacey does too) All cast was Excellent!!!
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Shanghai Noon (2000)
I really enjoyed during 2hours!!
6 August 2000
The theater packed(released here yesterday), and also big laughs continually burst out from the audience, of course included myself. I really laughed , giggled hard throughout the movie. it was the first time for me had fun so much like that.

I won't give away anything about story, but you will enjoy this, it was more fun than Rush Hour, which is very overrated. Owen Wilson wonderfully funny, and cute, and Jackie Chan, always excellent at best.

Don't miss the NG which is trademark of Jackie's movie.
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Dr. Bong (1995)
Just an average romantic comedy
1 August 2000
This film had a large audience when it first came out at theater. This one just an average, predictable romantic comedy, but it has New style - actually the first movie which is tried to follow Hollywood romantic movie.

The basic plot is a mixture "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've got mail". A young man who's a widower, dentist lives with his son. A son sees a beautiful woman who's neighbor. he tried to match his father with this woman. but their relationship aren't worked easily.

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Beautiful, Haunting !!
28 July 2000
I think this film was a turning point in Korean movie history in its music score(which is a excellent combination between Western element and Korean traditional music instrument), concept( reborn, everlasting love, revenge.. )etc. it means this movie gave us the hope that we(Korean movie industry)can make various kinds of films.

Princess Bidan falls in love with lower-class servant su-hyun. they secretly meet each other in Palace, happily enjoy their own time. but General Hwang has an unstoppable love-obsession with Princess Bidan. General Hwang invade her country and ruins everything and captures Bidan. but Princess never open her mind to him and Hwang's one-way love leads these to tragedy. However, Its main stage is a Modern times, after 1000 years, Su-hyun got reborn, but not Bidan. General Hwang's curse never let this poor lovers get together.

Cinematography is beautiful, stunning, Music score is just Magnificent, Unforgettable. Costume Design was also excellent.

but Frankly speaking, there are lots of flaw in authentication. at first it's not clear what period, country this film based on. The Costumes seems to belong to China. and this film reminds me a Wonderful Hong-kong SF movie "Chinese Ghost Story" in some scenes. but it doesn't big deal. l love this one and want to ignore all the flaws.

Worth Seeing!!!
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Shiri (1999)
Notable concept, but average movie
27 July 2000
When this movie first came out, the whole country(South Korea)seems to cheer whole people to come theater and see this one. at that time,I felt like I am the only one person who hasn't seen it. then it was aired on National TV, and I did watch it with high expectations. Of course the movie delivered serious issue "Separation between South and North Korea", and spent lots of money and efforts than any other korean movies did. So I gave "Swiri" 8.

but while watching this film, I lost my attention several times, also lost my interest in seeing this film to end. To me, it just look like an average action movie which is trying to follow Hollywood action blockbuster style. Directing was excellent but Characters and script are too Cliche, some scenes are too corny, sometimes a bit silly.

Suk-khu han was good, but he's too flat to play the character he portrayed. Even though he's one of the most famous actors in korea, I'm slowly getting bored with him playing those nearly the same characters every movies he's recently in.
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Ransom (1996)
Wonderful Thriller!!!
27 July 2000
When I watch this film first time, I was just thrilled. although there are some plot holes which are not to be ignored. but actually I'd never noticed them. I just thrilled when the characters do their behavior unexpectedly.

Mel Gibson at his best so far, he wouldn't never be better. and One of my favorite actor Gary Sinise gives an excellent performance. Worth seeing!!!
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DragonHeart (1996)
There is a "Dragon"!!!
27 July 2000
Even though I am a girl in 20ties, I have seen this movie almost 4-5times so far. Connery's voice for Dragon is perfect. Whenever he (Draco) appears on screen, I smile and laugh. Worth seeing!!! (8/10)
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ahh- Disappointed
27 July 2000
I just finished watching this film with pain. although it has some laughable scenes, but failed to reach the quality badly which is other great parody movies has achieved. Don't waste your time and Money!!
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Red Corner (1997)
It was better than I'd expected
19 July 2000
While I work at a video rental shop in 1998, I had the chance to see this film several times, but I didn't. I'd thought it would be boring to watch, and heard some negative rumors that this one has made based on bad prejudice about China.

a few days ago, it aired on National TV, but I missed first one hour. Luckily it aired again today, watched it with full attention. I don't know what circumstances the China faces now, but this movie is acceptable.

I must admit, I really liked this movie. I was very attracted to Ling Bai's performance, I don't know what it was, maybe it's comes from her charm of her inside. and Chemistry between Gere and bai was so warm, powerful. I'm not a Richard Gere fan, but felt he was great and attractive for the first time. Yes..I also love their airport Good-Bye scene. so touching.
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Loved this one so much!!
17 July 2000
While I switched the channel, at a sudden I found Vivien Leigh's beautiful face. Even more that was my favorite Roman(Egypt)Movie. I start watched it, slowly fascinated by its witty, humorous dialogue, wonderful performances by all cast, especially the actor who plays Caesar, and Vivien Leigh.

Unlike other serious Roman Epic, I did burst into laughs so hard several times during the movie. with Modern eye, it could be seen as out of date, laughtable, especially in those scenes where the fight sequences. but I really entertained . I've never known what kind of personality The Caesar had. Neither do about Cleopatra. Caesar described as Human-God who's wise, witty, brave and generous enough to forgive even his enermy. this is not a love story, but a chemisty between these two were great, and delightful to watch.
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Clueless (1995)
I love this Movie!!!
15 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know this movie is an adaptation of Jane Austin's novel "Emma".I don't know what the America High school life is. so when I watched this one for the first time, I thought some characters are kind of unrealistic. but it doesn't matter to me. I think its adaptation is great!! Unlike other movies, I never watched the time during the movie. it's inspiring, interesting, delightful to watch. watch this.

  • Minor spoiler alert -

There's a scene that Cher attempts in vain to seduce male friend to have her first sex. but on the bed he watches "Spartacus". we can see a few scenes that Laurence Olivier - who's plays a rich, powerful Roman senator - meets Tony curtis - a slave who's arrives as gift From Sicily-. Cher's boyfriend says that The next scene is his favorite. I guess that's indicating the bath scene between Laurence and Tony sharing together. we can see that He's a gay. I guess... ^_^..the actor(similar look with Jason Priesly) was so cute.
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Gladiator (2000)
Maybe I'd expected too much but entertained
5 July 2000
Since I'd heard the new Roman gladiator movie has been made, I'd gotten excited and had high expectation. I'm not trying to say I didn't like this movie. I loved this movie and want to see it again. I think that I'd expect a movie, a masterpiece like ben-hur. This movie should have been a masterpiece with these marvelous actors, big budget, talented director.

When I first saw "Gladiator", the one thing I didn't like was ending. in ending scene the whole theater starts laughs. too cheesy to touch. How could Lucilla and the people let Roman Emperor's dead body abandoned like that? I think there's lack details of how brutal, devilish the emperor was. and how much the people in Rome hated their emperor.

Joaquin Phoenix was the most outstanding part to me. Russell crowe was a gorgeous and excellent figure as always. I hope there would be lots of Oscar chance to come!!
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U Turn (1997)
Toby N. Tucker
5 July 2000
While my two sisters watching this movie, I was listening to music. But I began to pay attention to see this one where Toby N. Tucker and his girl-friend(Claire)came to screen.

This psycho couple was the reason I endured this movie to end. Joaquin Phoenix was hilarious. I'd never realized that he's so talented in even comedy. To me this movie was painful to watch except this psycho cute couple.
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An average comedy
5 July 2000
This movie is a low-budget comedy about a husband who's cheating his wife(I'm not sure because I have seen this one a long time ago). one day he decide to kill his wife, just pretends she dies naturally. He uses every way he can. drugs, sex, even curse.

Ths story is quite predictable, ending was so cliche, but there is Jung hun park who's the most talented and famous Korean comedy star. He does One man show like Jim carey in every his movies. there's also some strong supporting casts including Jong won choi who's played the Killer. although kind of his character has been appreared so many movies before, he's so funny, stole the show.
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Two Cops (1993)
Joyful to watch for 2hours
5 July 2000
I was surprised at the score this movie have gotten. 3.3 ? I don't think there's any reason this movie regarded as a crap. although this movie got tortured for being looked like exactly the remake of French movie(can't remember the movie) when it first came out.

a corrupt middle age Police officer being paired with a young-never-take the bribe rookie. Slowly a corrupt cop realize that his own world threatened by this rookie, and try to seduce him to his way. but it doesn't work easily.

a Corrupt cop exactly stands for the society Our country have. This movie is filled with endlessly humor, but its own message doesn't that thin. Especially it's obvious when a rookie starts to corrupt even more than his senior.
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