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A Hot Dog Program (1999 TV Movie)
an absolutely fun program
10 July 2004
An absolutely entertaining program about the hot dog, and some of the most popular places in the US to get hot dogs. Written and produced by Rick Sebak for PBS, the same man that brought you An Ice Cream Program and Sandwiches That You Will Like, this is a fun program for all to watch, unless you're a vegetarian.

Watching this program makes me want to someday take a cross country trip to visit all of these establishments, especially my favorite, the place in New Jersey that serves deep-fried hot dogs. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go get a hot dog.

Definitely gets a 10/10.
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terrific program
10 July 2004
Ice cream, hot dogs, and now sandwiches.

Mr. Sebak certainly knows what subjects to write about, and Sandwiches That You Will Like is yet another fun program that talks about one of the favorite foods of the US and the world. The sandwiches they profile will make even the most civilized person in the world crave and slobber uncontrollably and want to take a cross country trip to check out all the fine establishments and to try these tasty treats. And how brave it is to dive into the world of the Philly Cheesesteak where one dares to ask: Pat's or Geno's?

Well done! As an encore, maybe Mr. Sebak will someday do a program about hamburgers. A 10/10.
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Iron Chef (1993–2002)
What a show! I'm addicted to it!!
7 May 2001
I love Iron Chef. What an idea for a show!! I love the premise of bringing renowned chefs from all over Japan and the world to challenge Chairman Kaga's Iron Chefs, and to have them create dishes on the spot using the theme ingredient announced at the beginning. It's also fun to listen to the play-by-play announcing; you'd think this was a sports events.

The fact that these chefs can prepare 4-6 dishes on the spot in one hour attests to their amazing skills and imagination, especially when an Iron Chef of one cooking style is confronted with a theme ingredient they normally don't use. I wish I was there to taste some of their amazing creations.

What astounds me about the show is how seriously some challengers take this, like the Italian expatriate chefs and their battles against Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe, and the Ohta Factions' (a society of Japanese chefs who are staunchly traditional in their cooking techniques) war against Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto.

I can't wait for IC3 next month. My local cable company just recently added the Food Network, so I didn't see the original Bobby Flay/Morimoto contest. After watching what Morimoto has done in previous episodes, I really can't see Flay winning. I've also thought about whether Emeril would someday appear on Iron Chef, but I think he's a bit too laidback for something as tense and fast-paced as this.
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Ugh, what a travesty.
29 December 2000
I want to preface this first by saying I was a big fan of the Transformers back in the 80's, and even though I was much older than most kids who liked the Transformers and I wasn't interested in the toys themselves, it was the concept of robots who can change from humanoid to vehicle form that appealed to the sci-fi part of me. I had also collected the Transformers comic books that Marvel had put out at the time.

Recently I found this movie in the cheap bin at the store, so my curiosity got the best of me so I decided to buy it and check it out as I didn't get to see it when it first came out. After watching it however, I came to the conclusion that I didn't miss much.

The film is a poorly made pile of scenes, and not even the use of well-known actors to be the voices of the characters could save this travesty of a movie. Very disorganized with barely any kind of story other than the Autobots were trying to reclaim Cybertron and that there was a changing of the guard as some of the old Transformers many had grown to love were killed off which of course is the marketing ploy to bring in new characters so they can get kids to buy more toys.

What especially turned me off to the movie was the constant use of annoying 80's pop music. This wasn't a movie, this was a long MTV music video (interesting choices like Weird Al's "Dare to be Stupid"). I actually fast forwarded many parts of the movie just so I could stop listening to the lame music. At least in the animated TV series, they put in the effort to compose and use incidental music that was more appropriate.

I'm sure hardcore fans will still want to see it, but for everyone else my advice is don't even waste your time with this.
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Yikes and awaaaaaay....WHAM!!
29 December 2000
One of my all-time favorites. One hysterical gag after another, especially when Daffy tries to swing on a vine and smashes into one tree after another. Daffy is so funny as the failed Robin Hood Daffy, and Porky Pig is hillarious as Friar Tuck laughing at everything Daffy is doing. I can never stop laughing when I watch this one.
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absolutely brilliant
29 December 2000
One of the best of the Warner Brothers cartoons. The scenes of Elmer Fudd chasing Bugs Bunny during the opera are so brilliantly done with the music. The chase scene with the bigger and bigger weapons is one of the all-time classics.
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The Sight (2000 TV Movie)
Decent made-for-TV movie
30 October 2000
I saw the premiere of this movie last night on F/X since the trailer looked interesting enough. Cashing in on the popularity of The Sixth Sense, the movie stars Andrew McCarthy as an American architect who travels to London to work on a restoration project and in the process discovers he has "The Sight" - the ability to see and speak to the spirits of the dead, and uses this power to try to solve a rash of serial killings that have plagued London in recent days.

It's not Oscar material, but it was watchable and decent enough that I taped the encore presentation. I liked the movie's surreal atmosphere which sometimes made you feel like the line between real life and the afterlife blurred and you couldn't tell which was which. It was strange to see Mr. McCarthy in a role other than a Brat Pack movie or Weekend at Bernie's, but he pulled it off.
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my favorite Roger Moore 007 film
18 October 2000
After the making of the absolutely ludicrous Moonraker, they followed that up with what I feel is the best of the Roger Moore Bond films, and one that in my opinion is the most underrated. For Your Eyes Only reminds me of From Russia With Love: a solid no-nonsense and believable spy tale about a race against time to recover an encryption device from a sunken British spy-vessal before the Russians get to it. Carole Bouquet is one of my favorite Bond women because of her beauty, smarts, and the fact that you don't want to mess with her and her crossbow.

Despite some silly moments like the end where they had the Prime Minister Thatcher impersonator, I can watch this film over and over again.
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the best bond film of them all...
18 October 2000
Ok, so it doesn't have a lot of the neat gadgets and devices that have become a signature of the 007 franchise, and it may be a little slow moving than many Bond fans are used to, and it's a bit dated because of the Cold War setting, but this is a classic spy tale and in my opinion the best of the Bond films. Sean Connery is cool and suave as 007. Robert Shaw is absolutely brilliant as the sinister assassin Red Grant. Lotte Lenya is terrific as the other villain employed by SPECTRE. This film also marks the debut of SPECTRE and Desmond Llewelyn. A must for anyone's Bond collection.
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Dr. No (1962)
the movie that started it all
18 October 2000
This is the movie that started everything and laid down the foundation. Not the best Bond film, but still very good especially as an introduction to the world of 007. Joseph Wiseman is terrific as the title villain, civilized yet very devious. Ursula Andress may not be a great actress, but who cares? The first of many beautiful Bond women who had that classic scene of coming out of the sea. Jack Lord is very good as the CIA man Felix Leiter, but I have to admit as a self-professed Hawaii Five-O junkie, he might as well of been Steve McGarrett.

To the new generation of short-attention span Bond fans who think Bond films are nothing but non-stop action, excitement and gadgets, put away your pre-conceived notions. Dr. No is the closest thing to the original Ian Fleming 007 and the reason that the more recent Bond films are just pale imitations.
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Midnight Run (1988)
the Odd Couple of the 80's
8 September 2000
I still roll over laughing when I watch this movie. Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin are hilarious as they go on their cross country journey. My complements to whoever cast this movie. The combination of everyone involved was perfect. Definitely one of the best comedies of the 80's.
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Batman (1966–1968)
Same Bat Time! Same Bat Channel!
8 September 2000
Holy Guacamole Batman!!!

Yeah it was campy, but so what? You can never get tired of this show, the theme music, the stars. It's an American icon.

I love how the series brought out the whackiness in everyone. This show was my first exposure to actor Cesar Romero. I still can't believe he was once a suave, handsome Latin actor back in the Hollywood glory days. Everytime I see one of his old movies I can only think of the Joker and his maniacal laugh. Frank Gorshin is absolutely classic as the Riddler. Same with Burgess Meredith as the Penguin. And I can never get sick of seeing the lovely Julie Newmar as Catwoman (rowwwwrrrrr!) (Sorry Lee Merriweather and Eartha Kitt, but Julie is Catwoman) A timeless classic that will entertain people for years to come!!!

Yes, Commissioner. What? We'll be right there! To the Batcave!!
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The Flash (1990–1991)
A pretty good series that was cancelled too soon
7 September 2000
There are 3 TV shows that remind me of my college days and that time period: Twin Peaks, Red Dwarf, and the Flash. I was an avid viewer of The Flash since I was a fan of the DC Comic superheroes growing up. I thought the special effects were terrific, and I didn't have as big a problem with John Wesley Shipp being cast as Barry Allen as others did. I liked Amanda Pays portrayal as a pretty and intelligent scientist who assisted the Flash with his crimefighting.

Unfortunately, the combination of the expensive special effects and low ratings led to the show's cancellation after only one season, which was too bad. Seems like nowadays TV shows aren't given much of an opportunity to gain viewers if they don't get high ratings at once.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Surreal and one of the best TV series...
21 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely one of the best things David Lynch has ever done. What attracted me to this series was it's quirkyness and surreal nature. If there was ever a TV series that identified the 90's, this is one of them.

Personally, I think they should've stopped the series right after they solved Laura Palmer's murder, but oh well. I hope they someday make another movie to tie up some of the loose ends such as the way the series ended on a cliffhanger.

Anyways, onto my lunch of a baguette with butter and brie and some cherry pie.
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Airplane! (1980)
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue...
21 August 2000
Absolutely hillarious. That's all I can say. I still laugh at loud whenever I watch this movie. Anyone who doesn't laugh at the gags in this movie has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever. Amazing how the Zucker Brothers were able to get all these movies stars into one film and get all of them to be totally silly, including Robert Stack, who never seems to change facial expression at all. The funniest scenes have to be Mrs. Cleaver talking jive and Mr. Stack entering the airport and beating up all of the religious people. Absolutely classic!

Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
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The Young Ones (1982–1984)
absolutely insane
18 August 2000
My first exposure to this TV series was when MTV aired it in the early to mid-80's. A more hyper version of Monty Python, it never bores you and there's constantly a laugh a minute. One of the funniest skits to come out of the series had to be when Rick tried to kill himself eating laxative pills. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Totally absurd and insane, and I loved every minute of it.
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
17 August 2000
I can't get enough of this absolutely hysterical TV series, in my opinion the funniest to come out of Britain since Monty Python's Flying Circus. It's crude, rude, juvenile, and I love every minute of it!!! My local PBS station first aired it in 1990 while I was still a sophomore in college, and I would always make sure to be in front of the TV set in my dormitory on late Saturday nights.

Although there's been a bit of a dropoff since series 6, it's still entertaining, and they still have the original cast in place. I agree with those who don't care for the recent remastered episodes of some of the earlier episodes, which is probably in response to what was done to the Star Wars trilogy. Some things are meant to be left in it's original state, and the earlier Red Dwarf episodes are no exception.
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The genius of Kubrick
17 August 2000
One of Kubrick's finest films and his brutal and sometimes absurd look at the dehumanization of soldiers in war. Lee Ermey's Gunnery Sgt. Hartman makes the movie. It didn't hurt that Mr. Ermey was a real-life drill sergeant. The fact he didn't get nominated for an Oscar was a crime. Louis Gossett Jr.'s drill sergeant in "An Officer and a Gentleman" is a wuss compared to Ermey's. One of my friends, who was in the military for many years, has told me that the first part of the movie is the most realistic portrayal of boot camp he has ever seen.

As many others have said, the first part of the movie is incredible. The second half is somewhat of a letdown, but still very good. And you gotta love those memorable lines from the Vietnamese prostitute.
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Python! Python! Python!
17 August 2000
Out of the "Big 3", this ranks in my book behind Holy Grail and Life of Brian, but it's still full of funny classic Python bits and moments. The Sperm Song and Mr. Creosote make the movie. I will never get tired of the hysterical absurdity of Python.
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17 August 2000
As much as I loved the original series, I couldn't stand this one. Lorne Greene looked like he wasn't into the series at all.

I guess the only interesting note was when I had the misfortune of seeing some of the episodes again a few years back, I noticed one of the guest stars was the late Jeremy Brett (PBS' Sherlock Holmes), but I imagine he didn't exactly advertise his appearance on this travesty of a TV series on his resume.
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Life of Brian (1979)
Always look on the bright side of life...
17 August 2000
I've read about the controversy about this movie when it first came out, and all I have to say is people need to lighten up. Not as good as Holy Grail, but still very funny. Anyone who knows the comedy of Monty Python will know that nothing is sacred with them, and once you get that, then you will laugh with everyone else.
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Star Blazers (1979–1984)
as a kid, it was awesome...
17 August 2000
...this was my first exposure to a real violent science fiction cartoon series, and I didn't miss it for the world when it aired weekday afternoons 20 years ago (geez it's been that long?!!) and turning on the TV the moment I got home from school.

Probably the series that started the whole Japanese anime craze, I spent day and night drawing the different kinds of spacecraft from the series, and in every episode you knew when the good guys were in trouble, that it was time for the wave-motion gun to be fired. I hope the series will be shown on TV again.
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entertaining and watchable
17 August 2000
Although I didn't like this series as much as Battlestar Galactica which was out at the same time, as a kid the more scifi series on TV the better. And I would never pass up the chance each week to see the beautiful Erin Gray. I also thought it was neat when they had one episode where they had the original Buck Rogers, Buster Crabbe, make a special appearance as an old fighter pilot.

It was too bad that they changed the format of the series in the second season, but it was still watchable.
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Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
one of my favorites
17 August 2000
Yeah yeah, so it may be considered a Star Wars ripoff by some. Who cares? As a kid in the 70's, I loved nothing more than the movie and then the subsequent ABC TV series especially with all of the special effects that kids love to see after Star Wars came out. And when the Scifi Channel started to show the series again, I couldn't get enough of it. An underappreciated scifi series in my opinion.
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Slap Shot (1977)
17 August 2000
One of the greatest if not the greatest sports comedy movies of all time. Paul Newman is terrific, Strother Martin is funny and a far cry from his role in Cool Hand Luke of "What we have here is failure to communicate..." fame, and need I say more about the Hanson Brothers? I never get tired of this film. A must-see for all puck fans!
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