
4 Reviews
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The School (I) (2003)
An uneven experiment in voice-over...
22 March 2004
The film begins adequately enough when a series of unexpected deaths plague a children's classroom. Animals and plants die with increasing rapidness and no one seems able to control it. Ah, the trials of elementary school.

The child actors in the film are passable, but none have that much charisma, and it's curious as to why the directors did not cast an older man as the teacher, for the actor who plays him displays more exuberance than maturity. There is nothing subtle about his performance. What starts as mildly entertaining soon derails into inconsistent sap. I sat there wondering what was happening and how a film about the importance of life could have bored me to death as steadily as it did. While the end of the film is congruent with that of the short story it still makes little sense. The film is mediocre at best.
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Gladiator (2000)
Russel Crow as Robin Hood?
14 January 2001
Oooh, dear friends, perhaps some of you remembered this from the first time you saw it when it was called "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves", with way too many similarities, and a very old formula, this movie didn't have much going for it besides mindless slaughter, Joaquin Phoneix & Russel Crowe and the fact that it was released in the summer. With a cop-out and easy ending this movie was a disappointment to me after all the hype (and just hype) that I'd heard about it... I expected much more...
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Ah what fun it is to kick it...
17 November 2000
I was sooo happy when I actually liked this movie!!! Yes the plot is not all that strong, but watching it I had as much fun as it seemed the main characters did. It was funny and fun and the fight scenes got me pysched. One thing that interested me though had nothing to do with the actual movie, well, slightly... Lucy Liu doesn't show nearly as much skin as the other two angels.. I wonder why, not that I'm complaining, it just stood out to me. But back to the movie. Predictable but fun, and oooh boy the sequel should be good.
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Breaking the Waves as a musical.
7 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I too had high hopes for this movie after hearing nothing but good things about it, and in all honesty I will say that it was a good movie. But it was better several years ago when it was called "BREAKING THE WAVES".

Lars von Trier seems to recycle the same ideas from his last movie and play them again here. I just couldn't stand all the effort that was gone into martyring Selma.

The acting was exceptional, especially Bjork and Catherine Devenue, and the musical scenes were very enjoyable and there very presence was original and exciting, but I really couldn't wait for this movie to end. The camera work didn't bother me at all, but after seeing Selma go through so much c**p and not really do anything about it, I only began to roll my eyes and wait until it passed.

SPOILER: Bjork is wonderful, but the character, Selma, was just another version of Bess from Breaking the Waves, who meets the same fate as Selma with the same results: all in the name of love.

I seem to be the only person I know who didn't think this movie was fabulous, so maybe it was because I saw "Breaking the Waves", so I would still recommend it, but still say that save the music videos, "Waves" is much better film.
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