
3 Reviews
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Shallow Grave (1994)
A Dark Disturbing Movie You Will Love!
30 July 2001
First let me say, I am not generally a fan of this type of movie. I only rented it because Ewan McGregor is in it, and even then I wasn't sure I would like it. But, surprise, surprise - as disturbing as it was I loved it - and watched 4 times in a couple days!

Why? I'm not sure. It is a brilliantly done film. The more you watch it the more you like it - or at least I did. The story revolves around 3 flatmates, Alex, David & Juliet who discover their new roommate dead with a suitcase full of money. What to do? Keep the money and get rid of the body, of course! Things spiral downward from here bringing up the issues of greed, trust, betrayal and friendship among the 3.

As gruesome as some of the subject matter was, it was very well done without being right in your face - except at the end which is difficult for me to watch. But it definitely makes a point (no pun intended!).

I recommend this movie highly, even for the slightly squeamish, especially if you are a fan of Ewan's.
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A Message of Peace
15 June 2001
What brought this movie to mind after not having seen it for many years, was the title song "Nature Boy" which is currently used in the new movie "Moulin Rouge" (which I also loved).

I saw Boy with Green Hair probably in the 60's on TV a number of times. Being a teenager/young adult at that time and with the turmoil of the Vietnam War, etc. this movie really made an impression on me.

I don't remember all the details of the movie or how good it was "technically", but I do remember the message and feeling it left me with. It's a shame it is not available on video as I would love to see it again - maybe some day! Anyway, its worth watching if you ever get the chance.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Spectacular Spectacular!!
30 May 2001
After reading the many comments already posted, I'm not sure what I can add, except I Love This Movie!! Not since "Titanic" has a movie gotten me this excited!! Even though they are very different movies, they have the same "feel" to them, i.e the long lines of people waiting to get in; the heart-wrenching love story; audiences clapping throughout and at the end; at least half the theater sitting through all the credits. I've seen it twice and will definitely see it at least a few more times.

There is so much visually to take in that it is impossible to catch everything in one showing. Baz Luhrman did a remarkable job. I really enjoyed his version of Romeo & Juliet, but this even surpasses that!

Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor were amazing and so good together. And who knew they could sing so well! I agree this movie is probably not for everyone, but even if you are not a "fan" of musicals this will "knock your socks off!" It is a roller coaster ride of emotions & visual & musical stimuli that will leave you breathless - and running back for more!

I really hope the "critics" are not too hard on this wonderful movie. Sometimes it seems like they feel it it their job to find fault with movies rather than "experience" them. This is one movie that is definitely an Experience!!

Please, go see it and you will not be disappointed. It is definitely a 10/10!!
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