
5 Reviews
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I enjoyed watching with kids
19 March 2005
This is a family movie, more along the lines of the Disney movies of the 50s and 60s--For those of you wanting OCtagon--get over it! The kids are the stars, and Chuck is the mythological/fantasy part of this and it does all fit if you watch it in the right frame of mind.

My kids and I enjoyed it for different reasons--they loved the kids getting over on the adults, and all the animals, and fantasy parts.

What I really enjoyed was Michael Beck's father/daughter story, and how her belief and his going downhill and then being reminded what is important and his redemption and getting his life together, gave me a good feeling. He did a fantastic job of it, and made a great father figure.

I also loved Max Gail as the friend who told it like it is, and still made allowances for the fantasy part. It is a family film that no one need worry about who is in the room and who is watching. I enjoyed the hope in this movie.
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Madman (1978)
I loved this movie
19 March 2005
I really enjoyed this movie, I think Michael Beck does some of his best work here-this is the performance that got him the part of Swan in The Warriors. His portrayal of bruised and damaged Boris Abromvitch is sometimes almost hard to watch, but I couldn't stop watching either. But it is his interaction with the rest of the cast and their reaction to his determination and commitment to his cause that makes this movie great. You want him to heal up and be normal by the end of the movie, when you find out how damaged he is, and when everyone else finds out, and their reactions and rethinking of their own situations, and what matters in their lives--What becomes important. F Murray Abrahams is great as the almost stereotypical "hip" guy, who befriends Boris, and I thought this was a really good drama to watch. I am so glad I found this one.
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I enjoyed it
19 March 2005
While this is based on some facts within Clarence Carnes life, as a TV movie, you have to remember it is a movie. I didn't think they were making heroes of anyone, as much as just telling a story, and it's a pretty good story too. Telly Savalas is menacing enough as the escaping leader of the cons. And I think the brutality they showed, showed exactly why they were sent there in the first place. And I really enjoyed ARt Carney as "Birdman" R.Stroud--they showed him more realistically doing research and writing than a lot of other movies about him.

I really enjoyed Michael Beck's portrayal of C.Carnes-even though we know it was somewhat whitewashed. His early innocence being led astray and then his coming to terms with the WHY he was there was good. And his character's learning his way around the prison system was good, and the fact that he survived 18 years in Alcatraz is a story worth watching.

Alex Carras did an interesting portrayal of the Assoc. Warden, and I think that in that time period--I don't think they overplayed the brutality of the Alcatraz system either. This was the LAST STOP!!

I enjoyed this miniseries movie, and I thought the actors did a good job with the material.
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Houston Knights: Mirrors (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
I love this series!
31 July 2004
I really enjoy the episodes of Houston Knights. while some of the writing may lead through some predictable story lines, the acting is great. I really enjoy the chemistry between the stars and MB's portrayal of L.L is wonderful with that dry sense of humor and irony that is NEVER lost on MP's Joey LF--they play so well off each other, I can make allowances for some of the writing. I also really liked it when they added the Mexican cop, Esteban G., he brought a lot more to his role than the old detective did. Good change over. I love the complexity of the character development with these two lead actors. I re-watch them whenever I can.
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Not the "end" endgame-May contain spoilers
17 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this was the end of the game. Never got the feeling that Kell wanted the prize as much as he wanted to bug Connor. I loved the first movie and the TV series but this didn't settle much for either one. I think the only reason Connor got offed was so he won't have to make another one. This didn't let either Joe or Methos in the movie, automatically making it less than it should have been. I didn't see Kell as all that magical and still haven't figured out why an immortal as talented as Jin Ke would have sat like a stone and let Kell take his head. Being immortal is about surviving any way you look at it. Connor and Duncan ending didn't do it for me either as if Connor loved Duncan so much he would have fell on the sword and taken his own head and let Mac have the quickening, then Mac wouldn't feel so bad. Also Mac never was married and where this past wife came from defies everything else we know about the Highlander. She would have made a great woman immortal in her own right in a different story line though. She was too stupid to live though if she and the posse did all the fighting to make Kell so powerful and then let him have her too. That doesn't add up. This was just another episode and a weak one for Duncan as it brings up more questions than it helps to answer. Connor looked old in this one and I can see where he wanted out of the next one-Bring On METHOS and let it be better!!
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