
18 Reviews
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Femme (1996)
The unlikely perils of a one night stand
24 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
A woman wakes up from a night of partying to find herself in a rather compromising situation. Pretty much a one-joke short (so I'll avoid any spoiler), but it does ratchet up the woman's anxiety nicely and is effective enough in conveying the gradual memory reconstruction that occurs when you first wake up.
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Risk (1993)
A Risk not worth taking.
24 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I love Karen Sillas but this is one terrible movie. David Ilku has to be about as bad as actors come and not for one second does anyone act like a normal, rational human being. Trumped up crises, boiler plate characterization, and a completely unsympathetic, "misunderstood hero." Sillas is still good but even a loyal fan shouldn't be subjected to this.
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Lickety-Splat (1961)
Good running gag element
22 October 2000
Standard Roadrunner fare, but with an inspired Jones touch: the early failed Wile E. plan with the exploding darts proves to be an effective running gag, as they continue to interfere with each subsequent effort (often to surprising effect).
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Whoops! I goofed.
22 October 2000
My previous comment inadvertently attributed a running dynamite gag to this film, whereas that actually appears in the (superior) "Lickety Splat". Without that gag, I have to grade this film even lower, because the heavy-handed non-Starling score still does diminish the overall effect of the film.
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Carl Stalling is missed
22 October 2000
Not a bad Roadrunner effort, the film is hindered substantially by a score that will not let up, hammering away at the comedy when silence usually works best when Wile E.'s plans start to fail. Especially unfortunate since this is one where an early Coyote mishap provides an ongoing thread throughout the rest of the short--a nice Jones touch.
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Quasi-educational 'toon from Warners
22 October 2000
Less a comedy cartoon short and more a hymn of praise to the merits of our capitalist society, there is exactly one laugh in the whole film. The rest is merely an extended textbook-style illustration of how "industwy" and "pwofit" motives work (in a style more typical of Disney, which did several of these types of shorts)--all of which sounds a little weird as explained in Elmer's voice. Sylvester's barely used at all.
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22 October 2000
Terrific Jones short, with the interplay between Claude and Marc Anthony being consistently funny, inventive and unpredictable. Hard to pick a favorite among the various gags, though the mailslot is a killer. The two would battle again in "Cat Feud."
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Not bad for a Barney film
22 October 2000
The Barney films have always depended on how good his nemesis is. His Wildcat neighbor's son fits the bill well enough, with each chapter in Barney's psychology book neatly dividing up the physical comedy setpieces. Still, nothing too special (though the final gag has a nice twist).
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Big Top Bunny (1951)
Unfunny bunny
22 October 2000
Bugs has been much better elsewhere. Though the big top has great potential, as does the villainous Bruno, it's all too familiar, with most of the gags and wisecracks coming off as average at best. But what else can you expect from McKimson?
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Awful Orphan (1949)
Better than I expected
22 October 2000
I've never been a big fan of the overbearing Charlie, but here the interplay with Porky works very well, with plenty of funny moments and an inventiveness you can always rely on from Jones. "There it is! There it is! There it is!"
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Pretty much what you'd expect
22 October 2000
Nothing too original here, with Slug being a less-than-able foil for Daffy. The assorted sales pitches are standard, and there are only two genuinely good bits: the eyes-in-the-dark gag, and Slug's camouflage for his hideout. Where's Porky when you need him?
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Typically tepid McKimson effort
22 October 2000
Though there are some funny Sylvester vs. the kangaroo shorts, this really isn't one of them. In fact, the best parts are when the kangaroo wanders around town before the cat even shows up. Plus, Sylvester looks particularly mangy here.
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Hobo Bobo (1947)
Too reminiscent of "Dumbo"
22 October 2000
Maybe a little too reminiscent of "Dumbo" (cute baby elephant; advice from bird; circus setting; pink elephant gag) to be judged on its own merits, the best thing is the voiceover narrator who manages to get in a few ironic jabs. The stowaway gags are OK, too.
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Frontier Days (1945)
22 October 2000
This western short starts promisingly, with a rather generous (for the time) view of the Indians. However, once Malone shows up as a pistol-packing daughter of a murdered sheriff looking for payback, it goes downhill. This is because she's portrayed as a complete ninny who is incredibly inept, and the Jim Blake character treats her in the most patronizing and sexist fashion (often for "humorous" effect). Also, the film feels like a Reader's Digest version of a longer film, since every scene is linked to the next by lengthy voiceovers, interrupting any momentum it might try to generate from its standard action setpieces (train heist, saloon brawl, etc.). What a waste of Malone!
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Ho-hum putting-on-a-show short
22 October 2000
Rather tepid Our Gang short, with the standard elements (monkey hijinks, Alfalfa song) not amounting to very much. Porky & Buckwheat steal the show (literally) and the flying carpet's not bad, but overall just so-so.
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More Popeye fun
22 October 2000
I think the best thing about this short is that it's never cutesy about the dog, which Popeye thoroughly dislikes (and humorously ignores), though they do have an inevitable Spinach-bonding moment. The chase antics are good, and Mercer's voicings are always funny, especially the under-the-breath comments.
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More Popeye fun
22 October 2000
One of the first of the Fleischer Popeyes, the laidback charm of the series shines through, especially when Popeye and Olive go to (well, actually sneak into) the rodeo. A bullfight seems a standard cartoon convention, but only Popeye would think of changing places with the bull to upstage Bluto. Good fun.
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The Cook (1918)
Once believed lost, very funny short has emerged
22 October 2000
Long believed lost, an extended fragment of "The Cook" has been found, and it confirms how graceful Fatty could be, this time slaving over a hot stove and casually throwing prepared items to an equally blase Buster. Though the film closes at a pier-based amusement park, the kitchen antics are best, with the highlight being two dance pieces--Fatty's tribute to Salome (with salami) and Buster's hilarious rug-cutting with a belly dancer. The vicious (but not malicious) dog is good, too.
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