
17 Reviews
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Elektra (2005)
so bad...
18 January 2005
There's so many reasons why this movie is bad. Here's a few I can think of at the moment.

-It wastes the talents of the always amazing Jennifer Garner. She's been in quite a few stinkers now but somehow she still delivers a great performance. So the people behind Elektra have a great actress signed on... the least they could have done was put more effort into the story. Of course, if she read the script and THEN signed on... well...

-The story. The reluctant assassin thing again? C'mon. If they had to copy the story of other action movies, it should have at least been that she assassinated some dude's son and he goes after her and all hell breaks loose...

-The action/fighting scenes. Yet again, another movie that does a terrible job with the frantic camera work to go along with quick,close cuts so that we can't really see anything but are forced to believe that there's an intense fight scene in the progress... where the camera man seems to be involved in it. Jennifer Garner is a pro at movie martial arts. She does it week in and week out on the set of Alias, show us what she can do!! Pull the camera back, tell the editor to chill out, knock the camera man out and set that camera on a tripod, teach Jennifer Garner and her co-stars some moves, and the let the good times roll. Cos at least if the story sucks, we can be entertained by the action. Also, I wish there was more of it! -The love story. Umm... what? She's supposed to be this hard-ass assassin... but she falls for some guy on the second night she meets him, even tho according to the dialogue shown on screen gives her character no reason to like his character. Stupid.

-The villains. I know they want to maintain a PG-13 rating... but why all the poofing when the die. Kinda gives the impression that they are filled with some kind of stinky gas. Unless this is how it is in the comics, if it was, some kind of explanation would be helpful otherwise me and other non-comic book readers would think the bad guys are basically balloons filled with fart gas. I've seen other movies that have been able to maintain a PG-13 rating and still show actual deaths. And the villains were terrible!! That fool with them tattoos is useless... he's comatose while his animal tattoos are loose?? And the guy who can withstand a big ass shot gun from close range and dies, I mean poofs, when a tree falls on him. What's up with that? I'm not arguing about the various physics involved with a gun shot and a tree, but the gun shot was supposed to tell the audience that Stone... was built like one. It just seems like a stupid way to kill a character after showing us that he's bullet proof. The poison girl... useless... but hot... so at least we got more eye candy. The main bad guy... not bad but again, the fight scene was stupid.

Lots more... but those are the ones that really stand out for me.
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Lost (2004–2010)
great show!
28 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm always a little weary of watching shows where the premise is something like Lost. The reason is, I don't want to commit to something and then get sucked into the storyline and then the show gets cancelled and I never find out how or if they got off the island. Show's like The Pretender or John Doe are perfect examples. I never got to find out if they succeeded in their own goals.

Luckily, it seems that a lot of people like the show as its pulling in great numbers. And for good reason too. First of all the cast is great. Matthew Fox is a great choice as the main character. He plays the character to perfection. Evangeline Lilly is a much welcome breath of fresh air. Terry O'Quinn is always amazing at whatever he plays and the rest of the cast fills out the show nicely.

As for the storyline, I like how each episode focuses on certain characters.

We get flashbacks to give us more insight into each character that some how relates to what's going on in the show. Each show gives us more about the characters in the situation while introducing new things that keep the fans wanting more.

The main concern I've noticed is "the monster". But what's surprising is that people are already criticizing something they haven't even seen yet. Nobody except JJ Abrahms knows what it is. Yet, people are happy to pass judgment. Maybe they will be right. But, after watching Alias, I'm confident that JJ Abrahms has something up his sleeve, something unexpectant.


We've already been given clues that there's something a bit off about the island, from the transmission that's been playing for 16 years, to the polar bear, to Locke's sudden ability to walk.

I'm definitely in it for the long haul. I want to find out what happens. I want to know how Jack and Kate's relationship will play out. I want to know if they'll ever got off the island. I want to see how JJ Abrahms will surprise us... and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
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Beautiful Girls... beautiful movie...
28 October 2004
Easily one of the most overlooked movies considering how good it is. There are several ensemble movies out there, but this movie is definitely one of the best ones.

The key word in ensemble cast is obviously "cast". And this movie has a stellar cast. Timothy Hutton, as Willy, is perfectly cast. Yes, this is an ensemble movie, but it sort of hovers around his character and he carries the movie so well. And to play off him, Natalie Portman is tremendous in this movie. Despite being the youngest cast member, she outacts most of the adults in this movie. Her chemistry with Timothy Hutton is amazing.

The other cast members, including Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Rappaport, Uma Thurman, and Matt Dillon are also really good in their respective roles. Rosie O'Donnell delivers a hilarious monologue about the differences between men and women and it should not be missed.

The story is relatively simple... a man going back home to attend his 10 year reunion. But because of the complex characters and their various storys, it becomes much more than just a high school reunion. Its a story about a man finding himself. Its a story about a young girl getting a taste of what love might be, despite it being in an unlikely person. Its a story of a man who has to grow up and let go of the long gone high school glory years. Its a story about relationships, between friends, family and couples. All these tales are interwoven into a heartwarming story.

This movie ranks as one of my all time favorite movies.
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Not good at all...
18 July 2004
This movie is a mess. It prevents all these unrealistic problems that the kids face in the movie. And it just wasn't funny... just annoying. The movie started out with potential, but with too many characters and too many problems the resolution was too quick. We never got to see how they dealt with their problems. Half the movie was spent showing them struggling with change, and then in a minute or two, they overcome it. Just not enough time to properly give the characters any depth....

As far as the performances... Steve Martin is always good. Bonnie Hunt was okay, but I prefer it when she plays the hard nosed sarcastic type. Tom Welling... I guess its a decent start to a career outside of Smallville. Aston Kutcher, the only way he gets a $100 million hit, to ride on someone else's coat tails. Hilary Duff... she didn't have to do much except show anguish a few times. Piper Peraboo... not bad, and again, not enough time for her character. The rest of the little kids, they were pretty good actually.

Still... I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
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Starts out good...
29 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Watching our seemingly inevitable destruction is quite fun. Unfortunately for this movie, after all the destruction is said and done, it kinda gets boring. The special effects of course is the main highlight of the movie. The tornado scene in Los Angeles and the flooding scene in New York were visually amazing.

Characters were not this movie's strong points despite a decent cast. Gotta say that the girl that Jake Gyllenhal's character likes is quite pretty.

Spoilers ahead...

The crossing of US people into Mexico illegally has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
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Almost decent
14 May 2004
Based on the book, this movie comes up short because it changes some important things from the book. It doesn't make sense why they made the changes, the events in the book were more interesting.

I have to say that the casting was pretty good though. Having Richard Dean Anderson play James Holland was a great choice. Its been awhile since i saw Daphne Zuniga and so it was nice seeing her again. I would have preferred another actress other than Jane Leeves to play Rachel, but I guess she did a decent job.

Overall, the movie is quite entertaining. If you've never read the book, I think you'll enjoy it. For those of us who have read the book, the ending is disappointing.
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The Matrix Revisited (2001 Video)
One of the best documentaries made...
23 August 2003
Long trailer? whoever said that has got to be joking. this has got to be one of the most in depth behind the scenes or making of documentary ever made. how can it be a trailer when several minutes are spent telling the audience how the movie was conceptualized and then brought to the studios? this documentary also spends lots and lots of time detailing how stunts were done and the new technologies created to achieve them. then it shows us how woo ping's team came up with the fight scenes along with blocking tapes that pretty much put to shame the actual scenes with the actors. there is stuff mentioned about matrix reloaded, but there's hardly anything really. if you are a real fan of the matrix, you have to see this documentary. the original documentary in the dvd is good, but incomplete compared to this one. for instance, it never explained why keanu wore a neck brace in the original documentary, but that is explained in Revisited. the Revisited dvd also shows carrie ann moss spraining her ankle during the lobby scene and being really distraught because she feels like she's letting the crew down. and that's just the tip of the iceberg. so ignore that "just a long trailer" review and go check it out for yourself. you won't regret it. casual matrix fans need not apply...
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Better than the first...
15 May 2003
So much better than the first. The story was so amazing too that I want to go back and watch it again to see if I missed anything and get a better understanding. I'll admit, there was a lot to swallow in a short time but that didn't bother me. And the action scenes... holy crap!! The martial arts were so much better and there were much longer. Everything about this movie was great! Those of you who hated it... that sucks for you. For most people... this movie was a thrill to watch and experience and we'll be anxiously waiting for the third movie.
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About a Boy (2002)
20 January 2003
Another great story from Nick Hornby. After seeing High Fidelity, I could not wait to see this movie and thankfully it didn't disappoint. Casting Hugh Grant was genius as he seems to be the quintessential British man. He's a great actor and I liked how he wasn't his usual bumbling self that he usually plays. The kid in this movie was quite talented as well. I'm really glad they cast Rachel Weisz in this movie, she's quite lovely. A bit underused perhaps. All in all, a great story, great acting and great cast.
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Good Morning, Miami (2002–2004)
i like it...
17 January 2003
i like this show. guess my opinion differs from most. actually, i've liked most of the sitcoms that nbc has tried to put on thursday nights from the single guy to suddently susan and that other show with the guy who used to be in doogie howser. i like this show more than those though. i'll admit, its not a great show like friends or scrubs but it has its moments. the show's weaknesses are the supporting characters. the weather nun, the hispanic chick, the alcoholic boyfriend are all useless. the grandma is okay. frank, the station manager is hilarious. penny, she's cool and very funny. and of course the ross and rachel of the show, dylan and jake, they are the central characters. ashley williams is a really beautiful actress and talented too. even though i like this show, i don't see it having too long a lifespan. it will probably make it through this season and then get the boot. for now though, i'll enjoy it while it lasts....
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Pretty good
24 November 2002
After the last Bond movie with Denise Richards almost single handidly gave the entire series a bad eye, they redeemed themselves with this movie. Its very entertaining with great action scenes and amazing special effects. Brosnan was in his usual top form and they had some excellent bond villains. Rosamund Pike in particular was very good, she's gotta be one of the prettiest bond girls ever. Only downside was Halle Berry. She may have won an Oscar, but she never looked or acted like a secret agent. I've heard they may come up with a spin off for her, I just hope she learns how to act as an agent by then.
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xXx (2002)
26 August 2002
all i can say is that if vin diesel wants to be the next arnold then he has to find himself another director to work with cos rob cohen isn't the director who will take him to the superstar level. this movie was just your standard average movie and nothing really made it stand out from other action movies. lots of action scenes and explosions yet it doesn't make you jump out of your seat in amazement, you've seen it all before. this movie even makes fun of james bond in the beginning but that's just because its jealous that the 007 movies are a lot better in several departments such as the acting, plot and action scenes.
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Worst movie ever...
26 August 2002
usually when someone asks me the question, what is the worst movie ever and sometimes i have to think about it. now, thanks to travolta, i don't have to think about it anymore. this movie, hands down is easily one of the worst. what makes it bad is that it takes itself very seriously, it's a bad plot which the film makers thought was good enough to release on the big screen. i even prefer cheesy teen sex movies like "out cold" or "the new guy" to this crap because those movies at least are slightly entertaining. and anyone who says this movie is good is obviously a scientologist and wouldn't even think about questioning hubbard. i don't see how someone can sit there w/ a straight face and tell me that those good guys were able to sit in a simulator for a few days and then fly some harrier jets right away and defeat the enemy within one day. well maybe they were trying to be funny. i just didn't think that this was a comedy.
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great ensemble movie
26 August 2002
i was pleasantly surprised by this romantic comedy. all the individual stories were good in their own right and it was great how they all came together in the end. by far the best story was the one with angelina jolie and ryan philippe's characters. they had great chemistry and it was really touching when his situation was revealed. it was hilarious seeing her character trying to get the guy to like her. jolie looked great in this movie. it was also nice seeing gillian anderson in a non x-files role. also jon stewart is a very underrated actor and he's always good in whatever role he gets. i highly recommend it to people who like romantic movies. this is one of the good ones.
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Wag the Dog (1997)
clever movie
26 August 2002
I had to watch this movie for critical thinking class when we were talking about fallacies and this movie basically deals in the red herring fallacy. Overall the movie was quite entertaining, it was pretty funny to see how the public was manipulated. It's also interesting to note that the movie was released so close to the Clinton-Lewinsky fiasco. Still, there were a lot of dull slow moments and that's why I wouldn't give this movie a higher score.
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Kirsten Dunst's best...
23 June 2002
From all of her movies, with maybe the exception of Spiderman, I thought this was her best movie and her best performance. I love the story because of the fact that in this movie, the minority person is not the screwed up one, that's usually the case in previous movies. This time, Carlos is the A student who has his life derailed by a wild and crazy Nicole. Dunst gives a great performance as a girl who lives on the edge and newcomer Jay Hernandez is excellent as Carlos. The chemistry between them is what drives this movie. Surprisingly the actor who play's Nicole's dad also shines in this movie and his character is also unexpected. I thought he was going to be the main reason why they couldn't be together, although he party was, he didn't act like the typical movie dad who didn't want this daughter dating a Latino. He was actually looking out for Carlos while unintentionally distancing his daughter from himself. In my opinion, this is easily one of the best teen movies out there. It's honest, real, different, and of course... it's crazy and beautiful.
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this is not a movie...
9 April 2002
classic? what's so classic about watching monkeys fool around for half an hour? this movie could have been edited to maybe ten to fifteen minutes and it would still be the same. just take away all the nonsense and useless visual effects and you would end up with a 15 minute documentary. maybe i was alive in 60s and saw this, then i would be distracted from the absence of a story line by the special effects which must have been amazing back then. yes, to all those kubrick fans, i didn't get it and you did, congratulations, you understand a madman. what a waste of three hours.
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