
22 Reviews
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Kis Günesi (2016)
50 Episodes - Not 18
4 September 2020
IMDb needs to fix the episode count. Overall enjoyed watching it but many of the negative comments are appropriate. You kinda know what will happen and there is a lot of contemplative gazing taking place. Plus there are some pretty crazy plot twists. But main reason for this post is to get IMDb to fix the episode count. 50 episodes. All in only 1 season.
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All Is Lost (2013)
Boat With Camera Crew Should Have Rescued Him
27 April 2014
I just couldn't get into this movie. Redford did a nice job but watching him struggle at sea for an hour and 40 minutes was really boring. The viewer never gets to know him as there is no dialog so not really sure anyone cares if he makes it or not. Obviously many people like this film based on the ratings but I just thought it was a complete waste of time. There have been many films like this where people were in the air, on boats, stranded on a deserted island, in a runaway bus, or in some other precarious situation and in most of them there is some suspense and the viewer actually cares about the characters because the characters are developed throughout the film. In this movie there is one brief paragraph at the start and then nothing more. How can anyone care what happens? After 15 minutes I really thought Redford should have let the camera crew rescue him and end the monotony.
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Great Concert - First Three Albums Only
9 March 2006
If you liked Bruce Springsteen's early recordings this DVD is for you. This re-engineered DVD sounded great on the surround sound system. Pretty much every hit from Greetings From Asbury Park, The Wild, The Innocent and The E Street Shuffle, and Born To Run are on this DVD. The only disappointment from my perspective is that two of the best songs are performed in an acoustic style. Thunder Road and For You are two of my all time favorites and in my opinion the acoustic versions aren't anywhere near as good as the regular rock versions. All the other early hits are there including Rosalita, Jungleland and Backstreets. The Lost In The Flood performance is great. 9 out of 10. Would have been a 10 if the two above mentioned were regular versions. Check this out.
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Million Dollar Infield (1982 TV Movie)
Not bad if You Like Baseball Films
28 April 2004
Rob Reiner and three buddies (Christopher Guest is one) play on the same softball team. The movie is about their personal lives and difficulties they encounter but they still have each other and softball. Parts of the film are humorous and parts are sad. Each of the main characters has different types of trouble. One guy has problems with the mob. One has problems keeping a relationship with a woman and has some personal tragedy to deal with and one places more importance on softball than on his family or on his job. Rob Reiner and his wife (Bonnie Bedelia have marital difficulties. I thought the film was only mediocre at best. This was pretty tough to find.
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Opening Night (1977)
Against the Crowd
6 January 2004
Sorry to go against the flow but I thought this film was unrealistic, boring and way too long. I got tired of watching Gena Rowlands long arduous battle with herself and the crisis she was experiencing. Maybe the film has some cinematic value or represented an important step for the director but for pure entertainment value I wish I would have skipped it.
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Operation X (1950)
This is Pretty Good
3 November 2003
Edward G. Robinson is the business mogul dad that dotes on his daughter but has a pretty strained relationship with his wife. The daughter keeps finding new fiances until she finally may settle on one. Seems like a fairly happy movie that takes a surprising twist that EGR has difficulty coping with.
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Decent B Western
20 October 2003
Ann Sheridan in one of her early roles is visiting her uncle and gets caught up in attempt by the bad guys to take her uncle's land. She and Kermit Maynard attempt to save the day. The film is only 55 minutes long and worth watching as a good example of the old B Westerns.
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Short Cute Comedy
23 May 2003
When his bride to be commits suicide after being lied to by his family the groom leaves home and meets an Indian Squaw that he eventually marries. His real reason for the marriage is to get back at his family but the plan backfires. Only 79 minutes long and is fun to watch. Sylvia Sidney pulls off the Indian Squaw role fairly well and Ann Sheridan does a nice job as the bride.
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Two Movies in One
11 April 2003
The first half is a 43 minute film called Actor's Blood. Edward G. Robinson plays an older actor whose daughter is a current star but troubled. She dies at the start and the rest of the film is a who done it. This part is pretty good. The second film stars Eddie Albert and is a fairly silly story about a nine year old female author that writes adult love stories. This one is called Woman Of Sin.
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American Playhouse: Come Along with Me (1982)
Season 1, Episode 6
Not Very Good But It's Short
18 March 2003
Just 57 minutes in length is the good news. The story is about a recently widowed lady, Estelle Parsons, selling all her belongings and moving on to start a new life. She has powers to see into the future and she can conduct seances. She takes up residence at a boarding house and interacts with the strange group of folks that reside there. Not a very interesting film. If you are looking for Paul Newman in this he wasn't in my copy. His voice may be but I couldn't recognize it.
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The Memory of Eva Ryker (1980 TV Movie)
Decent suspense film, a bit too long.
20 January 2003
Watch this if you like Natalie Wood. She plays the parts of Eva Ryker and in a flashback mode, Claire Ryker, Eva's dead mother. Eva has severe emotional problems that stem from the circumstances surrounding her mother's death when Eva was very young. When Eva's father hires a guy to look into the matter 30 years later the old memories come back.
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Short cute comedy
8 January 2003
Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Cummings are married but having problems. She loves horses and he doesn't. He keeps getting caught in compromising positions that aren't of his own doing. Natalie Wood is one of their children. She has a very minor part. Sort of cute and worth watching if you like one of the stars.
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Drama set just prior to WWII
8 January 2003
Pat O'Brien and Constance Bennett are among 15 passengers aboard a freighter traveling from England to the U.S.A. During the trip England enters the war and when confronted by a German submarine the captain of the ship must decide whether to fight. The film is just okay. I rated it 5/10.
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Probably Not Worth Watching
3 January 2003
Unless you are trying to see all of Jack Lemmon's films you should probably skip this film. Lemmon plays an almost blind cartoonist who is getting progressively worse. He has a weird relationship with Barbara Harris's character. She was formerly married to Jason Robards. The movie is not funny though it is supposed to be a comedy. It didn't really have any point or redeeming feature. 3 out of 10.
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A Life in the Theatre (1993 TV Movie)
A complete waste of time
18 October 2002
Unless you are trying to watch all of Jack Lemmon's or Matthew Broderick's films stay away from this. 78 minutes of conversation between the 2 actors. I thought it was awful. Nothing interesting happened and the conversation never developed. The viewer never learns much more about the characters and after awhile doesn't care.
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Destroyer (1943)
Pretty good war picture
17 October 2002
Edward G. Robinson is a retired Navy officer who works on building a new ship. He succeeds in gaining a berth when it is ready to sail but he finds he is a bit out of touch with the young crew. He experiences a few highs and lows and faces several challenges throughout. Very good performance with a few memorable scenes. I rated it a 7.
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College Coach (1933)
Nice job by Pat O'Brien
26 April 2002
This is a fairly predictable story about a mercenary college football coach who will jump at the best offer. Interesting that in the 1930's many of the issues surrounding collegiate sports are similar to what exists today. Pat O'Brien did his usual nice job, this time as a fast talking, somewhat unscrupulous coach. Just 75 minutes long and kept my interest.
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Love Among Thieves (1987 TV Movie)
Audrey should have passed on this one!
10 October 2001
Audrey Hepburn was in very few films in the 80's. This was the worst of the lot. At the start Audrey steals some treasures from a museum and is later inolved with a host of characters that have some interest in her loot. The acting was mediocre. The plot was predictable and boring.
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Ghost World (2001)
Waste Of Time
4 September 2001
Maybe I just didn't get it but I thought this flick was a complete waste of time. I didn't care about or like the characters. I continued to search for a plot or a purpose and never found either. I kept on wanting to walk out of the theater before the ending but I didn't want to miss the plot unveiling. I guess I failed to find anything interesting about a couple of high school kids searching for their lives.
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Predictable but worth watching for Poitier fans
12 June 2001
This film was supposed to air on CBS on April 15, 2001. For some reason CBS ended up changing the schedule so as far as I know this film as never been shown. I got a promo copy somehow. Sidney Poitier is a 73 year old brickmaker. He has recently lost his wife. He befriends a young troubled boy and teaches him some of life's lessons. The movie is predictable but still worth taking a look at if you are a Sidney Poitier fan.
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Don't waste your time.
21 March 2001
I took a look at this just because it is an early Bogart film. Bogart's part got left on the cutting room floor so he isn't even in the film although he is in the credits. The film is really boring, isn't funny, (though it is a comedy) and is a complete waste of 72 minutes.
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A Holy Terror (1931)
Fun to watch an old Bogart movie but mediocre at best.
26 February 2001
Bogart is a running a ranch for a wealthy gentleman in Texas. He is pursuing one lady while another is pursuing him. His job is to bring another man to the ranch to meet his boss. He doesn't carry out his instructions exactly as he should. Somewhat interesting to watch but neither the acting nor the plot are great. There is one good scene involving a plane crashing into a house and catching a woman in the shower.
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