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48 Hours: Unmasking the Zombie Hunter (2023)
Season 37, Episode 6
1 July 2024
This just proves that police really use their own gut feelings and get it wrong much of the times. Just because someone does not look like a killer does not mean they are not. The fact that someone has a child has NO bearing on their mental illness/evil ways. There are so many men out there who have mothers and daughters and would still treat their spouse terribly and in some cases even murder them.

The point is to not rule people out (or in) based on a gut feeling. This murderer looked frumpy and unassuming but in many cases those are exactly the types that should be suspected.

It's sad that it took so long to figure this out. His letter from when he was younger was very telling and frightening!!! He clearly lived in a fantasy world. This was a very sick man!!! I believe he deserves to die!!
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48 Hours: Who Wanted Nicki Lenway Dead? (2023)
Season 37, Episode 4
28 June 2024
The lady that helped Nicki after she was shot is an absolute angel!!! It is so wonderful that she was the one to help her. Her empathy is palpable. What a lovely soul. I'm glad they were reunited and hope they keep in touch. I would want Emily Clancy as my friend for sure.

Tim is a piece of work. He seems to be more in love with himself than anyone else. I would not say the shooter (Colleen) his girlfriend is a victim at all. She is an adult and knows right from wrong. Tim is gross BTW!!!

The shooter definitely looked like a woman by the way they were running. Not manly at all. It was quite obvious.

I hope Nicki, her son and her boyfriend (now husband) are doing well. No one deserves to be shot at like an animal. Glad she lived to see her son grow up. I think I would move far far away just to start life from scratch!! It's not worth constantly looking over your shoulder. Especially once Tim is released.

Glad this story had a happy ending!!!
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28 June 2024
This is such a sad and horrifying case. It is so heartbreaking to see the families so broken. One can not imagine having to bury their child. Also knowing that their child suffered so much prior to their death is so hard to fathom.

I do think that Kaylee Gonzalves' parents should perhaps say a little less. The mother should maybe have a representative talk for her in my opinion. At least until the trial is over.

All of the other families handled the interview very well. It was very heartfelt. Ethan's family were very classy about it. He was such a handsome young man. The young lady and her father showed such real emotion.

I hope the killer is caught and receives the proper punishment. It does seem like Brian is a good suspect but it has to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
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Beyond the Veil (2023– )
27 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first season of this series. It was interesting and multi-faceted. Second season is really disappointing. It's frustrating because it is an English series or at least so it seems but randomly they will switch to the native language of Nigeria and no sub-titles will be shown. I felt lost not knowing what was being said. Very frustrating indeed.

The subject matters were interesting enough but it just didnt have the same impact as the first season. All of the actresses are gorgeous and talented. Zizi is a knock out! The male characters held their own as well. Naima and Mathew made a beautiful couple. Saddiq was a sadistic a-hole. Saraya was a jealous spiteful woman. Baddie found her voice, finally. Poor Cassim had to settle for the other woman. Hanifa...well that was sad.

It is also very disheartening that family can be so intrusive!!! I can see why people go no-contact with family.

Looks like there may be another season. I just hope it is more cohesive and interesting than season two.
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24 June 2024
This is a prime example of how toxic the media can be. They are so eager to get a story that they embellish and outright lie. It is quite interesting and frustrating watching some of these reporters being interviewed. They try to show real emotion when retelling the stories but it really does fall flat. It seems like it is their guilt talking.

The man from the Sun was trying to justify the payment to an inmate for saying Stone is guilty. This reporter made no sense. It was obvious he knew that money was offered. Shame on them!!!!

Of course the police should also be held accountable. It does not seem like they followed the evidence at all!!! Think of how dangerous a false conviction can be for the family. Who is to say that the real killer does not try to seek some sort of revenge on the Russell family.

The Russells seem like such a lovely family. I looked Josie up on instagram and she seems to be living a lovely quiet life. She is an artist with very beautiful work for sale. She seems to be in a loving relationship. Wishing her and her father a happy, peaceful life.

The whole "justice" system failed them both in my opinion!!!!
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Sleeping with a Killer: Jay Sewell (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
24 June 2024
All of the murders in this program are so senseless but this one just gutted me!!! This poor beautiful young man was just living his best life. He had so much love in his life. His poor grand mother cant get the trauma out of her mind. Then to know the perpetrators didn't get enough jail time. It's a travesty.

Also this case is so despicable because it was a whole family affair. They all (mother , father, sister) plotted to harm a young man who was not doing anything wrong. Imagine what his poor last thoughts were. Jay probably had no idea who these people were and they treated him like he was an animal for NO reason!!!!

I wish they all got way more jail time. Hopefully karma will affect every last one of them.

RIP beautiful Jay <3.
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S.W.A.T.: Twenty Squad (2024)
Season 7, Episode 13
Cant deal
18 June 2024
I do love SWAT but honestly the focus being on Hondo all of the time is way too much. He is an over the top actor. His acting is so cringe at times it almost seems comical but in an annoying way. Goodness, does he have to save the world all by himself all the time??? I get that he is the star of the show but goodness!!!

And this focus on him being a black police officer has run its course. He chose his career he has to deal with it and stop using it as a crutch whenever things go wrong.

Of course this episode has to be taken with a grain of salt but it is entertainment at the end of the day. Glad Deacon is back. He is the unsung hero.
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S.W.A.T.: Last Call (2024)
Season 7, Episode 7
18 June 2024
Have to be honest and say Luca was never my favourite character. I liked him but not a super fan. This episode however was really touching and showed how loved his character is as well as portraying his passion for his job. We could all hope to have that passion.

I thought it was a lovely send off. I'm so glad SWAT is not killing off major characters. That would be a little too cliche. They deserve to ride off in the sunset.

Kenny must be so proud that he had the chance to act with his daughter. Those are memories they will always cherish I'm sure.

Not sure what will come of the next few episodes but I'm sure there will be a lot of excitement.
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S.W.A.T.: End of the Road (2024)
Season 7, Episode 5
Best yet
17 June 2024
Okay I have to say this has been the best episode of the season. SWAT is really losing a great character. Street has it all. He is adorably cute, knowledgeable and just cocky enough to still be loved. His character is the most likeable.

Tan has never been a standout. His acting is just a bit...stiff. The two new girls are okay but Street is the man!! He will be missed. Glad he left in a good way.

The whole Nichelle drama with that man Bruce is a little cringe. Most men dont take getting "schooled" by women lightly. I expect possible drama in the future. She should really tell Hondo just to be safe.

I think it's not a bad thing that the series will be ending soon. It has run its course.
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Not great but good enough
13 June 2024
So this was not the best min-series out there but it was still watchable and interesting in its own way. I dont mind slow moving mysteries if the story telling is done well and/or if I like the actors.

It maintained the secret of "whodoneit" to the very end. I dont think the audience would have guessed. It was a little too unbelievable to fathom who could have done it.

As others have send, none of the characters were particularly likeable but that may be the intention. The sisters were certainly a train wreck with both relationships appearing to be stable on the surface.

Lots of secrets are slowly revealed. I would say if you are bored on a Sunday afternoon it would be worth a watch especially because it is only 4 episodes.
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Normal People: Episode #1.12 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 12
13 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this mini series. Each episode was just the right length. I was trying to determine what I got out of it and from what I can see they each rescued each other from obstacles. They were the one constant in each other's lives and that must feel safe and familiar.

I wasn't really familiar with either actor. I couldn't help but see Ann Hathaway in Marianne. Not sure if others see it. They are both excellent actors. The chemistry between them was palpable.

It must be wonderful to have someone who knows you so well and that you can trust completely knowing they accept you flaws and all. The end was a little frustrating. Dont know why she could not go with him. But I guess that's just the romantic in me.

I'm glad I stumbled on this show. Need more like this.
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Very interesting
9 June 2024
Although most people like myself feel like they know everything about this evil weirdo, this documentary sheds light on even more. It is interesting to see this story told from his father's perspective. I had also never seen footage of his grandma and her home.

This is such a stain on the police. I know it was a different time back then but it highlights the gross negligence that happens when black people are the victims and the perpetrator is a clean cut white man. How many people had to warn the police before they would listen???

The old black drag queen was really correct when he said Jeff didn't kidnap him because he was too popular and well known. Sidenote: the drag queen was a little too over the top but he was spot on.....Jeff was very smart. He lived in a black neighbourhood and went after black gay men. He knew by doing this he would probably never be caught.

The poor lady Cola Stylse has to live with the guilt of not being able to help that 14 year old boy. Instead it was 100% the police's fault. She did everything right!!! It makes me so angry!!!! I can see why so many people hate the police.

Tracy Edwards really dodged a bullet he was very lucky and brave.

Jeff's father in my opinion was really trying to absolve him self from any guilt. I think he needed to know he did not have any hand in creating the monster. In the end he was a little too forgiving of his son but I guess that was due to his beliefs. I would be sick to my stomach listening to my son admit to the evil that he did.

Glad the monster is no longer with us. He deserved a very cruel and painful death. Thank you Christopher Scarver!!!! Jeff was not crazy, he was EVIL!!! No amount of Baptisms will absolve him of his sins. Hopefully he is rotting in hell.....
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8 June 2024
I had to comment on this episode. Spencer is the real MVP!!! He is truly hilarious!!! I cant believe how much I like the guy now. The fact that he doesn't know how to play poker and that he sees it as a waste of money (literally) is top tier. His humour around drinking and eating is so funny!!! His love for crystals is truly palpable. I just like his vibe now.

I have to say Brody's new look is a NO for me. He looks too skeletal and the long hair is mehhh...He looks better with a little meat on his bones and his hair a little shorter. He is still a very handsome guy. It was obvious in season one that him and Katelyn were not going to last. At least they remained friends. Not sure if this guy will ever settle down.....

Brandon remains girl crazy!!!
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Surprisingly enjoyable
5 June 2024
I started watching this for old times sake. I have to admit I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. The episodes go by so fast. It's a nice brainless show to watch when you're bored.

I really like Brandon. Although he is the youngest, he has such an old soul and is quite mature. I'm sure he has had to grow up quickly having famous parents. Seems to me Pamela did a wonderful job raising him. I love that he is girl crazy too.

Another surprise is how much I like Spencer. The guy is in his own world with his wife and baby but still has moments of shadiness. But he is not mean spirited at all. Him and Heidi have shown the most growth in my opinion.

Audrina has always been a lovely but boring person. I like that she is keeping her child protected and not showing her (I'm only on episode 10 so that may change). She has to toughen up when it comes to men and just let relationships flow organically. It's like she is always trying to romanticize men.

Stephanie is by far the drama queen of the bunch. She seems to enjoy that role. She's not very likeable and looks way too plastic. She needs to start aging gracefully.

Brody and his girl bless them were never meant to last. When a "married" man shows no real interest in being a father I think that's a red flag. Caitlyn needs to move on (which I think she has). I have to say though that he is a gorgeous specimin of a man. Such eye candy.

Whitney...oh lord what can I say. Her way of talking just irks my soul!!!! It may be the valley girl thing but I truly have to look away when she speaks. It is nice to see her happy and stable though.

Ashley and Jason seem happy but it's worrisome seeing Jason struggle a little. He seems like he is really trying to stay sober. Sometimes the ghosts of the past keep you in a chokehold. I hope he works it out because she seems to be a great partner.

Justin is a cutie and has grown on me but he seems like he was playing games with Audrina. He knows how she is and should have made it clear from the beginning that they are just friends. He seems like he really wants to be a player for life. Pisces people are odd in general...hahaha

Something about Frankie I dont like or trust.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.4 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Good watch
29 May 2024
It was a quick watch and interesting enough. I dont think there was any shock as to who the mastermind was. He was a dead giveaway.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the priest. Yes what was being done to him was very cruel and unfair but what he did was pretty gruesome.

It may have been better had he chose another solution but perhaps he did not see another way.

Quite a lot happened in this mini-series. Not sure what another season will hold. Perhaps another interesting mystery in Dubai??

I will be watching. I enjoyed the journalist and his quest for the truth. He was relentless and honest probably to a fault.

Would recommend.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.3 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
29 May 2024
Now I'm not so sure about this priest. I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the first two episodes but his involvement in everything and his motives seem to be questionable.

Only one more episode to go and hopefully all will become clear...Unless they want to save the conclusion for the second season. I hope not. I need to know what is really going on and who is pulling all the strings.

It has been an interesting ride so far.

The journalist is really putting himself in danger for a story. Not sure if it's worth it. But it seems that's what journalists do.

I am curious to know who the lady is that delivered a threat to the journalist. Her true involvement will be an interesting reveal...hopefully.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.2 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Heating up
29 May 2024
Story is definitely heating up. It's hard to say whether the priest is a good or bad guy yet but based on the rumors I would say he was probably a good guy.

Martin is getting in deep and it seems his life may be in danger. He always happens to find things that others dont.

It was quite obvious who the baby's father was so that reveal was not a big surprise. This town seems to hold a lot of secrets. I am glad everything is being revealed slowly. But with only 4 episodes it does not seem to drag on.

There are a few scenes that are a little far fetched but sometimes one has to suspend disbelief to further the story.

So far an enjoyable series.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
29 May 2024
Goodness!! What an incredible opening scene. I have not watched the whole episode yet but it definitely looks like a targeted hit. Not saying it is justifiable what was done but I'm sure as things unfold the motive will become clear. I am just happy a lot of the gore was spared.

I had forgotten the guy that plays the priest is Australian. I watched him in Beauty and the Beast for so long I though he was American. It's nice to see him again because he is a very good actor.

Cant wait to get into this series. I generally do enjoy Australian series. It's a nice change from American shows.

So far off to an interesting start.
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So Help Me Todd: Is the Jury Out? (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
16 May 2024
I love the show and always will. I have to mention the fact that agendas really do ruin the viewing experience at times. It is shoved down our throats in general way too much (most shows). Knowing that it will never end I will deal with it.

With that said this episode was decent. I like the relationship forming with Todd and the coffee lady. I really want to know more of what is happening with Lyle's love life though and what she is up to. They seem to be prolonging that story line.

The Private I guy is hilarious! His lines are over the top but in the best way.

It's so interesting how they flipped Todd's life and his sister's life situation. And where is Gus? I love seeing him on the show. He is a cutie pie, down to earth, likeable and so real. A perfect match for Margaret who is a little stuffy herself but with a great heart.
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So Help Me Todd: Dial Margaret for Murder (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Cute and fun
16 May 2024
I just had to review this episode. It was so much fun. The seasoned detective was amazing. Him and Todd made a great team.

The twins were a hoot. They did a wonderful job. What darling ladies. They should be series regulars. I have to also mention the "Karen room" was hilarious. I think I spotted a Karen or two sporting the Kate Gosselin

I cant review without mentioning Allison. When will she get rid of that hideous hair colour?? I thought it was a joke but I see she is sporting that colour on her instagram. Not everyone suits blonde hair...just saying.

This show is just pure fun and a great way to escape life. It's light and fun. Just the right prescription for a stressful world.
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Wonderful series
11 May 2024
What a wonderful series. I just cant get enough of these stories. I guess as an adopted person myself these stories hit close to home. They are all tear jerkers in their own way.

It is so interesting to see the resemblance when they are reunited together. Like one father said, he didnt need a DNA test to prove he was the father. It was so evident.

I am very painfully aware that not all reunions are positive as in my case but it is lovely to see how beautiful things are when it does go well.

I also enjoy the two hosts who are perfect for the role and show the appropriate emotions during the reveals.

Excellent, well done, well thought out series!
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Mission Implausable
8 May 2024
I had heard about this story and this weirdo man a few years ago. It was nice watching it in a concise, well done 3 part series. This guy is a piece of work. He completely destroyed all of these women's lives. They all look so defeated by life.

The kids are the true victims for sure. I hope they dont have long term effects from this weirdo. And I do believe that even smart women could get lured into his web of lies. He looks so sweet and innocent. I'm sure the British accent helped (at least with the American women).

The retired Marshall was on the case. It seems like he was in it for personal reasons.

I guess the saying is true. If it seems too good to be probably is....
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Colin from Accounts: High Needs People (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
6 May 2024
This was a very enjoyable season. There were a lot of funny, strange and awkward moments. All the characters did a great job. It was a quick fun watch.

It also had a balance of very sad, moving story lines. The dynamic with Ash and her mother was very sad and hard to watch. Not to mention mother's very strange boyfriend.

Gordon's bar partners were also great in this. I like the story around Ash's best friend. That will be interesting to watch and see how it develops.

Can't forget to mention the star of the show Colin. Hope he gets more camera time in the future.

I realize the two main characters are married in real life, That is an interesting twist. Not sure if there is a huge age gap between them in real life. In any case it was funny how that was made to be a big deal.

Very well done show. Glad I tried it out because the title "Colin from Accounts" really did not interest me. Now that I know how it developed, I am invested!!!
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3 May 2024
This is honestly just an average movie. I really dont see why it would be hyped up but I also dont understand the very negative reviews.

There was nothing necessarily wrong with the movie. I personally did feel some chemistry between them but it was also awkward.

I think the age gap should have been less of an issue especially in this day and age but I guess it speaks to the power of social media and everyone thinking they have a say about everything.

Ann Hathaway looks good (although a little too thin) but I think that's why it worked because she did not look her age in the traditional sense.

This is not a movie I would recommend to anyone but it was a decent way to spend two hours of down time.
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Grantchester: Episode #8.6 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 6
Decent ending
3 May 2024
Interesting episode and very sad for the children involved. I love seeing Mark Benton. He looks really good. He has really slimmed down. I really miss Shakespeare and Hathaway. I wish it would come back with another season. He has such an engaging way about him. It would be nice if they could find a way to incorporate him into the cast.

I really hope next season brings a new vicar. I have had enough of Will's shenanigans. I dont know if he is just a terrible actor or if his character is meant to be this way (selfish, annoying). Either way even if he does change his ways I'm afraid I am over him.

Perhaps his new found fatherhood will make him a better person.... Here's hoping!!!
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