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A good episode
11 October 2020
In general it is enterteining and good. The characters are interesting. It is good enough, but I hope the next episode gets better.
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American Horror Story: Curtain Call (2015)
Season 4, Episode 13
Ahs freak show
28 July 2020
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Freak show is very good and iconic with great characters and plots, which made for an enjoyable and grotesque season. The whole season has an incredible aesthetic, especially the work given in the setting of the 50s and the freak show itself, the direction is brutal and accompanies the aesthetics of the season, in addition to the excellent photography. As characters and performances it is excellent, and iconic with characters such as Elsa Mars, Twisty, Bette and Dot, Jimmy Darling, dandy mott, Stanley and the freaks who did a great job, and somewhat noteworthy are the Siamese women, due to the work it took bring them to the screen, as a CGI, and the make-up artist and phenomenal performance of Sarah Paulson. The season has good writing, horror, good narrative and great character development, and although it is a very good and solid season, there is some decline between episodes 5 and 9, where the plot drops and there are things that do not work very well. Although it is not without good things, but after 4 excellent episodes, the plot is not so solid and spectacular. The best of the season is the plot of Twisty, the character of Dandy Mott and his evolution, the plot of Stanley killing freaks, the legend of Edward Mordrake, the plot of Elsa Mars and others that make this season stand out and become very good and entertaining. Without a doubt the crossover with Asylum is incredible and I loved it, giving great development to pepper. The best episode of the season is episode 10 orphans that has the great crossover and the one I liked the least is episode 6 bullseye. The end of the season as in coven, fails to close the plots satisfactorily and to everyone's liking, and although there are good things, others fail and the potential he had built does not exploit. Jessica lange's departure impacts everyone, since she is the icon of the series, but I respect the actress's decision and I liked how they handled her departure. My rating for the season is 9 of 10
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American Horror Story: Be Our Guest (2016)
Season 5, Episode 12
Great finale for a great season
25 July 2020
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Hotel is a great Ahs Season and it is certainly iconic, but at the same time it is highly underrated and should get more recognition. The entire season has exquisite aesthetics, incredible direction and photography, excellent and iconic performances and characters such as Liz Taylor, James Patrick March, Sally, the Countess, and etc. In addition to good writing, horror and narrative, along with great character development. The season is very solid and always maintains a good rhythm and does not decay, unlike coven and freak show, although those seasons are very good too. The weakest is the plot of the children and he drinks from the countess, very interesting plots but they lacked one more ending or more epic conclusion, and also inclusion of plots that were not so important as to justify themselves. Still, the rest is incredible and makes that not so boring. But the worst thing is the plot of John Lowe, I think his construction was very good but it was predictable and the discovery of John Lowe as the killer is not as shocking as expected. Luckily this plot does not make the ending disappointing, since the rest of the plots close very well and satisfy the viewer with those incredible stories, such as the countess with her past, donovan and her relationship with iris and the countess, james Patrick March along with the history of the hotel and its dark past, Ramona and his relationship with the Countess and search for revenge, and Liz Taylor in search of love and happiness, all this is great and they manage to close well, leaving the viewer more satisfied. The best episode in my opinion is battle royale episode 11 and the one I liked the least is Mommy, episode 3. The season finale is the best in the series in my opinion and manages to successfully close the season, and although it is a happy ending, It does not clash with the rest of the series and it does not seem the typical Disney ending, but manages to maintain the spirit of the series. Oh and the departure of Jessica Lange is somewhat disappointing, but I understand the actress and she has every right to look for new projects, and the participation of Lady Gaga was great and her performance was very good and her character was amazing. My rating for the entire season is 9.4 out of 10.
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American Horror Story: Madness Ends (2013)
Season 2, Episode 13
Great final for a great season
11 July 2020
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The previous episode seemed very mediocre to me and I wasn't expecting that much for this episode, but it was great as the ending and episode. I liked that the beginning is the same as the first episode, counting it from Johnny's side. It made me nostalgic. The wool part was great, he managed to tell the end very well and what happened to the characters. I loved it at the end of jude, very good and happy with the kit children. His death saddened me, I hope he finds peace. The kit and aliens part keeps bugging me and no resolution or response was given. How good that Timothy died, I hated him and I still hate him. The wool character is excellent and one of the best in the series, his entire bow is incredible. I liked wool going back to briarcliff, the decay of the place enchanted me and the state is very deplorable. The resolution of wool and her son is very good, they handled it well and its closure. The final scene is great and certainly very satisfying at the end of the season. The season is great, I liked it a little more than the previous one, and I hope that I like the next one or at least enjoy it.
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American Horror Story: Spilt Milk (2013)
Season 2, Episode 11
Still great
11 July 2020
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After a great episode, Asylum continues with a very good episode. I like how the plot of the son of lana is developing and I hope to see his meeting with her. I like how intrigue continues to be generated on the subject of aliens, but I need an explanation in the next one. Because I hate Timothy, Judy doesn't stop suffering. Kit finally achieves her innocence and leaves briarcliff with her baby and grace, but soul is also alive. THAN??? The best thing about the episode is lana. At last she manages to escape in one of the best and most satisfying scenes in the series. I loved the confrontation scene from wool to thredson and it kills her, definitely amazing. I wonder what is going to happen
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American Horror Story: The Name Game (2013)
Season 2, Episode 10
Best episode
10 July 2020
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Wow, this is without a doubt the best episode so far and left me speechless. Everything in the episode shines and the arcs that marked the season are finished. At first Arden treats Grace and wants to know what is inside her but Pepper was chosen to take care of her and I loved how she made fun of Arden and from what I hear is connected to a season. Judy's suffering odyssey continues and hurts. Apparently it will make wool escape. Thredson shows kit to grace and her baby and extortes wool but couldn't find the recording. The angel of death gave the monsignor the task of killing the devil inside of mary. The best scene of the entire episode is The name game and top scenes ever. I loved the song and the happy atmosphere, there is a great contrast in the color palette and the atmosphere, much more lively and the song is catchy. Mary rapes the monsignor and Arden finds them. The monsignor seeks advice from judy and she tells him to kill mary. Mary's death was satisfying, knowing that Mary Eunice's soul managed to escape. Arden angry about everything, he kills his experiments and I loved his development and outcome. His death was very good. Without a doubt a complete, exciting, epic, sad, strong episode.
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American Horror Story: Unholy Night (2012)
Season 2, Episode 8
Bloody christmast
10 July 2020
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What a good episode, an improvement from the previous 2 and certainly very interesting and bloody. The beginning of the episode is very good, with the holy assassin and his plot was very funny. The most important plot is that of sister jude, Arden and Eunice. For a moment I thought Arden was joining sister jude but it was a trap, I wasn't expecting it. Poor sister jude. Super badass killing the holy assassin. Lana finally catches thredson, I hope he kills him and that kit comes out of briacliff along with wool. What will happen with grace and the aliens, has me very intrigued.
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American Horror Story: Dark Cousin (2012)
Season 2, Episode 7
Another average episode
10 July 2020
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The episode is somewhat average, like the previous one although there are some things that have potential. The introduction of the angel or dark cousin is a very good inclusion for the season and it is very interesting and I hope to see what happens. The rape of thredson to lana is very creepy, but luckily lana escapes him but the driver who picked her up committed suicide and lana returned to briacliff. The sister jude part was interesting and its development is very good, although it felt somewhat slow. The best part of the episode is the end, kit escaped and returned to briacliff but an Arden monster chased him and attacked a nun. Frank wanted to shoot Kit but he shot Grace and he died. Now I want to know what happens.
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The weakest episode of the season
8 July 2020
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So far it's the weakest episode, but it's still good and acceptable. The plot does not advance much, but the development is very good and decent. The sister jude part was good and I like its development, I hope to know what will happen now that the detective was killed by sister mary Eunice. I liked that we were told more about the monsignor's past and her relationship with Arden. Too bad shelly died, she deserved more. The thredson and wool part is very creepy and interesting and I hope more. The only thing that does not convince me is the part of the girl, since it does not matter in the plot, but at least it was interesting.
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Best episode so far until now
8 July 2020
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Wow, this episode is great, and im still shaking. This season is being great and beating murder house and that is saying a lot, as it is a great season. This episode has an impeccable direction, better than the previous ones and that everyone has a great direction, but in this episode it is gold. The aesthetics, acting, plot, script are great. Sister jude is a great character and her development is very good. All her scenes in the episode are great and especially when she talks about her childhood, Jessica Lange broke it. I loved the Anne Frank part, it is spectacular and its plot is very interesting and the lobotomy part is very strong and it is not even graphic. What will happen to the aliens? The shelly part is very good and I liked the kindergarten thing. And the best of the episode is lana winters and thredson, giving not only a very tense scene, but the best plotwist in the series along with the revelation of the body of violet.
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Is she anne Frank
8 July 2020
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This season is going great, all great episodes. A new patient arrives at the asylum saying that she is Anne Frank, and she also recognizes Dr. Arthur saying that she is a Nazi and Jude investigates. Lana continues her therapy with Dr. Trendson. Grace's story is excellent and very terrifying, I didn't expect that. Lana Conversion Therapy is one of the best from the episode and a great scene. Apparently wool will manage to escape. Why the monsignor cares for Dr. Arthur, who are hiding. Anne Frank's plot looks interesting and I love the inclusion of Nazism with Arden and the ending with Shelly is brutal.
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American Horror Story: Nor'easter (2012)
Season 2, Episode 3
Another great episode
8 July 2020
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Another great episode, solid, frantic, raw and dark. The season is going great, and so far all great episodes, and I hope it continues. The scene before the intro is great, continuing with the plot of the couple who ends up murdered by one teenage psychopaths and at the end the true bloody face appears. With a storm coming, sister jude decides that all patients watch a movie so they don't get out of control. All the characters are great, they are still interesting and their development is very good and Jessica Lange is brutal. Sister jude is going deep, sister mary Eunice changed her attitude flatly. Wtf with the alien that sister jude saw, what will happen to them. The escape plan seemed perfect but setbacks with Dr. Arthur's project, he returned them to the asylum. What Arden did to shelly is monstrous by cutting off his legs.
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American Horror Story: Tricks and Treats (2012)
Season 2, Episode 2
Wow, another great episode
8 July 2020
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The episode is very solid and even better than the premiere, which was great. In itself there is no general plot, but it continues to develop the characters and the plot of the asylum, presenting Dr. trendson and sister mary being possessed by the devil. The wool lover is caught by bloody face. In terms of direction, soundtrack, aesthetics, script is excellent as above and leaves nothing to be desired. The character of Arthur or the Nazi doctor is great and I love his part. The exorcism part is very good and I got to know more about sister jude's past. The wool part is very good and its development is interesting. I hope he becomes friends with kit. Great episode and I hope very much for the next one.
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A great premiere to a great season
7 July 2020
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American horror Story Asylum is one of the best seasons, and this premiere is very good. first class shows us what the season will be like, giving a great glimpse of the characters, plot, direction, aesthetics, storyline. And this episode is excellent in all of these aspects in addition to the great performances, especially Jesicca lange. The first minutes are very good, already showing the asylum and its aesthetics, very terrifying. Not only that is why it is interesting, but the plot of the couple will be developed throughout the season and will have importance in the end. The general plot of the episode is that kit walker murdered three women and must wait in the asylum until she is sentenced and in the other part Lana Winters wants to find out what happens in the place. And the truth is very interesting, leaving doubts and emotion about what will happen. All the characters are very interesting, all very well characterized and the chemistry is great. Lana winters being iconic. The soundtrack is very good, it accompanies the environment of the asylum and in addition to the song Dominique. The impeccable steering and a good assembly. In general great start to the season and if I have to leave a negative aspect, it is that the presentation of the characters can be somewhat confusing, but it is still great.
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Grey's Anatomy: Personal Jesus (2018)
Season 14, Episode 10
The downhill goes more down
13 May 2020
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Greys anatomy is not the same, if you compare this episode with the one of the first seasons, its mediocre, the plot and develpment is poor and nonsense
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Boring practice
23 April 2020
This one was the first episode of the series that i dont like, the only good thing its the part of meredith but the part of adisson was awful. Why do you spend 30 minutes to develop a plot that we dont care, and also this is the premiere of private practice, why put it in greys anatomy, they only wanted to have high ratings.
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Grey's Anatomy: Everyday Angel (2018)
Season 15, Episode 5
A filler episode kind if boring
31 March 2020
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The episode is really boring in some parts, like teddy scenes, i dont like her, so her scenes dislike me. The part of owen and amelia is average and a little fun. The relationship jackson and maggie is boring me, their conflicts are dumb and nonsense. The cases in this episode are filler and dont apport nothing in the episode. And finally, What happened to the boy who runned away the hospital, the last episode end with that cliffhanger and in this one doesnt explain what happened. Nonsense
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The Walking Dead: Crossed (2014)
Season 5, Episode 7
A slow episode but finally more plots
26 March 2020
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The last three episode were bottle episodes, so we need it more characters and more things happening. In this episode we have it but the last two were better.

Crossed it is a typical slow episode, like a set up for the mid season finally. The plots are beth in the hospital, maggie, glenn, tara, eugene, rosita and abraham, gabriel escaping, and rick and the others in Atlanta.

The plot of beth is very simple, she is helping carol to wake up, but dawn want to stop the treatment, because they are waiting medical supplise. We learn more about dawn past and what happened to here.

The plot of greamt is interesting and fun. I love the part of glenn, rosita and tara, the interaction between them is really good and the dialoge is great. Maggie takes care of eugene, and later he wakes up.

Carl tries to help gabriel using weapons, really nice from him, but gabriel takes a machete and makes a hole in the floor and escape. A dumbass.

The most important part is rick and the others in atlanta. Sasha is very bad for the death if bob, a really hard moment for her. I love the part of rick and the others looking for the police men, daryl fighting really badass. The other part is a bit slowly but there are good dialoge. The cliffhanger is not really dramatic.

Crossed is a slowly and solide episode, the progress of the season is good and the development of the characters is good.
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Gravity Falls: Not What He Seems (2015)
Season 2, Episode 11
Without a doubt the best episode of the series and one of the most epic in the history of animation
8 December 2019
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Gravity Falls is an excellent series, I never thought that an animation series could be so epic in mystery apsects. This episode is perfect from beginning to end, every scene is incredible. The plot twist is one of the most inseperated of all the series, isn't it stan? The most epic scene in the entire series is the final scene, since they escape from the prison and their brother appears. I had goosebumps, I was speechless and breathless, I couldn't stop seeing. I could see it 1000 and not get tired
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American Horror Story: Afterbirth (2011)
Season 1, Episode 12
A normal finale to the best season of American horror story
3 December 2019
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Murder house is an excellent season, but the end of the season is very regular and in my opinion it is somewhat disappointing.

the episode is divided into three parts

part1 afterbirth Ben decides to take his son with Vivien's sister. Vivien and violet did not appear to Ben to leave with the baby. Constance took care of the baby while Ben took care of everything. Vivien and Violet convince Ben to stay with the baby. but hayden with the help of others hang him on the stairs.

part2 mission scare away the new owners Constance tells the police about how he found Ben Harmon. Constance stayed with the baby. A family moves to the house. violet tries to hurt tate by flirting with the new boy. The parents decide to have a baby. Ben, Vivien and Moira decide to scare them away so they don't come back. The scene is very spooky, it is very fantastic and fanciful, the heart of the season's terror.

part3 happiness in the murder house Tate apologizes to Ben for what he did, but he tells him he is a psychopath. Vivien finds the dead baby with Nora. Vivien asks Moira to be the godmother. A very tender moment was when lls harmon and moira put together the Christmas tree, how cute. Three years later, Constance after going to the hairdresser, finds the babysitter dead, and Michael, her grandson, who killed her. the antichrist began the killing
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American Horror Story: Birth (2011)
Season 1, Episode 11
What will happen next?
2 December 2019
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As we are used to, at the beginning of the episode they show us someone's past in the murder house.

Tate when he was little he met thadeus, nora drove him away and showed him how to keep the ghosts away. Nora wants a baby but Tate doesn't want to give it to her.

When Ben picks up Vivien, the doctor tells them that babies will soon be born because the baby of Tate is about to be born.

Violet and Tate realize that Chad and Patrick want to kidnap the babies.

Vioet asks Constance for help, which calls Billy Dean Howard. she tells him the story of roanoke, in short, to get rid of chad and patrick you must find their amulets and say croatoan.

Tate seduces Patrick to get something from him. Patrick beats him up, says he hates Chad and he gets angry. The same tate took out the ring.

Ben and Vivien arrive. Ben tries to take Violet but she tells him she's dead.

Vivien will give birth. Constance takes her home.

Twins break the car so babies must be born there.

With the help of Charles and the nurses, babies are born. Ben's baby is born dead and takes it nora. but the one of tate tears to vivien and dies.

Chad tells Violet the truth about Tate and that he violated Vivien.

Violet with all her strength decides to take Tate away from her. Vivien and Violet will stay together in the murder house.
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American Horror Story: Smoldering Children (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
What the hell?
2 December 2019
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The episode begins by answering a question about how Larry burned.

When Constance stayed with Larry, Tate was angry and went to Lawrence's job and bathed him in gasol and burned him.

Ben asks violet to go back to school.

Tate hears that he wants to take her away so he decides to hit Ben to scare him. When Tate passes out, Ben discovers that the latex man is Tate.

Constance discovers the whereabouts of Travis, the Dahlia boy. the police accuse her and also for past events, such as the death of moira.

I loved the closure they gave larry's character. When he is in the basement of the murder house, he finds Travis and sees him with his daughters. His wife tells him that he must pay for what he did. bye larry.

The best scene of the episode is when Tate wants to commit suicide with violet but she scared wants to escape from the house but when she tries to leave she reappears in the house.

Tate shows violet her dead body. plot twist
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American Horror Story: Spooky Little Girl (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
Ben finally realize everything that is happening
2 December 2019
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Jessica did not appear in the previous episode, but in this one, that already improves.

Without a doubt, I loved the inclusion of the history of the black dahlia and its history without resolution. The scene was spectacular and shocking.

the relationship between constance and travis is rare but he loves her and I share it. Hayden took advantage of Travis' pain to satisfy himself with good sex. Travis still wants to be with constance.

Ben takes center stage of the episode.

First he has a problem with moira, which continues to excite him. Then along with the dahlia.

Hayden although he is a little more mature, he still wants to be with Ben but he decides to finish.

travis discusses again with constance and has sex with hayden but this time he doesn't come out alive.

Travis ends up like black dahlia.

Ben discovers that they are pregnant with babies of different parents.

in the end the moira game with the sexy maid had a very large background and when ben realizes that she was raped and moira becomes old in ben's eyes.

The best scene was when Constance asked Billy Dean Howard what happens when a live and a ghost copulate and have a baby. Billy explains that it indicates the coming of the antichrist and the end of time. wow !!!
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American Horror Story: Rubber Man (2011)
Season 1, Episode 8
Rubber man
2 December 2019
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The only negative is that Jessica lange does not appear but outside of that it is a very good episode.

I loved that they gave us the background of the latex man and also that they clarified things.

The rubber man is tate. Knowing the massacre doesn't surprise me, I had to be crazy.

I loved that they gave more participation to the ghosts. Hayden is back.

Vivien has a horrible day. Hayden torments her and already thinks she's crazy.

Moira was excellent and the talk about women and hysteria was art in words, certainly excellent and a magnificent addition.

Moira convinces Vivien to leave with violet, but the ghosts don't let them go.

Ben is a son and wants to convince Vivien that she is crazy.

One clarification they don't give is because Tate killed the gay couple. Nora wants a baby, and since the couple does not want to have it, kill them so that another couple with a baby moves.

the best scene is living being tormented by hayden, the tension of the scene leaves me breathless.

Vivien goes to the loquero.
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American Horror Story: Open House (2011)
Season 1, Episode 7
The murder house belong to the ghosts and constance
2 December 2019
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I love that they continue to show scenes about the past of the house. at the beginning of the episode we are shown one of the children of constance, making it clear that constance loves his children regardless of anything.

it is also said that nora mongomery killed her husband and committed suicide.

as always the soundtrack and the direction is solid and excellent. The spectacular performances.

Violet and Tate are very cute together. Tate teaches you how to get rid of ghosts by saying go. He also gives photos of the first owners who will be important at the end of the episode.

Apparently Vivien has twins.

The main plot is about Vivien trying to sell the house. An Armenian man is interested in buying the house and building condominiums but the ghosts are not going to leave him.

Moira is hopeful that they will find her corpse and that she can be free, so she sucks it on the Armenian.

Ben discovers that Larry lied to him about everything. apparently he was married before being with constance, and his wife burned their daughters and themselves because he wanted them to leave and stay with constance.

Constance and Larry discover the Armenian plan and must stop it for fear of what will happen to the ghosts.

Constance, Larry and Moira plot to kill him. Moira calls him telling him that he is going to suck and in the middle of the act he bites her and Larry afflicts him.

At the end of the episode Violet shows Vivien the photos, in which he recognizes a woman who in an earlier episode appeared to buy the house and then disappeared.

in short, the murder house belongs to the ghosts and to jessica lange perdon constance.
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