
69 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
Horror movies often don't get better then this
26 July 2022
Once again the legend puts out another banger! Jordan peele seems to khow exactly what he wants to do with his movies and is not afraid of trying something a little different each time and it really pays off here. "Horror in the daylight" is something seldom explored and he puts the idea to work in this film and does a fantastic job of making it work. The main story is driving and fun but it's the side story's that are so full of life you could easily get lost in them alone and still be entertained.

I was gonna give this movie a 9 but after sitting on it a while I really wanna see it again and I think that idea alone makes this movie a 10. The acting is fantastic and the writing only makes it all better. Go see the movie if you like suspense or horror. It's a must see in the genre.
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Disturbing and captivating documentary
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
May times during this show I thought he about just quoting in it because of the disturbing nature and topics. Not normally drawn to this kind of thing. But it was told well and I new if I could hold out to the end I would see the and guys get what they deserve. Sadly it seems only 1 man was convicted and many other men just got away with the situation because of religious reasons. This show dives into the dark side of a cult that had 1,000s of members who spent there whole lives in it. It's sad and dark and you don't get a huge vindication but it is done well and the stories these people tell feel so true and humble it's hard not to finish it.
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Circle (II) (2015)
A short and sweet sci-fi horror
21 July 2022
Not sure why all the bad ratting in here this movie was really fun. No big actors and no big budget really help this short movie along. The bad acting is campy but it pairs well with the writing and style. It's got a bit of psychological horror it's got a bit of sci-fi and it's got a bit of a mystery all packed in. I'm giving in 9 stares before I lover that is was short and sweet and the action went on and kept me intrigue the entire time.
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A fast paced doc that gives good context to the change of Hollywood
21 July 2022
I got a lot more out of this then I expencted I would! Not only does it cover the story of Netflix but does a great job talking about all the other companies around it that had to change along the way. The rise and fall of blockbuster and the way film industry saw streaming come makes for a fantastic doc if you are interested n film in the siltiest. Goes by fast and gives a lot of info. Really enjoyed it.
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Night Sky (2022)
A different kind of mystery sci-fi
19 July 2022
At its core this show is more of a mystery show then a sci-fi show. Following in theme of shows like "severance" and "outer range" this show is at its core a modern mystery with some sci-fi fantasy entanglements. If you liked either of those other 2 shows I just listed thorn this is right up your ally. I'm very glad this is becoming the new standard for shows like this because they are all very good. The adt Jog in this show is amazing and the story telling is done very well. The mystery builds slowly leaving you wanting to know more and more till it ends. The downfall of this show is that when it does end, there is so much unanswered and I've read reports there will be no second season so there will be no answers to those questions sadly. They had so much more to show us and tell with this story. Would have been a 9 or 10 star if we got a little more but sometimes less can be more in a way. Anyways fantastic show and check it out if you have Amazon prime.
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The worst Star Wars film is still a decent film
12 July 2022
Understand this is just my opinion, but having gone and watched every film in chronological order I would have to say this film might be the weakest link. Is is so slow and so boring in so many ways and i till the end you really get a lot of nothing. Granted the end is good, the other 85 percent of the film I'm just waiting for something to happen. If you wanna see them all, watch this movie. If your looking to skip a movie that really has a minuscule amount of connection and want to save yourself 2 hours then skip this one.
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LuLaRich (2021)
A well done doc on a very lackluster story
8 July 2022
Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this series! But I only gave it 5 stars because although I had fu. Watching it I could not see myself recommending it, watching it again, or even bringing it up to anyone. It's hard to explain this show and make it sound interesting is what I am getting at.

It's a show about white suburban housewives who got scammed out of there savings from buying to many leggings. And tho the show does a good job of showing the inter working of the business I just found it a bit blasé of a topic. The sob plot about the cult and things was thin, and what was interesting (the interviews with the employees like the designers and email people) was largely overshadowed by the lady's who made millions and lost it all because of the company.

Not great, not bad, would not recommend but I watched it. My wife did not join me this time she did not think it looked interesting.
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A fantastic ending to a flawed Trilogy
5 July 2022
This movie was by far the most surprising of the three prequel Star Wars films. It had a ton of groundcover like the second one but somehow managed to make it all palatable and not feel rushed or Hollow. The acting between Anakin and Obi-Wan and the final scene is probably one of the best acted scene in all of the Star Wars movies in my opinion you could truly feel the emotion behind Obi-Wan's eyes and, i'm not gonna lie, me and my wife both shut a tear both shed a tear. I know the prequel's get a lot of hate but if there's anyone of them that you're going to watch especially now that the Obi-Wan show is out you should really consider watching this one as it gives you a lot of fantastic context to the first trilogy and the new Star Wars shows like Obi-Wan, Mandalorian, and Boba Fett.
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A surprisingly unique horror film
4 July 2022
The trailer did this movie no justice. This movie is for sure a movie of its time. An 80s set horror staring children in the wake of the success of stranger things is no shock but the surprise here is this movie does something quite different then most horror. I am a long time horror fan and always enjoy when something unique has been done for a change. Giving the film 2 horror elements but only making one of them the villain was very cool, and this is no surprise that this comes from the director of doctor strange. Ethan Hawke also hit it out of the park. Great film all around and would recommend to any horror film fan.
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A lot of story with a little payout
28 June 2022
First of all, the droids saved this movie as they often do. Without them this movie would have been a 5 star or less. That being said let's get into the review.

This movie tried to tell a lot of story and set a lot of things up and did not do as good of a job as the movie would have liked to. There may have just been to much to set up to be honest and I think that's the biggest downfall of the movie. My wife and I kept pausing and trying to make sure we understood what was going on. They were cutting between so many story's and did the best they could to bring them together in the end. Pros; you get to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Cons; you get to see Anakin Skywalker to a bunch of Tik tok f-boy faces at the camera for 2 hours. I've often heard this was the worst movie in the entire series and as I watch them all in order I'm gonna keep that in mind. It was definitely worse then episode 1. But there is some interesting stuff going on and it is definitely worth a watch if you consider yourself a fan and intend to watch them all.
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Elvis (2022)
A music biopic that just nails it
25 June 2022
In many ways this movie follows the fundamentals of most music biopics. In the steps of "walk the line", "ray", and "great balls of fire", this movie does a fantastic job of highlighting Elvis career while also trying not to highlight his more "controversial" moments. And as much as this movie does not stray to far from its musical biopic predecessors, where it does stand out in its magically done editing. As an editor myself I have to say the editing I. This film was nothing less then top notch. They did not shy away from being experimental with some scenes and I was here for it.

So in the end; a movie that may seem Familiar if you have seen a lot of music bio pics but set apart by its frills films by its fantastic editing choices.
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Time both helped and did not help this movie
22 June 2022
Going back and re watching this movie in 2022 was an interesting experience. On one hand, the prequels don't get much credit and some elements of the movie are fantastic. The over all plot is solid and some of the acting (Liam Neeson especially) is some of the best actinium in the entire Star Wars franchise. But on the other hand, you have this mess of out-dated 3D special effects and some very odd line delivery from some of the characters (Anakin Skywalker and Queen amadalla mostly) that just makes some scenes feel so empty.

A few thing that stood out the most to me re watching these with my wife now that we are adults was that 1, jar jar binks was actually quite a funny character and brought a lot of much needed Comedy relief to some of the very dry parts of the film. And 2, Anakin skywalker must be the brattiest slave in the universe. It's hard to imagine how a slave in slave conditions become so spoiled and entitled but some how he found a way.

Not a bad movie but a strange way to officially start this massive movie Franchise. Excited to watch the rest in order and see how they hold up.
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The most an MCU movie can offer in 1 film
21 June 2022
I'm going to keep this short and sweet so you can stop reading this and go watch it. This movie has everything you would want in a super hero movie and more. And I would say it is a perfect idea of what a marvel movie can accomplish. I saw some bad reviews about the graphics and animation but these people seem to not understand what is going on here and the amount of graphic work is going into this thing. For every one thing that is noticed there is 100 things going on in the background that you don't notice. And that's the Beaty of special effects on a movie like this.

I would say the only draw back to this film is that there is a lot of build up from previews movies. It expects you to understand a lot and to have to have seen a lot of movies and shows before you see this movie. I got to see it in theaters and I noticed the people behind me kept saying "who is that I don't know that character" because they missed "wandavision" or never saw the x- men films. That would be the only thing to keep in mind while going in to see this.

10/10 from me and my wife on this one really phenomenal.
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Ms. Marvel: Crushed (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Improved but still not there
21 June 2022
I can get over the complete change of powers and costume and back story difference from the comics to the big screen because this kind of stuff happens all the time, but at some point the main structure of the characters need to reflect the original story to give it some ground to stand on and I have yet to see this in this show. Yes the acting and plot both improved from episode one to episode 2 but I'm starting to wonder if this is gonna be the "dragon ball" or "avatar" movie version of the MCU. They have yet to tweet a character's fundamentals like this in the MCU (with the exception being scarlet witch and quicksilver) and I'm just not sure how they plan on roping it in by the end of the show.

My wife and I will keep watching and see where it goes.
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Please Hold (I) (2020)
Fantastic short film on HBO MAX!
21 June 2022
First of i would like to say how happy I was so see a indi short film on HBOMAX. Not something I expected at all but after watching it I understand why they would put it on there. What an amazing short film! A simple idea executed very well in the time it had.

I don't want to give anything away because if you have HBOMAX it's only about 20 minutes long so definitely worth your time. But long story short it is a sci-fi in the style of black mirror about a possible Dystopian future.

When my wife and I both agree on a random movie like this I'm really glad I trust my gut on the description and put it on. Also thank you to the HBOMAX recommendation section because that's how I found it!
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Old (2021)
Fantastic film with a less fantastic ending
19 June 2022
As usual Shyamalan come out with an amazing idea and story but has an ending that cannot live up to its theme. I don't know if this is because his story's are so unique that's it's hard for the ending to live up to the plot but it seems to be an ongoing issue for his films.

This movie is no different. The idea and start of the movie is fantastic and when things start going on it alarmist feels like a Stephen King story. But as the drama build and the end approaches you just start to wonder... why?

The plot of the movie enticed me to come over and try to check it out and in the end I am glad that I watched it I am sure you will be as well. My wife fell asleep towards the end so take that as you will.
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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
I might be to old to fully enjoy this one
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And that's the first time I've said that with a marvel movie. For the whole first 3/4's of the film I felt like I was watching a Disney teen movie or show. Things seemed washed out, acting and writing was very childish, they used a lot of school troupes that have been used for the last 30 years, and sort of gave the movie this "indi-film" vibe it seems they may have been trying to go for. The issue is that this style has been done before and has been executed in a much more imaginative way. It felt like it wanted to be Scott pilgrim but it ended up being more diary of a wimpy kid.

But to go back to my original point, maybe I'm totally wrong about this and maybe I'm just to old to get what there trying to do. This show is obviously geared more towards a younger audience then I think marvel has done before and i know there is a huge market of young children that enjoy marvel that would love to have a show for them. And if that's the case then im totally cool with that and this show is just not for me. But I know Disney and marvel have done a fantastic job of making shows and movies for everyone so I just find it an interesting choice at lease.

The end of the first episode did pick up the pace as it shows her powers and the special effects look very cool as to be expected. Curios to see what the story of the powers are as I am aware they have complete changed her powers and origin from the story she has from the comics or the video games.
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Brightburn (2019)
Amazing take off but difficult la dong
14 June 2022
First off I want to say that what this team did with only 6 million dollars was fantastic. With a budget that small I am truly impressed at what they were able to pull off. That being said let's get into it.

The idea of the film is amazing and I was shocked to find out this came from the mind of James Gunn and not from the pages of a comic book. Just shows this guy knows a lot about this kid of stuff. My issue with the plot lies in the middle mostly, when the film tries to be a true horror film. Again I love the idea but the movie slowed down a bit to much for my personal opinion for how the pacing was going through the rest of the film.

The acting was good and had some recognizable faces from the comedy world in it. Could have been better but again with a budget that small they really pulled off something amazing.

All in all the movie was fine. The more I think about it the more I want to rank it higher but when I put myself back on the couch I just remember feeling like this movie could have done a lot more. Really excited for the sequel if that comes out ever and I would recommend it to anyone who like horror and super hero films.
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Nostalgia bate at its finest
8 June 2022
Don't get me wrong, the voice acting in the movie is top notch. And the animation style is definitely something to talk about. But where those things exceeds almost everything else in the movie falls flat. I think this movie knew it's strongest pint would be it's nostalgia and it put a lot on that aspect. So beyond that you just have a kid Disney movie with some good voice acting.

If your not interested in having 90s and 2000s nostalgia shoved down your eye holes for the entire film this is not for you. But if you wanna see John Mulaney and Andy Samberg dish out some comedy gold together then it might be worth pushing through the bad.
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A cheesy roller coaster
7 June 2022
First off, this movie far exceeded the expectations I had for it so that's great. The acting was full of macho cheesy one liners and the whole movie felt like a recruitment add for the navy. But I am please to say the action was a lot of fun and intense then I thought it was going to be. The fact that a lot of the flights where real I think added a lot of suspense that big cgi moves just cannot emulate. I am sure seeing it in the theaters added to the enjoyment for me as the big screen lended itself well to the action.

In the end I have it a 7 because I would never see it again but I would recommend it to people who like action movies.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Teen horror at its peak
2 June 2022
This show learned from all its predecessors and accumulated that knowledge into one of the best kids horror shows ever made. Does it have any real scary moments? No, not really. But it does a fantastic job of taking what movies like this attempted in the past and doing it much better. If you find yourself feeling nostalgic about goosebumps or are you afraid of the dark but know your to old for that now, this shows takes ideas from those and amps them up with plots from the classic horror films. Love the show and each season has a totally different theme to it so no matter what kind of horror fan you are there will be something here for you.

This show got a bump up from an 8.5 to a sold 9 from me just for the amazing D&D references. They do a fantastic job of making D&D seem more believable then most other movies I've seen try to capture that magic.
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You (2018–2024)
The thriller show worth watching!
31 May 2022
This show was a lot better then I originally thought it was gonna be. I think it was all the memes and fancams on Instagram that actually kept me from wanting to check it out but my wife convinced me finally sit and watch a few episodes and I really fell in love with the show. Sort of has a "dexter"vibe if you like that kind of thing. That becomes especially prevalent as the seasons go on.

So if your looking for a suspense that's got some comedy, mystery and sex then this might be for you.
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Upload (2020– )
Great show that got me started watching Amazon originals
5 May 2022
Very funny, clever, goofy, and cheesy. This show does not have ground breaking humor but the idea of the show is what brings the comedy to life. The same jokes you might see on another show hit different in a show with a pot that has not been done before and that's what makes this show such a stand out. Back Mirror meets 30 rock I guess?
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It hits all the right buttons for a cooking show
28 April 2022
For a cooking show, it is on point. It's fun, the people are super talented and for once you get to see the teacher actually teach the people on the show. You see the contestants actually improve as the show goes on. Amazing food is made and an amazing show was created. Tho if you don't like reality food shows this show will not be for you.
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
Fun but not fantastic
28 April 2022
Did I enjoy this show... yes Did I love this Would I recommend this Was it easy to fall asleep to and laughed a few times. Yes yes yes.

This show is fun, bottom line. It was cool guests and it has some pretty amazing cake art but other then that the show is a little boring and repetitive and is a little flat over all in the cooking show world. The idea was fun and light and it's a very uneventful yet springy show about cakes that look like stuff. We watched every episode but fell asleep a lot.
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