
23 Reviews
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SO MUCH ICING!! Can I have some more Cake?!?
26 March 2023
After finishing "The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten", I felt kind of spoiled in regards to how GREAT the build up to this story culminated towards the final episode.

First off, the unique animation set itself apart by illustrating subtle, but abstract character design against seemingly simple settings, whether in school or back at the apartment complex; the latter, especially, seems to pose as the core setting for a majority of the heart-to-heart interactions between our 2 main characters, Mahiru Shiina and Amane Fujimiya.

Alongside these two, we also have Itsuki Akasawa and Chitose Shirakawa, who also strongly encourage and push the two together, regardless of how strikingly distinct their personalities are (at FIRST).

In addition, Itsuki and Chitose also present a prime example of how a couple mingles and stays together, no matter the trials, as they also had some hurdles to jump over when the spotlight presents their story in a new light. Rarely do I get to see side characters have their stories put out there the way Itsuki and Chitose's relationship did, and, I must say that I'm pleased to see that these two are incorporated and add just as much to the overall story as people who we can relate to when witnessing the exposition of how The Angel spoils Amane rotten!

Furthermore, the music also really uplifts the anime where it needs to; such instances would include the opening and the ending themes. In the opening, there's an upbeat, vibrant rhythm that sort of wakes up the viewer in anticipation for the next episode, while the ending concludes the current episode on a subtle, but lighthearted note. Not to mention having visuals to emphasize the intention of how the music is utilized.

Overall, I really need to express, once more, at how impressive the "Exposition" of this story turned out; You'll know what I mean once you watch this through. From the steady build up of the main relationship in general to the various doubts and internal struggles each character has along the way, the flow in which this anime creates seems to blend fluently within the not-so-surprising runtime of 12 episodes.

I would LOVE to see a more though, as it seems things are only just beginning as our two MCs get more and more closer through to the end. In my opinion, it would make sense to continue onto the next chapter to further elevate to, for example, how Clannad extended their anime to narrate their MCs, Tomoya and Nagisa's relationship beyond school and later in life. Though, "The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten" doesn't necessarily need to go beyond school as Mahiru and Amane are still 1st-years in high school, providing plenty of time to really express their ever flourishing relationship into a couple we all saw coming before they graduate. Plus, there's also the other characters to notice as Itsuki and Chitose can provide even more support and advice for Mahiru and Amane to consider and utilize as they grow closer together alongside a mature, but friendly Yuuta Kadowaka. And let's not forget, of course, the helicopter-like parents of Amane, Shinto and Shihoko Fujimiya.

In conclusion, I want to see more of what this anime can offer beyond this terrific first season. Because I may as well say that this show itself teased my expectations and spoiled ME rotten!!!
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Seiren (2017– )
A mild romance anime
13 February 2023
Overall, I can't say this series wasn't bad.

At the same time, however, Seiren seemed kind of dull as another typical slice-of-life romance story.

Can't complain about the animation as it met my expectations, neither diminishing nor raising the bar for this anime.

In addition, the music was subtle enough to provide a good atmosphere for each characters' relationships to blossom. From the girls that Shoichi Kamita (MC) hooks up with or the supporting cast when it comes to tackling the challenges and learning life lessons as the school year progresses, the storyline seems unique in terms of the fact that each relationship is interwoven within the same timeline. In other words, as Kamita moves on from one relationship to another, the series doesn't treat each relationship as independent arcs. Rather, that goes for the end results compared to the majority of time he spends with each girl initially.

In conclusion, "Seiren" seems to grace the theme of slice-of-life much more profoundly than the romantic aspect, though it never strayed from that idea at all throughout the series. And, although, going the normal route may seem the safest route for a romantic anime like this, I've seen my fair share of anime that also take risks and create more compelling circumstances/twists to elevate the anime beyond it's genre.

Then again, while I've seen better examples of romantic, slice-of-life anime, I can't complain that Seiren's more "grounded" approach could really connect more to the audience that that of "Re-Life" for example. Thus, I can't really express my feeling of recommending this series to you, the viewer, as it doesn't resonate with me strongly. But, all in all, Seiren is a pleasant watch so if you happen to stumble upon this, help yourself to something that won't make you feel like you'll waste your time.
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If you really pay attention.....
21 November 2022 what's going on here, you will be amazed at how incredibly well-written the screenplay/storyline is in "The Orbital Children"!

To think I would discover an anime as complex as this, it's as if I was watching an animated version of a film by Christopher Nolan!

The characters were a bit cliche but not completely 2-D as each person played a pivotal role throughout the series as the animation itself literally lights up your screen into a dazzling, awestruck color pallet of light and dark! Meanwhile, the music elevates the mood into the atmospheric proportions that this show is making an effort to achieve!

However, there are some things that hold the show back from gaining steam with the mainstream audience: 1.) It's main subject: To create something as ingenious but complex as this and transform it into a form of mainstream media, like anime, takes guts. That's because the audience can either look at this genre of storytelling two ways; Either it amazes you as you immerse yourself in topics that hover beyond your wildest dreams or it confuses you as complex vocabulary and high IQ screenwriting cloud your sense of understanding as you attempt to figure out what on earth is going here. Thus, this original idea of a complex space voyage turned completely on it's head is ironic. Not to mention, it acts as a double-edged sword in terms of either the idea as a whole sticks with people as they fully immerse themselves for more a breathtaking, adventurous experience or the idea doesn't stick and people find themselves confused, not being able to follow along the story as complex authoring of said context could turn out to appear incomprehensible to some.

2.) The characters: Now, I know I said that this cast as a whole isn't 2-D since everyone pretty much had a role to play when it came to how the show transpired from episode 1-6. However, character development only went so far for Toya, the MC, and Konoha, his fellow partner as the story progressed. There were some other characters that I felt curious about learning as well, such as Chief, when you find out more than what what you originally assumed. Yet, even though it wouldn't be such a bad idea to expand on this, I can't trust that Netflix will continue with this story as they tend to create more new anime shows rather than continue off of some pretty solid content, such as "BNA". Speaking of story.....

3.) Clifhanger?: The story doesn't seem to end by episode 6, even after the story reaches it's main resolution; as long as the staff, actors, and the many people who were originally on board still hang around for a continuation of the series, with the backing of Netflix of course, there could be a chance of them furthering their storyline. However, as I've said before, with the issues of a double-edged plot alongside the inconsistency of Netflix-produced anime, I highly doubt that they would even think about something like this as Netflix moves on with other plans.

Nevertheless, this show is for those who wish to expand their thinking and perspective of how an anime is made as "The Orbital Children" really checks of all the intellectual boxes. Otherwise, if you're looking for something simple that goes off a genre that has already been utilized, this isn't for you. However, it still wouldn't hurt giving this anime a try as you find the moral of this story touches reality in more ways than one!
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I didn't think something like this...
30 October 2022
....could set the standard for the romantically comedic anime genre.

I just finished binge watching the whole 1st series because of they way Romantic Killer kept me wanting more. This is largely due to the comedic talent of the screenwriters' dialogue, which I always find to be a bright spot in anime as long as it doesn't feel overused. Here, some lines do tend to find themselves recycled in and out of each episode, however that's only due to how consistent Anzu, the female MC, and Riri, her personal romantic wizard/demon, get into over-the-top confrontations, which in itself makes for a feel-good type of humor, especially as you progress through the storyline.

As we're introduced to new characters along the way, we get to know more about their backgrounds, which I enjoy as a good anime shouldn't always be centered around the MC, making everyone else feel 2-D to whoever's watching. It does surprise me though how deep some serious topics got into playing a role intertwining amongst each character's backstory. This is a bold move by the writers, and I did feel that it did improve the anime's standards beyond that of a cliché romantic-harem-comedy where fan-service is a painful reminder of how borderline an anime can get to an uncomfortable, hentai-like atmosphere.

I will say though, one thing about the cast did surprise me: The voice actor for the bodyguard, Tsuchiya, for the rich & 3rd possible romantic partner, Hijiri Kokanei, is Kenjirô Tsuda, the same guy who voiced Tatsu, the MC for another Netflix original anime, "The Way Of The Househusband".

It's cool to see Netflix's Anime department feature his character as a little Easter Egg in homage to his original as Tsuchiya seems to embody the skills of Tatsu as well as his calm-&-collected nature when it comes down to serious matters. However, if Netflix even TRIES to make this kind of tweak to further promote the Househusband series further, I will be shaking my head in disbelief as they STILL tend to neglect their original anime, having to produce fewer new anime rather than build up on the handful of well-rounded anime that deserve a second chance/season. It BETTER BE THE ROMANTIC KILLER that DESERVES a 2nd season over that comic-strip-like awkwardness of an anime that should have never even had the characters not move around!!!


Anyway, going back to the Romantic Killer, it has succeeded in producing a variety of animation styles, depending on the scenes, whether comedic or serious. Each act/scene really sets the tone and doesn't tend to eradicate the flow of the anime in general, thanks to the visuals, subtle music, and a well-rounded supporting cast. Besides, by providing each of the characters with different personalities AND background stories, it really transforms the Romantic Killer (AKA Anzu) into a more insightful and more open MC as the story progresses.

One of my few issues about this anime is the pacing of the storylines and of how rushed different {serious} subjects/topics tend to present themselves and leave, especially later on in the anime; hopefully, when Netflix approves of season 2, I won't have to get caught off guard off of the sudden developments that are packed within 2-3 episodes.

Overall, for those who are looking for a good story about love going against the clichés of other romantically-comedic, fan-service-riddled anime, this is one I MUST recommend to you. Because, at the end of the day, many streaming platforms, like Netflix, tend to be hit-or-miss with each individual catalog of their own original series. However, when it comes to anime, I can say for sure that this one shouldn't be missed out on! Give it a try; you'll never know what you might find!
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Short but sweet
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting short film from director Yasuhiro Yoshiura, known for "Pale Cocoon" & "Time Of Eve".

The plot of this 9-minute film may seem mundane given it's runtime & sparse cast of characters to make up that time with their conversations. You could say that it presents itself as a slice-of-life, where the characters talk about individual real-world experiences. But, there's eventually more to the setting and atmosphere as a few of the customers take notice to their surroundings, leading one to discover that there's more to this cafe than what meets the eye.

Overall, it's a simple, yet profound piece of work, brought to you by DIRECTIONS Inc.

This review was created from watching said anime in both sub and dub versions.
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Nostalgia hit me harder than I thought
19 December 2021
I could've never guessed that this movie would make, not just my day, but, also, end off this year on a reassuring high-note for many more MCU movies to come.

First & foremost, there was the CGI, visuals, and effects; Marvel never disappoints when it comes to this and here they top that ten-fold; Those visuals in the trailer are just the tip of the iceberg compared to the rest of this spectacular motion picture, I will be shocked if the Oscars don't nominate this film for Best Visual Effects.

Then again, what really hit me hard were the characters that were REintroduced; In the trailer, we get to see Marvel bring back Doc Oc & The Green Goblin from Sam Raimi's Spiderman films through the initial trailer; However, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND seeing what else they've got in store in theaters NOW as those characters aren't the ONLY ones making a return.....

Furthermore, the comedy blended very well & timed perfectly in scenes that either provoked or unexpectedly came up with something to break any tension/awkward moments, as it should with "your friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man" involved.

The fight scenes were also well balanced as Tom Holland, along with the help of his teammates and, once again, above-&-beyond CGI, made each fight scene feel fast-paced, intense, & smooth, regardless of the opponent he was up against.

Now, let me tell you, when I was first looking for seats to reserve at local movie theaters, I had to go through 3-5 different theaters. EVERY SINGLE THEATER I came across upon was already booked/filled to capacity until managed to find a theater with enough space for me & some friends to FINALLY reserve.

However, even after all that, I could definitely see why that was the case, hence my money was well spent!!!

I got to see 2 1/2 hrs of pure talent, hard work, & dedication put into this major motion picture, not only for the many anxious moviegoers out there, but also for the die-hard marvel fans who grew up on Stan Lee & Steve Ditko's idea of a superhero who may have incredible strength, stamina, power, & intelligence but also one who is also considerate, funny, & even stubborn at times. Besides, as he evolves, whether from a high-school kid to a college student or from the friendly-neighborhood vigilante to a superhero inspiration, you can't help but feel more connected/relatable to Peter Parker than any other A-list MCU Superhero out there.


P. S., This makes up for the disappointing hype-train that was Eternals.
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ReLIFE (2016–2018)
ReLife changed my perspective on life itself
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
ReLife is a profound anime show in my eyes.

The animation is gorgeous, the music fits in naturally as it crafts itself around the design of the characters, settings, & opening/closing credits. Speaking of which, I admire the art panels that appear in the end credits as it tells me that the art direction by Kentaro Akiyama flows continuously throughout out each episode, whether in the end credits or within the episode itself; This means that, instead of recycling the same ending, the art department adds in extra slides which reflect on the episode that has concluded.

The characters may seem cliché to some viewers watching this, but, for me, they are characters that I could feel I could relate to because of how each individual displays their own atmosphere, from their behaviors and actions taken to their facial expressions and, at times, their own opinions. Furthermore, this allows a sense of realism over the majority of the cast rather than having the MC hog the limelight.

The storyline, itself, is what most people dream about if they pursue a path in life that doesn't seem to resonate for them. However, regardless of the features that make ReLife unrealistic, I believe the many morals and their meanings presented throughout the series overall are really what makes me, as a viewer, resonate with the anime as a whole. In other words, not only does it make me believe in the idea of realistic 2nd chances, but it also is quite a learning experience in of itself as I do feel confused at times on what kind of direction I should go with life.

Therefore, I highly recommend this anime show to those high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduates, those who have to put up with the day-to-day struggle as college students, and even those who are beyond those years. I can't say if it will change your life as every person is never the same, but I hope that the messages presented in ReLife reach deep into your thoughts and makes you realize that, even if you have one life, it's never too late to change and try something new. Every day is a blessing to each and every one of us that lives on this Earth, and for those who feel like they regret ever living should change the way they look at life through the messages each and everyone of us bestows on the world, whether through the arts, teaching, or whatever may suit your preference. And, no matter what, don't ever forget to enjoy the moments that will make you feel that you are experiencing a life worth living!
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2 November 2021
Army of Thieves is a movie that I would've never imagined to be as entertaining as it was.

It seemed as if everything was clicking in the right places; From the cinematography to the musical score, integration of history and mythology into the storytelling, the different opinions of each character pushing the plot along in just over 2 hours, the core morals of the main cast, & many more that makes this HEIST film, not so much seem as an action film for those who enjoy The Italian Job, but feel as remarkable as Logan Lucky, as smooth as "Ocean's Eleven", & as memorable as it's OWN FILM.

However, when there is a film that connects to ANOTHER film franchise in regards to characters, things can get a little more complicated.

I can still tell that BACKGROUND individual character behaviors haven't really improved coming off of Zack Snyder's Army Of The Dead, for those who have seen the film, as screenplay doesn't seem to be original in the slightest bit. I mean, it makes the appearance of these background characters almost comical! Clichés are common enough as is, whether in TV shows or movies; ironically enough, even Netflix has a show itself called "Battle of the Hollywood Clichés", going into detail of it's own title. Therefore, it slightly deteriorates the film's serious tone.

However, Matthias Schweighöfer, the star of his directorial debut, really showed what he's capable of in front of the camera AS WELL as behind it. I mean, you really have to see this prequel spin-off for yourself in order to unlock the idea of this becoming a "hidden gem" among Netflix's original movies! Not only did he improve the cinematography to a more accurate/less blurry approach, but he also truly brought his character out onto the screen to go against the grain of where the story would go.

Overall, this is a worthwhile watch, regardless if it's a Netflix Original or not. People may compare it to another heist movie and, as a result, may overestimate the value that this movie has in terms of how well built together this motion picture was as a whole. Thus, although, even if it lacks in areas and may not seem as perfect as a heist thriller should, I think Army Of Thieves doesn't fail to disappoint in providing an experience that will never make you feel like you're wasting your time.
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A Touching Life Story
25 October 2021
Convenience Store Boy Friends is an anime that brings out the best in presenting a romantic, easy-going, heartwarming, and realistic slice-of-life story that you could relate to as a high schooler.

Although, I believe the intro and outro did mislead me into thinking this show would touch up on all of the romantic relationships amongst the high school cast, I wasn't disappointed with the eventual result and overall storytelling, not to mention the animations, characters, and music that came with it!

It would be interesting CSBF would introduce a new season to not just build up on the relationships that have been made, but to also provide an insight to the blossoming of the other relationships. However, this isn't Tsuredure Children; this is Convenience Store Boy Friends!!!
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The Silver Guardian (2017–2018)
Where to go from here...
25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Silver Guardian itself is a cliche in itself of an anime show. This doesn't mean that I'm saying it's bad, though.

The animation is good in terms of meeting expectations & the music synchronizes well with the intro, a tame outro, & throughout each episode.

My issue with this show is the pacing of the storyline:

Season 1 started out with 12-14 min episodes, which I thought seemed like a good idea, being "short but sweet", at first. Unfortunately, the whole beginning portion seemed to drag along due to the fact that each episode only lasted for 13-odd minutes compared to the usual 23-30 min episode length which does get incorporated into Season 2.

Then, more cringe moments for me started to pop up going into the new season: -Character development appears lackluster with the MC, for example, becoming too much of a perfect character; to be honest, would've liked him to behave more structured rather than excessively heroic with his cliche lines.

-Speaking of lines, halfway through the 2nd season, wherein major battles start to occur, there is SO MUCH dialogue; I felt dragged down with all this unnecessary commentary that I just wanted the fighting to be done and over with. I can see why TSG's creators would add dialogue so that everyone can stay on the same page in regards to the plot itself, its developments, & specificities. However, when there's too much of an explanation, it really takes away for focus of the current situation and becomes annoyingly bland, like explaining a joke after saying it prior.

-The 2nd season didn't have much content with only 6 episodes premiering what I complained about prior.

With the cliffhanger at the end, I wonder if EMON will even consider continuing this series as it is. Furthermore, as I've mentioned previously, there seem to be a few bumps regarding the structure of its characters and its storyline pacing. I definitely think Season 3 is still a possibility; they really NEED to just fix the incongruences of TSG's core outline to make sure to get back on track into something refined.
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Why The HaTe?!? 2nd Season Potential? CHECK!!!
12 October 2021
For those who are wondering about watching Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles or who even stopped watching someway through, trust me, this is anime YOU should be watching; I've SEEN BAD Anime when I see it!!!!

This art is flawless in that, although, it may seem familiar to other anime shows, it doesn't disappoint in it's details!

The MC is a strong enough character which can carry the center storyline; Even if it is a traditional anime style to have the focus on the MC, I would like to see the limelight branch off to other potential characters who can carry Seirei Gensouki to greater heights, with a summarized background/arcs of each of the solidified, reoccurring characters. Besides, for those who watched SG, you'll know who I mean.

Speaking of characters, for those who think this is just another Harem anime, it ISN'T! It's more in tune with adventure, action, & drama for the most part; Heck, you could compare it to "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon" if you wanted to!

Finally, even IF the storyline presents itself as cliche, it doesn't make me cringe watching every episode as everything comes together, from the central intro to a comic strip-like ending!

I only hope that Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles continues it journey with another season because of what happens in the last episode; I mean, why NOT?!?!

P. S.

Ckmetadiya, I find it odd that you had to put out 2 separate 1-Star reviews to put your opinion of this anime out there when you can just edit the 1st one out..... And, if you feel this is one that shouldn't be watched, that's fine by me; it's just that Spirit Chronicles deserves SO MUCH MORE than 1-star!!!
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Kiznaiver (2016)
I never expected this.....
9 October 2021 become something beyond my expectations!!!!!

At first, it seemed extremely eccentric in it's core idea storyline. However, as the story progresses, not only does it make more sense to me, but it also transforms into something more than the usual fan-service, moe characters, & cliche morals.

Now, for those who want anime that transcends outside their box of expectations, don't be afraid to give this a watch!

From the trippy intro cutscene (with equally mesmerizing music to back that up) to the deeper meanings of human connection, a variety of a cast, fresh [&] vibrant animation, and the little things that wrap all of this together into KIZNAIVER; you've got yourself a must-watch for your list!!!

However, I did say that this story "made more sense to ME"; Meaning that I understand that KIZNAIVER May not apply to everyone. So, if you want to stick to those show with cliche storylines, moe characters, and annoying fan-service, you can stay in your box for all I care; Besides, I'm just speaking my mind here.

But, let's not forget the idea that regardless of the difference of our tastes, our backgrounds, our minds, and our hearts: "We are ALL connected through OUR wounds" -kizNAiver.
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A Good Librarian = A Good Shepherd
5 September 2021
This may be one of the few reviews that will actually reference/acknowledge another review of the same show:

@Saidivakar, without you, I wouldn't have been able to discover a hidden gem like this!

It is a show worthy of your screen time: It brings classic animations, deep morals behind each characters' actions, & a connection that is shown throughout the series within each individual of the main cast; No matter how tough the situation gets, they will always look out for each other as they all strive to, not just mature a happy life for themselves, but to also make sure no one else falls behind.

I would love for this show to have a reboot, but....... I'll let everyone else judge for themselves the worth of watching a well-meaning, wholesome anime show as good as this!
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MY EYES!!!!! >; <()
26 August 2021
I never would've thought I could watch an anime so badly strewn together as this in the beginning......

Even in the very 1st episode, It was hard enough trying to see a hazy animation sequence whenever there's light present; It just gives off an aura of watching a flashback throughout the series run. Not to mention having the subtitles include a weird blurry background highlight, making it even more unbearable just to SEE the screen.

As if THAT wasn't bad enough, I couldn't even TELL who the lead character was; it seemed as if the main cast of students each had unequal screen time overall. I mean, whoever the screenwriter is behind this show clearly messed up BIG TIME as there was so much information thrown at you about this "alternative world" the main characters get thrown into once you start watching. Where are the proper plot developments and backstory meant to bridge all this information together? At this point, the writer(s) probably rushed this process to fit in as much stuff as possible, leaving an incredibly flawed story that people have yet to comprehend! Not to mention the unevenness of screen time, especially for the female cast, who I think was held back for pretty much the ENTIRE SHOW!!!

I advise those just glancing at this page not to watch this show if they feel let down midway/in the beginning and give up on it entirely. If you do watch the whole series through to the end, which influenced me to tweak my review a bit, it at least seems to be more tolerable of a watch. At least Shining Tears x Wind managed to fix itself 2/3rds of the way through; if only they had a solid start to propel off of.
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This is Incomplete
23 August 2021
Watching this, I never would've imagine where this show was going.

With the warm, heart-wrenching feelings of Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day to the dark undertones of Higurashi: When They Cry, I wouldn't know whether to call this a slice-of-life sort of anime, but I know that I wouldn't be surprised if someone were to say that this would be based off true events.

Myself; Yourself provides a classic visual appeal to those who admire classics such as Akira, Neon Genesis Evangelion, etc. However, it stays consistent with it's realism, bringing out the flaws in each individual character. Furthermore, this anime highlighted everyone in the main cast of the show, not afraid to create those moments where the viewer may sympathize or even empathize a certain character for the struggles, pain, or relief that character goes through.

Yet, after all that, I feel as if this show should get rebooted, just like Clannad: After Story or Fruits Basket 2019. After watching how the show ended, I felt I watched a very meaningful plot in which each character slowly but painfully & whole-heartedly showed each other their true emotions that were hiding under a mask of carefree joy, satisfaction, and a sense of belonging. The fact that there didn't seem to be a "happily ever after" makes me think that the creators behind Myself; Yourself should elaborate more on these characters coming together as if it were a reunion from grade school or college. If that were to happen, I would feel complete satisfaction with this series as a whole!

Until then, I recommend this anime series to those who enjoy not just a wholesome, nostalgic watch but also something to relate to realistically as a brutally honest slice-of-life animation!
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This sure Bubbles Up Like Soda Pop
14 August 2021
From the deep moral meaning of each haiku presented to the vivid art animation, colorful characters, & a weaving storyline, Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop is one that I cherish as a Netflix Original anime movie. I only wish that the streaming service could do better justice with some of the anime TV content it's shoving out........

Anyway, I would be psyched if there was a sequel to this. But, since this is a movie we're talking about, I highly doubt that will ever happen (If only Netflix could've greenlit continuations of their good, existing anime!) At least those bubbly words popped out, ending on a sweet note!!!!
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Tsukigakirei (2017)
Makes me regret not having a grade-school romance......
5 August 2021
My heart felt so heavy after finishing this incredible romantic story; made me think of what it would've been like for me to experience love at that young of an age.

Along with a heartwarming storyline, vivid & colorful animation, and meaningful, irreplaceable characters, I would say that this slice-of-life is too good to watch again as I wouldn't know if I could hold my emotions back!!

I highly recommend this to anyone young enough who doesn't understand the meaning of a meaningful, heartwarming, & romantic relationship and hope that they find something similar as they progress in life!! I wish I could, but I guess not everyone has a love story that endures for a lifetime. Someday, I hope I can discover my significant other and give to them as much love as I can. Till then, I wish everyone a great day/night and hope you find a special someone worth sharing your life with!

;' )
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A Realistically Genuine Romance Series
1 August 2021
Let's forget about jitsus, Titans, Heroes, and any other bizarre adventures for a moment.

To create a romance series, it should have mesmerizing characters, solid background music, vivid animation, and, in my opinion, colorful emotions.

The colors of this series struck out to me as surreal as if I were reminiscing on my own life. There are the ups & there are the downs, but regardless, it is your life that you are experiencing in this moment. This series gave me an idea of what a true love story could be, and, thankfully, didn't need to add anything more unlike other anime series which may seem unfinished.

When I looked this up on IMDB, I noticed that this was a remake of another anime show; hopefully, it's availability is in reach for me to watch as I wonder where the inspiration of "Our Love has always been 10 centimeters apart" came from as this was a wholesome joy to view.

I hope that everyone can have the chance of finding love and embracing it as if it were 10 cm apart!!
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The Outsider (I) (2019)
A Disappointment
3 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a good storyline; one like Eastwood's "The Outlaw Josey Wales" or a Western version of "John Wick".

It was just VERY POORLY executed; I mean, you've got dull action scenes paired with ATROCIOUS, SUB-PAR acting (excluding that of Trace Adkins as the marshal; he did good up to his final scene)

In summary, it's a B-action movie not even worthy of a watch, much less a re-watch, OR a mention. I'd recommend any old Clint Eastwood western rather than this sorry-excuse-of-a-western. It's just too bad; Trace Adkins really proved to be a hell of a Marshall.
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What is going on here?
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bewildered; that's just one of many reactions I'm feeling towards this series. Here's some points to recap on:

1.) The description of the story outline on Hulu DOESN'T EVEN COME CLOSE to describing Season 1. So, does this mean that the 1st season is a prologue? If it is, then it REALLY THREW ME OFF GUARD with it's numerous twists and turns (Ex. From the peaceful negotiations to the assassination attempt).

2.) Will there be a 2nd season? I would REALLY HOPE SO because, chronologically, the 2nd season would match Hulu's story outline, making Season 2 the start of the core story.

3.) I only hope that if new seasons are to come, the series either stick with the base characters or create characters off of those base characters. As I witnessed the very last scene, it slowly brought me back to the original story outline, describing a boy joining a "group of adventurers" along with a white cat. Then, it shows which of the adventurers becomes corrupt.

Overall, the story outline doesn't match season 1 of this series AT ALL. I will be pleased and raise my rating if another season(s) comes out to hopefully explain the chronological order of these events. Thus, I like the idea of Zero Chronicles the anime; just the execution and organization of it REALLY needs work.
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No Small Parts: #248 - Alexander Skarsgård (2020)
Season 6, Episode 10
Documentary Now!!
28 January 2021
I must say; This is now one of my favorite episodes of "No Small Parts" thanks to the narrator's dialogue.
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Another bright spot amongst the backdrop
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I will just say a few things:

1.) Daniel Kaluuya was BRITISH?!?!?!? IS THIS REAL?? He convinced me so well with his American accent in Get Out and Sicario.

2.) The key to his success is variety; By dabbling in drama, comedy, and relatable social cues/issues, he worked to create a podium that DANIEL himself can stand on.

3.) I wish him the best towards expanding his variety of themes and his own career as I could definitely see himself earning the Oscar nod someday.
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A Bouquet of Emotions
24 January 2021
I have only completed this series halfway. However, I believe that it is incredibly rich with feeling, hope, and just enough excitement to keep my heart glued to the various situation Violet finds herself in.

This is a story about self-discovery, hardship, adventure, and, most importantly:

LOVE and what it means when someone says "I love you"

For those who are huge fans of anime, I encourage to take a dive into what Netflix has to offer with "Violet Evergarden"!

I hope you enjoy as much as I do!
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