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The Acolyte: Lost/Found (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great start
5 June 2024
I've seen a lot of people down voting this and I'm not sure why. Combat choreography is great. It really suprised me how much it flowed. I do think it weird when Mae challenge Jedi and says that kind of cringy dialogue but it didn't ruin it for me. The story so far is very interesting too. I never thought mystery and Star Wars would work so well together. The mystery surrounding the Sith is very interesting and especially his views. This show is also very stacked with amazing actors which I was very worried that the performance wouldn't be good enough. I hope this show stays as consistent and people give it a chance instead of instantly hating for no reason.
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X-Men '97: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Absolutely fantastic!
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show did a Fantastic job using the roots from the animated series and really making this sequel bloom. The cameos were fantastic and I'm hoping it means they are setting up an animated universe. Every character had there moments to shine, each with an epic moment. Even jubilee was throwing hands. I loved all the stuff with magneto and Xavier, they really are one of the best duos in fiction. Bastion was an incredible villain. He had a great story and an awesome look. What really did it for me this episode was the ending. Jean and Cyclops being pulled into the future to see the Askani and their daughter Rachel summer was an awesome surprise and clearly leading to them adapting the adventures of cyclops and phoenix which I loved. I also thought it was brilliant bringing the other xmen back in time to when Apocalypse was young. I can't wait to see where this series goes next.
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X-Men '97: Fire Made Flesh (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read the inferno saga and didn't really enjoy it all that much. It was very cheesy especially with madelyn Pryor being the goblin queen and the demons from limbo were like dinosaurs. So I'm glad they wrapped up the inferno saga pretty fast. I was surprised that they decided to keep madelyn Pryor alive unlike the comics and also to not include limbo. I think the show did a good job hitting the major points of the inferno saga. I'm excited to see how they're going to give storm her powers back, especially because it was a big part in the comics and was done in the inferno saga and I'm excited to see more especially from Forge!
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Echo: Maya (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
More to come
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At its core this story was about family and how no matter how absent they are always there with you. Starting off with the cons: it was to short, I'm not sure why they decided to make it like that but oh well. It was a very odd thing for Fisk to get back at Maya by blowing up a powwow. It doesn't really seem like something he'd do but I think they were just trying to display how ruthless he is and how do to his childhood traumas he acts like a child when he doesn't get what he wants. I also didn't like the wink before he killed that guy it was just pointless. It was also a bit weird with Maya giving fighting powers to her family members and I'm still so confused what that power is and if it'll ever be explained. Now for the good. Maya believes that Fisk is better than he believes and I do believe Maya still cares for him. The relationship between the two was my favourite part of this entire series even though there was so little of it. Surprisingly didn't end in a big battle which was good even though I was expecting some action. The coolest part is the teaser that Fisk will run for mayor which I'm assuming daredevil will cover. Overall I hope to see a return of her character and I enjoyed the series overall.
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Echo: Taloa (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best episode so far!
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, Vincent Donofrio came in with all that acting power and blew my mind once again. You can feel the raw motion behind his character. You can tell how much Vincent Donofrio loves playing this role and I can't wait to see how they either pay this off in the finale or in the daredevil series. My major question right now is can they deliver on a satisfying ending for echo? I'm not sure if they can with only one episode left but I'm willing to be optimistic because of how much I've liked the show so far. Kingpin always felt that he had this kind of hold over Maya but now I think he realizes that she doesn't need him anymore. He manipulated her all his life and you could see him try to do it again and try to place sympathies. This was really shown where he told her to kill him with the hammer, he killed his father with, you know he knew that Maya was not going to kill him. Overall, I've liked the show now they just need to deliver on the finale which Marvel seems to have a hard time doing.
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Echo: Tuklo (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After episode 2 I was hoping they'd pick back up speed and was right to do so. First off, the flash back tracing back her roots are the most interesting thing so far. I don't ever remember echo having powers in the comics but I could be wrong on that but this seems to be leading to that conclusion. The action in this show is incredible. The suplex through the machine was an awesome moment. I also love the blade in her boot and the sound it makes when attacking her enemies. Fisk retiring at the end there was great and has me very interested where they are going to go with his character. The supporting cast are all very talented to especially the guy who owns the roller skate rink and her grandfather. The family aspect of this show is what keeps me the most interested.
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Echo: Chafa (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great Start
10 January 2024
As a consistent comic book reader I've never really gotten to know echo. After finishing the first episode I can gladly say I'm very intrigued by the character and I can't wait for more. The emotional parts hit, and the action is some of the best. Especially that one fight that I won't spoil. I'm am most curious right now how and if this show will incorporate daredevil and kingpin but if not a lot I believe this show will do great anyways and might actually be more worth not including them a lot because her story seems interesting enough on it's own. If marvel play this right it could be one of their best shows to date.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Loki Finale was Perfect!!
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This finale delivers so much of what I've been wanting from the MCU. No cameos, no unnecessary drawn out fight scenes (although sometimes those can be cool). I've seen a lot of people say MCU Loki is now the god of stories which he really isn't but he definitely is very powerful now in which he essentially holds the multiverse in his hands and is almost like the heart. Without loki the multiverse would die. To the main point this felt like the first big step towards secret wars and kang dynasty and I'm interested where they can go from here. Hopefully they continue to pump out amazing projects.
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