
4 Reviews
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2012 (I) (2009)
This movie is so exhausting.
20 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is shallow, especially for how long it is. The character are all paper thin. There are more than 10 characters integral to the plot. There is so much going on in this film that your mind becomes a puddle of mush by the end. There are some characters who are enjoyable, if shallow, and the movie really sells the idea and feeling that the world is ending. But that is about it. The cinematography is also pretty bland and unimpressive, the generic late 2000s early 2010s thriller kind of cinematography. Will the special effects are good, the visuals level out to 'bland' overall. The acting is serviceable, nothing special, just enough to not take you out of the film while also not sucking you in.

The movie feels like it doesn't saying anything interesting or meaningful at all. The main ones seem to be humanity needs to stick together to survive, and the indomitable will of the human race. But those are pretty standard themes with action/thrillers like this. And this movie doesn't go out of its way to do anything interesting with that theme.

The third act is just lousy with killing of minor characters who aren't needed any more and then just kills them off to give the audience some sort of emotional reaction, failing to do so effectively making it feel exploitative. It also only kills of the few characters who are even remotely enjoyable. It also gives off the feeling of the plot being extraneous. Overall the plot just feels like at the base level if the government just got everyone in the entire world involved then so many people wouldn't have to die. And the movie doesn't offer anything that is satisfactory that makes it feel natural. Either thematic or plot wise.

At the end of the day the movie just feels like nothing.
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Goosebumps: Go Eat Worms (1996)
Season 2, Episode 6
Genuinely boring.
20 April 2019
This episode is just very boring. There is nothing that interesting about the episode. Literally nothing. There is some gross out with worms, but that isn't scary, just boring. Worms aren't an interesting or threatening villain. So they aren't scary at all or even remotely creepy, just crawly. The main character is also just terrible. The protagonist of the story is also insufferable. He is just terrible and completely unsympathetic, there is no reason to care about this kid getting killed in some capacity. The only kinda funny thing in this episode is how quickly the protagonist's friend goes from liking him to hating him early in the episode. But nothing else in this episode is even worth talking about. It just fails at doing anything right.
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Goosebumps: My Hairiest Adventure (1996)
Season 1, Episode 11
So funny, yet so bad.
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so bad in such a way that makes you laugh. The biggest factor in this is the fact that Aaron Bartkiw, the person playing Larry, can't act. He is so bad in fact they dubbed over him in some scenes. You can tell this because you can see his mouth not move while he speaks. This makes every scene he is in a riot since everything he says is just so poorly acted it's funny. This doesn't make the episode good, just entertaining. The pacing, like in a lot of Goosebumps episodes, is far too fast, yet it also feels like nothing happens. Most of the episode is Larry being awkward around people. And nothing happens for the entire episode, until Larry gets turned into a dog. It doesn't feel like it matters, Larry isn't a likable character anyway, so you don't care when he becomes a dog. But also the twist is stupid and makes no sense. For whatever reason Larry's parents have teamed up with a doctor who can turn dogs into people. Why? I don't know, it's stupid. Being turned into a dog could be a TV-Y7 version of eldritch horror. But nope it just is a man who can turn animals into people. Why not. Give this episode a watch just for the fact that this episode contains the best line in all of Cinema "I don't want food, I want answers!"
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
I love this Show
6 April 2019
Simply one of my favorite shows of all time, witty, clever, and emotional. A must watch in my opinion
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