
28 Reviews
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Ignore the UNObombers and watch this.
19 April 2024
First, the "1" reviews are just angry and mean.

Krista brings a new way of looking at these whatever-they-ares without the overuse of tired and bad videos we've all seen a hundred times, and without excruciatingly bad sound playing the entire time.

It's a different way to think about this, and just enjoy the work she's done.

She's not hawking books, podcasts, seminars.

No imperious "you're not smart enough to understand without my help" garbage. No alien toys and vapid space-brother books behind her. No matter of fact statements without corroboration, what a nice surprise I found this Doc to be.

We need more like this, less Phil Mantle / Tictac / Secure Team 10 garbage ad nauseum.

Very enjoyable!
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Seen it all, not one new thing. Take a pass. Thank me later.
25 March 2024
More of the same, here's Phil Mantle, relaying the same stories we've all heard dozens of times in that unpleasant British rasp of his. Not anything new. Just spliced in more panic porn and old footage. - And not even good stuff.

Battle of Los Angeles - same old stuff.

Roswell. Yawn, same.

Rendlesham... blah blah blah.

Sorry, cant take ol' Phil seriously when he is surrounded by et toys and stupid props. What's next? Another breathless expose on the fake alien autopsy again?

All this has been done to death.

Don't get me wrong - I've seen stuff I can't explain twice. I am what you'd call a believer. Been following this subject(S?) for over thirty five years.

Plenty of less beaten to death stories and documented sightings than these old tired ones.
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Look closer. Look closer still.
10 March 2024
And if you look closer again, you will see, and hear, that you are a sucker for believing this bs. So bad it's mesmerizing. One review praised the "melanated" director. They mean the egomaniac that made this crap isn't a white person. Regardless, this is stunningly presented as all irrefutable fact, with zero proof, just pulling a random thread to go from one baseless claim to another, to dupe you into believing we are too stupid to see the truth, and we are immortal, or used to be....

Don't know who this clown narrating /directing (directing what?) is, but he must be a real hoot at at the parties he's never been invited to.

Don't watch, any of these.

I will spoil this -you will be less intelligent for watching this garbage.
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IGNORE THE NAY SAYERS - Judge it for yourself
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I got a kick out the one 2 star "reveiwer" who says he waited for it to come down in price and then just ripped on Dr. Greer with no argument. And obviously did not even watch this. - It was JUST released this week. Whatever, ignore that planted negative.

I was very pleased with this - Names, dates, documents, companies, all here.

The segment on just how far the Patent Office alone goes to deny patents for verified zero-point energy devices is infuriating.

Boths sides, left and right, are missing big pieces of the puzzle, so you can't blame a left or right argument as being 'wrong'.

Give it a watch - you may be surprised. No crazy 'reptilians vs the greys' war lunacy, this is how we have been stymied for a replacement of our dependence on fossil fuels. He also takes the 'green energy' fools to task.

This is not all fuzzy pictures and crazy stories. Worth your time, and you may just start to see things differently.
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The Strays (2023)
Did an oBama write this drivel? Racism wreck from the netflix trash factoryy
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This wreck reinforces, and actually cements many stereotypes, just as it is designed to from the first scene when the black woman abandons her family to flee and start a new life as almost white, of course magically wealthy and in a perfect home, perfect neighborhood, all the white stereotypes.

Rich white folks bad, black folks good, black woman ashamed of being black becomes as white as she can, her two black kids show up and kill her white husband.

Nothing like fomenting racism.

This is the trash you get when you pander to fools with an agenda.

A white man can't say tribe. A black woman shouldn't wear white hair style weaves and wigs.

Even her half white son says she denies being black, "anything black is off limits"
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The Flock (2022)
What you get when you have no talent, money, or imagination
24 October 2022
Oh my what a wreck. Natalie Hurt tries mightily, and Chris Thipen ain't bad.

The rest? Holycrap. Story sounds cool, and could have been a good one. Then someone tried to write. And then some worse people tried to "act" .

Don't waste 50 minutes like I did. (I couldn't make it any further. )

Whoever the hacks are that played the "God's Army" - ahem- 'MERKS!' are are beyond atrocious. A treehouse has less wood than these clowns.

Looks like someone went to a rehab or needle exchange for most of the cast, and then spent their remaining budget on some cheap Halloween Dementor robes and Wal-Mart grade cosmetics.
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Lose the echo, Chad! But much better than I expected
15 August 2022
Takes a while to get going. The continual use of echoes and typing sounds gets old real fast, but tough it out. Crazy videos near the end, stuff you've heard rumors of, and these may be some real photos/videos. The connection to the volcanic lights made me wonder why he didn't didn't contact Jaime Maussan. The link to Dr. Greer's works was toally unexpected and very well laid out. Make your own calls. Don't let other "1" Worst movie ever BS put you off. Usually when this many people-bots are trashing something, you're too close to the truth.

The load of stuff from the 'tattooed man " is amazing - I hope much of it IS true.

And Elon Musk warning us about AI? Spot on.

Much better than Sir No Face -
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Ripping on Jaime Maussan - What a jerk
13 August 2022
This "critic" here, LaPLANTE is an annoyingly 'hipster" bearded knit cap wearing know it all, that simply sits in a chair, and rips on work done by Jaime Maussan over the years. Real jerk, self promoting egomaniac trying to be "a friendly skeptic".

You use, and then trash someone else's work, and call it your own film? What a fraud.
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Worse than a 1978 classroom projector three door and film
9 August 2022
Horrific. Who IS this guy and how did he manage to get this schlock onto platform? Your cell phone has better sound quality across the room, under your dog. And the "video" ? My word what garbage.

Watched long enough to "kinda" hear about the Gleason /Nixon story -

If you ever see this guy Knell's name associated with another film, you can forget it.
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Tagline - Jeffrey Wright hates America
9 August 2022
Noting but biased trash from a mediocre actor. Totally overrated anti America, anti Trump, drivel. Overproduced drivel. My parrot makes more sense than this 45 minute tantrum veiled as "facts"
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Run away fast. See the name Corey Goode? RUN!
9 August 2022
Soooooooooo overrated. A 6? Not even a 2 if it was the last movie on the Internet.

Corey Goode. Red flag1 Michael Salla . Red flag 2

The First 20-30 minutes? Eh, not awful, really far out there stuff, but not batguanoloco. Fairly entertaining even with no discernable direction from the start.

After that, forget it. Delusional people who believe their own lunacy.

Not one document, fact, or actual picture let alone film. All animation (bad), baseless storytelling, rehashing obscure anecdotal trash, oh, and US-built-under-the-Antartic ice SPACE SUBMARINES! Full of Nazis and Iguana people!


And yes, I am one of "those people" that has seen something I know wasn't made here.
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Well, it has it's moments.
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you left every bit of absolute lunacy out of this film with the barking mad Su Walker and her insane ramblings about 200 acre bigfoot structures, a female bigfoot telepathically telling her how to make tea from reefer ( that of course the bigfoot left for her at a 'gifting tree') then you have about an hour of actual somewhat believable stories and experiences. Good try, the Morgan Freeman narratives interspersed are a nice touch.
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Cant grow hair says the Bearded Fraud
28 July 2022
Gave it 6minutes. Save yourself. Says 5G makes everyone unable to grow hair. Has eyebrows and a beard...Says our air is bad (he's from a THOUSAND years in the future and wearing a scamdemic mask. Sad, pathetic attempt at a film. Would give (-2) if it were possible.
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The Unborn (I) (2020)
Just got to work...almost shoot your coworker.
15 April 2022
Ugh. Tedious, boring, flat. Joey is the highlight for trying to act in an awful film.

Tough chick with a gun gets old real fast.

Was there a story? Not really.
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The Seed (II) (2021)
Could not finish....that bad
20 March 2022
Only a 2 based on production. Good picture quality, sound, lighting, all that stuff.

That's where it ends.

I don't understand all the gushing over Lucy Martin. She can't act, people. And the horrific "American" english she is spitting out like a dog hacking up something smelly while every other line is eff something is NOT how most of us speak. Hadn't even been ten minutes into this tripe when I was wishing her character offed first and quickly.

The Irish lass is slightly more convincing, and does do a fair job of being a spoiled American millennial vapid ignoramus, only good on the electric teat far too many on this planet seem to believe life itself springs from.

The one likable girl is the "oddball". (A brunette,of course!) She is actually speaking without resulting to constant vulgarities, and holy cow, she has the temerity to be eating a bowl of cereal WITHOUT being attached to the electric teat, thus resulting in more foul language and overreacted disgust from her screenmates that the device is not even IN THE SAME ROOM as they furiously continue to swear and curse the entire universe for having no signal....

I won't even bother with the alien, the effects, the lack of a story.

Just say NO. '"Drugs are bad, mkay?"
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Red Tails (2012)
CGI over fact. CGI over writing.
4 February 2022
Fun visuals. Awful script.

A disservice to the real 332nd men and particularly General Davis. Cartoonish evil German pilots, horrendously cliched lines delivered mostly with the good casts best efforts.

Bad , corny "Callsigns" for every pilot.

German shells that explode 200 yards from the flak gun that just fired them.

A massive B-17 formation, one hollywood catastrophically slow death roll after another with the flyers screaming as they die.
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Great book crap movie
27 January 2022
Hollywood - you remake every other crappy movie, how about giving this great book a real shot-

No Danny "I cant act" Glover".

No cheesy models left over from every 80s "russian/asian/arabs are the bad guy" movies.

No horrible script written worse than a Dan Brown "connect the dots for the idiots watching this dreck to keep up" awful lines that NO sailor or Marine would ever say without his buddies kicking his ass for being stupid.

Was anyone involved in this movie that really served in Navy air or even about a carrier?

Other than some GREAT shots of the A-6's and A-1's , not much here.

Try watching with Danny Glover muted or fast forwarded- better movie that way.
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Dr Stanton Freidman is rolling in his grave
22 January 2022
SCHLOCK - A shoddy, poorly edited hackup of a few reasonable folks with decent, well thought out opinions and statements, unfortunately it is filled in with ENDLESS "Scenes" from some POS "film" called "The Last Star Warrior" (How original and not a tall a rip off of an entertaining film from years back . Don't waste 48 minutes. Bad CGI, bad acting, bad bad bad.
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Lots of black screen, overdone sounds
16 January 2022
EH. Wouldn't watch it again. Took three tries to finish it. Too much jostling, "what am I seeing" , monster revealed too early, ridiculously overdone stabby-stabby bitey clawing flesh ripping bone-crunchy sounds (all the same noise).

Pass. No loss.
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Run. And keep your $
2 January 2022
Three words. Tyler. Glockner. Fraud.

Can't believe this hack is still getting views let alone getting people to actually believe him.

Nothing new, all conjecture, "animations" and of course bad photos.

As unbelievable and patently planted as Luis Elizondo "testimony".
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The Unseen (I) (2016)
Pretty cool, but awful soundtrack.
16 November 2021
No spoilers - cool movie, horrible music unfortunately, most sounds like Bjork meets Yoko Ono.

The sound levels are a bit uneven, dialogue is hard to hear sometimes.

Definitely a slow burner, not the typical trash we get from American film factories. Well done, eh,Canadians?
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Just don't...
16 November 2021
Where to start? The "English" folks that all sound 'Murican? - The painfully rigid dialogue, (that no one speaks like?) The "did I miss the plot" feeling?

Gave up after 40minutes.

Bad bad movie.
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Excellent reenactments, but needs some tweaking - very enjoyable
12 September 2021
No spoilers - I really enjoyed each episode, even if the "AI" animation silliness superimposed over decades old film is the gimmick.

Two complaints- 1) STOP with the ridiculous and teeth grindingly annoying "teletype" sound at the open of EVERY new segment. JUST STOP.

2) Constant recap after recap and scene set-up after scene set-up. Merely wastes time and extends each episode, for what reason I can not guess.
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The McPherson Tape (1989 Video)
Ahhh! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!
13 June 2021
There. That's ALL the clown holding the camera can say. Bloody awful,don't waste your time. Could only suffer this tripe for 21 minutes.
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Pander pander pander
14 April 2020
Well, well, well, it's the evil white ex military again, saved by the hacktress and most excellent scowler, Mrs. Smith. Good 'ol Mulisshaa boys r really sissies,cain't shoot, n wet their pants if ya shoots at their feet. 44-Like Prez'dent Trumbull "was turnin things around...." Oy. If you like pandering, politically-correct, quota-staffed, all females 5' nothing are the bomb and should be in charge, then this is for you.

Eye rolls and yawns for me......
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