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Invincible: It's Not That Simple (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
What the hell happened
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I swear it's like I'm not watching the same show anymore at all. I feel like the writing has just taken a complete nosedive since this new season debuted. Something I was able to overlook during the first half of the season, expecting it to pick up during the second half, but this episode really just broke my optimism. For one, why is the voice acting so stiff? It's painfully obvious that none of the voice actors actually recorded their lines together, every conversation between characters in this episode feels off. It really deflates any attempt to try and build relationships between these characters. And on the subject of characters I want to talk about the Immortal, cause he is being handled so poorly. He has had essentially no development as a character, and it makes every scene with him all the more frustrating when the writers try to imply depth to his character despite us not witnessing anything of that sort. At first I thought the Immortal was going to be more of an antagonistic force to Invincible, but now I really have no idea what they are doing with him, and he just feels like some random superhero, rather than the team leader and only survivor of the original guardians of the globe. But what I think really pissed me off the most about this episode is the ending. Allen returns for like the last 5 minutes of the episode and just drops a ton of exposition. Remember Thaddeus, Allen's boss from like episode 3, well turns out he's actually a viltrumite. Is there any like reveal or anything, no we (the audience) just get told this by Allen. Also wait, how is Allen alive??? Oh, he just is. I kid you not the reasoning was pretty much, Oh when I get killed I actually get stronger. Idk, maybe I'm being nitpicky and overly critical, but I can't help but feel that everything about this show just feels lazier this season, and I honestly doubt the last two episodes can save the rest of this show for me personally.
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Invincible: It's Been a While (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
Good, but...
27 November 2023
If I'm being honest, this new season has been pretty disappointing overall. Not that it's been bad, but I can't help but feel something is missing, this episode being the biggest offender. The reunion between Omni-man and Invincible just feels so underwhelming, and Omni-mans behavior this episode is confusing to say the least. Like I understand what they were going for but Honestly it just feels like the writing here is really sloppy to the point where the internal conflict Omni-man is supposedly going through is clumsily communicated. All the none Omni-man Invincible stuff is also not very interesting unfortunately, something the First season was much better at keeping interesting. Also the animation quality, while it isn't bad nor is it worse than the first season, it still isn't very good and those cracks are starting to seep. But still, I can't deny that overall this episode was pretty entertaining and a lot of interesting stuff is being set up for the future that I'm looking forward too. Hopefully it turns me around on this season as a whole.

Side Note: WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAVE A MID SEASON BREAK!? AOT and it's effects.
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Fun But Scattered
10 November 2023
This episode follows up on some loose plot lines from season 1, specifically the mars mission episode. It's decently fun but ultimately feels like an in between kind of episode where not much happens. The episode is essentially divided up into 5 different subplots (Mark, Eve, The Guardians, Debbie, and the Martian) which makes this episode feel pretty scattered and unfocused, but each of these subplots are pretty decently enjoyable and build on the world so there isn't that much to complain about. The only thing that I found really intriguing about this episode is the Immortal, does some really weird/unexpected things and overall has been just acting strange since the season began. I'm pretty curious where they are going with him. But yeah overall, this episode was fun but kind of forgettable if I'm being honest.
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Invincible: A Lesson for Your Next Life (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
A bit of a slow start If I'm being honest.
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode works both as a catch-up/review of the events of last season and also sets up some stuff for the future. I enjoyed most of the stuff having to do with Mark and how he has been recovering. This episode also introduces a new character called Angstrom, and that's where my issues begin. For one I feel like introducing a multiverse brings up a lot of issues (unlimited universes means unlimited solutions/cures/weapons/etc.), and while they try to explain why Angstrom can't just use the multiverse to get like a Omniman killer or something, it feels flimsy at best. Also A lot of exposition dumping happens throughout the Angstrom plot which is interesting but also kinda forced. I think the Guardians of the Globe stuff was kind of brief. They reintroduce immortal as leader of the team and demote robot who is adjusting to the new body. Again not much on that front but will probably get explored in the future. So again, while I did like this episode, it mostly felt like a reintroduction into the universe, while also setting up some of what's to come, rather than an actual story.
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2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
NOTHING HAPPENS IN THIS MOVIE. There are no characters, there is no story, there is no action, there are no stakes, there is no moral or message or point. THERE IS NO POINT TO THIS MOVIE.

Every character are stiff one dimensional pieces of cardboard. About 60% of this movie is just Denzel sitting around in a town in Italy doing jack becoming seen as "one of them". The villains are just some stereotypical mafia guys who are so laughably evil in cruel it's not even fun to hate them.

The action in this movie is sooooooooo brief too. Denzel is pretty much never in danger and always just quickly assassinates the villians.

And easily the worst part of this movie is the climax, because just when things are seeming to start ramping up, the movie is just over. Basically the big mafia boss comes to the town and threatens everyone because Denzel killed his brother in an earlier scene. So at this point you think there might finally be some big action payoff at the end. Nope. Instead what happens is Denzel just magically teleports to the bad guy's house (which he never knew the location of but whatever) and assasinates every guard one by one and then the boss without any sort of struggle. And that's it. He basically just kills everyone with no struggle. In a good movie, this kind of big bad mafia villian would be made to seem untouchable, and it would be an actual struggle for are hero to get to them and kill them. But in the Equalizer 3 are hero just kills a dozen men with no problem. There is no stakes no struggle no sense of urgency. You have no reason to be invested because at no point do you feel like there is any sort of danger.
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South Park: Spring Break (2023)
Season 26, Episode 6
Not the Worst, But still weak
8 April 2023
Honestly, I enjoyed this episode much more than I thought I would mainly because the A and B plot center around Trump/Garrison and Tegridy/Randy which I am typically not a fan of.

For the Tegridy/Randy part, I feel like the commentary they were trying to was super heavy handed but also kind of unfocused. Like the Andrew Tate shoehorn, and Randy constantly talking about "real" masculinity just didn't work. And I feel like the commentary was just too simple. Basically boils down to partying hard bad, also Andrew Tate. Like seriously the Andrew Tate inclusion was just so unnecessary and weird, cause it's not even like its him, it kind of feels like they just made up a random character and made him look like Andrew Tate.

The Garrison arc I enjoyed a little more but only because Garrison is just such a ridiculous character and the whole Garrison Rick relationship thing is kind of wholesome. But again I feel like the commentary is both heavy handed and unfocused. Like Garrison's obsession with rallying as a metaphor for toxic habits is kind of funny but just to over the top. And I have no idea why they just started putting in footage of the capital riots during his speech it didn't make any sense.

So yeah, pretty mid episode, but still mildly entertaining. I wasn't like itching to turn it off, but I probably won't revisit it ever again.
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Rick and Morty: Amortycan Grickfitti (2021)
Season 5, Episode 5
I would rather watch Family guy
2 March 2022
And not even like the tv version of Family guy. I would watch a reuploaded version on youtube that is only in the bottom corner of the screen and is edited down from 20 to 10 minutes so you miss half of the jokes.
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Only Murders in the Building: Open and Shut (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Funny, Bizzarre, satisfying finally
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty solid ending overall, Jane was the killer, but I can't help feeling it was kind of rushed. It takes 15 minutes for the Jane to be revealed and subsequently defeated. The last 10 minutes were essentially just an epilogue of sorts and the other 5 were set up for the next season. There are some pretty funny bits, like brozos being paralyzed throughout the conflict, but besides that it was kind of underwhelming. I feel like the better option for the murder was the original fake out. But Jane is fine. The very end is super weird because it is unclear if mable actually stabbed bunny or bunny was already stabbed. It's also weird that Charles and Oliver are arrested to even though they clearly have nothing to do with what happened. Anyways very confusing but still enjoyable ending.
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The Morning Show: Ghosts (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
I have my issues
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alex and Cory and that whole book stuff was really good, and Cory's B plot is really good. But everything outside of that is super meh to bad. Stella getting randomly attacked and yako defending her was just so random. Ik this happens in real life, but it just seems so out of place pointless in the episode. Also the yako B plot about the spirit animal thing is still stupid. Like who actually cares. And I have always felt weird about making Bradley Jackson lesbian. It just feels like they are trying to do a thousand social/political issues and it just feels for show. Also Mitch plot is super boring and weirdly sympathetic.
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2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an extremely bold undertaking. Having an episode entirely without dialogue, you expect things to get boring but no. This was by far one of the most engaging and at times intense episodes yet. The camera work was also really good all the time. The plot was fantastic and the story telling was flawless. But the main highlight was the main character of this episode. Not only was he super compelling and very much put a wrench and everything. A fantastic episode.
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Ignore the Turk Armenian genocide people
23 September 2021
About 90% of the one star reviews are about the Arminian genocide and about 90% of those accounts were made this month and have only reviewed this episode so I'm guessing it's probably a bunch of bots. As for the actual episode it was decent, definitely not my favorite but a solid watch, it did kind of feel like filler tho.
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Rick and Morty: Rickmurai Jack (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
The shining light after the garbage storm of a season
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER WARNING Evil morty is back and I like this version of him way better than any of the rick and morty theories before. The "Curve" explains why the infinite is so consistent with Rick and Mortys and actually makes sense. Ricks backstory is cool. The episode is very well written and all the characters feel like themselves. But the only problem I do have with this is that the episode feels just to rush. Especially in the last half basically everything is revealed all at once and its just an information overload. It does feel like they are just trying to cleanly but quickly wrap up this story arc they had created but still, I feel like the 2 part aspect of this was kind of wasted seeing as the last episode had basically nothing to do with this episode besides a funny gag at the beginning. This single episode should have definitely been stretched out for both those episodes, but still it is pretty great. Overall this episode nicely wraps up an important plot line perhaps a little to fast.
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Rick and Morty: Forgetting Sarick Mortshall (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
Rushed and unearned
6 September 2021
I have yet to watch the second part yet but this was not great. There were some funny bits here and there but they kind of fly over your head with the ridiculous pacing. I swear this episode alone could have been a two parter. A plot with Morty was ok but kind of underwhelming and predictable. The B plot with rick and the crows was better, more funny moments, but still felt rushed and unfocused and ricks character arcing being so sudden and unrealistic is so confusing I can't tell if this is a bit. By the end we are left with what feels like a very unearned and unrealistic emotional followed with one of those "drunk rick rants" that by this point feels like the show is just parodying itself. Still, better than every other episode this season besides the first one.

Edit: After watching the "second part" I still feel the same way about this episode if not even more negative. This just feels like filler before a really good episode that didn't need to be here. This episode really has nothing to do with the final episode, so I'm left here wondering why it was even called a 2 parter in the first place.
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I liked it... but
9 August 2021
I think I liked this episode but idk if it's for the right reasons, there was a lot of important lore in the episode and the plot is pretty cool, but not a lot of jokes. This episode was definitely funnier than the last few but it still felt lower in quality than most rick and Morty episodes before.
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Cool Concept, Lazy episode
26 July 2021
It just feels like they stopped trying to make good episodes. This episodes has probably one of the funniest and most out there plots and yet it just feels so lifeless and dead. Rick and Morty have essentially nothing to do this episode. Rick is basically a background character the entire time and Morty barely even talks. Rather than having an adventure it just feels like they are moving around because the plot demands it. The president is back in this episode too and he isn't that great either. There are some funny jokes but most of them are just lazily delivered or not good. By the end of the episode the plot just completely falls apart and it feels like they stop trying to make anything of value. This season has been so disappointing and this episode just makes me feel the Rick and Morty are destined to fall into mediocrity.
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