
14 Reviews
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Touching if you have suffered family trauma
17 December 2023
I've just watched this movie with my partner, and we've had two very different, unique experiences watching it. My partner is from a background where they had an extremely happy and secure childhood, unmired by family traumas. I however, didn't. I think the movie slightly bored my partner to an extent.

I found that my family traumas were recalled during the movie so it's probably bit triggering for folks who have suffered family pain. I found it triggering in a positive way though. I wish life could be as neatly wrapped as the ending but we don't always have the conclusions we would like. But a good watch.
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Go straight to Episode 8
26 October 2023
What a lot of crap to wade through to get to a very well written old fashioned ghost story in Eisode 8. ( the one about the ornilollo...the ornitholol...the bird watchers!!!)

I could happily leave the rest of it but loved that one. But that's just me. I like old fashioned ghost stories. With what's happening currently in the Gaza strip, it made me cry quite a bit. Life is so bloody cruel.

The rest of it is a hodge podge of Sci fi, horror, gore, attempting to recreate John Carpenter style scores ( badly!) and really just not that good. Really wanted to like it but it wasn't for an oldy like me!
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18 July 2022
A good documentary if still a hard watch. I didn't know much about Anthony before this. Having watched it I feel saddest for his daughter and the Mother of his child who seemed to be thd most positive 2 people in his life. I only wish the mediocrity of domesticity along with his shows and amazing friends had been enough for him. But he seemed to explain it himself when talking about his childhood. He was angry living in domestic mediocrity as a kid. He was destined for other stuff. I just feel sorry for his family that they were collateral damage in his life drama.

His ex wife wept as she said she wished she'd kept a closer eye on him before he killed himself. That she wished she'd seen the signs. She has nothing to feel guilty about. Was he feeling guilty about walking away from his daughter and her? Not likely. I liked his individuality. I just wish someone had gotten to him and slapped him into reality before he threw it all away. All of it. Some people aren't born to live a "normal" life. RIP.
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Great but....
12 July 2022
Brilliant fresh footage of a wonderfully creative funny bunch of guys in their prime. I'm a bit p#ssed at John tho basically allowing Yoko to sit on his lip the entire time they were together. She reminded me of an artistic vampire sucking all the creativity she possibly could out of the room. Sitting right with them for every jam, every song, every recording. It bangs of co-dependency.

Someone else defended this in their review by saying that the others had their wives in and out of the studio too, but.... Well hello....that's the point. They popped in and said hi, they left after a while. Linda took some photos, Ringo's wife came and sat ( away from the band) Patti popped in to say hi to George. Yoko was there for most of the rehearsals and recordings and even goes on the mic. Funny how so few reviews mention it. Very odd dynamic.
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Surviving R. Kelly (2019–2023)
He can't fly but maybe he can walk
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mixed feelings on this one. He definitely messed with girls and he definitely did wrong but it doesn't mean some ( not all) of the women in this aren't telling some embellished versions of certain parts. Like the girl telling the part about taking the tape but not blackmakling him. Hmmm. Or the girl called Sparkle who had hung out with him as his backing singer for years, knew him well, and his reputation...and still managed to hand her 12 yr old niece to him on a platter. Some of this just doesn't add up.
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"The Office" of Talk Shows
3 June 2021
Brilliant satire on bland tea time talk shows. Even the music rings through my brain as though it's real tepid awful true life. I think the reason people are saying they don't like it is because it's too close to reality.
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It's Eastenders with Zombies
22 May 2021
That's all's a soap opera with a couple of chuckles and some zombies and lots of blood. Mehhhh.
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Dark Tourist (2018)
Not great
25 April 2021
"I've never done a slum tour before" are the reasons our host gives to an armed tour guide of a Johannesburg township. It sums up his privileged position and biased views on the world. He is Louis Theroux without the likeability.
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Dark Tourist (2018)
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody told this guy when he was studying journalism they reminded him of Louis Theroux. So he ran with it. But...Louis Theroux would never tell an armed tour guide of a township in Johannesburg that' this is his first "slum" tour.... I've never witnessed more white privilege than this... a hole.
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Don't watch if sensitive
26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This will stay with me for a long time. Those 2 beautiful little angels deserved better. I thought it was very strange that Shannan shared every thought of her marriage with her friend by text but that's no reason for lifting a finger to harm anyone so I'm not victim blaming by saying that. He just seemed empty and devoid of all feeling. She seemed very concerned with constantly filming everything. Very weird relationship. But the worst part is the heartbreak of her family and their daughter and grandchildren being taken from them forever. I hope he rots in hell.
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You (2018–2024)
I'm with Joe
27 October 2020
I'm only up to episode 8 but Beck is annoying the hell out of me. Get a job and stop whining and lying about your family you lazy ar$e.

If I was Joe I actually would have killed all of her friends by episode 3. Then her.
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Better than expected
9 June 2019
I wasn't expecting too much and was pleasantly entertained for the full movie. Very realistic as I grew up in quite a similar environment growing up and found the aggression in the walk and talk of the a holes wandering about quite accurate so the Director achieved what he wanted to there. A lot of reviewers are saying the acting was awful but in fact they acted like nobody prix very well so...job done. Dark story with a bad ending and lessons to be learned ... An all round good effort on a low budget but a higher one wasn't needed. You can see this in reality any day of the week so it didn't feel like you were watching a movie at all , again this is a compliment to Director. Well done.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Another novel turned into badly made movie
12 May 2019
Why oh why are so many King's novels always made on screen so badly? Why are they always under expectations when the stories themselves are so good. This isn't scary, it creates no atmosphere and as others have said it's all too rushed and skips over relationship developments that could have helped you warm to the characters.

The Shining and Carrie are the only exceptional movies of his novels. I sincerely hope Salem's Lot won't be ruined. The mini series in the late 80's was scary too so I hope they don't wreck it now.... So disappointed :(
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I've had scarier bowel movements
26 April 2019
Seriously...I am not hard as nails and generally appreciate an atmospheric scary. This (for my counterparts in Eire or UK) is like Eastenders with a couple of ghost scenes thrown in. Too much shouting, not enough acting and certainly not enough scares. Don't bother unless you want melodrama acted mediocrely.
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